Is Jesus the Antichrist?

Originally posted by Jenyar
Maybe this diagram will help in your discussion:


(From the Genealogies of Christ - J. Atkin
M*W: Interesting diagram! It resembles the qabala.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Decay was the result of separation from God.
M*W: Everything in creation has a life cycle--"a time to be born, and a time to die." So are you saying everything in creation separates itself from God? Since everything in creation, including humans, IS God, how can God be separated from itself?
Creation is running down and it will keep on running down.
M*W: Creation is "evolving" and it will keep on "evolving." To say that "creation is running down" implies that either God isn't the creator of all, or that we are not spiritual beings, or that God made some big boo boos when he created us.
But God intervened to prevent our going down with it.
M*W: God has been with us from the beginning of creation. Since the human race is spiraling upward physically, spiritually, intellectually, etc., I fail to see God intervening at a later period in time "to prevent our going down" with creation! This is such a negativistic view about life that it defies the very existence of God.
That doesn't mean He changed the way things work, or the result of sin. It means He lets the good and the bad grow together, and when the harvest comes He will separate them.
M*W: Such an evil god you believe in--a trickster who puts the bad with the good to tempt them so they will fail (sin), and when some do, god shakes his finger at the tempted and banishes them for eternity into a literal or figurative lake of fire. God created us as One with Eternal Life in the Spirit. It is man-made religions that have done the "tempting" resulting in "sin." The one true God exists beyond mere human religion. It is man-made religion that created the various and sundry garden varieties of "sin." God cannot be found in religion. God has always dwelt in Man.
If you hold God responsible for everything the joke is on you, because you fail to see your own responsibility. God didn't fail to relieve sickness, disaster and violence - in fact, they are the very signs of the injustice God is delivering us from!
M*W: Only those who are without God would hold God responsible. Those in whom God dwells are accountable to their fellow man.
Do you see that if you only had this life, God would have been guilty of ending it unjustly. But now it is nature who represents this injustice and God who ensures that justice prevails; even more than that: no matter how much you share in the decay of this nature (the moral equivalent of this curse is sin), He gives you the chance for an eternal life. You will surely die as nature intends you to if you don't accept it, and then face the same judgement as death.
M*W: Everything in creation has a life cycle. If creation before humankind evolved, why would you think it odd for Our body to decay and call it "sin?"
Luke 18
7And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? 8I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"
M*W: The human race is God's chosen.
2 Pet 3
4They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation."
M*W: Everything in creation has a life cycle.
9The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
M*W: Everything in creation has a life cycle. Evolution is not an over-night process. We are still in the process of evolution. We are in the last day of creation, but we're not finished yet. The God that created us, dwells within us, as we continue to evolve toward Homo spiritus when we will shed our Earthsuit (Earthly body) to live eternally as the One Spirit of God.
Originally posted by Jenyar
Maybe this diagram will help in your discussion:


(From the Genealogies of Christ - J. Atkin)

It would, if it were honest about biological versus legal descent. If Jechonias begat Salathiel, then how does Neri become the biological father of Salathiel in this Tree of Life chart? Please show support for this idea in the OT.
<i><b>And just where was your God in the Peterson case, the 9/11 attack, the sniper episode?</b></i>
God allows evil to happen. This is clear in the bible and in life. So either there is no God or there is a God who allows evil to happen. I can speculate on the reasons though. If someone is hungry that gives us a chance to do greater in order to feed them.

<i><b>Must be nice to arbitraily take credit for everything good and deny any responsibility for natural disasters, human cruelity, etc.</b></i>
It's unclear how much responsibility Satan has in this. Jesus called Satan ruler of the world but we do know that nothing happens without God.

I'm not going to argue about old genelogies. It suffices to say that often times the writers of them would only name the important persons and there could several gaps within them. Even error on the part of Luke or on the scribes copying from Luke are possibilities.
Originally posted by okinrus
Even error on the part of Luke or on the scribes copying from Luke are possibilities.

Are you sure you want to start down that slippery slope, okinrus? I'm game if you are! :D

You heard it here, folks! The bible is not infallible!

Seriously, if you start claiming biblical error whenever the recorded "facts" don't fit in quite so nicely with your Christian preconceptions, where do you stop?
As I've already explained before. Infalliable is used by the Church in a theological sense. We accept that what is taught in the bible under the proper guidance of the Church is infalliable. (See We believe that the faith and doctrin contained in our faith are infalliable with respect to faith and morals. If Luke copied a record of Mary that was partially wrong then it's no concern to us. Similarly, when Peter first heard the news of Judah's death, it was different than the one taken down by Mathew. The key thing here is that how Judah's died has no bearing on the teachings of faith and morals.
Must be nice to arbitraily take credit for everything good and deny any responsibility for natural disasters, human cruelity, etc.

It's unclear how much responsibility Satan has in this. Jesus called Satan ruler of the world but we do know that nothing happens without God.

"Satan"? Oh yes the bad guy. Th one responsible for evertything that we don't want to credit God (the good guy) with doing.

Nice but if your God were omnipotent and all powerful, all knowing and the creter of weverthing, he knowingly created Satan and allowed if not created by proxy (knowingly) all evil.

Your God is either a falacy, a wimp or evil. take your choice. You can't seperate him from reailty and give him the credits you do.
/God allows evil to happen.

What drives me completely fucking insane is that people have the freaking GAUL to think that they could remotely fucking predict what god would or would not fucking DO. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!



Even by your own goddamn stupid system wouldn't this be a horrific fucking sin????? PRIDE? ARROGANCE?

In my book it's just plain stupidity.

My apologies for my emotional reaction, but man this kind of thing makes my head explode.

What drives me completely fucking insane is that people have the freaking GAUL to think that they could remotely fucking predict what god would or would not fucking DO. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

A bit short sighted I think. Nobody predicted what God would or would not do, nor what he should or should not do.

I merely hold their all knowing, omnipotent, creator of everything responsible for what he created while knowing what he was creating would be like.

You cannot claim he has those values and conclude anythingelse. The only alternative to God creating Satan and all evil is to deny he is all knowing, omnipotent and the creator of everything.
/A bit short sighted I think. Nobody predicted what God would or would not do, nor what he should or should not do.

Please explain then how the sentence "god allows evil to happen" is not saying exactly what god does or doesn't do? Note that it wasn't YOUR post that was quoted.

/I merely hold their all knowing, omnipotent, creator of everything responsible for what he created while knowing what he was creating would be like.

Honestly I havn't read your posts. I was skimming and saw that line and it made me twitch. I don't hold their fanatasies to anything but the poor mental health it creates in the hosts of this meme.

/You cannot claim he has those values and conclude anythingelse. The only alternative to God creating Satan and all evil is to deny he is all knowing, omnipotent and the creator of everything.

Logically, omnipotence is simply nonsense.

Please explain then how the sentence "god allows evil to happen" is not saying exactly what god does or doesn't do? Note that it wasn't YOUR post that was quoted.

Sorry. My error. It seemed aimed at what I had just posted and since it wasn't directed I took it wrong.

Go back to laughing please :D
Originally posted by MacM

Sorry. My error. It seemed aimed at what I had just posted and since it wasn't directed I took it wrong.

Go back to laughing please :D

No prahrbrem.

Nice but if your God were omnipotent and all powerful, all knowing and the creter of weverthing, he knowingly created Satan and allowed if not created by proxy (knowingly) all evil.
I don't believe that God knows the complete future because that would determine our future. I do, however, believe that God could know the future because he is outside of time. But our free will is determined by His lack of knowledge of what we will do and our concept of time is completely based upon our free will. To some extant he has decreased our free will but some decisions we make on our own. In any case, your narrowing your definition of God and wining about how the God of the bible appears cynical. If you were just reading the bible you probably would not come to the conclusion that God is fully omnipresent because there would then be no reason to test the Isrealites(Deuteronomy) and certaintly no reason for Jesus to grow in wisdom and truth.
What drives me completely fucking insane is that people have the freaking GAUL to think that they could remotely fucking predict what god would or would not fucking DO. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Evil is self-evident. Furthermore, "pride" is admiting to the existance of evil unless if pride isn't evil. Assuming God exists then God would have to had to allow pride to exists unless if God is not omnipotent.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

and I'm wondering if Jesus could be the Antichrist instead of the Christ?
the real question should be, 'is mohammad the anti-christ?" he fits most of the profile, as in Revelations mentioning the ‘Beast’, the ‘Dragon’ & the ‘Abomination that causes desolation’.

Look at the timeline: Mohammad dead in 632, islam conquers their world (not with love), but by the sword, they turn the Gospel upside down, say that Jesus never died on the cross for salvation, that Jesus was a muslim, that Mohammad was a prophet, that the quran was the complete & perfect word of god, that a mosque should be built over the Temple mount, defiling it, you be the judge, ‘was mohammad the anti-christ?”

Mohammad could be the world-conquering Jewish messiah, if he were Jewish! That’s what they’re waiting for.

So, is it apocalypse now, what are the chances this is a prelude to our ‘Dark Angel’ future, the perfect religion that must conquer the world at any cost, what is it about muslims that in our short wars against al-Queda & Iraq, has produced 6 traitors: the Dirty Bomber, the American Taliban, Civilian translator, USAF translator, the grenade thrower, the Chaplain? How many traitors were Japanese, Italian or Germans during WWII? Zero, zilch, nada; so, what’s up with muslims, hmmm?
/Evil is self-evident.

That is not a sufficient proof. Neither is it evident of anything but an empty pointless claim.

/Furthermore, "pride" is admiting to the existance of evil unless if pride isn't evil.

Please refrain from gibberish. I suspect your postition is blindly founded in scripture and is as such, simply irrelevent to anyone who hasn't succumbed to the psychological operations implemented by your sunday school.

/Assuming God exists then God would have to had to allow pride to exists unless if God is not omnipotent.

Do you hold this statement to be logically valid? This can only be justified by an illogical and IMO almost sure irrelevant argument.

Have you considered the contradiction of omnipotence?
Do you hold this statement to be logically valid? This can only be justified by an illogical and IMO almost sure irrelevant argument.
Yes, it's a logically valid statement. For instance, if I <i>could</i> stop a moving bus from hitting someone but I don't, then I have <i>allowed</i> the bus to hit that person. Now a omnipotent God is capable of doing every possible logical action. So any event that occurs must have been allowed by God because an omnipotent God could have stopped this event.

Have you considered the contradiction of omnipotence?
Yes, but the sole creator of the universe would have to be omnipotent before creating anything. Also, there's different definitions of omnipotence used. Omnipotence is usually defined to be the capability of doing everything that does not have a contradiction; hence, omnipotence by definition cannot have contradictions.
Originally posted by Gadget252
be careful lostinthought, jesus tried to be tolerent like u are now and look what they did to him. the fact of the matter is that christian and other people emersed in the falacy of their own imaginations wont tolerate people that try to threaten their beliefs. i think it suitable for us to dispise them as they do least we are able to entertain ideas and still make an informed concious choice to reject it.

Hmmm, this reminds me of a poem that my good friend George wrote:

To those I drove away - by George

Again I drive the moneychangers out!
My tongue of Christ uncoils to liberate
My temple-mind once more, that I might shout
Of holy things, of simple things made great
By unobstructed view. The fleeing mob
Has stirred the dust, each mote a a history
Of crime -- of murder, theft, hatchet job,
Whole beds of lust -- there is no mystery.
The empty temple echoes with my feet
As I, alone, but no less guilty, search
The holy words, the prayers, for how to live.
My tongue of Christ confesses defeat;
These pigeons josling for a better perch,
Like those I drove away, I must forgive.