Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

If you believe that then you are not addressing the very large majority of Christianity. It is mostly fringe denominations that reject the trinity.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is hardly a "fringe denomination."

There are about six million of them in the U.S., nine million worldwide. This puts it way ahead of most of the churches in the evangelical/pentecostal/charismatic/"born again" movement that are always in the news in the U.S.

It is a wealthy church that uses its wealth to maintain a high profile out of proportion to its membership statistics. It was Mormon money that bankrolled the successful campaign against the gay marriage ballot initiative in California, where everyone assumed it was a slam-dunk for the good guys--and therefore didn't bother to vote.
If you believe that then you are not addressing the very large majority of Christianity. It is mostly fringe denominations that reject the trinity.

The fringe is brighter than the so called majority.

They, unlike you it seems, know that if there are to be a Trinity then all the heads must be equal and they are not.

But have it your way but then know that God cannot die. All Christians believe that.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is hardly a "fringe denomination."

There are about six million of them in the U.S., nine million worldwide. This puts it way ahead of most of the churches in the evangelical/pentecostal/charismatic/"born again" movement that are always in the news in the U.S.

It is a wealthy church that uses its wealth to maintain a high profile out of proportion to its membership statistics. It was Mormon money that bankrolled the successful campaign against the gay marriage ballot initiative in California, where everyone assumed it was a slam-dunk for the good guys--and therefore didn't bother to vote.

Well, the LDS Church puts their membership numbers at 15 million worldwide. And considering there are about 2 billion Christians worldwide and about 44 million in the restoration movement of which LDS is a part of, and if membership numbers are your criteria, I think you can legitimately say LDS is a fringe religion.

It is a growing church, a politically powerful and a wealthy church as well. But many if not most Christian churches consider them apostates and LDS folks believe everyone outside the LDS Church is an apostate as well.
Joe beat me to it. LDS and other nontrinitarianist denominations are fringe, so most Christians would easily agree that GIA's argument is nonsense.
Joe beat me to it. LDS and other nontrinitarianist denominations are fringe, so most Christians would easily agree that GIA's argument is nonsense.

Sure. But not well and not with an argument showing the morality of trying to profit from the murder of the innocent instead of the guilty.

GIA, your argument is moot if you are trying to address it to "most Christians". Most Christians would agree that nontrinitarian doctrine is difficult to reconcile.
@ Opening Post,

You are making some critical errors in your thinking.

First of all it is very presumptuous to assume out of the myriad of religions yours is the one with god in it. I do not see any child sacrifice in Hindu or Buddhism.

Obviously you are reaching a point in your education where you are realizing the bibles are full of crap. Try furthering that education here...

I believe the Catholic Religion and the lesser Christian religions have all been controlled by the Evil Catholic Regime who took over Rome and then marched its armies against the world murdering millions.

There was a city entirely made of Catholics and Christians in the path of the Catholic Armies. The Emissary from the Pope said to kill everyone in the city and God would sort out the Catholics in heaven. Today Christians and Catholics can live side by side, but that is because of separation of Church and State. The Catholic Church would rather Storm and Murder that United Church down the street if their history is recognized.

The T-Shirt Slogan, "Kill them all and let god sort them out" is based on the murdering of an entire town. It was easier to kill all the Catholics and Christians together (entire families), than try to sort out their own devotees. Imagine being a Catholic in that town and your family is murdered because your own church is attacking it.

20 000 people in that town. All Men, Women, and Children were killed. The city left burning.
While discussions were still going on with the barons about the release of those in the city who were deemed to be Catholics, the servants and other persons of low rank and unarmed attacked the city without waiting for orders from their leaders. To our amazement, crying "to arms, to arms!", within the space of two or three hours they crossed the ditches and the walls and Béziers was taken. Our men spared no one, irrespective of rank, sex or age, and put to the sword almost 20,000 people. After this great slaughter the whole city was despoiled and burnt.

Yes. Catholic and Christian religions are heavily perverted for military domination.

The Catholics marched Across Germany, France, Spain, and even laid siege to England, which was thwarted by undermanned but experienced British navy.

It is amazing how many people are so proudly Catholic. The Catholics killed more Jews than the Nazis, and Hitler himself had a Catholic mom.

Imagine you are playing football at school and then an army of Catholics comes and kills your family, friends, and everyone you know. Maybe then you would like these evil popes a bit less.

I am in fact religious myself, however knowledge of my religion was suppressed by the Catholics who burned any knowledge not conducive to their religion and stifled science for centuries.
GIA, your argument is moot if you are trying to address it to "most Christians". Most Christians would agree that nontrinitarian doctrine is difficult to reconcile.

Not as hard as the Trinitarian idiocy and a God who can somehow die except not exactly.


You make a pretense at addressing the OP, but then you nowhere make any comment relating to the OP. Instead you seem to go off on a tirade against Catholicism, and Christianity in general, better suited for a new topic.
@ Syne.

You said,
you nowhere make any comment relating to the OP. Instead you seem to go off on a tirade against Catholicism, and Christianity in general

People more intelligent than you might realize that the OP is referencing all forms of Christianity that believe Jesus is/was the son of god. Therefore denouncing those religions as military propaganda for the most part is indeed on topic.

Someone who is not smart enough to grasp such a simple concept should not be on a science forum.

@ Greatest I am,

So you believe your flawed reasoning is correct? You do not seem able to understand that you are saying Catholic is the only religion. Discussing god could be in any religion, yet you choose the most flawed one. What other religions aside from Muslim condone Child Abuse?

