Is jesus the messiah

c20H25N3o said:
Evolution i.e. the universe progresses and wipes out life every 80 years or so is a bit shi* to say the least. What a well crappy idea! Whats the point of it? Why Am I here. Do I just die? Is that it? Hey stop this boat cos I wanna get off! Hey you great big damned big banging thing, I command you to let me off at once! Hey shi* it hasn't stopped spinning to let me off! But I am supposed to be the master of all. Why am I so limited? I am mortal. I have no power. Does not compute. Does not Compute. Overload. Overload. Must get off. Cannot stop. Terminate. Terminate.

Get over it you evolutionists and start to have a little faith huh?

best wishes


Which world view is really more bleak? The universe fading into oblivion, everyone living their lives for what they are and nothing more, or forced eternity, either worshipping/praising God, or an eternal torment for most of mankind? If we are talking about *preferrable* world views, I find the former perhaps infinitely better. Only a fiend could find any comfort in thinking most of mankind will go to an eternal torture pit.

And an omnipotent God could find a way to get rid of "sin", he wouldn't need to keep it on eternal human souls and torment them for eternity. That's why it makes little sense to me. So God doesn't need to love sin? Fine. Then why doesn't he destroy it? He can't? You gotta be kidding me. And if he can't, why not just remove it from humans and put it in a pile "over there"? You yourself admit that God removes "sin stain" from Christians, right? So he can do it. If he can do it, why doesn't he do it for everyone? It just does NOT make sense to me why a God would NEED to put people in an eternal torture pit.

That you hope for eternal life, great. Good for you. But if you actually thought about the reverse of what Christianity offers humans, you might think differently.

There are many people who reject Christianity because they think it's false, not because they're "wicked". Are those who already have religious traditions and reject Christianity "evil"? They could be wrong, but that doesn't make them evil for rejecting what they actually believe is wrong, does it?

And, if YOU were wrong about your religious beliefs, do you think it to be fair that a "just, loving" God would torture you for eternity for being wrong? If, for instance, Allah is God, do you think that it'd be just for you to be in an eternal hell because you were sincerely wrong in your faith?

Like I said, if YOU are happy believing you have eternal life, good. To me, the flip side is so incredibly unacceptable that I find it improbable that I could find happiness in thinking I have eternal life as a Christian.
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Which world view is really more bleak? The universe fading into oblivion, everyone living their lives for what they are and nothing more, or forced eternity, either worshipping/praising God, or an eternal torment for most of mankind? If we are talking about *preferrable* world views, I find the former perhaps infinitely better. Only a fiend could find any comfort in thinking most of mankind will go to an eternal torture pit.

c20's response :

Oh boy. You really have missed the mark havn't you. God loves you. Understand? God wants you to be faithful to Him as a wife to her husband. Is that so bad? If you have ever known an unfaithful wife then you will know why she cant possibly get back into her husband's good books unless she repents. Since the husband in this case is God Everlasting, I cannot imagine what seperation and divorce from Him would entail. Some people refer to that state as hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth, everlasting thirst, terrible to be there on the outside, never being permitted inside of God's warm love again. If you go to hell m8 its only cos you were unfaithful to God. You know that bloke Jesus? Well He is God's Son and He reckons your alright really and to prove it, he went up to His Father and said "look, that fella is anonymous2, I would die for that fella if push came to shove." and no sooner had He said it had He done it. But you reject Him too! On the outside you go then with the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Unlucky! :( (quick turn around and say sorry. Believe in what Jesus will say on your behalf.)


And an omnipotent God could find a way to get rid of "sin", he wouldn't need to keep it on eternal human souls and torment them for eternity.

Response by c20:

To sin is to 'miss the mark'. We all 'miss the mark' when we forget we are little gods created by our big God Dad - you know the big God Dad that said "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me" - Err my response to that is "Yes Dad" although it is with resignation just like a child's may be.
Oh and by the way - God did find a way with dealing with 'missing the mark' - He sent His own Son here to be a human being. Jesus told everybody what I am telling you now, this is how I know what I know now. But you reject the message that God loves you jealously like a husband loves a wife and so you continue to 'miss the mark'. Incidentally to 'miss the mark' is also the same as commiting adultery in God's eyes which He declares is punishable by death. Jesus surrendered unto death on your behalf to cover you. The law of God requires life for a life. Jesus gave up His. God then raised Him up again. Obviously!

The rest of your words are babble.

