Is masterbation a sin?

Hey youreyes,
Women seem to not like using masturbate, or other like words in a sentence. weather its written or voiced. IMO of course. I have known a few, an they didn't like using "vulgar" terms to there privates either.. It may have been there upbringing or they were trying to act more lady like. Not sure though.

So what is it? You used a different term. Was it your upbringing, you trying be lady like, or what?.. Do I have a small point. An what's your "opinions" about other women? Do they avoid using the terminology to you? Like you did...
So what is it? You used a different term. Was it your upbringing, you trying be lady like, or what?.. Do I have a small point. An what's your "opinions" about other women? Do they avoid using the terminology to you? Like you did...

Oh my god.. It was an amusing response to an amusing thought posted by another poster (ie. one should confess or ask God for forgiveness if one masturbates)..

In other words, it was a poke at the thought that someone could be so inane as to think that doing something perfectly normal as masturbating would have to feel the need to beg for God's forgiveness.
Ok Bells, you got me laughing. :D I'm that other poster... By the way. An I do feel IMO that when you pray you should say forgive me of all my sins an transgressions. (But I'm religious to some degree.).
Because "diddled" is such a bad word?

Apparently. I ask because I received a warning for my response to yours. "Inappropriate Language" was the crime, apparently.

I was just curious if there was any semblance of consistency or fair play here, I'm not surprised there isn't.
Apparently. I ask because I received a warning for my response to yours. "Inappropriate Language" was the crime, apparently.

I was just curious if there was any semblance of consistency or fair play here, I'm not surprised there isn't.

Ermm I was not aware that you had received a warning. Have you tried to ask the person who issued the infraction why?
I was just curious if there was any semblance of consistency or fair play here, I'm not surprised there isn't.

It's probably because "Inappropriate Language" is the closest thing to "Inappropriate Commentary", but I don't think that the Catholic church should enjoy any protection whatsoever from snide remarks when the extent of their transgression is so great.
It's probably because "Inappropriate Language" is the closest thing to "Inappropriate Commentary", but I don't think that the Catholic church should enjoy any protection whatsoever from snide remarks when the extent of their transgression is so great.

If that's true, that's weaksauce. Is it not true that Catholic priests molested (and likely still molest) children? Why would I be warned for pointing this out?
Masterbation is a sin. I know. I did it on and off for 20 years, but then God intervened and showed me my wrong ways. Spirits have told me there's plenty of masterbaters in Hell that also exists no matter what you think. But I believe in Bible and believe that Jesus died for our sins and Jesuses blood washes us clean of sins at communion and it also says in Bible that all your sins are forgiven if you just believe in Jesus and his teachings. That is my hope and for your own sake I ask that you also start reading Bible (new testament is good part to start) and part from your wrong ways (if you have any). God wants what's best for you and masterbation sure is something on the contrary. Try to find a good woman if you're in such need for a relief.
Masterbation is a sin. I know. I did it on and off for 20 years, but then God intervened and showed me my wrong ways. Spirits have told me there's plenty of masterbaters in Hell that also exists no matter what you think. But I believe in Bible and believe that Jesus died for our sins and Jesuses blood washes us clean of sins at communion and it also says in Bible that all your sins are forgiven if you just believe in Jesus and his teachings. That is my hope and for your own sake I ask that you also start reading Bible (new testament is good part to start) and part from your wrong ways (if you have any). God wants what's best for you and masterbation sure is something on the contrary. Try to find a good woman if you're in such need for a relief.
Looks like a devilishly naughty troll at that.

And it seems like masturbation does not have to be so serious.
My example.
A professor gave his class an assignment, and the only reason for not finishing it would be if you were sick or a close relative died.

So this guy raised his hand and said " What about sexual exhaustion?"

The whole class burst out laughing.

After the laughter died down the professor replied " Maybe you should consider using the other hand!!!!!"

But reading this joke
if masturbation is a sin... Do we sin twice for switching hands? :D
Is masturbation a sin?

