Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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I would guess that He is pleased with parts of it and not pleased with other parts of it. We have corrupted so much!
You are wrong.!!!
God is perfect... God is all powerful... an God knew beforhand how his creation woud turn out, so the way thangs are is exactly how God wanted them to be.!!!
You are wrong.!!!
God is perfect... God is all powerful... an God knew beforhand how his creation woud turn out, so the way thangs are is exactly how God wanted them to be.!!!

Actually, Ummm, Nope! God’s will is very often not done on this Earth.
Befor God chose to create... didnt he know that abortions woud occur in spite of his "will" to the contrary.???

I know where this argument goes, and would rather save you the time of discussing it. But if you wish to keep going down this path it all comes down to Love.
Befor God chose to create... didnt he know that abortions woud occur in spite of his "will" to the contrary.???
I know where this argument goes, and would rather save you the time of discussing it. But if you wish to keep going down this path it all comes down to Love.

I love you to... now:::

"Befor God chose to create... didnt he know that abortions woud occur in spite of his "will" to the contrary.???"
You are omitting at least 50% of Buddhism's key elements, just for the sake of saying "See, even Buddhism agrees with my point of view." That is not "complimenting Buddhism," but rather, watering it down.
I was not describing Buddhism, I mentioned it's main tenet of "moderation" and "balance". Nothing wrong with practising those two disciplines.
In the sutra named, Dighajanu or ‘Conditions of Welfare’ Gautama Buddha stated this:
“……. a householder knowing his income and expenses leads a balanced life, neither extravagant nor miserly, knowing that thus his income will stand in excess of his expenses, but not his expenses in excess of his income......."

I would submit this is 95% of Buddhism's key elements And I am not so vain as to presume Buddha agrees with my wisdom, as much as I agree with Buddha's wisdom.

But it does reveal much about your mind-set.......:(
You have an obsession. You do not seem to have a problem with the majority of your sons and daughters being aborted naturally every month, but you seem to have an issue with people deriving pleasure from sex if that sex is not for procreation.
I agree.
Selective morality is so convenient for condemning others. It's the stuff on which religious wars are based.
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