Thanks c20

That's why it makes little sense to me. So God doesn't need to love sin? Fine. Then why doesn't he destroy it? He can't? You gotta be kidding me. And if he can't, why not just remove it from humans and put it in a pile "over there"? You yourself admit that God removes "sin stain" from Christians, right? So he can do it. If he can do it, why doesn't he do it for everyone? It just does NOT make sense to me why a God would NEED to put people in an eternal torture pit.

That you hope for eternal life, great. Good for you. But if you actually thought about the reverse of what Christianity offers humans, you might think differently.

There are many people who reject Christianity because they think it's false, not because they're "wicked". Are those who already have religious traditions and reject Christianity "evil"? They could be wrong, but that doesn't make them evil for rejecting what they actually believe is wrong, does it?

And, if YOU were wrong about your religious beliefs, do you think it to be fair that a "just, loving" God would torture you for eternity for being wrong? If, for instance, Allah is God, do you think that it'd be just for you to be in an eternal hell because you were sincerely wrong in your faith?

Like I said, if YOU are happy believing you have eternal life, good. To me, the flip side is so incredibly unacceptable that I find it improbable that I could find happiness in thinking I have eternal life as a Christian.
c20H25N3o said:
The rest of your words are babble.

Christian love at its finest. :) Have I said what you say is babble? If you don't have a legitimate response, why not just leave it be?

Sure it's "babble" to you, because I was making a point about what if YOU were wrong about your religious beliefs, what do you think would be a fair punishment for your honest mistake?

And as for "adultery" being punishable by "death", "death" is infinitely better than an eternal torture pit.

Even your wife (ex-wife?) who has your daughter, do you wish death upon her? I seem to recall you saying she was an "adulteress", although I could be wrong.

What a cruel God it appears you worship.

Have a nice day. :)
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pavlosmarcos said:
c20 can you ask your god to stop the world, just to see if it can.

The Lord said:
Do not put the Lord Your God to the test.

response by c20: pavlosmarcos - God is alive. Omnipresent. A Saviour for you. On the Wind In the Wind Through The Wind. And pleaase try to be a little humble before Him. Go and look outside at the sky. Go watch a fish swim. Watch a butterfly emerge from its cocoon. Go and look in the flippin mirror! Read the flippin bible and hear His voice! Love Jesus with all your being my friend. Know Him. :cool:
Go and look outside at the sky. Go watch a fish swim. Watch a butterfly emerge from its cocoon. Go and look in the flippin mirror!

Why is it that when trying to point out your god daddy, the best you can manage is to tell people to look at nature? That is all natural, not supernatural..

I also find it somewhat biased that you don't add: "go look at a child dying of the most horrendous and painful cancer imagineable."

Tell me c20, why do you neglect to add that to your list?

Read the flippin bible

Is it ever worth claiming gods love and then telling people to read the bible? It's full of disgusting stuff like 'closing womens wombs', 'mass annihilations of human beings' etc. If you want people to find and love god, pretend the bible doesn't exist.
SnakeLord said:
Why is it that when trying to point out your god daddy, the best you can manage is to tell people to look at nature? That is all natural, not supernatural..

I also find it somewhat biased that you don't add: "go look at a child dying of the most horrendous and painful cancer imagineable."

Tell me c20, why do you neglect to add that to your list?

Is it ever worth claiming gods love and then telling people to read the bible? It's full of disgusting stuff like 'closing womens wombs', 'mass annihilations of human beings' etc. If you want people to find and love god, pretend the bible doesn't exist.

God smote the godless because God is love. Every good father rebukes the child he loves. Trust me it is not for nothing that I tremble before the Maker of Heaven and Earth.


c20H25N3o said:
God smote the godless because God is love. Every good father rebukes the child he loves. Trust me it is not for nothing that I tremble before the Maker of Heaven and Earth.



What? So you're saying God killed the "godless" because he's love? Don't show me the "God of hate" then. If a human child does evil, the parent doesn't kill it, right? The parent instructs it, perhaps gives it some physical punishment, but doesn't maim or kill it. If a child lies to his parents, the parents don't kill the child, do they? But according to the Bible, Ananias and Sapphira "lied to the Holy Spirit" and the implication, to me, is that they died via divine judgement. This is not the worst thing in the Bible. ;) Sure, hey, if there's an omnipotent God, of course he has the power to do whatever he wants (besides things like destroy himself I suppose). But a loving father? How can I love such a being?
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anonymous2 said:
How can I love such a being?

