Is masterbation a sin?

We all sin in some way (if your religious). What's one more? We "repent" an "ask god to forgive us of our sins"....

Oh imagine that prayer for forgiveness in confession...

"Forgive me father for I have sinned.."

"How have you sinned my child?"..

"I diddled myself father.. I DIDDLED MYSELF".. *Sobs incoherently*..
Oh imagine that prayer for forgiveness in confession...

"Forgive me father for I have sinned.."

"How have you sinned my child?"..

"I diddled myself father.. I DIDDLED MYSELF".. *Sobs incoherently*..

Sadly, too many times that conversation has ended with the father offering to do the diddling for him.
So who decides what sin is? Man.

1800: Marrying a 13 year old - not a sin
2012: Marrying a 13 year old - sin

1800: Walking down the street in a bikini top - sin
2012: Walking down the street in a bikini top - not a sin

I decide, Mac. I decide. I could use your help. Good post.

There is nothing okay about taking a child from their development toa full grown, full minded person for a union, at that sexual activity. We can stick to our age groups.

Why is sex becoming ingrained to our society?
Little Johnny goes to school, and the teacher says, 'Today we are going to learn multi-syllable words, class. Does anybody have an example of a multi-syllable word?'

Little Johnny waves his hand, 'Me, Miss Rogers, me, me!'

Miss Rogers:'All right, little Johnny, what is your multi-syllable word?'

Little Johnny says, 'Mas-tur-bate.'

Miss Rogers smiles and says, 'Wow, little Johnny, that's a mouthful.'

Little Johnny says, 'No, Miss Rogers, you're thinking of a blowjob".

(The word is not the action is questionable)
I decide, Mac. I decide. I could use your help. Good post.

There is nothing okay about taking a child from their development toa full grown, full minded person for a union, at that sexual activity. We can stick to our age groups.

Why is sex becoming ingrained to our society?

Well, Kx, you do decide...and likewise, I decide. We, as a whole society decide. Christians call it sin, the rest of us call it morals, rules that are for the good of society...and we've been making these types of decisions since the 2nd day we started living in groups together. (boy, should have seen day was a complete clusterfuck! :) ) Situations in society change. What might be good for society at one time and one place, may not be good at other times and places. The "biggies" don't change too much. It's always been a good idea not to murder anyone...or steal someone else's shit, but the minor rules can change alot.

Let's look at the examples I gave earlier. In 1800, it was moral to marry a 13 year old. Why? Simple math. With a low life expectancy of around 35 years, coupled with a high infant mortality rate of around made sense to start your family as soon as there was grass on the playing field. This maximized the amount of time you had to rear kids to maturity, before you yourself died. Which was good for society. In today's world, life expectancy has more than around 75 years, and infant mortality rates are very low. It's no longer a race against the clock to raise a it's no longer necessary to marry that young. It does take quite a bit more education to flourish in today's need to spend more time in school to learn the skills they need to prosper. That's why today it makes sense, and is better for society for people to start their families at age 18 or later. It has become immoral to marry that young, as you rob that kid of chance to learn what they need to do well in today's society.

Additionally, in 1800, it was considered immoral for a woman to walk down the street without proper covering. It was thought that a woman with her titties all hanging out going "boom chicka boom chicka boom boom boom" would drive men to have sex with them before marriage, leading to single parenthood. Rearing children to maturity was hard enough for a couple at that time, trying to do it as a single parent was next to impossible. In a couple, if one parent dies (which was highly likely occurrence), there's the opportunity for them to remarry, and continue on. If the single parent dies, there's no one left, and the kids go to an orphanage, and become the responsibility of the community as a whole...which isn't good for society. That's why they made so many rules that they thought would prevent illegitimate children. The OP's question about masturbation falls into this it was thought spanking the monkey would lead to premarital sex. In today's society, while single parenthood can be difficult, it's much easier for a single parent to rear a successful child to we have laxed all of those older rules.

Times change and so do morals. (or sins)
So instead of having a child at 18 to 20 you suggest it was okay to do it at 13 so they could raise their children until their untimely death at a young age around 35? Having a kid at 13 would make him or her roughly 25 at your untimely death. Do you see where were not seeing eye to eye what so ever?
Assuming you didn't die of cholera at the age of 17. 35 was the average. What are we not seeing eye to eye on?
Lots, increases endorphins, lowers stress, anxiety and depression, is a sleep aid, maintains sperm production if your partner is away for a few weeks, need I go on
"Is masterbation a sin?"

Only if you get caught mid-stroke. Things go dark, and time stops.

UMM, not that I would know from experience, I just heard this somewhere... As far as you know anyway.
Assuming you didn't die of cholera at the age of 17. 35 was the average. What are we not seeing eye to eye on?

Link me to the average age of the day. 13 year old's aren't matured to mature another, plain and simple. There are other ways to go about child rearing if you are to die untimely. This is gross.
pedophilia comes to my mind.

Reading your "words of choice." says pedophilia[ pee-duh-fil-ee-uh ]
noun Psychiatry
1.*sexual desire in an adult for a child.
Mentions this.
Recurrent, intense sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child (generally age 13 years or younger) for a period of at least 6 months.

The disorder causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

The person is at least age 16 and at least 5 years older than the child in the first category.

However, this does not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old.

There are a number of difficulties with the diagnosis of pedophilia. People who have the disease rarely seek help voluntarily—counseling and treatment are often the result of a court order. Interviews, surveillance, or Internet records obtained through the criminal investigation can be helpful evidence in diagnosing the disorder.

Paraphilias as a group have a high rate of comorbidity with one another and an equally high rate of comorbidity with anxiety, major depression or mood disorders, and substance abuse disorders.

(Don't assume this is a "perfect union")
Link me to the average age of the day. 13 year old's aren't matured to mature another, plain and simple. There are other ways to go about child rearing if you are to die untimely. This is gross.

Gross by today's morals. That was the point I was trying to make. Morals change over time. You are judging the 19th century with 21st century morals. By today's standards, marrying a 13 is immoral and considered to be heinous. 200 years ago it was not...and was a standard practice.
I would have said something. Thirteen year old's ARE NOT ready for an adult relationship, period.
"I diddled myself father.. I DIDDLED MYSELF".. *Sobs incoherently*..

Why do women always have to change the actual names of the sexual activity and references to penis?

"I masturbated by stroking my penis father....I MASTURBATED MYSELF"..*Sobs incoherently*..." Is that so hard to say?
Oh imagine that prayer for forgiveness in confession...

"Forgive me father for I have sinned.."

"How have you sinned my child?"..

"I diddled myself father.. I DIDDLED MYSELF".. *Sobs incoherently*..

I'm curious, Bells...did you receive a Warning for this post?