Is Muslim terrorism due to defects in the faith?

@charles -- Yes but at least they've stopped killing people who believe differently, that was a big thing in christianity for a good long while there.

And yet we know that their (fundamentalists) overall numbers are declining, just as the RCC is experiencing a drop in believers world wide.

All this is accurate. If it had not been for the development of Secular Humanism out of the Age of Enlightenment and the development of our Constitution, there would be no unity to the world now. There would be no "world community of nations and, especially, no "world economy."

My point is that the very growth of the number of Muslim terrorists is a symptom of the decline of our Secular Humanism's ability to bond the religiously divided world. Indications are that this decline is due to signs of American moral lapse, economic problems, political system break down, disfunctionalism etc.

The whole purpose of trying to figure out what is happening is to reach the point where you can look ahead into the future a little. This decline is the trend and more and indefinite terrorism seems to be the outlook.
But secular humanism has only recently been exposed to the majority of the Muslims inhabitants of the Earth. I think that is causing the backlash, not that it started to be successful and then failed.
So... popular culture, which is the product of mythology. At least Lori7 claimed to have a personal revelation, you are just a follower.
There has to be some reason why Muslim terrorism has been such a problem to the West. It is a problem that may still be growing despite the killing of its leaders.

If we knew what is causing it, would could perhaps bring it to an end. If we don't, we are just thrashing in the dark!

Myself, I conclude it is because they once had a civilization that dominated half the world and are proud of their impressive cultural heritage. They see it being dragged in the mud every day. They feel humiliated and resentful. The religious extremists feed on this deep, mostly suppressed resentment. . .

I have had direct experience with this. When I lived for three years in Indonesia, a Muslim country, a Muslim I knew showed me a picture of the 9/11 catastrophy. He tried unsuccessfully to hide expressions of pride.

And he was secular---and no "Arab."

Many religions offer 'leaders' a way to get people to kill civilians and themselves at the same time. In the West we can kill civilians from a distance with technology, so we don't need such selfless killer paradigms and they look gross and unclever and well downright rude to us.
O.K. Charles I am going to attempt a link . If I am successful it might behoove you to read it for a better understanding of Muslim mind sets . At least any that read these writings if they present for you . O.K. wish Me luck

The link came through in Adobe!! Wow! !:bravo:
I hope seeing it doesn't put us on the FBI and CIA lists:eek:

Actually, I have a rather good handle on the whole subject but brought it up in this thread because I wanted to see what the others thought was the cause of Muslim militancy. So far, I have not found in this long thread much about the real cause, i.e. the setting up and protecting of Israel in the very heart of their civilization, a civilization that once dominated much of the world and which they are of course proud of.

We had the same problem with LTTE terrorists who killed the Prime Minister of India for politically interfering in their country. After Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by a suicide bomber [note that we did not spend years and trillions blaming their religion or lack thereof and invading their country and bankrupting ourselves] India washed its hands off military interference in Sri Lanka's ethnic problems and left them to resolve it themselves

Terrorism is essentially a tool for political change and the change is enforced by instilling terror especially when the two sides are not matched in power.

I agree. It grows and distorts the Muslim faith because we are perceived as wolves in sheep's clothing. As the sheep, we come as "liberators" to bring them a way of life that "is the pursuit of happiness" and achieves "the American Dream." So, they become secular.

But they also see the wolf. He plants a Judaic state right in the heart of the vast land, goes all out to protect it from them, goes through a long series of futile efforts "to being peace" which always fail, and then involves itself in 3 wars with Islam---with little hope that any of the nations we involve will turn out to be more than weak or even failed states.