Because He loves you jealously. More than enough to be made flesh and die for you such is His great love for you.


c20H25N3o: pavlosmarcos - God is alive. Omnipresent. A Saviour for you. On the Wind In the Wind Through The Wind. And pleaase try to be a little humble before Him. Go and look outside at the sky. Go watch a fish swim. Watch a butterfly emerge from its cocoon. Go and look in the flippin mirror! Read the flippin bible and hear His voice! Love Jesus with all your being my friend. Know Him. :cool:
M*W: You have proven to the rest of us that God doesn't exist. You make sure to tell us to be 'humble before him,' but you're not 'humble before him!' You're arrogant and demanding 'before him.' You can't see the forest for the trees 'before him.' You have shamed yourself 'before him.' If God does exist, it is not the way you've presented him.

You believe in the same god as Moses -- Aten, the Sun God, but you don't realize it. The God of Moses doesn't exist anymore than your god does. You'd have a better life if you went outside and bowed down to the Sun -- they're one and the same god!

Why must you xians athropomorphize the sun? Belief in astrology has more truth than the belief in 'your' God! Moses wanted the Egyptians to believe in Aten, the Sun God. Those Egyptians, the Habiru, became the Hebrews who believed in 'Moses' God, Aten--the Sun! You don't even know what you worship! If there is a god, then it is all you followers of Moses' god and Jesus' god that will be your doom! But, the god Jesus spoke about WAS the God of Moses! Think about it! You're so doomed!
c20H25N3o: God smote the godless because God is love. Every good father rebukes the child he loves. Trust me it is not for nothing that I tremble before the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
M*W: As you should! The Sun is the creater of the universe. You should fear the daylight, for all you will have is the darkness.
c20H25N3o: Because He loves you jealously. More than enough to be made flesh and die for you such is His great love for you.
M*W: Yeah, if the sun died, we probably would all be doomed. Where would your god be then? The sun doesn't love us jealously. The sun is pretty impartial as far as I can tell. It neither loves nor hates nor feels any emotion like you and Jenyar seem to believe. Enough of your fairy tales! Begone, c20, you're evil, begone!
God smote the godless because God is love. Every good father rebukes the child he loves. Trust me it is not for nothing that I tremble before the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

That's charming. Now could you perhaps find it within yourself to answer my question?

Here it is again:

"I also find it somewhat biased that you don't add: "go look at a child dying of the most horrendous and painful cancer imagineable."

Tell me c20, why do you neglect to add that to your list?"

Oh and btw:

Every good father rebukes the child he loves

Complete and utter bollocks.

In your world, the child is dying, full stop. Phrases like "the most horrendous and painful cancer imaginable" are called qualifiers, which have no place in a world ruled by nature and "the fittest". People die softly in their sleep, or cruelly over prolonged periods. That's the reality you have accepted. Life does not care whether you have inoperable cancer or are the healthiest person on earth. But now you're trying to load it emotionally to make your point. That's already inconsistent.

Maybe you want us to be emotionally biased against God, like you are, in spite of His offer to comfort and restore our lives, and our experience of His love. You *have* to demand those offers in this life, because in your world, this life is all we have. If a child dies "horrendously", he has been wronged by this life - the one God wants us to give to Him for redemption, hope, and restoration - not by God.

You still confuse life (not to mention: your perception of it) with God. That was the problem with our very first discussion as well, if I recall. You feel wronged because you have not experienced God's love, and that's your "case" against Him. You're not the first - the Bible is full of people who felt exactly like you do. But even if you reject God for all He is and promises, it still doesn't make sense to blame the world's suffering on God to justify yourself. If you want to credit Him with your suffering, you must also credit him for your life, happiness, and everything else you have received.
Medicine Woman said:
c20H25N3o: God smote the godless because God is love. Every good father rebukes the child he loves. Trust me it is not for nothing that I tremble before the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
M*W: As you should! The Sun is the creater of the universe. You should fear the daylight, for all you will have is the darkness.

Fear the daylight? Can you even hear yourself? You are telling me that a celestial body within the body of the Creation is all of creation.
That is like saying that the egg of a woman is enough to bear fruit in and of itself. M*W remember that you reap exactly what you sow. You have buckets and buckets of good seeds, ready to be planted so that the fruit from them may heal the nations. Why do you choose to keep that fruit from us? I thought you were a healer? You would make such a beautiful healer in the Kindom of God because of your great knowledge of Him. Why do you waste our time with your folly? If you are chaff you will be destroyed. Do not take that lightly! God is being very very very patient with you because of His great love for you. You even know His voice. You even here His words to you. Why are you so angry with Him? May that bitterness turn to sweetness just as the bitter herbs turn to sweetness as the pain is relieved and the healer smiles.

