Is Muslim terrorism due to defects in the faith?

The difference is glaring and obvious. If only one in a 100,000 catholics, jews, muslems, or take your pick religion is an extreamist, you simply cannot blame the rest for something like this. MOST of the work that MOST churches do is GOOD WORK. You only hear about the bad shit in the news because it gets ratings. For every sucide bomber in the middle east 10,000 familys there would give any stranger the shirt of their backs, water, and invite them to eat at their table without hesitation (if you've talked to muslims in the middle east as I have you would know this too be true). You would throw away the whole bussel of apples for one bad seed.

Religion in itself gives people hope and community. It is only when the bad seed bend it towards its own terrible aims that it becomes a problem.

Honestly, the thing I would like to see would be people within these groups policing themselves more. All it takes is Jonny telling the cops, "Hey, Fred has been acting wierd lately and collecting guns. Thought you might want to know." However, this doesnt happen because of somekind of loyalty or just not believing that it can happen.

I do blame the so-called moderates, because it's they who give legitimacy to what I would call inherently extreme scriptures. The only difference is the moderate is either ignorant of what the texts say, or tempered by the relatively recent influence of science and secularism.

If you are suggesting that you cannot have hospitality without Islam, I think you are mistaken. This is standard desert culture born from necessity and water sources that are far apart.
How can a stupid jack, go to heaven and have 7 virgins , when the same God says not to kill on less the person is illiterate and dumb enough to listen to a mullah.

It's only a problem if you think there is a God handing out conflicting messages. It's not a problem at all if you realize each culture just made it all up.
I do blame the so-called moderates, because it's they who give legitimacy to what I would call inherently extreme scriptures. The only difference is the moderate is either ignorant of what the texts say, or tempered by the relatively recent influence of science and secularism.

If you are suggesting that you cannot have hospitality without Islam, I think you are mistaken. This is standard desert culture born from necessity and water sources that are far apart.

You understand that Islam was born from this culture? Do you really understand the people who are doing these unspeakable things? They are generally illiterates who cannot even read the scripture for themselves, they only do as they are told (which is BS, but if it is all you have ever known...) Some twisted people whos only motivation is greed (they spout the glory of Islam with dollar signs in their eyes) are the ones doing the talking.

I agree with you about it being the moderates fault to an extent, though the legitimacy they bring is only in the bad seeds head. Again a policing of ones own back yard needs to be brought to bare to combat the yahoos.
What do you mean? Terrorists aren't misreading the texts, or illiterate, or in desperate poverty. All this is meant to distract from the real cause, which is the religion. Islam feels increasingly at odds with the modern world. They are not much different than southern American racists like the KKK who feel they have to defend an anachronistic way of life with violence if necessary. They are convinced of the superiority of Islam and that it is the last word in godliness. Islam is basically a totalitarian form of governance. The idea of personal freedom is foreign. Everything is subordinate to the afterlife. That's why it's evil. Can you imagine these people with nukes?
Ah no, suicide bombers and terrorists tend to be well educated.

Understood, well educated in secular matters, but well educated in their own religion? Not so much I am willing to bet. Considering that they believe they will be rewarded for breaking the the number one rule, thou shall not kill. THAT is not up for debate in Islam or christianity yet people still do it anyway.
It's permissible to kill in the defense of Islam. Hell, they will kill you just for saying you don't want to be a Muslim anymore.
It certainly doesn't fit with the common liberal view, where all religions are equally benign, and that problems only happen when people distort them for their own purposes. I don't believe that. Go back to the texts themselves, they are bad enough.
There has to be some reason why Muslim terrorism has been such a problem to the West. It is a problem that may still be growing despite the killing of its leaders.

If we knew what is causing it, would could perhaps bring it to an end. If we don't, we are just thrashing in the dark!

Myself, I conclude it is because they once had a civilization that dominated half the world and are proud of their impressive cultural heritage. They see it being dragged in the mud every day. They feel humiliated and resentful. The religious extremists feed on this deep, mostly suppressed resentment. . .

I have had direct experience with this. When I lived for three years in Indonesia, a Muslim country, a Muslim I knew showed me a picture of the 9/11 catastrophy. He tried unsuccessfully to hide expressions of pride.

