Is Joseph the father of Jesus ?

No, you are slandering Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

What about all the new texts that have been found at Qumran? Do you deny what is written in them just because they didn't put them at the time when the Bible was compiled?
Gnostics have a clear Greek origin. Not only that, the few gnostic's text I have read such as the Gospel of Thomas clearly are taking the bibical versions and then distorting them. There is little new material here.
Slandering Jesus, Mary and Joseph?

okinrus, just because YOU believe in the misinterpreted New Testament, doesn't mean that I am slandering Jesus, Mary and Joseph. If anything, I understand the comparative languages of Aramaic and English. Wasn't the New Testament originally written in Greek? Jesus spoke Aramaic, a version of Arabic. He didn't speak Greek. So please don't embarass yourself by thinking that what you read in the New Testament is pure and free from error. What you're reading are translations of translations of translations of translations. Hear me now, and believe me later, a lot was lost in those translations, and this is what your believe? By the way, I have some swampland you might be interested in.
Originally posted by okinrus
Can you point out where she is not a virgin and gave birth to Jesus?
Can you point out where she is not a Pixie performing sexual favors for Leprechauns? You have zero evidence of a Virgin Birth. All you have is a Mathean blunder foolishly embaced as fact.
okinrus, just because YOU believe in the misinterpreted New Testament, doesn't mean that I am slandering Jesus, Mary and Joseph. If anything, I understand the comparative languages of Aramaic and English. Wasn't the New Testament originally written in Greek? Jesus spoke Aramaic, a version of Arabic. He didn't speak Greek. So please don't embarass yourself by thinking that what you read in the New Testament is pure and free from error. What you're reading are translations of translations of translations of translations. Hear me now, and believe me later, a lot was lost in those translations, and this is what your believe? By the way, I have some swampland you might be interested in.
Yes you slandered him. First you made up Mary's age when sources outside of the bible say sixteen.

Then you called Joseph an old fart.

Why don't you read the works of Justin Martyr? Or read Ignatius and Polycarp because they were disciples of John?
Mary became a virgin in a sexual sense only after the church had made a pact with Constantine.
The fact is that her name translates as "an immaculate young woman" and since having sex wasn't considered sinful by the Jews, she would have been immaculate even when not being sexually a virgin.
The immaculate conception refers to Mary being sinless.

Jesus must be the first born of Mary because the passover lamb must be the first born.

Abraham's first born son was Issac and God tempted Abraham to sacrafice Issac.

Since Jesus is heir to the Father's kingdom he must be the first born.

Mary has to be a perpetually a virgin because the children of God are her offspring (Revelation 12). If she had children in the flesh before or after Jesus this would be inconsistent.
The Son of John saw the angels and was scared, but Jesus told him their was no need be scared, He then called The Son of John by the name of Cephys and then Jesus told his Followers that he was a example to follow by, Jesus said that he was the perfect man and was on his way to a kingdom that was not of this world and was going to take Cephys on a Journey to find meaning. Jesus possesed powers that no Human could endure, but was Overcome by them.
hmmm.... well....

i just walked by and it seemed to me that the truth had been well defined... but i still wanted to add my two cents...

no... joseph is not the father of jesus biologicaly... but in helping raise him yes... but i did notice somethng kinda intresting while thinking about all this. its about jesus and his "perfection" most people seem to think that if you're perfect then you can do anything right, and you wouldent be able to dao anything the wrong way... i dont mean that that a perfect person would not beable to sin, because adam did and thats prof enough. but instead imagine a perfect man who is just kinda there. then imagine him takeing up a bow and arrow and trying to hit a target that was about a hundred yards away. do you think he would hit it? i say it depends. think of jesus for a sec, if he were perfect in the way that he could do anything perfectly every time then why did his physical father figure joeseph have to teach him to do carpeter work? its the same way with the perfect man trying to hit that mark. they both need to develop skills in order to be able to do what they wanted perfectly. intresting huh? anyways the teory i came up with is that perfection is only based of what is ment for us or what we are trying to do. how well one does this is how the mesure of perfection is based. in the bible god says that the perpose of life is to serve him and obey his comandments. but if we dont do this what happens? we are imperfect IN HIS EYES! no for christians i know that this is a big deal. but for people like me who want independence from god and the freedom to chose whats good for myself, i'd say that anyone can be perfect! all you have to do is have a perpose and work at it... this is a little hard to understand at first (i took me three day to fully understand what exactly my mind was come up with when i came up with all of this) but imagine again with the illustration of a perfect man who takes up a bow and arrow and trys to hit the mark that is far away, but this time imagine him next to a imperfect man who has lived his whole life as a hunter and everyday uses the bow and arrow to get his food so that he can survive. the perfect man is probably unsure of how exactly all this works and ofcoures would have no skill at it. but the imperfect human hunter has probably don this millions of times before. lets say they both shoot and try to hit the mark, ther perfect man would miss, and the hunter would nail it perfectly. who's perfect then?

anyways thas just a little somethin i was thinkin about and thought you guys might find it intresting... so anyways peace!

I think you hit the nail right on the head. Jesus could be perfect through faith and in God;s eyes that makes him the perfect human being. By earthly standards we measure human perfection by things like marksmanship, courage... the height of human performance. That's why we have so many hero's (and probably gods). There might be a difference between a perfect human and the ideal human being, but I don't know what it is. Jesus could sin, he was tempted as we know, but he didn't. But he certainly wasn't born the greatest carpenter the world has ever seen, and that was not what was important. This is significant for us, because it means God does not measure perfection as we would (and Jesus preached this as well:
Matthew 19:21
Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." )

So you are welcome to choose what is good for yourself, to measure yourself by your own standards, but what Jesus taught was a change of emphasis. He said the Jews could not even attain perfection by adhering to the commandments (God's measure of perfection), but that perfection could only come from God.

Which brings me to okinrus:
Mary has to be a perpetually a virgin because the children of God are her offspring (Revelation 12). If she had children in the flesh before or after Jesus this would be inconsistent.
It does not have to be inconsistent. Revelation 12 shows that all those who follow Jesus are her offspring, and only "children in the flesh" can follow Jesus. Jesus' enemies recocgnized that He had brothers and sisters, and could not understand what made Him so special - but we know that He was also the firstborn from death, and through Him we have spiritual life. That was His special purpose.