Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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Every woman who is considering an abortion should be shown a video from the point of view of the camera inside the womb, showing the baby being torn apart, literally each limb torn off one by one, showing the baby recoiling in pain, and then showing the babies head deliberately being crushed with forceps for removal.
And every foe of women's rights should be forced to watch a woman die after the abortion she needed was denied - and then explain to her family that the baby was worth the life of their daughter.
The mother has to actually, with the help of a doctor, injure herself, her own body, to stop her body from protecting her baby.
That's like banning tumor-removal surgery because it injures the patient.
How do you explain that the image on the shroud is of a Caucasian man, funnily enough, depicted in the same way that romantic artists in the past pictured Jesus, when in reality, Jesus would not have been Caucasian but would instead have looked something akin to:


This argument fails. Check out if you really want answers to this and many other questions.
Our Society severely fails Women and their children when Planned Parenthood and many others, falsely present the lie that abortion is the best option for them.
Stop lying.

Other life affirming options are available and have been available for years, and the wealth of the United States means there is no excuse for the ignorant rape of the child from the mother.
We have gone from abortion is murder to abortion now being rape of the child from the mother?

Really, what kind of sick puppy are you? Because from the image you posted and this clap trap, inquiring minds want to know. This has now cross the line of obscenity.

For example:

These women are often kept ignorant and uninformed of the realities of what these doctors will be doing to them and what they will be doing to their baby. Ignorance equals Rape.
I'm sorry, but are you saying that rape is somehow comparable to being ignorant?

Full disclosure and knowledge is needed not the suppression of knowledge.
Do you think women are too stupid to know what an abortion is?

Oh wait, we need men like you to gleefully tell us and provide pictures that you and your ilk fawn over like a teenage boy fawns over porn?

Every woman who is considering an abortion should be shown a video from the point of view of the camera inside the womb, showing the baby being torn apart, literally each limb torn off one by one, showing the baby recoiling in pain, and then showing the babies head deliberately being crushed with forceps for removal.
What the hell kind of perversion is this?

You are sick!

Abortion is the act of the murder of an innocent child by the doctor, hired by the mother to dismember, kill, and remove her own baby.
So is a miscarriage.

Do you call women who miscarry murderers as well?

Do you ask them for pictures of it so you can post them online and try and pass them off as "abortion" pictures?

A baby is murdered inside the mother’s womb, where he or she is being protected and nourished by the woman’s own body, just so she may live as she wishes.
Yep. It's her body. Her choice. Her womb. Her life to live as she wishes.

It is none of your business what we do with our bodies and with our reproductive organs. How about you pay mind to your own penis and testicles and we'll mind our vagina, ovaries and uterus' and do with them what we want to do with them, just as you do with yours what you want to do with yours? Deal?

In other words, what we do with our bodies is none of your business. I get it, you want to jam a camera up our vaginas because you seem to have some sort of sick fetish for abortion porn. Not going to happen. Mind your own business. Abortion has absolutely nothing to do with you. It doesn't concern you. It is none of your business. It is not your body.

You want to save children? Lobby your government for better healthcare access to children in your country. Get your head out of the wombs of women. It doesn't belong there.
This argument fails. Check out if you really want answers to this and many other questions.
You still cannot reconcile that the shroud is fake, portrays a man of European origin when Jesus would have looked anything but.

You know, "science". You should try it sometime. Along with some critical thinking.
Abortion is the act of the murder of an innocent child by the doctor, hired by the mother to dismember, kill, and remove her own baby.
That's not true.
By that, I mean it's physically false - an inaccurate description of most abortions.

Bearing false witness is a violation of the Eighth Commandment of the Christian Bible, numerous Proverbs and warnings of that Bible, and the strictures of almost every religion on the planet. It is a sin on the same level as murder.
There are six things that the LORD strongly dislikes, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
— Proverbs 6:16–19
And every foe of women's rights should be forced to watch a woman die after the abortion she needed was denied - and then explain to her family that the baby was worth the life of their daughter.

That's like banning tumor-removal surgery because it injures the patient.

Well, I do not equate the premeditated deliberate murder of a child and the comparatively rare possibility of the death of the mother from natural causes as if they are the same thing. Also, as stated earlier, women die from abortions as well, both born women and unborn women.

