Is playing God - 'human cloning' not a dangeroues game?

He does share my identity, he is not unique genetically, and I can just make more and more! I am the original Being
Ok, for your first two I wont answer

But as for your third:
The property is the procedures and technology used, in order to produce the Clone, which then SERVES us
And medicine is the procedures and technology used to produce a healthy human.
Should that human then serve us?

Not really, because if a clone dies, he is not an individual.
Why is a clone not an individual?

Humans are invdividuals, unique in nature. We can't be replaced. Clones are like disposable cameras, they are ALL THE SAME.
Only gentically.
Intellectually they are/ will be individuals.
Not surprise, just there is no way to answer them

Sex makes humans. Not medicine. Humans make medicine, medicine serves Humans. Humans make clones, Clones serve Humans.

He's not an individual because he's just a copy. I have my own mind, I am the original. They are just a complete copy, to serve the original
Not surprise, just there is no way to answer them
But since you believe that god made humans...
Sex makes humans. Not medicine.
Or in vitro fertilisation.

He's not an individual because he's just a copy. I have my own mind, I am the original. They are just a complete copy, to serve the original
No they are not complete copies, only genetic.
The metal and intellectual development will vary with each clone, otherwise identical twins will be 50% disposable according to your reasoning.
No because Identical twins are two DIFFERENT human beings. A clone of me is just me.

I see a great use for clones. We could use them to do all the dangerous jobs. What's the matter? So long as us TRUE AND UNIQUE Human beings are happy, and so long as all life is happy, what is the matter using a mindless clone?

We use robots. Are you saying 'But robots are individuals, they experience, blah blah'
A clone of me is just me.
Okay, tell me how do you work that out?

I see a great use for clones. We could use them to do all the dangerous jobs. What's the matter? So long as us TRUE AND UNIQUE Human beings are happy, and so long as all life is happy, what is the matter using a mindless clone?
Define "true and unique" human being.
Why are clones mindless?

We use robots. Are you saying 'But robots are individuals, they experience, blah blah'
False analogy.
Robots are limited by what programmes we write for them.
I'm just saying a clone of myself is nothing more. It is a clone, an object.

True and unique. Different, with our own views, beliefs, and experiences. We have a conciousness within the world.

Because they are nothing more than what we made them. They are mindless.

Robots are what we program them to be, true, but a clone is what it is when its cloned. Nothing more, its just an object.
I'm just saying a clone of myself is nothing more. It is a clone, an object.
This OPINION is based on what?
The intellectual development would NOT replicate yours, therefore it would have its own personality.

True and unique. Different, with our own views, beliefs, and experiences. We have a conciousness within the world.
And so would a clone.
Because it would have different experiences.

Because they are nothing more than what we made them. They are mindless.
Mindless as in "no mind whatsoever"?
I.e. a mere body with no intellect/ understanding whatsoever?

Robots are what we program them to be, true, but a clone is what it is when its cloned. Nothing more, its just an object.
And a clone would have a separate and individual mental development, and a mind of its own.
This OPINION is based on what?
The intellectual development would NOT replicate yours, therefore it would have its own personality.

And so would a clone.
Because it would have different experiences.

Mindless as in "no mind whatsoever"?
I.e. a mere body with no intellect/ understanding whatsoever?

And a clone would have a separate and individual mental development, and a mind of its own.

But they would not have intellectual development! They know only what they have and what we tell them. That's it

Mindless: no mind whatsoever, no emotions no experience. It does what we tell it, it is a clone.

No, a clone is what you were, but it does not have a life (i. e., anything to do on earth other than serve)
But they would not have intellectual development!
Why not?
And how not?

They know only what they have and what we tell them. That's it
Like a child?
No development?

Mindless: no mind whatsoever, no emotions no experience. It does what we tell it, it is a clone.
Why would it not have a mind?
And if it didn't have a mind how could it understand instructions?

No, a clone is what you were, but it does not have a life (i. e., anything to do on earth other than serve)
Is there a reason to believe this?

You have a very strange view of what clones are/ would be.
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No because Identical twins are two DIFFERENT human beings. A clone of me is just me.

I see a great use for clones. We could use them to do all the dangerous jobs. What's the matter? So long as us TRUE AND UNIQUE Human beings are happy, and so long as all life is happy, what is the matter using a mindless clone?

We use robots. Are you saying 'But robots are individuals, they experience, blah blah'
But robots are machines.
Clones are not/would not be machines.
How about this...
You said clones would be souless, right?
By way of analogy: the cells from you that would be used are to the clone what a sourdough starter is to the next loaf of bread.
There would be a 'germ' of a soul to grow in the petri dish.
Give up arguing with Norsefire. He does not understand what a clone is.

To him it is somehow fundamentally different from an identical twin, but born later.

Actually, identical twins are more alike than a clone and the person who donated genetic material (unless the donor's mother supplied the ovum casing).
But they would not have intellectual development!
How can you say this? Did you develop intellectually as a baby and child?

A human clone does not walk out of a machine fully grown. Your clone, for example, would be born as a baby. And like you as a baby, would develop intellectually in the same way as any other child would.

They know only what they have and what we tell them. That's it
Like you were as a child. What is your point?

Again, a clone would be born like any baby.

Mindless: no mind whatsoever, no emotions no experience. It does what we tell it, it is a clone.
Do you think a clone is born out of a machine with a blank mind, fully grown? A human clone would be born of a human female, presumably the mother, and would have exactly the same attributes as any baby.. as in it would sleep.. poo.. drink.. pee and cry. It would then grow like any other child. And like every single child on this planet, it would have a mind and emotions that would display itself by letting out a horrendous wail (just think of a baby crying due to hunger or wet nappy). Did you do as you were told as a child? A clone would be the same. You are thinking of a clone in the science fiction sense of clones, where sometimes the media portrays them as being almost robot like with no ability to think or feel. In reality it would be a human being like you are a human being, and it would develop and grow as you have done.

A clone is a created object, just like a TV.
If someone put two children in front of you, one conceived naturally and the other conceived through IVF and did not tell you which was which, would you be able to tell the difference between the "created object" (the child conceived in a test tube) and the natural "object" (the child conceived naturally)?
Yes i'd be able to tell the difference. Obviously, the one that doesnt move or talk until I tell it is not human. The one with emotions, etc, is the human. easy.
Cloning isn't "playing God" anymore than using an aeroplane is to fly or a computer to do greater mathematical computations for us.

We were given brains and we're using them. Humans are able to achieve what no other creature on this Earth has been able to do, and that's invention, which allows us to do things we can't ordinarily physically do. Afterall, we were created in His image.

IMO, we will eventually become gods through technology -- we've just yet to reach that plateau. Hell, our "God" is probably just some normal creature like us who wound up playing around and created life here once able to do so, as we'll be able to do sometime in the future. The whole universe could have always been here and we're all just demi-gods in our big galactic playground with no real omnipotent, omnipresent "God", but rather just a bunch of ambitious wannabes trying to become greater than our own myths.

- N