This entire thread is ridiculous. Your concept that god could have a flesh and blood son seems too ridiculous for starters.
Mod note


Since you did not take the hint..

Your posts are off-topic. Please just start a new topic if you wish to discuss "religions as military propaganda", as that topic is far too broad to engage the OP.
Last edited:
@ Syne.

You said,

People more intelligent than you might realize that the OP is referencing all forms of Christianity that believe Jesus is/was the son of god. Therefore denouncing those religions as military propaganda for the most part is indeed on topic.

Someone who is not smart enough to grasp such a simple concept should not be on a science forum.

@ Greatest I am,

So you believe your flawed reasoning is correct? You do not seem able to understand that you are saying Catholic is the only religion. Discussing god could be in any religion, yet you choose the most flawed one. What other religions aside from Muslim condone Child Abuse?

This entire thread is ridiculous. Your concept that god could have a flesh and blood son seems too ridiculous for starters.

Okay, let me ask this:

Why COULDN'T God have a "flesh and blood" son? Assuming an all-powerful, omnipotent/omnipresent God, what makes it so unlikely he could/would use a mortal as a means of furthering his/her cause? Hell, the Grecian Gods often came and went and did as they pleased, and Zeus pretty much boned any and every thing that was unable to shake him off...

I am not angry with God but do have issues with those foolish enough to follow such a prick.

I like to show how immoral bible God is. What issue would you like to discuss.


Well... nobody said God and/or Jesus wasn't a bit of an ass... I mean, come on, the guy (Jesus) cursed a TREE because it WOULDN'T BEAR FRUIT ON COMMAND... *shrugs* Then again, I kinda like Jesus the Asshole... the man got shit done, ya know? Sometimes you've got to be an asshole to take care of business *shrugs*
@ Syne,

The Opening Post specifically suggested we give credence to a plan by god to have his son murdered. This is obvious to anybody literate.

knowing that he planned to have Jesus sacrificed even before creating the potential

So yes. It is on topic to suggest that religion has other flaws.

Just because you are a moderator does not give you blind license to be an idiot.

Use your common sense.

I welcome moderation in religion topics, but they need to at least be able to comprehend rudimentary English and be able to associate.

Let me type it in red and simplify it for you.

The OP suggested God is abusing Children. I am adding that if God truly headed that religion he would have killed more Jewish People than Hitler.


Let me know if you understand this yet. I am used to explaining things to children, but this instance seems like there is less to work with on your end.

I have been on this website for well over a decade, but have never yet encountered such a moronic viewpoint.

Don't worry. Intelligence is not a moderator requirement.

Syne... If you honestly did or do not see a connection between those postings then you are a true idiot of Olympic Proportions, and I think that is understating.

@ kittamaru,

OMG! You are in a science forum surrounded by thousands of skeptics who will patently deny any type of god exists, and now you take it a step further and say flesh and blood gods are plausible. I have my own views that include a god, but my version says we are all one thing.
*tilts* Wait, you lost me there - the idea of the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit) is a common one, but it doesn't necessitate the idea of "God" taking flesh, rather His Son (Christ) did as an extension of himself. God has not, to my knowledge, been given a "form" per say, much less a mortal coil.

Now, at the same time, there is nothing to say that God couldn't do so, ala Bruce Almighty, and come down from on High and walk among us, looking and acting like any old schmuck. Again, we're talking the idea of an all powerful, all knowing, all seeing, all capable being... which kinda makes me think of Q from Star Trek, but with a bit less pomp and more subtlety.

Oh, and just an aside... I wouldn't keep making those not-so subtle digs at Syne... insulting the moderation staff directly tends to end badly, if you catch my drift... it's fine to disagree with him, it's even fine to take exception to his viewpoints and/or judgements... but try to leave the personal insults out of it :)

To be honest, I'm having an issue with the connection myself - I think what you are getting at is that, the OP, being that God abuses children, is a religious belief and a part of Faith itself, and that if God followed that Faith, he would have killed more people as a result? Am I on the right path?
@ Syne,

The Opening Post specifically suggested we give credence to a plan by god to have his son murdered. This is obvious to anybody literate.

So yes. It is on topic to suggest that religion has other flaws.

Just because you are a moderator does not give you blind license to be an idiot.

Use your common sense.

I welcome moderation in religion topics, but they need to at least be able to comprehend rudimentary English and be able to associate.

Let me type it in red and simplify it for you.

The OP suggested God is abusing Children. I am adding that if God truly headed that religion he would have killed more Jewish People than Hitler.

Let me know if you understand this yet. I am used to explaining things to children, but this instance seems like there is less to work with on your end.

I have been on this website for well over a decade, but have never yet encountered such a moronic viewpoint.

Don't worry. Intelligence is not a moderator requirement.

Syne... If you honestly did or do not see a connection between those postings then you are a true idiot of Olympic Proportions, and I think that is understating.

No, if it were supposedly "on-topic" to take any critical OP as an open invitation for a running list of perceived religious flaws then every such thread would become completely homogeneous. The purpose of posting new topics is to sufficiently differentiate topics. Otherwise we could just have a single thread for this running list. You are free to create such a thread, and even link to it in other threads, but you are not warranted in derailing other threads.

An OP about one perceived religious flaw is about that one flaw. You are definitively off-topic when you use that as a soapbox for your other problems with religion, and this could be construed as not only off-topic but as propaganda as well. Again, start a new thread for this.

Or are you making the ever so much more naive assertion that people dying constitutes abusing children (as in children of God)? The OP is expressly about Jesus, so again, that would be off-topic.