Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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there is a maternal mortality crisis going on among black women,
this i have tended to bookshelf for a lack of authentic data, but i have clearly noted it in sexual orientation culture examples of normalcy.
the lack of trend is clearly a sign something is quite out of balance.
down stream... the slaves slave is possibly the last to get her freedom
domestic abuse is a useful tool to divide poor from the rich

it also feeds the right wing libertarian desire to give examples of why regulation and laws and social services dont do anything so should be de-funded.

Poverty is also a manner of population control
indeed and the most effective as it negates the health required to provide an effective revolution while handing all food & resources and power to the elite.
which is the irony of the american myth wanting to be constantly brandishing weapons to pretend they are securing their freedom as they hand all their power to elite special interest groups.
its their opium
they dont know any other way but they will take a hit while the needle is being passed around.
While abortion and your ideas about it are not the sole contributor to the world's problems, this attitude of disintergrated connection between action and responsibility certainly is.
Fun and responsibility are related. Fun and sexual responsibility are not necessarily related.
Responsibility is a greater value than fun. It means having responsible fun.........:rolleyes:
Because before industrial society came to the fore in this world, mathematics didn't work anywhere.

Lemurs can count as fast as humans. They learn just as fast how to use mathematics to get a reward.

The Slime mold is a single celled compound organisms which uses mathematics (subtraction) to find the shortest distance through a maze.

Marvel at the mathematical dance of the slimemold.
And yes, guilt. That is what she felt, poor girl.
That's a central issue - and a very complex one.
It also turns up in the regret many women have for having borne children against their will (focused, say, on what they feel as their conflicted and inadequate mothering).
The experience of having an abortion (on her 21st birthday, as it happened).
The question was what, exactly, about that experience and its aftermath did the "messing"?
Sounds like a recipe for streamlining premature death.
What is pre-mature? Death used to be around 40 now its about 75
A Mayfly lives maximum 24 hrs, but manages to mate with a partner sometimes 20 miles away, dies, and when her dead body falls in water her eggs are released and will become more Mayflies, unless eaten by fish. If the dead female falls on land her eggs die from dehydration.
The lifespan of an adult mayfly is very short, varying with the species. The primary function of the adult is reproduction; adults do not feed, and have only vestigial (unusable) mouthparts, while their digestive systems are filled with air.[9]Dolania americana has the shortest adult lifespan of any mayfly: the adult females of the species live for less than five minutes
"Somewhat earlier than what one is allotted".
Natural selection does not allot, except for some very fundamental constants it functions randomly. It is a probabilistic process, there is no baseline. The universe is too dynamic for long term projections, there is too much variety for that.
That's a central issue - and a very complex one.
It also turns up in the regret many women have for having borne children against their will (focused, say, on what they feel as their conflicted and inadequate mothering).

The question was what, exactly, about that experience and its aftermath did the "messing"?
Well I did not want to intrude too much into her past painful experiences. I saw it as my job to cheer her up and make her feel her future had plenty to offer. But clearly the thought that she might never be able to have children, as a consequence of carelessness, was a big part of it. She would not go on the pill, but used to start trying to make love in her sleep: very nice but damned risky - one had to be on one's guard. I suspected a subconscious yearning to get pregnant. In the end she did get pregnant, by accident, with a later boyfriend, had a miscarriage, as she expected, but to everyone's surprise was still pregnant. (I remember taking her to Henley and her bust, previously modest, was a source of constant public attention! She found out she was still pregnant a fortnight later) Evidently there must have been twins, of which she lost one. She was so happy, though, to be a single parent. So a happy ending, eventually.
It's worth appreciating that abortion is more common that you might think from personal knowledge. There are very likely women that you (any of you) know who have had an abortion and have not told you.

If women choose to keep their private lives to themselves on this matter it is quite understandable, especially given that so many are quick to jump to judgment and condemnation when they hear about somebody having an abortion.
I should really like to hear an objective woman's POV, if that is even possible considering the emotional aspects.

I would think that aside from an abstract male POV, the female can tell us which concrete considerations weigh the most in such an intimate decision making process.
Since there is a direct correlation between being alive and experiencing pleasure, the details are certainly debatable....
There is also a direct correlation between being alive and being misearble. The debate is if overpopulation allows for happiness for the great majority at all.

The exponential function insures that overpopulation will cause unhappiness all around. Zero growth is going to happen eventually.
We can implement population control voluntarily or nature will do it for us and that won't be pretty.......:(
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Is it wrong to eat candy for fun, knowing that you might develop diabetes?

The opposite of fun is asceticism, but that doesn't work, as witnessed by Buddha. The Middle Way (golden path) is found in the practise of moderation in all things.
Buddhist tradition regards to be the first teaching that the Buddha delivered after his awakening. In this sutta, the Buddha describes the Noble Eightfold Path as the middle way of moderation, between the extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification:
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Is it wrong to eat candy for fun, knowing that you might develop diabetes?

The opposite of fun is asceticism, but that doesn't work, as witnessed by Buddha. The Middle Way (golden path) is found in the practise of moderation in all things.
"Moderation in all things" is just a contrivance of contemporary pseudo-buddhism that excels at completely ignoring the eightfold path.
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