Is prostitution a vice?

Is prostitution a vice?

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it is true.

other services like:

shoe shining
nail polishing

can all be performed right in the open. this goes to show that prostitution is not a legitimate service.

I would argue that it speaks more of public morality then of the service in question. I believe that there will come a day when no one will have to pay for sex; the whole process is demeaning; good sex is worth way more then paper. But it doesn't end with prostitution; the way we use pieces of paper provided to us by that most corrupt of institutions, the international banking cartels with their money as debt, is the source of it all.

So what do you do in a messed up world? You cope as best you can. Some people find that prostitution works for them. I don't think you'll find anyone who says it's the best job ever, but I definitely think you'll find people who think that it's the best job they can get. Some people even say it's relatively good one; I expect those are on the higher end part of the proffesion. Someone once made an issue of the fact that I wouldn't want a (hypothetical) daughter of mine doing it. It's true, I wouldn't. I'm afraid she would get hurt in one of the many ways that that profession can hurt a person. But while I may think that it's on the more dangerous end of the scale, if my daughter insisted that she wanted to take cash for services sometimes, I would be anxious and if I found it was deleterious for her life, I would point this out, but I wouldn't condemn her for it.
but I wouldn't condemn her for it.

i wouldnt either, but to me it just holds a person back and relegates them to being viewed as an object. sometimes i even think the illegality of it would be easier with a person to deal with or cope with than knowing that this is all they are. it is an affirmation of it and i dont see why society needs to acknowledge it but you wont get rid of it. same for drugs, sure it is a bitter pill to swallow and there are side effects to being illegal but i think the positive outwighs the bad.

this remains to be seen but i suspect i am right about this.
How do you define harm? If a woman has sex with 20 men a day is it harmful?

If a man gets punched in the face 20 times a day, is it harmful?
The harm exists in the potential to spread STD's, especially HIV. A carefully regulated whorehouse with frequent testing and strictly enforced use of condoms would probably be fine. The problem lies in the fact that, since it's illegal in most areas, it's underground and unregulated.

You QQ about the HIV a lot. Makes me wonder if you cheat on your wife frequently.
scott3x said:
but I wouldn't condemn her for it.

i wouldn't either, but to me it just holds a person back and relegates them to being viewed as an object. sometimes i even think the illegality of it would be easier with a person to deal with or cope with than knowing that this is all they are.

Wait a second, just because a person accepts money for sex doesn't mean that's all they are. However, I do agree with you about the "being viewed as an object" bit, which is why I have reservations about it as a lifestyle. Again, however, I think this speaks much more of society then about the activity itself. Personally what I long for is a world where everyone is respectful concerning sexual activities and can get as much of it as they desire. However, there is something to be said with the wisdom of Prospero in Shakespeare's The Tempest. In it, a prince named Ferdinand and Miranda, the daughter of Prospero, a sorcerer, fall in love quickly. But Prospero worries that "too light winning [may] make the prize light", and compels Ferdinand to become his servant, pretending that he regards him as a spy. Only after having made Ferdinand essentially earn his trust does he bless the love between his daughter and the prince.

John said:
it is an affirmation of it and i dont see why society needs to acknowledge it but you wont get rid of it. same for drugs, sure it is a bitter pill to swallow and there are side effects to being illegal but i think the positive outweighs the bad.

this remains to be seen but i suspect i am right about this.

I definitely think there is something to be said concerning only being given something that can change things in a powerful way after being ready. This is something that ancient times got right and even today some try to emulate; the father testing the metal of the suitor or the tribe only using certain drugs as an initiation rite. The problem is that sometimes our society is too black and white; x or y drug is not permissible, x or y person isn't right for one's child. Ultimately, however, even with the laws, people will get the drugs even if many end up overfilling the prison systems and people who are in love will do what they want to even if they are chastised for it in one way or another; essentially there is a point after which the 'cure' is more harmful than the problem.
prostitution is fine, people should be able to do what they want with they're owns bodies, after all they are our bodies, i worked for a while taking appointments for prostitues and i have made some great friends because of it aswell, and all because they sell they're bodies that doesn't make them any less than you or i, and anyway not all men and women who see prostitues do so for sex, some are lonely and want female company, and for the women i have seen come and go, some just want males company without all the hassle of a date with dinner, and after seeing each other for a while then have sex,

after all people who here has taken a woman out, bought her dinner, bought her drinks, and then done the same again with the same woman week after week? all the time your expecting sex, your treating her like a prostitute aswell
prostitution is fine

I think prostitution should be legal, but in general I don't really see it as fine. I just believe that sex should be something that's sacred, not something that can be bought. Having said this, I fully admit that my first time was with a prostitute. The question to ask is, why? My answer is that the difficulties for me to actually get into a loving relationship to have it were too hard for me at the time; I found it impossible to even approach girls that looked nice, let alone get into such a relationship. I hadn't planned on doing it that day (we simply asked the taxi driver to take us to a strip club), but the hooker persuaded me.

lucifers angel said:
people should be able to do what they want with they're owns bodies, after all they are our bodies, i worked for a while taking appointments for prostitues and i have made some great friends because of it as well, and all because they sell their bodies that doesn't make them any less than you or i, and anyway not all men and women who see prostitues do so for sex, some are lonely and want female company,

True, although if it was just company they wanted, I have a feeling they wouldn't have the sex ;-). There's nothing wrong with sex, but I think that many people would rather have company than unemotional sex.

lucifers angel said:
and for the women i have seen come and go, some just want males company without all the hassle of a date with dinner, and after seeing each other for a while then have sex,

Good point.

