Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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Such as it is, the topic question—"Would you ever intentionally choose to live your own life in a way that could seriously hurt or even kill another human being, just because it is fun for you?"—runs near to hostile, nigh on provocation.
which in turn you question as immoral, per the topic title, according to an extraordinarily superficial pretense about sexual behavior

anyone answering to the other is not simply a statistical deviation, but, rather, asserting an extraordinary circumstance.

thus deliberate attempt to manipulate people emotionally and psychologically using social community morality as their own tool to undermine the self confidence and independent mind of the person.
this is particularly violent towards young girls going through puberty and attempting to develop sexually, emotionally, intellectually & moraly.
And that's the problem: If there is a new argument, then make it. If the point is to line up the same roadworn aesthetic ducks for the sake of flaccid self-satisfaction, i.e., solipsistic moral judgmentalism, then I am hard pressed to understand why people should be expected to endure this exercise in fallacy.

Even still, pretending "science"? That is, in and of itself, unethical.
attempting to use science as their own science without the science while undermining real science...
as if there one was, just minding one's own business, just asking a few questions,
playing the aggrieved victim for being the instigator & psychological manipulator.
"i didn't do nothing. it wasn't me its you"
"oh well if you don't agree with me and what i say everyone says is what you should be thinking then its your own issue of guilt and shame to deal with"

now your trying to hide behind someone else your holding up as a victim.
using her as a human shield for your lack of morality.

you are attempting to use horror and terror tactics to emotionally manipulate young girls during puberty.
what kills and maims tens of thousands of people every year ? personal motor vehicle accidents

the people who teach their children to drive are guilty of 2nd degree homicide now ?

are you trying to make private motor vehicles illegal to save thousands of people ? no ! why ? because your serving your own ego and self interest at the expense of everyone else.
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are you trying to make private motor vehicles illegal to save thousands of people ? no ! why ? because your serving your own ego and self interest at the expense of everyone else.
There was an interesting experiment run by US News and World Report in 1995 (and reported in the excellent book Moral Tribes.) It asked the following question of readers: “If someone sues you and you win the case, should he pay your legal costs?” Eighty-five percent of respondents said yes. Others got this question: “If you sue someone and lose the case, should you pay his costs?” This time, only 44 percent said yes. As this turnabout illustrates, one’s sense of fairness is easily tainted by self-interest.

We have a perfect example here. SA6 is all for passing laws that tell people what to do with their bodies. But when it comes to what HE wants done with his body, he balks at the same kind of control. Which is fine - everyone exhibits self interest; no one is purely selfless. But it does make it hard to take his sanctimonious claims of "oh the poor poor CHILDREN!" very seriously.
Only the "daughter" you refer to is arguably not a person, such as to be able to own things and to have rights equivalent to those of the mother.

Several years ago this point was part of the core of a discussion that ran over the course of two threads and something like sixteen months. And here you can postulate a basic political difference between two sides; in our community, the people who used the language and arguments familiar to our neighbor's position were simply incapable of discussing it. Here we are, over six years after that spectacle started, and the reason you find yourself making the point you do is that these others are not obliged to change their argument, ever. No matter how many times you swat it down, debunk it, wreck it, dissect, vivisect, index, backengineer for validity, or whatever, the advocates don't care; they will simply line up and repeat themselves anew because there is always someone to play the sucker.

Here's the historical reality: Everything about the argument uses custom terminology, such as reference to child or daughter. It is pseudoscience intended to respond to a particular point in the American abortion discussion. I can look back nearly five years↗, for instance, discussing an American legislative question:

The Court refused to establish personhood in Roe. Review section VI of the Opinion of the Court for the Court's historical review, section IX.A for the Court's consideration of Equal Protection under the Fourteenth Amendment, and IX.B ¶2 for the Court's refusal to establish personhood:

Texas urges that, apart from the Fourteenth Amendment, life begins at conception and is present throughout pregnancy, and that, therefore, the State has a compelling interest in protecting that life from and after conception. We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins. When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer.

That's from the thread that follows the debacle I mentioned at the outset.

The passage quoted from Roe v. Wade is the point of what becomes our neighbor's anti-abortion argument; that is, it has been the point the whole time.

The first sentence of the Roe quote notes the proposition of "life at conception", which means, as I happened to mention two months ago↗, legal personhood is assigned at the time of cortical reaction, or, at the latest, fusion of the secondary oocyte. And the point of that mention in December was a grim joke about persistence. Because the second and third sentences of the Roe citation answer the life at conception proposition in the first: The Court refused to resolve that question, and explicitly stated it was, compared to history, "not in a position to speculate as to the answer". Over the last forty-six years, the response from anti-abortion advocates has simply been to insist and persist, as loudly as possible.

