Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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get professional therapy.

never confuse the complex human emotional mind with corporate litigious legal liability psychopaths

it is common for issues to resurface in different forms months or years later in some other aspect.
more so if you are a high functioning intellectual
or have some type of mild disorder like OCD or borderline schizophrenia or autistic spectrum behavioural modes that trigger set responses(around 65% of the population)
God made sex fun
God doesnt make mistakes

why do conservative Christians keep saying God made a mistake by making sex fun ?
they are insulting God

I agree completely, God did indeed make sex fun as a great blessing to mankind.

And we have corrupted it, to the point where we are killing our own offspring, to escape the consequences of that self induced corruption.
Surely you are aware that babies are ripped apart alive inside their own mother’s womb, ripped apart alive limb from limb, dismembered, beheaded alive at times, their head crushed, to kill them, at other times. You must know this, Right?
And you have no problem with killing babies with that method, for any reason whatsoever, Right?
Apparently you don't - so you might want to drop the "holier-than-thou" attitude.
The baby is alive inside her body as a separate human life
What baby? A fertilized egg that may not even make it to the uterus, or a little bloob of goo after a couple of weeks?

Its funny when you eat a chicken egg you don't call it a baby chicken, you call it an omelette.

Strange how this works. We can kill (and eat) every animal and we're called "hunters", but when we abort a non-viable fetus, we call that murder. Since when is human life more important than all the other mammals on earth?

You believe in the sanctity of life? I'll let George Carlin answer this profound question about human interpretation of the sanctity of life.
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I agree completely, God did indeed make sex fun as a great blessing to mankind.
And we have corrupted it, to the point where we are killing our own offspring, to escape the consequences of that self induced corruption.
Will we actualy escape our corruption... or will we be punished by God.???

I wrote a few posts just above that contained a long and considered reply to what you had written. I asked you some questions, too.

Yet here you are back again, apparently ignoring everything I wrote to you. Why is that?

Are you here to preach, or to have a discussion? Please let me know, because I won't waste my time on you if you're not actually interested in discussing matters.
In the meantime...

Hearts Grow Cold as they Grow Hardened by their own Sin.
That sounds a bit preachy. Actually, this whole post sounds preachy. Are you placing yourself above other people? Are you free of sin?

Men and Women on the payrolls of Abortion clinics across the land need clients to make their living as they kill the innocents by the millions.
Yes. Everybody who has a job needs somebody who wants something they produce or provide, in order to make their living.

They know their contraception methods fail, but they sell them for their own profit anyway.
Mostly they don't fail, though, as I'm sure you'll agree.

Are you advocating that there should be no contraception, now?

Love is replaced by Lust in the hearts of many.
Is it? How do you know? Intriguing.

People act like the animals that Evolution tells them they are.
Like human beings, you mean? How else would they act?

They are only accidents after all.
Abortion would stop that kind of thing, you know.

Murder of the innocents for the Sins of the guilty, has become acceptable, common place, and even celebrated by some in the government of the United States.
Really? Do tell. Who is celebrating this? Quotes please. Also, who is going around murdering innocents, and which guilty parties are you talking about? You're not being very clear.

Openly celebrating the ability to murder the innocents.
What murder?

They even laugh at those that oppose them.
Is this self-referential, SetiAlpha? Did somebody laugh at you?

We are a threat you know?
You're not planning on bombing an abortion clinic, are you?

They see no Sin in what they have done.
All of them? Who are we talking about, specifically, by the way?

Mothers hire others to kill their own children in secret, so the family will never know the awful thing they have done.
That sounds terrible. Which mothers have done that? The poor children. Are the mothers in jail now, with their co-conspiracists?

If they really think they are doing nothing wrong, why then do they hide it?
Maybe they are concerned about hate and judgment being directed at them by people like you.

The father has no say, he has no rights whatsoever regarding the fate of his baby.
Doesn't he? When did he become unable to speak? How did that happen? Again, just checking, but this isn't about you, is it? Did a woman in your life dare to make a decision you didn't approve of?

