Is Muslim terrorism due to defects in the faith?

charles brough

Registered Senior Member
There has to be some reason why Muslim terrorism has been such a problem to the West. It is a problem that may still be growing despite the killing of its leaders.

If we knew what is causing it, would could perhaps bring it to an end. If we don't, we are just thrashing in the dark!

Myself, I conclude it is because they once had a civilization that dominated half the world and are proud of their impressive cultural heritage. They see it being dragged in the mud every day. They feel humiliated and resentful. The religious extremists feed on this deep, mostly suppressed resentment. . .

I have had direct experience with this. When I lived for three years in Indonesia, a Muslim country, a Muslim I knew showed me a picture of the 9/11 catastrophy. He tried unsuccessfully to hide expressions of pride.

And he was secular---and no "Arab."
There has to be some reason why Muslim terrorism has been such a problem to the West. It is a problem that may still be growing despite the killing of its leaders.

If we knew what is causing it, would could perhaps bring it to an end. If we don't, we are just thrashing in the dark!

Myself, I conclude it is because they once had a civilization that dominated half the world and are proud of their impressive cultural heritage. They see it being dragged in the mud every day. They feel humiliated and resentful. The religious extremists feed on this deep, mostly suppressed resentment. . .

I have had direct experience with this. When I lived for three years in Indonesia, a Muslim country, a Muslim I knew showed me a picture of the 9/11 catastrophy. He tried unsuccessfully to hide expressions of pride.

And he was secular---and no "Arab."

I think the true Islam is Ok and compatible with Christianity . The problem is that there are many opportunists who make their living out of every faith , they produce problems among believers.
There has to be some reason why Muslim terrorism has been such a problem to the West. It is a problem that may still be growing despite the killing of its leaders.

If we knew what is causing it, would could perhaps bring it to an end. If we don't, we are just thrashing in the dark!

Are you sure it is safe to discuss this in open forums?
It's not a defect in faith, faith itself is the defect! It's an inevitable clash of civilizations. We have the west, where representative government of the people is the rule, and Islamic countries, where Islam is the highest authority.
There has to be some reason why Muslim terrorism has been such a problem to the West. It is a problem that may still be growing despite the killing of its leaders.

Eh, same reason christians were into genocide for centuries. Religions get hijacked by extremists. There's nothing inherently wrong with Islam, just as there was nothing inherently wrong with Christianity during the Crusades. Just unscrupulous leaders using religion for political purposes.
Eh, same reason christians were into genocide for centuries. Religions get hijacked by extremists. There's nothing inherently wrong with Islam, just as there was nothing inherently wrong with Christianity during the Crusades. Just unscrupulous leaders using religion for political purposes.

Bingo, QFT
It's not a defect in faith, faith itself is the defect! It's an inevitable clash of civilizations. We have the west, where representative government of the people is the rule, and Islamic countries, where Islam is the highest authority.

Faith is only a defect when it harms instead of helps.
Then you admit it's a defect? Because it certainly does harm. Faith in the afterlife is what makes suicide bombers.
Eh, same reason christians were into genocide for centuries. Religions get hijacked by extremists. There's nothing inherently wrong with Islam, just as there was nothing inherently wrong with Christianity during the Crusades. Just unscrupulous leaders using religion for political purposes.

You think there is nothing inherently wrong with a religion that declares eternal damnation to everoyne who doesn't subject themselves to said religion?
Then you admit it's a defect? Because it certainly does harm. Faith in the afterlife is what makes suicide bombers.

Did you read the words that I wrote? I'm guessing you just glanced at it if you got that out of what I wrote.
I read them, it's a common sentiment. It's like saying Hamas is good when they feed people but bad when they kill innocents or recruit suicide bombers. Or Charles Manson was good when he played the guitar or talked about environmentalism, but bad when he encouraged murder and race war.
Honestly, I don't believe my government. I have never seen a terrorist with my own eyes, I'll believe it when I see it, even then I have some questions.
You think there is nothing inherently wrong with a religion that declares eternal damnation to everoyne who doesn't subject themselves to said religion?

Just about all religions do that. There's nothing _additionally_ wrong with Islam in that regard.
You think there is nothing inherently wrong with a religion that declares eternal damnation to everoyne who doesn't subject themselves to said religion?

He who hath an ear let him hear what the LORD saith unto the churches.
It's belief in the absence of evidence, what could be more wrong than that? There is nothing good done in the name of faith that could not also be done without faith.
I wonder if Charles means to ask if terrorism is a theological error in which case the answer is no, Jihad or religious war is indeed allowed in Islam. Mohammad himself participated in it.
I read them, it's a common sentiment. It's like saying Hamas is good when they feed people but bad when they kill innocents or recruit suicide bombers. Or Charles Manson was good when he played the guitar or talked about environmentalism, but bad when he encouraged murder and race war.

The difference is glaring and obvious. If only one in a 100,000 catholics, jews, muslems, or take your pick religion is an extreamist, you simply cannot blame the rest for something like this. MOST of the work that MOST churches do is GOOD WORK. You only hear about the bad shit in the news because it gets ratings. For every sucide bomber in the middle east 10,000 familys there would give any stranger the shirt of their backs, water, and invite them to eat at their table without hesitation (if you've talked to muslims in the middle east as I have you would know this too be true). You would throw away the whole bussel of apples for one bad seed.

Religion in itself gives people hope and community. It is only when the bad seed bend it towards its own terrible aims that it becomes a problem.

Honestly, the thing I would like to see would be people within these groups policing themselves more. All it takes is Jonny telling the cops, "Hey, Fred has been acting wierd lately and collecting guns. Thought you might want to know." However, this doesnt happen because of somekind of loyalty or just not believing that it can happen.
Then you admit it's a defect? Because it certainly does harm. Faith in the afterlife is what makes suicide bombers.

How can a stupid jack, go to heaven and have 7 virgins , when the same God says not to kill on less the person is illiterate and dumb enough to listen to a mullah.
Honestly, I don't believe my government. I have never seen a terrorist with my own eyes, I'll believe it when I see it, even then I have some questions.

What do you think the terrorist is going to scream, look at me " I am a terrorist "

Well how can you see them, when the idiot have a belt bomb and the bomb explodes , there are only fragments of flesh