Rare potential natural outcomes should not legislate all other choices that have certain outcomes. They are not equivalents. They are categorically different on multiple levels. These arguments fail.

I also do not equate a baby with a tumor. It does not seem like you can see that.

But apparently you are unable to, which I find concerning. I sincerely hope you don’t work in a hospital.
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You still cannot reconcile that the shroud is fake, portrays a man of European origin when Jesus would have looked anything but.

You know, "science". You should try it sometime. Along with some critical thinking.

An argument from ignorance, of how Jesus looked (which no one knows to begin with) fails. Is an assumption without evidence and is a very poor method of scientific inquiry.

You cannot be this poor at reasoning!

I gave you the place to go to if you really want answers to all your questions.

Perhaps you don’t want answers, I don’t know, perhaps you only wish to scoff. If so, that would also be very unscientific as well.
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Well, I do not equate the premeditated deliberate murder of a child and the comparatively rare possibility of the death of the mother from natural causes as if they are the same thing.
Neither do you equate a human embryo with a human child in normal circumstances. Pretending to do so for the sake of accusation is not honest.
Rare potential natural outcomes should not legislate all other choices that have certain outcomes.
They aren't rare.
And nobody is "legislating all other outcomes". That is - again - false witness.
An argument from ignorance, of how Jesus looked (which no one knows to begin with) fails
People do have a well supported idea - within any reasonable doubt - of how Jesus did not look. He almost certainly did not look Chinese, for example.
People do have a well supported idea - within any reasonable doubt - of how Jesus did not look. He almost certainly did not look Chinese, for example.

The argument fails, and causes reasonable doubt.

Correct, Mary the mother was not Chinese, she was a Jew.

Any idea who the Father was?
What genetic lineage was He?

The Shroud fits perfectly!

It is not reasonable to assume that Jesus would have to look like a Jew, because His Father was not a Jew.

His Mother was a Jew, but His Father was not.
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Abortion is the act of the murder of an innocent child by the doctor, hired by the mother to dismember, kill, and remove her own baby.
A fetus is living developing tissue, dependent on the system in which it develops - just like any other organ. We remove all sorts of organs without concern of moral implications.

This comes down to a single issue:
You consider a fetus to be a person the moment it is fertilized.
Most others - including the law - and the woman whose body we are discussing - do not.

It is on that condition alone that this thread exists at all.
A fetus is living developing tissue, dependent on the system in which it develops - just like any other organ. We remove all sorts of organs without concern of moral implications.

This comes down to a single issue:
You consider a fetus to be a person the moment it is fertilized.
Most others - including the law - and the woman whose body we are discussing - do not.

It is on that condition alone that this thread exists at all.

A baby is not an organ!

Please don’t ever work in a hospital. They know the difference there and you don’t seem to be capable of understanding basic biology.

Most Doctors know the difference as well.
A fetus is living developing tissue, dependent on the system in which it develops - much like an organ. We remove all sorts of organs without concern of moral implications.
Fixed. Better?

No doctor will tell a mother she's murdering and dismembering her pregnancy, so best if you're not in a hospital either. You'd do well to get off your high horse.

This is all argument by emotion - a logical fallacy.

You're entitled to your opinion, but let's keep it that way.
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"Precious Ones": Pro-life supply to make little girls cry.

Full disclosure and knowledge is needed not the suppression of knowledge.

The history of suppression of knowledge regarding abortion and other reproductive health considerations is rather quite easily characterized in the U.S., for instance, by the number of legislative amendments and executive gag orders constraining abortion, contraception, and related information.

Meanwhile, the last time I recall encountering some version of this argument, forced vaginal penetration under color of law was actually the reason.