He is declared to be forcing her.
How can he be forcing her when he has no say? You're not making much sense.

Guilt is now even declared to be evil.
Maybe you should swap churches. Go to a happier one. Lighten up at little. All the hell and damnation stuff doesn't seem to be doing you much good.

The God given intuition of the mother and her natural love for her baby is openly discarded for convenience and even greed.
How so? If the God-given intuition tells the mother to have an abortion, what's the problem with that?

Paid counselors, openly counsel mothers to murder their own children calling their baby a fetus instead of what it is, a baby.
Do you think that adults spring into being fully formed at the moment the sperm meets the ovum? Can you really see no difference between a clump of cells and a baby?

Some women are so deceived or so cold hearted that they feel nothing after they kill their own baby.
Really? How do you know?

Other mothers suffer for the rest of their lives or even commit suicide because of it.
Is there a middle ground between feeling nothing and feeling so upset that she wants to kill herself? Do any women fall into the middle ground, or is it one extreme or the other, always? Where are you getting your information on this, by the way?

Is it really that hard to see that neither of these outcomes is good for the mental state of the mother or the physical state of the baby.
Surely the mother's feelings post-abortion are irrelevant to the aborted child's physical state? By the time the mother has post-abortion feelings she is ... post abortion. As for the mother's mental state, most women who choose an abortion do not commit suicide or suffer for the rest of their lives. Your assumption that they do is simply wrong.

The United States declares a baby in the womb to be a fetus, a non-human, like the Nazis declared the Jew to be non-human in German society.
Godwin's law strikes again! I think you just lost the argument.

Both justify murder of another human for a selfish purpose.
You keep using the word "murder" in reference to abortion. But murder is the unlawful killing of a person. What has that got to do with abortion?

Both even frame it as being beneficial for the chosen Aryan, White Race.
You're claiming that every abortion is a racist act now? Seems like a bit of a stretch.

The more African American and Hispanic babies killed, the better for the elite White classes.
How so? Please explain.

This is absolutely wicked to the core.
Would it be okay to kill elite White class babies, then?

Abortion lovers use comparatively rare exceptions, that occur in the thousands, to justify their real goal, abortions at will for any reason in the tens of millions.
Who are these abortion lovers you refer to? And what's wrong with abortion at will? You probably need to articulate an actual argument at some point, rather than just frothing at the mouth.

Why not declare the Christian to be non-human so they can be killed at will?
It wouldn't be the first time that has happened. It would, I think, probably be a Bad Thing, on the whole, though.

Atheism, Naturalism, certainly provides no reason why this could not be done.
Secular humanism, on the other hand, provides a number of good reasons why it shouldn't be done.

We are inconvenient, just like all those aborted children anyway!
This is sounding like a personal rant again, SetiAlpha. Are you a Christian who feels inconvenient? Who made you feel that way?

And indeed this very thing actually has been done openly in the past by Atheists, causing the deaths of millions.
And this is relevant to the abortion argument because....?

I could not even write this without getting sick to my stomach.
I can tell. You've obviously worked yourself into a lather, poor thing. Maybe a panadol and a little lie down.

And you, what about you?

Do you Harden your own heart, make up excuses for your own Sin, and even justify the murder of the innocents by the millions?
Me? My heart is soft enough. As for Sin, I think it's a concept used to scare the overly religious. Some actions are morally evil, but there's no need to tack on the idea of affronting a God to deal with the morality of it. Sin is problematic and often a harmful concept. Look what it did to homosexuality, for instance.

Will you even blame me for trying to say something against this wickedness?
I'll blame you for lacking the honesty to consider the other side of the coin. I'll blame for you lacking the courage to deal with inconvenient truths. I'll blame you for your intolerance and your desire to oppress other people on the grounds of your own ideology.

There. Happy now?
In the meantime...