And he was secular---and no "Arab."

I don't think the teachings of Islam are inherently the problem. Every religion and even many secular organizations have their own crazy militant groups. But it's hard to hold the group accountable for these random nut-jobs. The U.S. Military, for example, isn't defective just because Lee Harvey Oswald was a Marine.

The teachings of "mainstream" Islam are pretty compatible with Christianity and Western culture. In fact, many Muslim nations, such as Pakistan, are accepting an increasingly commercial, materialistic, "western" lifestyle. Although there are many Muslims who remain loyal to "conservative" Islamic ideals, this can also be said of almost any religion, political party or government in any part of the world, and those "conservative" Islamic ideals have nothing to do with hating America or the West.

Most of what Americans know of Islam we only know because it's only the extremists who make the news. Even the concept of "Jihad" is nothing like what we typically imagine it being.
There has to be some reason why Muslim terrorism has been such a problem to the West. It is a problem that may still be growing despite the killing of its leaders.

If we knew what is causing it, would could perhaps bring it to an end. If we don't, we are just thrashing in the dark!

Myself, I conclude it is because they once had a civilization that dominated half the world and are proud of their impressive cultural heritage. They see it being dragged in the mud every day. They feel humiliated and resentful. The religious extremists feed on this deep, mostly suppressed resentment. . .

I have had direct experience with this. When I lived for three years in Indonesia, a Muslim country, a Muslim I knew showed me a picture of the 9/11 catastrophy. He tried unsuccessfully to hide expressions of pride.

And he was secular---and no "Arab."
1. Too much monotheistic religiosity. Christians similarly terrorized people from all over the world, in the name of the True God. How many civilizations were wiped out by Christians "Terrorists"?

2. Muslims do have a perceived sense of Glorious history. I maintain most of it's fictional, I can't even find a single military coin (or any other coin) contemporary to Khalid (if you have one, or any other evidence please post it). However, that's besides the point, it is reasonable to suggest this is causing some aberrant behavior. The Chinese built a great civilization, they were colonized, occupied, sold heroin, feel they were humiliated (and were), and subjected themselves to 80 years of Communism, destroyed their own culture and only now are pulling their thumbs out and getting on with it. So, yes, this is another valid rational.

3. Too much monotheistic religiosity makes it hard for people to modernize and compete in a modern global world. The Arab empire was able to monopolize trade between China, India and Europe, that's never going to happen again. To compete in the modern world, they will have to drastically alter their culture to become more "Western". It should be noted much of "Western" culture is really only 100 years old. It's really a culture of competition, which has been around for 1000s of years that they need to get in touch with.

4. Too much monotheistic religiosity makes it more difficult to see other people's cultures as equal and valid as one's own (if not difficult, then totally impossible). That can also lead to aberrant behavior in a multicultural environment. Especially when you're taught your culture is "supreme" (even to the point of think "Arabic is God's language" and yet in reality you're way way WAY behind the curve.

As to an aside: One could ask why the USA is terrorizing much of the planet as well. We're the ones who invaded and or armed Muslim countries and put bases in their magic land which ultimately led a few nutters to commit 9/11. That aside, we could see the various Muslim nations as no different than most 3rd world nations (oil barring stated resembling any other petrol-State). they're not really that much different.
What do you think the terrorist is going to scream, look at me " I am a terrorist "

Well how can you see them, when the idiot have a belt bomb and the bomb explodes , there are only fragments of flesh

This is my point. What good are they doing to their ideology if know one knows who they are, or what they are dying for. If I were a terrorist I would make it known who I am and why I am doing what I'm doing. And no, I do not think these people hate Americans... they hate our government though.
It would be more accurate to say "all religions are equally dangerous." Any religion can be distorted into a pretext for violence.

Then it needs to be given up, there are all sorts of real reasons for violence, let's eliminate the fake ones.
Then it needs to be given up, there are all sorts of real reasons for violence, let's eliminate the fake ones.

I'm all for people making their cases against (or even for) religion. But once someone starts talking about mandating atheism (or christianity, or islam, or buddhism, or secularl humanism or whatever) then they have become as bad as any religious zealot.