Is Jesus God?

Can some of you Christians please clarify whether in Christianity (whatever denomination), Jesus is G-d? Are these two distinctly different beings? Is there a simplistic YES or NO answer?
no ...Jesus is corpse.
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness

God's attributes...have representation in Him from before the foundation of the world.

¶ For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
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God's attributes...have no representation in Him from before the foundation of the world.

¶ For he whom exists not, he also did not predestinate [to be] aught and conformed none to the absent image of his Son, that he might be the unborn among many brethren.

It is clearly monotheistic; yes, it's a tricky and sometimes confusing monotheistic viewpoint. But it is monotheist nonetheless.
If that is true, (that theologians supporting the trinity say man can not understand it) then why it is it a well-defined concept, and why can I understand it? :rolleyes:

The "trinity" concept confuses the truth of the Godhead by making the three offices of the one God, three separate persons which makes three Gods.
That is polytheism, not monotheism.
Worse than this, the trinity substitutes the name of God in which lies all the power for useless, meaningless titles.
These titles could apply to anyone or anything. Swarm has just pointed out a few post back, is just a generic title that could stand for any cults' god. That much is very true.
It means; "an object of worship"
Without the name it could be anything, even a block of wood.

The trinity error attempts to deny the revelation of the true name of God, and use only titles.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit....none of theses are a specific name.

The Name of God and the revelation of that name holds the power because it specifies which God you are worshiping.
The trinity destroys that revelation to the people making the word of God of non effect.
The Bible said that Satan desired to sit in the temple of God and be worshiped as God.
It wouldn't be the first time God's people have had their eyes blinded by the god of this world, and thought they were worshiping God, but their worship was in vain.

This "trinity" is a modern day version of what was done in Elijah's day, when King Ahab and Jezebel had subverted the whole nation of Israel away from the worship of the one true God and had them worshiping the gods of the grove and Baal with 850 schooled false prophets.
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Wow, you like to ramble on like some sort of Fundamentalist fanatic, don't you?

I am polytheist, and I know what it is. Trinitarianism isn't polytheistic; it asserts that there are three hypostases within a monotheistic god, which are the same substance (ousia) and of the same consciousness (logos). Not three gods.
I assure, though polytheism has many branches and forms, the Christian Trinity is not one of them.
I am polytheist, and I know what it is.
I assure, though polytheism has many branches and forms, the Christian Trinity is not one of them.

I just wanted to clear a few things up since there was a question here.
You have stated several times that you believe being a polytheist makes you some kind of expert on this sort of deception.
It seems just the opposite would be true.

The Bible states the two spirits in the last days would be so close, it would deceive the very elect if it were possible.

It comes down to a razor blades edge.

Anton Lavay and the type that openly worship Satan aren't deceiving anyone.
They say Lucifer is really God. I'm sure he is to them.
He is to a lot of people but they just don't know it.
That's where the deception really lies....close to the truth.

Polytheists aren't necessarily familiar with the most powerful form of deception.
They can't even discern the one true God from the many.

The Bible states there are many gods. It also warns us not to participate in the voluntary worship of angels or the "host of heaven"
It never denies these things are real.

The real deception lies so close to the truth it would appear identical.
It is a twin.
God - Satan
Michael - Lucifer
Cain - Abel
Moses - Baalam
Jesus - Judas
Christ - Antichrist

I don't believe being a polytheist makes one an expert in this arena.
I'm not saying this to be rude or offensive.

I appreciate your opinion though. Thanks.
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It's not that I'm an "expert" in this area. It's just that I have experienced what polytheism is, and I know what it means to believe in multiple gods, while you have not. I don't claim to be an expert in polytheology; but you seem to not even be capable of grasping what polytheism and monotheism are, seeing as you are claiming that the majority of Christians in the world are not actually Christians.
I wonder if Jesus, God or whoever He was, ever ingested one of those little bugs that kind of make you want to explode every 10 minutes. I just can't picture God bent over on His haunches behind a rock, unloading His bowels then having to use his robe or some leaves for hygenic purposes.

Would God put Himself through such torment. You 'd think someone would have noticed He never goes to the can. That would be a miracle to rival all miracles. So was Jesus(God) exempt from shitting? A night of wine and dates would do it for me but Hey! I'm not God.
How does a ghost provide 23 chromosomes. DNA is a physical substance. If a ghost has DNA, is it no longer a ghost?

Not 23. All 46.
God didn't just provide 23 chromosomes to add to Marys' 23.
That would make Jesus only half God.
And then what would you have God doing with Mary?
It would have been no different than artificial insemination.
Jesus was created by the spoken word of God as He inspired His prophets to speak.
He was also called the "second Adam".

God created the entire body for Himself in the womb of Mary.
All 46 chromosomes.
Her body was just an incubator.

[Preaching Deleted]
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Not 23. All 46.
God didn't just provide 23 chromosomes to add to Marys' 23.
That would make Jesus only half God.
And then what would you have God doing with Mary?
It would have been no different than artificial insemination.
Jesus was created by the spoken word of God as He inspired His prophets to speak.
He was also called the "second Adam".

God created the entire body for Himself in the womb of Mary.
All 46 chromosomes.
Her body was just an incubator.
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StrawDog asked (In the part of his post SkinWalker deleted)....whether I thought there were any prophets walking among us.

Rev. the 10th was sent to the Christians in the 20th century.
Rev. the 11th Chapter...two more prophets to witness Jesus to Israel.
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God created the entire body for Himself in the womb of Mary.

If god had sex with Mary, his mother, who was bethrothed to Joe, doesn't that make him an incestuous adulterer?

Never mind arranging to have himself tortured to death.

Is this god creepy or what?
No, but they certainly treat Satan as a god.
Not at all. They treat Satan as a villainous demon, but not as a god. You have to keep in mind, that the Abrahamic concept of God is completely unique and fundamentally different from previous notions of deity. Polytheistic concepts of a god being simply a powerful spiritual entity are not even applicable.

To the Christian mindset, a god (their God) must be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent. There might be contrived ways of making that work ("god has a big plan, and bad things might happen, but it's good in the long run") with reality, but the point is, their conception necessitates the three Omni's as prerequisite.
Satan, as a demon and fallen angel, does not fit those. Not all-powerful, not all-knowing, and not all-loving. Thus, the Christian viewpoint is that Satan is not a god, and he is certainly not treated as one.
They treat Satan as a villainous demon, but not as a god.
To the Christian mindset, a god must be omnipotent, omniscient, and omni benevolent.
Satan, as a demon and fallen angel, does not fit those.
Not all-powerful, not all-knowing, and not all-loving.
Thus, the Christian viewpoint is that Satan is not a god, and he is certainly not treated as one.

He can appear as an angel of light.
So much like God the world can't tell them apart.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
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Not at all. They treat Satan as a villainous demon, but not as a god.

I disagree. They call him a "fallen angel" but they treat him as god's equal in power, if not superior.

You have to keep in mind, that the Abrahamic concept of God is completely unique and fundamentally different from previous notions of deity.

Not true. It is a direct rip off of Aten. In fact it is not unreasonable to presume Moses was a renegade Aten priest who took a bunch of polytheistic slaves who worshipped a golden calf (very popular in the area) and "converted" then to his monotheism.
I agree. Satan is very clearly a Christian god. In the mythology, he exhibits many god-like qualities: omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, etc
Rev. the 10th was sent to the Christians in the 20th century.
Rev. the 11th Chapter...two more prophets to witness Jesus to Israel.

Hi Visitor,

Can you be more specific. I understand it would just be your opinion.