Well? I guess you have to define what you mean by sin? Certainly Catholic's and other extremist religious organisations frown on it. And if it is a sin, then I'd imagine there's a lot of Rhesus Monkeys burning in hell.
The fact that this question can be given serious time on a forum like this, just shows how stupid and even potentially dangerous religion can be. Because if you extrapolate this to its next stupid step, you'll have religious extremists bombing sperm banks.


An equally relevant question is:
On a scientific note, how much DNA does a bed sheet need to soak up before it can be classified as a life form, and would it have a soul?
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Only if God is telling you it is....

then it is only a sin to you...

IOW what is right for one person is not necessarily right for everyone..

IOW..Don't impose your own morality on others...they have their own morality to fight with..

IOW..IF you spend alot of time thinking of other ways to masturbate..then you pry got a problem....
Of course it's a sin! What do you think caused by blindness years ago?

"Blessed are those who keep their hands away from their junk."
Masterbation is a sin. I know. I did it on and off for 20 years, but then God intervened and showed me my wrong ways. Spirits have told me there's plenty of masterbaters in Hell that also exists no matter what you think. But I believe in Bible and believe that Jesus died for our sins and Jesuses blood washes us clean of sins at communion and it also says in Bible that all your sins are forgiven if you just believe in Jesus and his teachings. That is my hope and for your own sake I ask that you also start reading Bible (new testament is good part to start) and part from your wrong ways (if you have any). God wants what's best for you and masterbation sure is something on the contrary. Try to find a good woman if you're in such need for a relief.

I hope in finding that good woman, you also take into consideration that the one with the needs may be male, female, inter-sexed, transgendered, etc and that their partner of choice could be of any of the previously mentioned genders and/or sexes. I would hardly expect a straight woman or a gay man to have any use for a good woman if such need arises. And considering the need is usually pretty immediate, are you also maintaining your religious edicts to fulfill this need only in matrimony and for the purpose of making a child? Because that denies homosexuals and the barren any recourse for getting the need satisfied. I hope you at least intend on the one seeking out the good woman to get her permission first.

I also don't see how masterbation is bad for anyone. It can be a stress reliever if nothing else. And if you can't love yourself how can you expect anyone else to?
to further offer support of seagypsy's points and contend with some poster distress:

It is rather ironic, I feel, that the greatest sin ever was committed by Jesus Christ in an attempt to monopolise and offer redemption only though himself. [therfore monolopising death and access to God [self]]
The act of forgiveness is not an act that any one single entity can monopolise, however the Christian belief system states quite clearly that forgiveness of sin is only availiable through Jesus therefore the Church.
This is tantamount to saying that any time you need to express the need for forgiveness, like "excuse me", I am sorry that", or beggar for mercy etc is only availabe through the belief in Jesus.
For a pure theosophical perspective: Masturbation was designed by your creator as a dynamic part of your human form. It can be presumed the human form is God's perfection manifest, and yet here we have a man made contiviance called Christianity claiming that God is somehow a sinner and impefect. [ contradiction yes?]

Masturbation like eating like walking like talking, is not a sin. The only sin is thinking that it is...because this contradicts that perfect being , creator labelled God.

There is no sin in the eyes of God only man's ego wishing to believe in such a thing to empower him into delusions of grandure..

There is no Satan nor Devil other than same ego centric claims to fame. As this destroys the perfection of creation thus lifting man into the deluded sense of being equal or superior to that creator.. and act of an inferiority complex and purely to feed the ego of man.

It is impossible to perfect something that is already perfect... and it is man's ego to try to do so by claiming it to be imperfect when in fact it is quite perfect already. [re: god complex]

I think you get the idea.... and it is just an honest opinion...

"There is no need to pray for forgiveness as God already has forgiven himself for creating you"
How does woman masturbate?

Laughing! :soapbox: hold on still laughing!
Thanks for the laugh! :D Really!!!

They have "tools", & there hands. They can also use a "partners" hands or feet..
This is the most I think I am allowed to say. On that post.
How old are you Saint? Do you not have an imagination?