lucifers angel said:
after all people who here has taken a woman out, bought her dinner, bought her drinks, and then done the same again with the same woman week after week? all the time your expecting sex, your treating her like a prostitute as well

I think you do have a point there too... although, ofcourse, the slight difference is that while it may be implied the woman can always leave after the drinks. To be sure, the man may not invite her again, but with a prostitute it's generally more than implied; at times, the man won't pay until after the sex as well.
I think prostitution should be legal, but in general I don't really see it as fine. I just believe that sex should be something that's sacred, not something that can be bought. Having said this, I fully admit that my first time was with a prostitute. The question to ask is, why? My answer is that the difficulties for me to actually get into a loving relationship to have it were too hard for me at the time; I found it impossible to even approach girls that looked nice, let alone get into such a relationship. I hadn't planned on doing it that day (we simply asked the taxi driver to take us to a strip club), but the hooker persuaded me.

True, although if it was just company they wanted, I have a feeling they wouldn't have the sex ;-). There's nothing wrong with sex, but I think that many people would rather have company than unemotional sex.

Good point.

I think you do have a point there too... although, ofcourse, the slight difference is that while it may be implied the woman can always leave after the drinks. To be sure, the man may not invite her again, but with a prostitute it's generally more than implied; at times, the man won't pay until after the sex as well.

when they go there for company they dont have the sex,
Ah ok. Ofcourse, one could go for company and sex too right :)?

of course one could, i worked for girls who aswell has the sex sold company, and they do it for the same reason, one woman i know, does it because she is gorgeous and men are affraid to ask her out
Ah ok. Ofcourse, one could go for company and sex too right :)?

of course one could, i worked for girls who as well has the sex sold company, and they do it for the same reason, one woman i know, does it because she is gorgeous and men are afraid to ask her out

Ok. I guess in the ending some people are aware that the paper (aka money) being exchanged is only part of the deal. Also, some people may want to be with more than one person; also, people need to eat and I remember it being said that some women would rather have that job then many other jobs out there. The whole idea of 'sex surrogate' is, I think, how things will go in the future. People are beginning to realize that some people just have a hard time getting into relationships and it can actually be healthy to pay to try to help this situation out.
of course one could, i worked for girls who aswell has the sex sold company, and they do it for the same reason, one woman i know, does it because she is gorgeous and men are affraid to ask her out

so she's so beautiful that men won't ask her out so she became a prostitute??? :bugeye:
Ok. I guess in the ending some people are aware that the paper (aka money) being exchanged is only part of the deal. Also, some people may want to be with more than one person; also, people need to eat and I remember it being said that some women would rather have that job then many other jobs out there. The whole idea of 'sex surrogate' is, I think, how things will go in the future. People are beginning to realize that some people just have a hard time getting into relationships and it can actually be healthy to pay to try to help this situation out.

the thing is that with a surrogate scenario it is NOT a real relationship, in the way that 2 people have exclusively with each other. i dont get wrapped up in the illegality of it because the penalties of going with a hooker are relatively small and people break the law\rules all the time. driving 10mph over the speed limit is technically breaking the law but more people have done it than have not.

you have to remember that there are different levels of criminal behavior. if i go into a store and steal a pack of 25c gum it is a criminal act just as if i had stolen $1,000 but the penalties are not the same.
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the thing is that with a surrogate scenario it is NOT a real relationship, in the way that 2 people have exclusively with each other.

Not real according to whom? If you're polyamorous or a swinger, exclusivity isn't necessary.

John99 said:
i dont get wrapped up in the illegality of it because the penalties of going with a hooker are relatively small and people break the law\rules all the time. driving 10mph over the speed limit is technically breaking the law but more people have done it than have not.

I personally think that the illegality of it in many jurisdictions actually makes the whole thing darker. If it were legal, then hookers would have a much easier time of prosecuting people who raped or cheated them and clients could also protest mistreatment; ofcourse it would be complicated, but it'd be better than now at any rate. It's legal on the outskirts of Vegas anyway. I remember hearing a story (perhaps here) about a woman who decided to sell her virginity; but she made it clear that cash was only part of the deal; she would base her decision based on other factors as well (she didn't specify what those factors would be ;-)).

John99 said:
you have to remember that there are different levels of criminal behavior. if i go into a store and steal a pack of 25c gum it is a criminal act just as if i had stolen $1,000 but the penalties are not the same.

Sure. In the ending, when it comes to what's right and what's wrong, people diverge a fair amount. The laws are written by the people who (allegedly) won the most votes; although I don't think that Bush won either election, a fair amount of people did vote for him and that was his true power base. After 2 terms, most people wanted him out though; I'm sure his illegal torture program might have had something to do with it; but an administration can get away with things that others would get life for; they have a lot of people routing for them and the people running those international banking cartels (who have done quite nicely for themselves despite this downturn, I must say)...
scott3x said:
John99 said:
the thing is that with a surrogate scenario it is NOT a real relationship, in the way that 2 people have exclusively with each other.

Not real according to whom? If you're polyamorous or a swinger, exclusivity isn't necessary.

a reasonable and intelligent person. one who is fully in touch with reality.:bugeye:

Ah, I see, us polyamorous and swinger people are all out of it, eh :rolleyes:?
since when are we are discussing polywhatevertheycallthemselves and swingers?

John, there are many times when I wonder how closely you're paying attention to the course of the discussion. To recap; you brought up the idea that a 'real' relationship had to be exclusive; I countered that swingers and polyamorous people don't see things that way. You then implied that such people were off and I pointed out what you had implied, complete with a :rolleyes: