Is Jesus God?

He's *a* god. Christianity pretends to be monotheistic but has many deities with divine powers present in the gods of other religions. Jesus, Yahweh, Elohim, Satan, various demons, various saints, various angels, etc. They're all the gods of Christianity.

Not really. A god sits at the top. Jesus is just one manifestation of "the" God. Like the trunk of an elephant or the roots of a tree. We're small, so we generally see His attributes as their independent branches.
Not 23. All 46.
God didn't just provide 23 chromosomes to add to Marys' 23.
That would make Jesus only half God.
And then what would you have God doing with Mary?
It would have been no different than artificial insemination.
Jesus was created by the spoken word of God as He inspired His prophets to speak.
He was also called the "second Adam".

God created the entire body for Himself in the womb of Mary.
All 46 chromosomes.
Her body was just an incubator.

A bit limiting to specifiy that God must occupy half (or any portion) of a genome. If He came back from the dead, I imagine He could probably swing some shifts in Mendelian inheritance.
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Hi Visitor, Can you be more specific. I understand it would just be your opinion.

"Rev. the 10th prophet was sent to the Christians in the 20th century.
Rev. the 11th Chapter...two more prophets to witness Jesus to Israel."

I really can't be. It could be considered preaching, which is against forum rules for one thing.
However, I would say this much...."as my opinion only" of course.
Both these events comprise the process of the "Second Coming of Christ".
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I really can't be. It could be considered preaching, which is against forum rules for one thing.
However, I would say this much...."as my opinion only" of course.
Both these events comprise the process of the "Second Coming of Christ".

Thank you. Do you believe these prophets are alive and amongst us now?
Thank you. Do you believe these prophets are alive and amongst us now?

Yes and No.
More important is ...."Did God come down?"
Is He here now living among us?

The mystery is not about prophets.
It is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
I will say it, "Jesus is not God. He is God's son." Yes, I am a Christian. Jesus came to save us from eternal sin - damnation to hell with Satan. There is the trinity; God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. God created everything including Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus will be our mediator when we die and appear before God. The Holy Spirit is...hmm...the best way to explain...sort of a "buffer" between us and God as an interpreter of our prayers. Even though God knows all and really doesn't need an interpreter it does make it a little confusing to us humans.

Anyway, to get back on track, Jesus is mentioned several times in Revelations in many ways. This should make it evident that Jesus is not God, but trusted as his "right hand."
And we all have this in us? If we choose?

If you can believe it.
Faith is a gift of God. It is a powerful thing.

He came to make us like Him.
He is "the firstborn of many brethren."

JOHN 1:12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name:

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

That is why I said; "The mystery of God is Christ in you, the hope of glory"
His objective wasn't to create a bunch of church members.
I'm not saying it's wrong to go to church, but He came to take us a little farther than that.

I'm going to stop here on this subject. This might seem to be preaching, and I'm really not trying to do that.
I'm trying to answer a specific question only.
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If you can believe it.
Faith is a gift of God. It is a powerful thing.

He came to make us like Him.
He is "the firstborn of many brethren."

JOHN 1:12
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on his name:

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

That is why I said; "The mystery of God is Christ in you, the hope of glory"
His objective wasn't to create a bunch of church members.
I'm not saying it's wrong to go to church, but He came to take us a little farther than that.

I'm going to stop here on this subject. This might seem to be preaching, and I'm really not trying to do that.
I'm trying to answer a specific question only.

I appreciate your response Visitor.