Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

And sometimes starts new religions, inspires wars and is remembered for centuries.

Look at Jesus and how important he is to you. Here we are 2000 years later and you've spent hundreds of posts talking about him.

As a hero of 1,000 faces, yes.
As an esoteric guide because of scriptures, yes.

As the scapegoat that Christians immorally love, indeed.

Christian immorality should be fought constantly and good universal examples of the good in scriptures put to the public.

I try to do both.

Jesus did not exactly live to a ripe old age.

How long does half a God live?

A chimera body ridden by a God consciousness is hardly anything of value.

The Gods have already produced, what, six of these virgin births before Jesus was produced by his deadbeat dad?

Well... that and "ripe old age" back then was, if memory serves, somewhere around mid thirties for the "average" human... yeah, a few lived to be a few hundred to thousand (Moses, Abrahem, etc) but yeah, the average person didn't live all that long
If you discount the martyrdom of Jesus for having an incorporeal existence that survives bodily death, then you must equally discount all martyrs. Your only choices are to either disbelieve in any sort of incorporeal soul, or assume Jesus did make a sacrifice (the same one any martyr makes by giving their human life).
If you discount the martyrdom of Jesus for having an incorporeal existence that survives bodily death, then you must equally discount all martyrs. Your only choices are to either disbelieve in any sort of incorporeal soul, or assume Jesus did make a sacrifice (the same one any martyr makes by giving their human life).

I have many other choices I can think of.

How can you say that a God can give up his human life while forgetting that the Trinity is as always a three headed entity. Not one of the heads can die. It is always father son and holy spook.

If you accept the notion that there is a non-corporeal life, don't you think you should provide something to show how you know this to be true?

I have many other choices I can think of.

Vacuous statement without detailing those choices.

How can you say that a God can give up his human life while forgetting that the Trinity is as always a three headed entity. Not one of the heads can die. It is always father son and holy spook.

If souls exist at all, then it simply follows that anyone dying is "giving up his human life" while continuing to exist as incorporeal. You are simply confusing "human death" for "nonexistence".

If you accept the notion that there is a non-corporeal life, don't you think you should provide something to show how you know this to be true?

If you reject incorporeal existence then you are not addressing the beliefs you pretend to address. Your admitted target audience will just dismiss you as an atheist.
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The answer to this question has to do with the tree of knowledge of good and evil or knowledge of good and evil. In tradition, this happens to be Satan's favorite tree or mode of operation. Those who prefer the council of Satan will also turn what is morally neutral, into a moral judgement of good and evil.
Eve was promised, by Satan, if she eats (learns) of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, she will become like God. This topic is about human subjectivity being used to take the place as God, as the final judge, based on Satan's tree.

The tree of life, like life itself, is not about human knowledge of good and evil, which is subjective, but about the needs of the bigger picture. If the lion kills the gazelle is this evil? According to Satan this might be. But according to life this is the way of life.

If we apply the subjective standard of Satan to the science of evolution, isn't evolution also evil since it often requires killing? Should science be teaching evil since evolution involves killing? The answer is, science is not in the Satan game, like politics, but tries to report things objectively and not subjectively. It is what it is and is part of a larger picture which all integrates together.
Vacuous statement without detailing those choices.

If souls exist at all, then it simply follows that anyone dying is "giving up his human life" while continuing to exist as incorporeal. You are simply confusing "human death" for "nonexistence".

If you reject incorporeal existence then you are not addressing the beliefs you pretend to address. Your admitted target audience will just dismiss you as an atheist.

We were speaking of the death of Jesus/God. Why do you compare the death of ordinary humans?

Why deflect? Is Jesus suddenly an ordinary human?

P. S. If you want to stay in or have an exact debate then stop using words like if.

The answer to this question has to do with the tree of knowledge of good and evil or knowledge of good and evil. In tradition, this happens to be Satan's favorite tree or mode of operation. Those who prefer the council of Satan will also turn what is morally neutral, into a moral judgement of good and evil.
Eve was promised, by Satan, if she eats (learns) of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, she will become like God. This topic is about human subjectivity being used to take the place as God, as the final judge, based on Satan's tree.

The tree of life, like life itself, is not about human knowledge of good and evil, which is subjective, but about the needs of the bigger picture. If the lion kills the gazelle is this evil? According to Satan this might be. But according to life this is the way of life.

If we apply the subjective standard of Satan to the science of evolution, isn't evolution also evil since it often requires killing? Should science be teaching evil since evolution involves killing? The answer is, science is not in the Satan game, like politics, but tries to report things objectively and not subjectively. It is what it is and is part of a larger picture which all integrates together.