God bless you

anonymous2 said:
What? So you're saying God killed the "godless" because he's love? Don't show me the "God of hate" then. If a human child does evil, the parent doesn't kill it, right? The parent instructs it, perhaps gives it some physical punishment, but doesn't maim or kill it. If a child lies to his parents, the parents don't kill the child, do they? But according to the Bible, Ananias and Sapphira "lied to the Holy Spirit" and the implication, to me, is that they died via divine judgement. This is not the worst thing in the Bible. ;) Sure, hey, if there's an omnipotent God, of course he has the power to do whatever he wants (besides things like destroy himself I suppose). But a loving father? How can I love such a being?
God does not "kill the godless", evidently. That He put life and death before people is indisputable, but God does not need to give reasons for His actions, and it's simple arrogance to demand them. But it's also arrogant to reject his warnings or his love, taking your fate into your own hands. Ananias and Sapphira did something that was clearly recognizable as sin - they literally lied to and stole from God. When something happens that we don't understand, or that scares us, it's wise to look at the reasons, and try to avoid falling to the same fate. But somehow you are just content at pointing to God - like someone pointing to ground zero without bothering to find out where the bomb came from.
Amos 3
5 Does a bird fall into a trap on the ground
where no snare has been set?
Does a trap spring up from the earth
when there is nothing to catch?
6 When a trumpet sounds in a city,
do not the people tremble?
When disaster comes to a city,
has not the LORD caused it?

7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing
without revealing his plan
to his servants the prophets.​
You ask rightly, "how can I love such a being?" How indeed! But you don't want to find out. You seem much more interested in resenting him. What is really your case against God? I know it's not that you think you're blameless before Him, or particularly worthy of His love. But if His love is available - if there is a way to restore your relationship with Him and be able to love Him - why not look for it? Are you afraid you'll find it, or that it would be "unreasonable" to love God? God's love for us is unreasonable, and that is all that makes experiencing it possible in this world.

We were born in exile, away from Him, without hope or reason to expect to find love - but He came looking for us there where we were stuck without Him, waiting for death to arrive at last. Don't blame food for hunger.
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In your world, the child is dying, full stop. Phrases like "the most horrendous and painful cancer imaginable" are called qualifiers, which have no place in a world ruled by nature and "the fittest". People die softly in their sleep, or cruelly over prolonged periods. That's the reality you have accepted. Life does not care whether you have inoperable cancer or are the healthiest person on earth. But now you're trying to load it emotionally to make your point. That's already inconsistent.

What are you chatting about? C20 claimed that if you want to see god you should go outside and look at nature: fish swimming, butterflies coming out of cocoons etc. I merely pointed out that this should then be all encompassing, and asked why he left out the side of life that isn't quite as tender and beautiful. Your post is worthless to that, changes nothing and answers nothing. Instead you try and turn this round upon me as if it were I who made the claim.

You then do a flip turn right at the end with:

If you want to credit Him with your suffering, you must also credit him for your life, happiness, and everything else you have received.

When that's all I'm saying. If you want to credit him with with all the happiness and everything else, you also need to credit him for the suffering - being that he is the creator of everything.

When you get a free moment, make note that I never said life cared one way or the other, nor did I ever mention "my world". I was asking a religious man why he neglected to mention the other side of the coin.

C20 said to go and look outside if you want to see god. Brain tumours, malaria and so forth are an aspect of that, and as such I asked why he left those out of his statement.

In other threads I have seen c20 mention several times that god makes us suffer for a reason, and that "every good father rebukes his child" and other statements of that nature. Given that according to C20 this is the case, I wonder why he failed to mention it here, instead trying to pass it off as all positive, when it is not like that.

I apologise if it was in any way my fault that you didn't understand my post, but I have a feeling it was more to do with emotion, and a sudden need to respond to something that you didn't sit down and digest in full first.

Maybe you want us to be emotionally biased against God, like you are

I am about as emotionally biased against god as I am emotionally biased against the loch ness monster. They're both fictions, and as such your claim is moot. Instead, if you take the time to digest the post, you'll see I asked a question to a religious man about why he neglected to mention the bad side of life after having said "all you need to do is look outside". That bad side is as visible, if not more so, than the good side - and yet it was swept under the carpet. I asked why.

