Is masterbation a sin?

There is no magic sky fairy so there is no such thing as sin so no.

If your asking is it immoral that's a different question which requires looking at the principles autonomy, non malfeasance, beneficence and social justice. And as it doesn't violate ANY of these there is no ethical problem so it's not immoral either
Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of the genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism, providing sexual pleasure or orgasm in the absence of a partner. The act, when performed with a partner, is called mutual masturbation and is sometimes used as an alternative to sexual intercourse.

Men and women have techniques and characteristics in common, but also have specific preferences in the ways they like to masturbate. Studies have found that masturbation is frequent in humans of both sexes and all ages, although there is variation. Various medical and psychological benefits have been attributed to a healthy attitude to sex in general and to masturbation in particular, and no causal relationship is known between masturbation and any form of mental or physical disorder. Acts of masturbation have been celebrated in art worldwide since prehistory. While there was a period (from the late 18th to the early 20th century) when it was subject to medical censure and social conservatism, it is considered a normal part of healthy life today. There have been masturbation marathons and health service slogans such as "an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away". It is commonly mentioned in popular music as well as on television, in films and in literature.
There is no magic sky fairy so there is no such thing as sin so no.

Pure speculation, thats enough right there, sir.

Given my, and your holy Father's existence then I would say masturbation is not a sin.
I wondered if someone would go there. Now I am wondering why?

To some masturbation is... Sinful an immoral. (Like Nuns). An there are figures in "power" we don't want to associate masturbation with. Like the pope, or a president, or royalty. An I would think it all depends on religion, upbringing, culture, an experiences. On weather its wrong, sinful, immoral, or whatever....
If it is...I'm one HELL of a sinner.

I already knew that about you.:D

No not a sin. But I can think of several things that might be illegal about doing it.

In public where you can be seen doing it.
Taking pictures of children doing it.

Or how about getting hooked on a vibrator to a degree where you can't have normal orgasms without the use of a vibrator. (Not illegal, but not good either)
Is masterbation a sin?

In the context of what specific formal system (religious, moral, etc.)? Since murder wouldn't even be wrong if people had been standing around for millennia waiting on / expecting the interest-devoid cosmos to issue doctrines of conduct, rather than inventing such themselves (under whatever facade or pretense often used for empowering them).
Lust is a sin. If you masturbate to relieve your lust after someone. Then IMO maybe... Yes. But in KJBible it also comes across that if you think of another woman in a sexual manner an ponder sexual acts an she is not your spouse you have already sinned. There is a verse I'm thinking of, but i don't know it right off. There is seven "deadly" sins. Or "cardinal" sins. I think they are Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Sloth, Envy, Pride. An if the shoe fits.... An one other thing in the bible says that you shall not covet another mans wife.
The Seven Virtues

To combat the Seven Deadly Sins, theologians have urged believers to cultivate the Seven Virtues: humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberality and diligence.
Lust is a sin. If you masturbate to relieve your lust after someone. Then IMO maybe... Yes. But in KJBible it also comes across that if you think of another woman in a sexual manner an ponder sexual acts an she is not your spouse you have already sinned. There is a verse I'm thinking of, but i don't know it right off. There is seven "deadly" sins. Or "cardinal" sins. I think they are Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Anger, Sloth, Envy, Pride. An if the shoe fits.... An one other thing in the bible says that you shall not covet another mans wife.

Creating a fantasy to help you get off, is not the same as actual desire to make it come true. Also, if your married and your spouse is making a big deal about you wanting to have an occasional fantasy, you might need to explore her insecurity professionally. A healthy relationship should be able to accommodate both types of sexual activity, and be okay with it.
We all sin in some way (if your religious). What's one more? We "repent" an "ask god to forgive us of our sins"....
No but say you wanted to be pure at heart and mind and body...and did no drugs/smoke, helped others, was a goody fellow, but couldn't really get in touch with a woman because you were autistic or just plainly did not have social skills to be with a woman. Is masturbation a sin than?
So who decides what sin is? Man.

1800: Marrying a 13 year old - not a sin
2012: Marrying a 13 year old - sin

1800: Walking down the street in a bikini top - sin
2012: Walking down the street in a bikini top - not a sin
So who decides what sin is? Man.

1800: Marrying a 13 year old - not a sin
2012: Marrying a 13 year old - sin

1800: Walking down the street in a bikini top - sin
2012: Walking down the street in a bikini top - not a sin

Since 19th century, men had lost so many rights =/