Why did God put Satan right beside Eve in Eden?

Is that not like putting the fox in the hen house and then being surprised when a hen goes missing?

If souls exist at all, then it simply follows that anyone dying is "giving up his human life" while continuing to exist as incorporeal. You are simply confusing "human death" for "nonexistence".

If you reject incorporeal existence then you are not addressing the beliefs you pretend to address. Your admitted target audience will just dismiss you as an atheist.

We were speaking of the death of Jesus/God. Why do you compare the death of ordinary humans?

Why deflect? Is Jesus suddenly an ordinary human?

P. S. If you want to stay in or have an exact debate then stop using words like if.

What is the difference between one entity that survives bodily death in an incorporeal state, and another that does the exact same thing? If you dismiss one martyr for doing just that, then you must dismiss all martyrs. You have not shown one to be significantly different from the other.

Do you reject incorporeal existence?
What is the difference between one entity that survives bodily death in an incorporeal state, and another that does the exact same thing? If you dismiss one martyr for doing just that, then you must dismiss all martyrs. You have not shown one to be significantly different from the other.

Do you reject incorporeal existence?

I cannot show how one imaginary construct to be different from another imaginary construct.

I will wait for you to show they are the same.

Do you see Jesus as just another man?

Do you accept incorporeal existence and why if not just hearsay and book say ?

Do you see Jesus as just another man?

Greatest I am, do you "see" Jesus as anything other than "just another man"?

Do you "see" Jesus at all?

Does anyone "see" Jesus at all?

Do you see the Bible as fiction or non-fiction?

Greatest I am, do you see anything at all other than what you "claim to see" since your "self proclaimed Apotheosis" or "elevation to divine status : deification"? - from :

Can you "see" that there appears to be a "self proclaimed Deity" in existence between your chair and your keyboard?

To real people who actually have the ability to really "see" - it is "seen" as nothing more than PEBCAK, "problem exists between chair and keyboard"!
Greatest I am, do you "see" Jesus as anything other than "just another man"?

Do you "see" Jesus at all?

Does anyone "see" Jesus at all?

Do you see the Bible as fiction or non-fiction?

Greatest I am, do you see anything at all other than what you "claim to see" since your "self proclaimed Apotheosis" or "elevation to divine status : deification"? - from :

Can you "see" that there appears to be a "self proclaimed Deity" in existence between your chair and your keyboard?

To real people who actually have the ability to really "see" - it is "seen" as nothing more than PEBCAK, "problem exists between chair and keyboard"!

Like Joseph Campbell, I see Jesus as just another one of the --- Hero of a 1,000 faces.

I cannot show how one imaginary construct to be different from another imaginary construct.

Then you have given up any pretense that you believe any part of the Bible or have anything worthwhile to say to the Christians you supposedly address. Just an atheist in sheep's clothing (concern troll), and just another pointless GIA thread. :yawn:
Then you have given up any pretense that you believe any part of the Bible or have anything worthwhile to say to the Christians you supposedly address. Just an atheist in sheep's clothing (concern troll), and just another pointless GIA thread. :yawn:

Belief in a bible is idol worship of the God in whichever book that is. Idol worship of a Godinabook is evil.

There is some believable stuff in the bible but very little.

Not surprising for a book that begins with a talking snake and ends with a seven headed monster.

How much of it do you literally believe?

My reply answered most.

Most of what?
Referencing a 60-year old work by a Mythologist/Philosopher/Writer on his "Monomyth" concept, does not answer any of the questions that I asked of you!

I am not surprised that you cannot dither it out.

Can "self-proclaimed deities" even be surprised? Dither?! from :

: to delay taking action because you are not sure about what to do
-------Full Definition of DITHER
1: shiver, tremble
2: to act nervously or indecisively : vacillate
— dith·er·er noun
Examples of DITHER
We don't have time to dither.
She did not dither about what to do next.

: a very nervous, confused, or excited state
-------Full Definition of DITHER
: a highly nervous, excited, or agitated state : excitement, confusion

Examples of DITHER
<Grandma usually gets in a dither if I don't make my weekly call.>
<we were all in a dither while we waited for the test results>

Maybe you could be so kind as to explain, or "dither it out(!?)", how 1 ambiguous non-answer was in any way an answer?

Then again, that is not why you post.

So, Mr. Greatest YAN, why do I Post?

Grow up anytime now.

So...Greatest You Are Not, which is it? "Anytime" or "now"?

"Grow up"...if you actually really knew...Meh! are a "self-proclaimed deity" obviously...well...

No pretend regards