Is Religion a Virus?

When I was in school I was punished for critical thinking & asking too many questions they didn't want to answer.

Sorry folks, but I have a very difficult time believing that. I've been teaching kids how to build telescopes for years and never once ran across a school or teacher even remotely close to that.

If it is true, then I am shocked and would be happy to see teachers like that banned from teaching.
No, perhaps you mean something different.
It seems I mean something different from you, 'we' having meant you and I. I don't think that posts that are made up of insults and aggressive ways of saying 'I disagree' show much critical thinking. Perhaps you do. If I take actions as indications of beliefs, I could draw that conclusion. Nor do I think such posts are on topic, an issue supposedly of importance to you.

I think one could argue that the belief that simply mocking and insulting and trying to raise the aggression level of a discussion are 'symptoms' of some type of meme.

Something that gets passed on from parent to child, often from the same sex parent, but not always.

It becomes an approach to life, one that can even seem effective, and, if it reproduces, it is certainly effective for the meme, if not the host.

And amazingly enough both religious and non-religious people can be hosts to such a meme. Which is the point I have been making all along.
It seems I mean something different from you, 'we' having meant you and I. I don't think that posts that are made up of insults and aggressive ways of saying 'I disagree' show much critical thinking. Perhaps you do.

No, I don't, as I don't think being a pompous ass has anything to do with critical thinking, yet your posts would indicate such. Seems we both have our faults when it comes to posting styles.

And amazingly enough both religious and non-religious people can be hosts to such a meme. Which is the point I have been making all along.

So, as a theist, how do you apply critical thinking skills to the existence of your god, for example?

I don't think that's a fair assessment. Individual religions were created out of ignorance, meaning it's a completely natural occurrence. If there is anything that would be considered a virus, it might be dogma, but not religion itself.

Regardless of what the theists here or elsewhere will scream, religion does get knocked down a peg with every major scientific discovery. This trend will continue until there's very little left except the dogma.