(Note aside: It's actually almost funny; I went looking for a link to throw into the preceding paragraph in order to make the point, and what I came across first was a five year-old discussion among the moderators; it's not exactly amazing how much things don't change, around here. Except it's not funny. A different search suggests I wasn't quite hard enough on the argument over the course several years when it was a partisan favorite in the United States: May, 2012↗, on Virginia ["Ultrasound State"] and Pennsylvania ["Just Close Your Eyes State"]; June, 2012↗, shortly after "Governor Ultrasound" [Bob McDonnell, R-VA] was scuttlebutted into Mitt Romney's veep pool; August, 2012↗, after Sean Spicer, then RNC communications director, fumbled a question about abortion and rape in the context of the 2012 Republican Party platform and multiple high-profile GOP candidates badly botching discussions of sex crime; it was easy enough to recall in February, 2013↗ when "Governor Ultrasound" found himself countenancing the possibility of becoming "Governor Three-Fifths", which ought to make some sort of point about the conservative politics involved; it was also unavoidable when the right-wing Attorney General of Virginia, a guy they actually called "Cooch", was running to replace Governor Ultrasound, and the man running to replace him, Mark Obenshain, had sought in the Virginia Senate to require women to report suspected miscarriages, i.e., menstrual irregularity, under force of law with jail time among the penalties for failure or refusal, and, frankly, who can imagine being "Governor Menstrual Inspector"; indeed, Cooch's part in all that earned him a joke↗, that year, about being "Attorney General Ultrasound", and part of that requires taking the moment to appreciate a government in which the man running to replace a scandal-plagued governor is also investigating that governor while also being investigated for his own ethics scsandal, and even still it ought to count for something that the Party chose, for their Lt. Gov. candidate, a preacher who could not spell the word "commandment" properly on the cover of his book about the Ten Commandments; by the time we get around to 2014↗, the argument took a hit, and it's worth noting that law in question, the "Woman's Right to Know Act", passed in 2011; it's about this point, as it happens, that one moderator's discussion occurs, but it is its own thing, involving political complaint against hard critiques of observable behavior, and the catalyst is a related, albeit separate, subject; in April, 2014↗, we learned from a man in Missouri that forced penetration under law in order to affect behavioral outcomes among women is much akin to "making a decision to buy a car", and his opinion becomes important because, well, he was sponsoring one of these forced penetration bills; in May, 2015↗, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, as part of his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination, complained about "'gotcha' media" while describing forced penetration under law as part of "just a cool thing out there"; July, 2015↗ saw other Republicans, including former governor Rick Perry [R-TX] and then Gov. Chris Christie [R-NJ], as well as then pollster Kellyann Conway, trying to help push Walker's message as something more broadly conservative and Republican; Idaho Republicans took a really weird go at it in February, 2016↗; I had cause to recall it again, later that year↗, considering the potential "emergence of that long-rumored silent majority"; it's not so much that the issue has gone away, but, rather, that the not entirely unpredictable confluence of supremacist ideologies and methods swirling through American politics, of late, has actually blown away the subtleties of forcing vaginal penetration under law in favor of open celebration of misogyny and rape culture.)​

It is also true that while gag orders and legislative exclusions have been popular among conservatives, a more recent innovation is the use of state funds to pay for anti-abortion quackery intended to misinform women; as Rewire News↱ reported last year on Florida joining the list, alongside Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. The rest of us ought not be surprised at the actual names of the states on that list.

Nor should anyone be surprised at your pseudoscientific appeals to emotion; phallusy fallacy and excrement do not a proper argument make.


Wilson, Teddy. "State-Level Republicans Pour Taxpayer Money Into Fake Clinics at an Unprecedented Pace". 16 February. Rewire.News. 19 February 2019.
Nor should anyone be surprised at your pseudoscientific appeals to emotion; phallusy fallacy and excrement do not a proper argument make.​

Emotion may not be important to you anymore but it is still kind of an important thing for many of us, it can be evidence of empathy for the well-being of others. You know Love?

And not giving weight to it can be evidence of a person’s inability to empathize, and can even be evidence of a self hardened heart. Even a Sociopath.

By the way, are you a Christophobe?
Well, I do not equate the premeditated deliberate murder of a child and the comparatively rare possibility of the death of the mother from natural causes as if they are the same thing.
They are not the same thing and I did not claim they were. I claimed that it is up to the woman, not you, to make that decision. If you decide to try to impose your will on her, and she dies as a result, you get to explain it to her family. Good luck. Some families might not take your actions leading to her death so well.
Also, as stated earlier, women die from abortions as well.
Yes - and 99.999% of them are from illegal abortions. Want to protect pregnant women? Ensure abortion is legal.
Rare potential natural outcomes should not legislate all other choices that have certain outcomes. They are not equivalents. They are categorically different on multiple levels.
Yes. And who gets to decide? The woman, not you.
I also do not equate a baby with a tumor.
Nor do I. Your strawman is rejected.
But apparently you are unable to, which I find concerning. I sincerely hope you don’t work in a hospital.
I have, in the past. More to the point, most medical professionals support a women's right to choose.
SetiAlpha6 said:
Abortion is the act of the murder of an innocent child by the doctor, hired by the mother to dismember, kill, and remove her own baby.
Life is sacred?? As usual Carlin analyzed the status of fetuses in his inimitable style.
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Are you trolling? Why have you not responded to the posts I wrote to any of the questions I put to you in previous replies to you? Why are you dodging and avoiding? Why are you posting emotive images? Is your argument based on emotion or reason?