And as the sixteen-month debacle reminded in its time, the pseudoscientific discussion of "life at conception" wasn't really about what our neighbor↑ describes as the "child … inside the mother's body"; while you, in the present discussion, consider a woman's human rights—("the same protection as the mother")—the pretense you are addressing presupposes to reject such a proposition. At this point, because of our neighbor, I can even haul out the old joke about Bela Lugosi as an overgrown fetus.

In the American discourse, the anti-abortion argument generally never moves past this persistence. Their discursive innovation is the outpouring of fallacies in order to avoid the question. But the Court said it would not speculate as to "when life begins", and the anti-abortion response has been to simply insist on a definition for forty-six years; and as I noted several years ago, even attempted to legislate ontology in order to force their unscientific definitions into law.

It is very difficult, in the American discourse, to compel a different discussion; when it comes to emotionalism in lieu of logic, market dimensions, to speak nothing of dynamics, suggest it nearly impossible to cover every iteration fast enough. Looking at various components of that larger discourse, it seems diverse institutions invested in women's {health access rights, reproductive rights, right to choose, civil rights, human rights, &c.} spend their time covering spot surface outbreaks of what really is more akin to a massive, smoldering peat fire. And whether for particular religious sentiments, or refashioned for other political contexts, rhetorical arsonists, as such, are plentiful. The effect is that, forty-six years later, the only real question for those advocates is how to force their definition.

This thread actually starts in a weirdly scrubbed context that you might recognize as similar to the rebranding of Creationism as Intelligent Design; it may have taken until #102↑ to explicitly introduce religion, but the rhetoric throughout has been to type, and the posts plagiarized from the Family Research Council↱ (#72↑, 80↑, 85↑) only make the point.

In our own small corner of the Universe, though, there really is no reason for these advocates to change°, learn, evolve, or whatever. Quite literally none. A question arises whether or not particular advocacy can occur without fallacy, and, strangely, the answer is only uncertain in the way nothing can be certain; otherwise, the answer is that in forty-six years, a range of political arguments simply do not occur without an accompaniment range of pseudoscience and fallacy a priori.

The question becomes significant in its own context: Does the refusal of inconsistenly-applied pseudoscience necessarily silence the larger issue advocacy? If the answer is somehow affirmative, perhaps the problem is in the construction of the issue. If one cannot argue the point without fallacy, why?

And the reason none ever answer for this is because they have no reason to. It's not that I disagree with your tutting admonition in #222—("You can't just repeat your claims while ignoring the specific questions I put to you above"). Nor is it an unfamiliar refrain; what I've learned over time runs, approximately: Okay, sure, he can't, but why not? Who says? There are answers to those questions, sure, but they do not seem to apply around here; our neighbor has precisely no reason to not simply repeat himself while ignoring the specific questions you put to him. Not only is that how this particular issue advocacy behaves in the world at large, here at Sciforums, the practical reality is that nobody will actually stop him from just repeating his claims while ignoring the specific questions you put to him.

The discussion doesn't move because one general side either cannot or simply will not move on from pseudoscience and fallacy. Here is a conundrum: To what degree is it yours, mine, or anyone else's, who happens to disagree with these people, to write their argument for them? That is, the issue isn't entirely fallacious, is it? Perhaps I might be able to write their argument, for them, and better than they can, but I still don't believe it, and they will simply complain when I take it apart at the predictable points.

The other thing I can't do, in such a case, is contain the argument to just one issue; there is a lot of concomitant peripheral and collateral damage that must eventually be accounted for. Furthermore, the whole thing gets really complicated, so it's not like the advocates would use the argument, or be capable of adjusting it to the moment. In the end, writing their argument for them would be wasted effort at best, likely setting the discussion back for giving them yet another excuse for the sloth of repeating their insistent pseudoscientific fallacies.