That sounds a bit preachy. Actually, this whole post sounds preachy. Are you placing yourself above other people? Are you free of sin?

Yes. Everybody who has a job needs somebody who wants something they produce or provide, in order to make their living.

Mostly they don't fail, though, as I'm sure you'll agree.

Are you advocating that there should be no contraception, now?

Is it? How do you know? Intriguing.

Like human beings, you mean? How else would they act?

Abortion would stop that kind of thing, you know.

Really? Do tell. Who is celebrating this? Quotes please. Also, who is going around murdering innocents, and which guilty parties are you talking about? You're not being very clear.

What murder?

Is this self-referential, SetiAlpha? Did somebody laugh at you?

You're not planning on bombing an abortion clinic, are you?

All of them? Who are we talking about, specifically, by the way?

That sounds terrible. Which mothers have done that? The poor children. Are the mothers in jail now, with their co-conspiracists?

Maybe they are concerned about hate and judgment being directed at them by people like you.

Doesn't he? When did he become unable to speak? How did that happen? Again, just checking, but this isn't about you, is it? Did a woman in your life dare to make a decision you didn't approve of?

How can he be forcing her when he has no say? You're not making much sense.

Maybe you should swap churches. Go to a happier one. Lighten up at little. All the hell and damnation stuff doesn't seem to be doing you much good.

How so? If the God-given intuition tells the mother to have an abortion, what's the problem with that?

Do you think that adults spring into being fully formed at the moment the sperm meets the ovum? Can you really see no difference between a clump of cells and a baby?

Really? How do you know?

Is there a middle ground between feeling nothing and feeling so upset that she wants to kill herself? Do any women fall into the middle ground, or is it one extreme or the other, always? Where are you getting your information on this, by the way?

Surely the mother's feelings post-abortion are irrelevant to the aborted child's physical state? By the time the mother has post-abortion feelings she is ... post abortion. As for the mother's mental state, most women who choose an abortion do not commit suicide or suffer for the rest of their lives. Your assumption that they do is simply wrong.

Godwin's law strikes again! I think you just lost the argument.

You keep using the word "murder" in reference to abortion. But murder is the unlawful killing of a person. What has that got to do with abortion?

You're claiming that every abortion is a racist act now? Seems like a bit of a stretch.

How so? Please explain.

Would it be okay to kill elite White class babies, then?

Who are these abortion lovers you refer to? And what's wrong with abortion at will? You probably need to articulate an actual argument at some point, rather than just frothing at the mouth.

It wouldn't be the first time that has happened. It would, I think, probably be a Bad Thing, on the whole, though.

Secular humanism, on the other hand, provides a number of good reasons why it shouldn't be done.

This is sounding like a personal rant again, SetiAlpha. Are you a Christian who feels inconvenient? Who made you feel that way?

And this is relevant to the abortion argument because....?

I can tell. You've obviously worked yourself into a lather, poor thing. Maybe a panadol and a little lie down.

Me? My heart is soft enough. As for Sin, I think it's a concept used to scare the overly religious. Some actions are morally evil, but there's no need to tack on the idea of affronting a God to deal with the morality of it. Sin is problematic and often a harmful concept. Look what it did to homosexuality, for instance.

I'll blame you for lacking the honesty to consider the other side of the coin. I'll blame for you lacking the courage to deal with inconvenient truths. I'll blame you for your intolerance and your desire to oppress other people on the grounds of your own ideology.

There. Happy now?

Yes, I am happy, thank you for judging me.

James, what is your basis for morality?

You might want to dumb it down a bit, don’t forget, you are talking to a “fundie,” after all.
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Will we actualy escape our corruption... or will we be punished by God.???

I think that is up to God.

Personally, I think that God is perfect in all of His judgements, balancing justice and mercy perfectly on a razor’s edge. Understanding and dividing the thoughts and intents of the human heart, far, far better than I ever could. And I am very far from being perfect.

There is only one Judge of mankind, and I am not Him.

