Is Jesus God?


disseminated primatemaia
Valued Senior Member
Can some of you Christians please clarify whether in Christianity (whatever denomination), Jesus is G-d? Are these two distinctly different beings? Is there a simplistic YES or NO answer?
He's *a* god. Christianity pretends to be monotheistic but has many deities with divine powers present in the gods of other religions. Jesus, Yahweh, Elohim, Satan, various demons, various saints, various angels, etc. They're all the gods of Christianity.
Can some of you Christians please clarify whether in Christianity (whatever denomination), Jesus is G-d? Are these two distinctly different beings? Is there a simplistic YES or NO answer?

I asked the same question and did not receive a straight answer. All I got was that the almighty creator's name is God.
I was always taught that Jesus was God in human form.
That didn't make much sense..
Can some of you Christians please clarify whether in Christianity (whatever denomination), Jesus is G-d? Are these two distinctly different beings? Is there a simplistic YES or NO answer?
I am not a Christian, but I know quite a bit about Christian doctrines and dogmas of their rich and varied history.
Generally, yes, Christianity views Jesus as God. The human incarnation of The Son, a component of the Holy Trinity. This is the mainstream view in Christianity, as Trinitarian theology is the most commonplace theological outlook in that religion.
HOWEVER, there are some Christian branches (Arians and Nestorians in the Roman times, and some radical protestants in modern day) that hold to a more unitarian view of the Christian God, and see Jesus as redeemer and saviour, but not himself divine.

And to those claiming Christianity and the Trinity is "evidence" of polytheism in that religion:
I am polytheist. I know what polytheism is. Christianity is not it. Stop claiming that they are; it is insulting to Christianity, and mildly annoying to polytheists who know theology.
I am not a Christian, but I know quite a bit about Christian doctrines and dogmas of their rich and varied history.
Generally, yes, Christianity views Jesus as God. The human incarnation of The Son, a component of the Holy Trinity. This is the mainstream view in Christianity, as Trinitarian theology is the most commonplace theological outlook in that religion.
HOWEVER, there are some Christian branches (Arians and Nestorians in the Roman times, and some radical protestants in modern day) that hold to a more unitarian view of the Christian God, and see Jesus as redeemer and saviour, but not himself divine.

And to those claiming Christianity and the Trinity is "evidence" of polytheism in that religion:
I am polytheist. I know what polytheism is. Christianity is not it. Stop claiming that they are; it is insulting to Christianity, and mildly annoying to polytheists who know theology.

Thanks Hapsburg.

Do Christians agree with this? This sounds like a "YES".
Can some of you Christians please clarify whether in Christianity (whatever denomination), Jesus is G-d? Are these two distinctly different beings? Is there a simplistic YES or NO answer?

In Xianity, God's consciousness is a collective with 3 distinct parts that can act as a whole or independently. Jesus was one of those parts.
hell no jesus aint God. you can say he's his own god, like everyone is potentially their own god, but is he God? never.
In Xianity, God's consciousness is a collective with 3 distinct parts that can act as a whole or independently. Jesus was one of those parts.

So to a Christian, is a simplistic answer possible. Such as: Yes, Jesus is G-d?
So to a Christian, is a simplistic answer possible. Such as: Yes, Jesus is G-d?

A simple answer is possible, but not completely accurate. Catholic (or, more generally, Trinitarian) theology is incredibly complex, and is difficult for many to understand.
As such, it's difficult to have a simple answer for things with questions regarding Trinitarianism. Though, if you HAD to simplify it: yes. Most Christians view Jesus as God.

Jesus, Yahweh, Elohim, Satan, various demons, various saints, various angels, etc. They're all the gods of Christianity.
In Christianity, Elohim and Yahweh are just alternate names for God the Father; it's the same guy. Jesus is considered to be God the Son.
Satan, demons, saints, and angels are not gods, in any way whatsoever. To call them such is a vast misunderstanding of the Christian concept of deity.
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Hey Hey - I know I know: God works in mysterious ways and it's just too complex for the human mind to comprehend. To do so may even be blasphemy!

anyway, JC is like 47% of the trinity called God, HG is 12%, YWHA makes up about 20% and we make up the rest.