° On the point of plagiarism, it should be noted the FRC probably either doesn't care, or might even condone this sort of use; the document is, after all, titled, "The Best Pro-Life Arguments for Secular Audiences"; ironically, the byline omits the woman described as one of the authors. However, another aspect that stands out, here, is that despite being called out on the paste job (#73↑, 83↑), SetiAlpha6 continues, attempting only slight revisions to the text, because the purpose of hiding its origin is to hide its origin; not to steal it, but to present it in a superficially modified context, separate from its nefarious and religious history, as if this Christianist lexicon and syntax would occur without the religious impetus, much akin in this aspect to the purported difference 'twixt Creationism and Intelligent design.​

Schwarzwalder, Rob. "The Best Pro-Life Arguments for Secular Audiences". Family Research Council. (n.d.) 17 February 2019.
61% of Americans say abortion should be illegal after the fetal heartbeat has begun,which occurs in the first month of pregnancy.
At one month gestation, there is no actual heart or completely differentiated tissue that will become a heart. At six weeks gestation, the tissues that will - later, as they grow - form the human heart are differentiated, and the electrical impulses that will become a heartbeat have begun. That is important for the development of the actual heart - but not an indication that the development has taken place.
  • 72% of Americans say abortion should be illegal after the first 3 months of pregnancy.
  • 86% of Americans say abortion should be illegal after the first 6 months of pregnancy.
Both those numbers depend on the wording of the question. Pro-life people commonly use deceptive wording and assumptions when polling, and when reporting on polls.
As for me, I am married and I am faithful to my wife. So my wife and I do not really have to worry about these things.
That's nice.

What does this have to do with the subject matter of this thread?

As I mentioned to you recently, my brother Kevin, died from HIV/AIDS. I have to go to a graveyard to talk to him and he never talks back to me. I really miss him!
That is very sad and I am very sorry for your loss.

But I am trying to understand how this ties in to this thread...

One website states that over 30 million people are currently infected with HIV/AIDS and rising.
Probably more than that.

I have multiple relatives that have had children outside of marriage. Because of failed contraception methods.

Science (embryology) teaches that a new human life begins at conception.
No it does not.

But you're on a bit of a roll now..

So an abortion clearly kills a new male or female human life.
How have you taken a false statement and come up with this vapid conclusion?

This is self evident. I call it a child, you may call he or she anything you want to.
You cite embryology, and then you start calling "it" "a child"..

It is too easy to even laugh at, at this rate.

It is obviously a separate human life from the mother.
Back to "it" I see.

Is "it" developing outside of the mother's body?

It isn't a "human life". It's a bunch of cells that were lucky enough to implant in her uterus and if she wants it to remain there, it has the potential to grow and develop and be born and be a baby.

How is it possible for people to ever think it is OK to kill there own child?
Who has said that it is acceptable to murder "a child"?

Oh wait, you are still talking about abortion?

Your wife has probably passed a lot of your children down the toilet every 28 days. Did you weep over each tampon and sanitary pad?

It isn't "a child".

Because you have even skipped the "baby" stage, not to mention the toddler years and gone right to child.

This kind of ridiculous emotive language and vapid plea to people's emotions is very obvious. And rings false when you spend your time referring to "the child" as "it" constantly.

I feel like it would take a depraved, self deceived mind to even conceive of such a thing.
Of course and if a person murders their child, then they would be depraved.

But abortion is not "murdering a child".

According to Science...
When a human sperm penetrates a human ovum, or egg, generally in the upper portion of the Fallopian Tube, a new entity comes into existence. "Zygote" is the name of the first cell formed at conception, the earliest developmental stage of the human embryo, followed by the "Morula" and "Blastocyst" stages.

The zygote is composed of human DNA and other human molecules, so its nature is undeniably human and not some other species.
A new entity?


It's a bunch of cells dividing. Most of the time, it ends up on a tampon or sanitary pad.

And for your information, your skin cells are also composed of human DNA. So are your finger nails probably. What is your point, exactly? Does that mean we should not be cutting our nails, hair, etc, because we are destroying life?

No, it is not. Because to think such a thing would be utterly ridiculous. This whole argument of "human DNA" becomes bogus when we consider that everything about us as human beings is in our human DNA. Just because cells contain human DNA does not mean that it is suddenly an individual person, or "a child".
The new human zygote has a genetic composition that is absolutely unique from itself, different from any other human that has ever existed, including that of its mother.

This DNA includes a complete "design," guiding not only early development but even hereditary attributes that will appear in childhood and adulthood, from hair and eye color to personality traits.

It is also quite clear that the earliest human embryo is biologically alive. It fulfills the four criteria needed to establish biological life: metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction.
1. Identical twins.

2. Not design. For goodness sakes!

3. It's a bunch of cells. Is it "alive"? As much as my finger nails are alive before I file them down or cut them. Not to mention you have also just described a tumour. I take it you are against chemotherapy as well then?

The zygote acts immediately and decisively to initiate a program of development that will, if uninterrupted by accident, disease, or external intervention, proceed seamlessly through formation of the definitive body, birth, childhood, adolescence, maturity, and aging, ending with death. This coordinated behavior is the very hallmark of an organism.