Our Society severely fails Women and their children when Planned Parenthood and many others, falsely present the lie that abortion is the best option for them.
Are you claiming that these organisations urge women to have abortions? Got any evidence of that?

Other life affirming options are available and have been available for years...
Like what?

... and the wealth of the United States means there is no excuse for the ignorant rape of the child from the mother.

Why the emotive language? Abortion isn't rape. Rape is sex without consent. It's important you recognise what abortion is and what it is not, otherwise you'll be unable to persuade anybody of anything.

These women are often kept ignorant and uninformed of the realities of what these doctors will be doing to them and what they will be doing to their baby. Ignorance equals Rape.
Err... no. Besides, the procedure is explained when a woman has an abortion. Medical interventions require informed consent. The doctors take an oath, you know. There are also plenty of legal requirements.

Every woman who is considering an abortion should be shown a video from the point of view of the camera inside the womb, showing the baby being torn apart, literally each limb torn off one by one, showing the baby recoiling in pain, and then showing the babies head deliberately being crushed with forceps for removal.
Why? To traumatise the woman who is already faced with what is often a very difficult decision? What's wrong with you?

Abortion is the act of the murder of an innocent child by the doctor, hired by the mother to dismember, kill, and remove her own baby.

We've been through this already, and you don't get a free pass to ignore what has already been explained to you. That is the behaviour of a troll.

If you want to call abortion murder, then you have to establish the elements of the crime. For starters, you need to show that there's "an innocent child", as you claim there is. A blastocyst, or a foetus, or an embryo, is not an "innocent child". Murder involves the unlawful killing of a person. Abortion is not unlawful, and it most likely does not involve a person. If you think you have an actual argument to the contrary, please put it.

The mother has to actually, with the help of a doctor, injure herself, her own body, to stop her body from protecting her baby.

She has to inflict self harm on here own body.
No. Women are usually just fine following an abortion. It is a surgical procedure, but if it was harmful to women it would not be carried out. Doctors take an oath, remember.

Also, as stated earlier, women die from abortions as well, both born women and unborn women.
The maternal death rate following legal abortion is about 1.9 women per 100,000.
To compare, maternal mortality following a caesarian delivery is about 100 per 100,000.
In Australia, which is likely to be broadly comparable to the US, the overall maternal mortality rate (i.e. of women giving birth naturally or by caesarian) is 8.5 per 100,000.

We see that carrying a child to term presents a much greater risk to the mother than a legal abortion would.

I also do not equate a baby with a tumor.
No. You equate a fertilised egg to an adult human being.

By the way, between 30 and 50% of all pregnancies result in miscarriage (i.e. spontaneous abortion). The rate is between 10 and 20% among women who are at the stage of knowing they are pregnant.

I don't hear you crying out about the loss of all those "innocent children".

I gave you the place to go to if you really want answers to all your questions.
Where, exactly, should we look there to find the explanation as to why the Jesus on the shroud is not of middle-eastern appearance? Link please.
Of course!

And I can’t also ignore the rights of the baby daughter inside her, which her own body is protecting from harm.

The mother has to actually, with the help of a doctor, injure herself, her own body, to stop her body from protecting her baby.

She has to inflict self harm on here own body.

This is a mental breakdown, a moral breakdown, and a self inflicted wound on multiple levels.
That's irrelevant, since an individual can decide to take the risk of surgery. I don't recognize the baby's right to life in this case, since it is dependent on another person's body being used without consent. It doesn't have a right to another person's body. I find this choice to be the morally superior one, since it maximizes well being for the most people. First of all the mother, who wants it gone, secondly society, which benefits from the lack of unwanted uncared for children. It's not enough to be born, a mentally healthy human being requires at least one loving parent.

I find pro-life people to minimize the rights of women in general, so I don't think your concern for women is sincere.
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