Is prostitution a vice?

Is prostitution a vice?

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Vice (n.): Action that offends the moral standards of the community.

So, it really depends on what community you're talking about.

Vice (N) : A morally repugnant act. A fault or defect.

So it actually depends on which person is judging it.
Which makes the whole thing ridiculous.

Consenting adults have the right to do whatever they want, it's time the laws caught up with this & it's absurd to call it wrong or immoral.
The problem with prostitution is that as much as I am all for it, I would strongly advise against anyone I know to be one.
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how many of you would be okay with your children, family members or significant others being prostitutes?
I always figured a vice was a bad habit you enjoy. Like smoking, gambling, eating a whole container of ice cream in one sitting. So yeah, hooking and visiting a hooker are vices.
I always figured a vice was a bad habit you enjoy. Like smoking, gambling, eating a whole container of ice cream in one sitting. So yeah, hooking and visiting a hooker are vices.

I'm not sure how many prostitutes actually enjoy being one though.
Besides, what might be a vice (in that sense) to you, might not be a vice to someone else.

The dictionary gives other definitions as well though:

1. an immoral or evil habit or practice.
2. immoral conduct; depraved or degrading behavior: a life of vice.
3. sexual immorality, esp. prostitution.
4. a particular form of depravity.
5. a fault, defect, or shortcoming: a minor vice in his literary style.
6. a physical defect, flaw, or infirmity: a constitutional vice.
7. a bad habit, as in a horse.
8. (initial capital letter) a character in the English morality plays, a personification of general vice or of a particular vice, serving as the buffoon.
I'm not sure how many prostitutes actually enjoy being one though.
Besides, what might be a vice (in that sense) to you, might not be a vice to someone else.

The dictionary gives other definitions as well though:

1. an immoral or evil habit or practice.
2. immoral conduct; depraved or degrading behavior: a life of vice.
3. sexual immorality, esp. prostitution.
4. a particular form of depravity.
5. a fault, defect, or shortcoming: a minor vice in his literary style.
6. a physical defect, flaw, or infirmity: a constitutional vice.
7. a bad habit, as in a horse.
8. (initial capital letter) a character in the English morality plays, a personification of general vice or of a particular vice, serving as the buffoon.

How is prostitution any different than being a porn actor? They get paid to have sex. I think there are many people that enjoy sex for money. Especially when its legal and safe.
And I don't care what other people consider a vice. The question was if prostitution was a vice and I said yes.
How is prostitution any different than being a porn actor? They get paid to have sex. I think there are many people that enjoy sex for money. Especially when its legal and safe.
And I don't care what other people consider a vice. The question was if prostitution was a vice and I said yes.

Hey, don't bite my head off. I just said that there are other definitions as well.

It's pretty common knowledge that not all hookers/prostitutes/whores enjoy their occupation. And I'm wondering whether they might be the majority.
So are you saying you are a hypocrit or that you haven't really thought things through?

Sorry I wrote that wrong, its edited now. I meant to say, though I am for it to be legal, I would not advise for someone to do it.
How do you define harm? If a woman has sex with 20 men a day is it harmful?
The harm exists in the potential to spread STD's, especially HIV. A carefully regulated whorehouse with frequent testing and strictly enforced use of condoms would probably be fine. The problem lies in the fact that, since it's illegal in most areas, it's underground and unregulated.
And the government shouldn't regulate it, madanthony, or butt in in any way

Prostitution is a choice. The Romans practiced it, and it's perfectly legitimate.
And the government shouldn't regulate it, madanthony, or butt in in any way
Prostitution is a choice. The Romans practiced it, and it's perfectly legitimate.
I agree that prostitution is a choice. I mean, if a woman can kill her baby because "it's her body", why in the hell can't she allow a man to stick his penis in her body for money? Nevertheless, there is a significant public health issue due to HIV. Someone should regulate it. Perhaps some private entity like the underwriter's laboratory could certify that a brothel is clean. But honestly, I wouldn't oppose legalized prostitution with government regulation. Compared the the present situtation, it would be an increase both in freedom and in public safety.
Yes, but that isn't the only alternative: how about legalized and simply left to be?

Of course there will be regulation! Why?

Because of consumer demand

I sure as hell woudn't go to a brothel that didn't have certification from a reputable third party; thus, businesses have a motive to make sure their prostitutes are clean and experienced.
And the government shouldn't regulate it, madanthony, or butt in in any way

Prostitution is a choice. The Romans practiced it, and it's perfectly legitimate.

well then why is it only done in private? if it is a legitimate service then it should be performed in the open.
it is true.

other services like:

shoe shining
nail polishing

can all be performed right in the open. this goes to show that prostitution is not a legitimate service.
tire rotating
oil changes

name one service that cannot be performed in the open AND the giver didnt have to go to college to learn it.