A kidney is not really the same thing as a developing child in the womb.
You are absolutely correct.

A kidney is more important for the person's survival than pregnancy.

And I would not be killing anyone in not giving them my own kidney, the failure of their own body would be doing that, in some cases because of their own lifestyle, at other times not.
Well yes, you would be.

And you would be doing it knowingly and voluntarily.
That would be sick! On multiple levels!!!
You cannot be this cold hearted!
How so?

You are the one who set that standard by determining that you would not be killing anyone in not giving them your own kidney and that it is the failure of their own body that would be doing that.

You have stated clearly, that "it" is a separate person and entity, human being from the moment of conception:

It is obviously a separate human life from the mother.

Ergo, Billvon's point essentially argues as you have argued. That because it is a "separate human life from the mother", she would be well within her rights to have a c-section and let "that separate human life" develop on it's own and as you have stated, she would not be killing anyone by not giving that "separate human life" her body to grow in, because if "it" dies, then it is because of the failure of "it's" own body.
Wow, no way!!! Women are such a great blessing, God’s most beautiful and possibly greatest creation ever. I adore women!!!
Until she wishes to exercise her rights over her own body and then she becomes an irresponsible whore who chose to have sex regardless of the risk.

Right? Because that has been the crux of your argument thus far.

How do you explain the image on the Shroud?
How do you explain that the image on the shroud is of a Caucasian man, funnily enough, depicted in the same way that romantic artists in the past pictured Jesus, when in reality, Jesus would not have been Caucasian but would instead have looked something akin to:


You know, if we want to actually look at this realistically.

No of course not.

The child is inside the mother’s body, and is scientifically a separate human life, that deserves protection in the same way that the mother’s body deserves legal protection.

Her body is her own property!
Her daughters body is her daughter’s.
Do you not see the contradiction there?

Do you fail to see how this simply does not and cannot work and is an absolutely ridiculous and frankly obscene argument?

Often here on Sciforums when people get argued into a corner, and cannot make any further intelligent posts, they start posting links to Youtube videos. It's sort of admitting defeat.

Well, that, or it's time for a dance party.

Strangely, I don't have a good dance party banner. I'll have to go get the monkey dance frame from .hack//Sign. Never mind. Something about an overgrown fetus goes here.

Often here on Sciforums when people get argued into a corner, and cannot make any further intelligent posts, they start posting links to Youtube videos. It's sort of admitting defeat.
There should be some kind of equivalent of Godwin's rule, relating to posting youtube videos without comment.

In my experience, doing that is usually equivalent to admitting you've lost the argument.
There should be some kind of equivalent of Godwin's rule, relating to posting youtube videos without comment.

You already enforce some such rule like that over in the Fringe section, where fear of Youtube videos kinda runs rampant.
Mod Action - Image removed

Mother Theresa of Calcutta — 'It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.'

Our Society severely fails Women and their children when Planned Parenthood and many others, falsely present the lie that abortion is the best option for them.

Other life affirming options are available and have been available for years, and the wealth of the United States means there is no excuse for the ignorant rape of the child from the mother.

These women are often kept ignorant and uninformed of the realities of what these doctors will be doing to them and what they will be doing to their baby. Ignorance equals Rape.

Full disclosure and knowledge is needed not the suppression of knowledge.

Every woman who is considering an abortion should be shown a video from the point of view of the camera inside the womb, showing the baby being torn apart, literally each limb torn off one by one, showing the baby recoiling in pain, and then showing the babies head deliberately being crushed with forceps for removal.

Abortion is the act of the murder of an innocent child by the doctor, hired by the mother to dismember, kill, and remove her own baby.

A baby is murdered inside the mother’s womb, where he or she is being protected and nourished by the woman’s own body, just so she may live as she wishes.
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A baby is murdered inside the mother’s womb, where he or she is being protected and nourished by the woman’s own body, just so she may live as she wishes.
If it is against the mother's will, the baby has no moral right to live. You can't ignore the rights of the mother as a living being.

Also, Mother Theresa was a horrible person.
Often here on Sciforums when people get argued into a corner, and cannot make any further intelligent posts, they start posting links to Youtube videos. It's sort of admitting defeat.
And when that fails, they resort to images to try to shock and awe people into religious compliance.
You can't ignore the rights of the mother as a living being.

Of course!

And I can’t also ignore the rights of the baby daughter inside her, which her own body is protecting from harm.

The mother has to actually, with the help of a doctor, injure herself, her own body, to stop her body from protecting her baby.

She has to inflict self harm on here own body.

This is a mental breakdown, a moral breakdown, and a self inflicted wound on multiple levels.
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