You still confuse life (not to mention: your perception of it) with God.

Where do you get off on saying "confuse", when it's quite clear you didn't even take the time to digest my post, and as such have completely lost the point of it. Who's confused?

Further to which, having been told that all one needs to do is look at life, there is no confusion that can arise. Life includes everything from fish swimming, to bowel cancer. Why neglect one side after having said all one needs to do is look at life? Who's confusing life with god in a biased manner?

That was the problem with our very first discussion as well, if I recall. You feel wronged because you have not experienced God's love, and that's your "case" against Him.

You're quite clearly.. 'lost'.

A) a person cannot be wronged by a non existant being.

B) What I asked was that from a religious persons point of view, is how they reconcile the fact that some people go through severe tragedy, and call out for god to which they never get a response.

You seem to be confusing the issue and looking at everyone as a believer, without actually realising that sometimes people argue from the opposite perspective, in order to get a better understanding of the opposite perspective.

But even if you reject God for all He is and promises, it still doesn't make sense to blame the world's suffering on God to justify yourself.

In the bible we see god saying he creates evil, he makes people blind, etc etc etc. How would it not make sense, considering:

A) It came out of the horses mouth
B) He created everything, yes.. even pubic lice. As such a large part of that suffering could only have come from god.
C) With what do you think you can only look at one side, (the peachy clean stuff), while happily ignoring all the suffering - especially having read the bible which is full to the brim of god displaying his anger, wrath and jealousy. It is there for all to see, some just choose to ignore it completely, and then dare try and blame that on everyone else.

I asked a question which I would like C20 to answer. You quite clearly didn't even understand the post, and perhaps didn't even read it, and as such I would ask whether you could just leave it to him, or whether you could go back, read it again, and then try again.

The thing is, you're doing exactly that which you accuse me of. You have a coin, and refuse to look at one side of it even though that side of the coin is still there.
God does bring death to those that persist in their sin but for those that believe in His Son, those are set free from the power of sin because they have not loved themselves first.
Oh how I wish your faith was that of mine, that you could see the glory that the Father has set aside for you. The inheritance that is yours through Jesus Christ. For what was His will be mine. Consider that and repent for it is to your most great benefit!
We are not talking here of earthly matter but matters of The Most High God, he who has ordained His sons to be rulers of all, those sons of God that will inherit the Earth. I am that I am.


God does bring death to those that persist in their sin but for those that believe in His Son, those are set free from the power of sin because they have not loved themselves first.

Are you saying that all death is because of sin? A simple yes or no will suffice here.

Oh how I wish your faith was that of mine, that you could see the glory that the Father has set aside for you.

Oh how I wish you weren't a mental vagrant, that you would finally wake up from your delusional state and realise that invisible friends will not cure your problems.

The inheritance that is yours through Jesus Christ. For what was His will be mine. Consider that and repent for it is to your most great benefit!

Well here's the thing...

I don't want what 'was' his. He can keep it happily. And you dare call us non-religious people materialistic? Oh what a surprise that heaven is seen as a city of gold, and that you will inherit all of this.. Shocking really, but then I beg to ask how poor you really are in this life, that you dream of one where you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams. I'm overjoyed with what I have in this life. I don't need another one to make up for this one, I don't need anything beyond what I have now, and I feel truly sorry for those that do.

As for repenting, I have no need to repent to him. When I smack a man down the road, I say sorry to the man, not the clouds.

We are not talking here of earthly matter but matters of The Most High God, he who has ordained His sons to be rulers of all, those sons of God that will inherit the Earth.

Again, I don't want to inherit anything. I'm happy enough as it is. Such a shame that life is that bad for you.
SnakeLord said:
The thing is, you're doing exactly that which you accuse me of. You have a coin, and refuse to look at one side of it even though that side of the coin is still there.
Look at my post to anonymous2. Read Amos 3.

For the rest, I can answer this: only suffering that is experienced in God's presence has any meaning. Otherwise, it is merely life (or death). Sometimes the meaning is punishment, sometimes it's a warning, sometimes it serves as a backdrop for displaying God's work (like the blind man in John 9). Things happen for different reasons, and it does not help us to group them all under a single "why?". "Because God..." might as well display ignorance as wisdom; there's no recipe.

I don't dispute that there are two sides to any coin. That's not what I think is important. I'm interested in who the coin belongs to, and what we're doing with it. Some people bury it, some use it to enrich themselves and others. To some it is everything they have, to others it is poverty. It's value is not intrinsic.