I judge no one here personally, but I probably say stupid things at times, that could be incorrectly taken as being that. People certainly love to judge me. It apparently makes them feel better about themselves.

Do I understand everything He does? No way!
But do I trust Him completely? Yes!!!

There is, to use a common and false evolution proponent’s phrase, “overwhelming evidence” for Him. In His case, I think the phrase is accurate.

What do you think?
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What I think is that your God is not my God.

So any attempts to appeal to your God as an authority over anyone other than yourself are a swing and a miss.

Of course!

What is your basis for morality?

As you know, my basis for morality is God acting in History. And there is overwhelming evidence for that.

It will be fun to see if you and James R agree?
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His judgements

& yet it is woman who bares the creation of life
and you want to take that right away and own it by owning womens rights to their own body.
like denying god gods rite to create life god chooses.
yet there you want to play god over others.
isnt that taking gods name in vein ?

what am i missing ?
asserting your personal belief over another person is defying the tenet of "freedom to choose"... "and he gave adam and eve the choice to choose him"
yet.. there you are attempting to deny that choice you claim to be at the very center of belief.
As you know, my basis for morality is God acting in History. And there is overwhelming evidence for that.
the convenient escape clause to claim humans have miss-interpreted something that humans wrote...
how does that work other than in a completely hypocritical way ?

from a religious stand point, considering god made women the important one who bares new life and creates it, why is it that men think they can lay claim to own god and religion and then change gods opinion about who should be in charge of creating life ?
What is your basis for morality?
Well, let's start with the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Now, only sentient creatures can think such a thought, and a fetus is not capable of such a coherent thought, the sentiment applies to the ones who are sentient: the mother.
As you know, my basis for morality is God acting in History. And there is overwhelming evidence for that.
I hope not!

Would you detonate a bomb in a city full of homosexuals to act as God did in Sodom?
Would you kill all the children of a conquered village - except for the young virgin women, who you would give to your soldiers to rape, as God commanded?
Would you try to wipe out most of Mankind, as God did during the Flood?
Would you kill as many firstborns in a town as you could, to act as God did in Egypt?
Would you kill "both man and woman, infant and nursing child" in a town to act as God did in Amalek? You'd really murder a nursing infant?

I surely hope you are not so hateful and depraved as to follow in God's footsteps in those instances.
Don't forget that it's okay to have children ripped to bits by a bear if they make fun of a bald man!
As you know, my basis for morality is God acting in History.
There's no evidence that "god" has acted any way at all in history.
I hope not!

Would you detonate a bomb in a city full of homosexuals to act as God did in Sodom?
Would you kill all the children of a conquered village - except for the young virgin women, who you would give to your soldiers to rape, as God commanded?
Would you try to wipe out most of Mankind, as God did during the Flood?
Would you kill as many firstborns in a town as you could, to act as God did in Egypt?
Would you kill "both man and woman, infant and nursing child" in a town to act as God did in Amalek? You'd really murder a nursing infant?

I surely hope you are not so hateful and depraved as to follow in God's footsteps in those instances.

No, I would not, I am not God.
But He certainly is righteous in all His judgements.
Praise Him!
Don't forget that it's okay to have children ripped to bits by a bear if they make fun of a bald man!

There's no evidence that "god" has acted any way at all in history.

Wow, ya got me with the bears, I am done for!

There are plenty more of those available you can hit me with! I have studied many of them.

Condemn God if you wish, that is your choice.

I will praise Him!
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Ah. So your basis for morality is not God acting in History.

So sometimes it is OK - even righteous - to kill infants and nursing children. I guess that answers the whole "is abortion wrong?" question.

No, my basis for morality really is God acting in history.

You keep, apparently deliberately, misrepresenting me.

That’s OK, I know why you do it, and I forgive you!
Ah. So your basis for morality is not God acting in History.

So sometimes it is OK - even righteous - to kill infants and nursing children. I guess that answers the whole "is abortion wrong?" question.

What is your basis for morality?
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