Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

According to Christians, who believe in the trinity, God did "step up himself", as his incarnate form of Jesus.
Sure but then they would have to explain why, if there was no loss or gain, how it could have been a sacrifice without a loss or gain.

Tell us how you can sacrifice something to yourself.

You assume a very specific interpretation of how "salvation" comes about.

Jesus' death and resurrection underpin a variety of theological interpretations as to how salvation is granted to humanity. These interpretations vary widely in how much emphasis they place on the death of Jesus as compared to his words.
Among Eastern Orthodox Christians, another common view is Christus Victor. This holds that Jesus was sent by God to defeat death and Satan. Because of his perfection, voluntary death, and Resurrection, Jesus defeated Satan and death, and arose victorious. Therefore, humanity was no longer bound in sin, but was free to rejoin God through faith in Jesus.

Those who emphasize his death typically also emphasize his human aspect, i.e. free will, as an example of how man could freely follow God's will. Jesus knew and prophesied his own death, so he was free to avoid it.
well I would have to post one last time to say this thread is really going nowhere because the OP is not looking for a discussion but in fact just a venue for his opinion and how no one can sway him from it.

Yeah, GIA is basically just a gnostic propagandist, generally tolerated to the extent that his/her posts generate discussion.
well I would have to post one last time to say this thread is really going nowhere because the OP is not looking for a discussion but in fact just a venue for his opinion and how no one can sway him from it.

When you are correct., why change?

He is. He seriously hates religion with all his heart.

Not all of it.

Most of it though.

Any free thinking man will also.

All institutions that control us and manipulate us are an insult to freedom and should be hated by all of intelligence.

You assume a very specific interpretation of how "salvation" comes about.

Jesus' death and resurrection underpin a variety of theological interpretations as to how salvation is granted to humanity. These interpretations vary widely in how much emphasis they place on the death of Jesus as compared to his words.
Among Eastern Orthodox Christians, another common view is Christus Victor. This holds that Jesus was sent by God to defeat death and Satan. Because of his perfection, voluntary death, and Resurrection, Jesus defeated Satan and death, and arose victorious. Therefore, humanity was no longer bound in sin, but was free to rejoin God through faith in Jesus.

Those who emphasize his death typically also emphasize his human aspect, i.e. free will, as an example of how man could freely follow God's will. Jesus knew and prophesied his own death, so he was free to avoid it.

Sure but then they would have to explain why, if there was no loss or gain, how it could have been a sacrifice without a loss or gain.

Tell us how you can sacrifice something to yourself?

I think you are missing the boat . You are making the nature of god that He is made of the same flesh as you and I. I believe our flesh is perishable while His is not so the body does not count, If you consider that the spirit is wat counts and not the flesh then your argument does not have validity
I think you are missing the boat . You are making the nature of god that He is made of the same flesh as you and I. I believe our flesh is perishable while His is not so the body does not count, If you consider that the spirit is wat counts and not the flesh then your argument does not have validity

Well if you believe in The Trinity, then God is both corporeal and non-corporeal. And if you are a Christian, then you should be familiar with, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20;

English Standard Version (ESV)

“ Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

So according to the Bible, both the corporeal and non-corporeal are important, both count.
Well if you believe in The Trinity, then God is both corporeal and non-corporeal. And if you are a Christian, then you should be familiar with, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20;

English Standard Version (ESV)

“ Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

So according to the Bible, both the corporeal and non-corporeal are important, both count.

The corporal body is needed as long it have a usefulness for the Creator for His objective , then it gets Transformed or what not that is non of mine business , the important is that I be useful as He needs me.
well I would have to post one last time to say this thread is really going nowhere because the OP is not looking for a discussion but in fact just a venue for his opinion . . .

Exactly. It would be akin to a religious type posting "Since atheists believe in nothing, does their lack of morality make them a threat to society?" He wouldn't be interested in discussion - the objective would be to attack atheists.
Sure but then they would have to explain why, if there was no loss or gain, how it could have been a sacrifice without a loss or gain.

Tell us how you can sacrifice something to yourself?


I think what you are asking is why didn’t God give humanity a get out of jail pass rather than require sacrifice his son. And I think the answer is to communicate to man that redemption has a price; that change is not without pain and not without a cost. The sacrifice of Jesus was not for God but for man. It was a message – a lesson. And I think that is why you find sacrifice a common thread in almost all human religious traditions.
Sure but then they would have to explain why, if there was no loss or gain, how it could have been a sacrifice without a loss or gain.

Tell us how you can sacrifice something to yourself?

Jesus sacrificed his human self-interest. Sacrifice does not necessitate sacrifice to God, only sacrifice of oneself.
Again with the using Christianity to represent theism as a whole. Well, might as well get this over with...
Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?
Depends on the culture. Depends on what is meant by 'need'.
Though nitpicking on this misses the point; the entire story is wrapped up in Jewish mythology from the era, and concepts of scapegoats and sacrificial lambs. Concepts that were very relevant and understood in an era when Judaism still practised animal sacrifice at the Temple of Jerusalem. A lot of context has been lost.

If a Sacrifice were required, God would not send a boy to do a man’s job and he would be man enough to step up himself.
Well, in Christianity, they believe exactly that. Considering that most forms of that religion view Jesus was deity incarnate.
What sacrifice ? Three days later he was resurrected, that's just a nap.
now he's coming back as the Wolf...... oh no!
and the madness rages on.
I think you are missing the boat . You are making the nature of god that He is made of the same flesh as you and I. I believe our flesh is perishable while His is not so the body does not count, If you consider that the spirit is wat counts and not the flesh then your argument does not have validity

Believe as you like. It is all speculation as you have no clue as to what or who God is. All you have is hearsay.

Please don't use your fantasy as a way of judging the veracity of the arguments of others. That is quitter foolish.

I think what you are asking is why didn’t God give humanity a get out of jail pass rather than require sacrifice his son. And I think the answer is to communicate to man that redemption has a price; that change is not without pain and not without a cost. The sacrifice of Jesus was not for God but for man. It was a message – a lesson. And I think that is why you find sacrifice a common thread in almost all human religious traditions.

Hogwash. If you know of sociology you will know that any organization that want's longevity will demand sacrifice and that the more sacrifice is given, the more the adherent is locked in for the long run.

It is all a part of selling the con.

That does not give morality to human sacrifice which is an immoral practice to any with morals. That is not usually Christians.

Jesus sacrificed his human self-interest. Sacrifice does not necessitate sacrifice to God, only sacrifice of oneself.

We are talking of a ransom to buy God's justice with.
A bribe for the judge.

You seem to think justice that accepts bribes is good justice. Do I read you right?

Again with the using Christianity to represent theism as a whole. Well, might as well get this over with...

Depends on the culture. Depends on what is meant by 'need'.
Though nitpicking on this misses the point; the entire story is wrapped up in Jewish mythology from the era, and concepts of scapegoats and sacrificial lambs. Concepts that were very relevant and understood in an era when Judaism still practised animal sacrifice at the Temple of Jerusalem. A lot of context has been lost.

Well, in Christianity, they believe exactly that. Considering that most forms of that religion view Jesus was deity incarnate.

No. The son died not the father.

Well, in Christianity, they believe exactly that. Considering that most forms of that religion view Jesus was deity incarnate.
No. The son died not the father.

If you believe that then you are not addressing the very large majority of Christianity. It is mostly fringe denominations that reject the trinity.