Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

Bishop Spong indicated that we Christians should not perceive God as a God who demands barbaric acts like human sacrifice to appease his sense of justice. He uses the term child abuse and I just call it more of what it would be if the myth was real; murder.

I say needlessly because God has no needs. He only has wants and no decent God would want to needlessly sacrifice his son.

If a Sacrifice were required, God would not send a boy to do a man’s job and he would be man enough to step up himself.

If you were to dare judge this issue or scenario of God, --- knowing that he planned to have Jesus sacrificed even before creating the potential for sin, would you find God criminally liable for child abuse and murder?

Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

Bishop Spong indicated that we Christians should not perceive God as a God who demands barbaric acts like human sacrifice to appease his sense of justice. He uses the term child abuse and I just call it more of what it would be if the myth was real; murder.

I say needlessly because God has no needs. He only has wants and no decent God would want to needlessly sacrifice his son.

If a Sacrifice were required, God would not send a boy to do a man’s job and he would be man enough to step up himself.

If you were to dare judge this issue or scenario of God, --- knowing that he planned to have Jesus sacrificed even before creating the potential for sin, would you find God criminally liable for child abuse and murder?


Why are you so angry against god ? Can you bring up some better points instead picking and picking just like an old gossipy woman
There are no needless sacrifices. The whole point of sacrifice is that it's demanded by the god, the ancestors, the nature spirits, or whatever one's tribe believes in.
Pay attention: it's all clearly stated in the story. Jehovah, didn't sacrifice his child. The people's iniquity was so grievous that nothing they owned - not their livestock, servants, wives or children - was valuable enough to redeem it.
God loved them so much, he took pity and gave (more accurately, lent) them a piece of himself, so that they could sacrifice it back to him, so's he could have an excuse to forgive the ones who appreciated the gift and thus returned to his good graces.
This event - and all similar events - are totally beyond any legal terms of reference.
What's so hard to understand?
Why are you so angry against god ? Can you bring up some better points instead picking and picking just like an old gossipy woman

I am not angry with God but do have issues with those foolish enough to follow such a prick.

I like to show how immoral bible God is. What issue would you like to discuss.

Is abortion child abuse and murder?

Is letting your child join the military child abuse and murder?

Is refusing to contribute to UNICEF child abuse and murder?

I take it that your answer to my question was yes but you did not have the balls to stand up and be counted. Stockholm Syndrome.

There are no needless sacrifices. The whole point of sacrifice is that it's demanded by the god, the ancestors, the nature spirits, or whatever one's tribe believes in.
Pay attention: it's all clearly stated in the story. Jehovah, didn't sacrifice his child. The people's iniquity was so grievous that nothing they owned - not their livestock, servants, wives or children - was valuable enough to redeem it.
God loved them so much, he took pity and gave (more accurately, lent) them a piece of himself, so that they could sacrifice it back to him, so's he could have an excuse to forgive the ones who appreciated the gift and thus returned to his good graces.
This event - and all similar events - are totally beyond any legal terms of reference.
What's so hard to understand?

It is hard to understand how a people who think justice is punishing the guilty can flip flop just for their own benefit and embrace the punishment of the innocent instead of the guilty.

I guess it is that good old corrupted Christian double standard of morality.

I take it that your answer to my question was yes but you did not have the balls to stand up and be counted.

I take it your refusal to answer my questions is intellectual cowardice. You fear that your leading question will collapse if you think about it too hard.
I take it your refusal to answer my questions is intellectual cowardice. You fear that your leading question will collapse if you think about it too hard.

Not really. They just had no relevance to my question.

If you can link them to it somehow I will be pleased to take you apart with my answers.

If you're asking this question as a non believer then I would ask what the point of the question is, if god doesn't exist then god didn't make that sacrifice. If you're asking as a believer then I would say god is beyond mortal morality and to judge the very god you believe in is a sure way to get a ticket elsewhere. If your asking as a non believer who wants to know why christians don't see that as child abuse then go back to my second statement. A better question would be if we allow our sons and daughters to die in any kind of military conflict, are we promoting child abuse and murder by having them knowing this could occur, hard to say, depends on the society and what's the norm for that period. We can only judge our own actions and measure them accordingly.
If a Sacrifice were required, God would not send a boy to do a man’s job and he would be man enough to step up himself.

According to Christians, who believe in the trinity, God did "step up himself", as his incarnate form of Jesus.
Is needlessly sacrificing your child, as God did, child abuse and murder?

Is abortion child abuse and murder?
Depends on the age. It wouldn't be abuse, but late-term abortion of a healthy child (say 8 months) would be murder.

Is letting your child join the military child abuse and murder?
A child can not join the military.

Is refusing to contribute to UNICEF child abuse and murder?
A child can not join the military.
Jesus was ~30 when he died, and you can join the military in the US when you are 18. Sounds like God-the-parent is a lot more caring than someone who lets their child join the military at age 18 . . . .
If you're asking this question as a non believer then I would ask what the point of the question is, if god doesn't exist then god didn't make that sacrifice. If you're asking as a believer then I would say god is beyond mortal morality and to judge the very god you believe in is a sure way to get a ticket elsewhere. If your asking as a non believer who wants to know why christians don't see that as child abuse then go back to my second statement. A better question would be if we allow our sons and daughters to die in any kind of military conflict, are we promoting child abuse and murder by having them knowing this could occur, hard to say, depends on the society and what's the norm for that period. We can only judge our own actions and measure them accordingly.

Hogwash. I can judge the giant in Jack and the beanstalk. Can't you?

Are you saying you think human sacrifice moral or not?

According to Christians, who believe in the trinity, God did "step up himself", as his incarnate form of Jesus.

Sure but then they would have to explain why, if there was no loss or gain, how it could have been a sacrifice without a loss or gain.

Tell us how you can sacrifice something to yourself.

well I would have to post one last time to say this thread is really going nowhere because the OP is not looking for a discussion but in fact just a venue for his opinion and how no one can sway him from it.