Is it wrong to have sex for fun, knowing it might possibly lead to an abortion?

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You refuse to defend yourself, but you want me to defend atheism from your stupid straw man?


Answer my questions, and if you tell me again to figure it out myself, we are done.

Will Provine was no straw man, he was a real person and many agreed with his view.

Later... God Bless!
Will Provine was no straw man, he was a real person and many agreed with his view.
He was just as real as William Joseph Simmonds, a preacher who used Christianity to revive the KKK. He appointed himself Grand Wizard of the KKK and burned crosses to symbolize "the light of Christ." Many Christians agreed with him, as well.

I wonder how any moral person could push Christianity after that? Why spread so much hate?
He was just as real as William Joseph Simmonds, a preacher who used Christianity to revive the KKK. He appointed himself Grand Wizard of the KKK and burned crosses to symbolize "the light of Christ." Many Christians agreed with him, as well.

I wonder how any moral person could push Christianity after that? Why spread so much hate?

Good point, I would never push Christianity in that wicked format. I agree, I don’t know either. Who was doing that. Someone in another thread purhaps?
Mod Hat — Unacceptable

Pseudoscience is not appropriate for EM&J.

If that was the case, you would not need to be so deliberately deceptive.

In the future, consider before posting the ethical conundrum you create by unethically calculating an ethical proposition. If the science is so important, then you should not need to sleight the topic question as you have.

I asked a few questions and others took it in the direction they desired and I walked with them down the pathways they chose. How was I being “deliberately deceptive” anywhere?

You guys are offended pretty easily! Kind of weak!
Good point, I would never push Christianity in that wicked format. I agree, I don’t know either. Who was doing that.
Uh - you. You chose an atheist you didn't like and made the assumption that all atheists are like that; claimed that all atheists pushed such a "virus of the mind" that made people feel "hopeless" and "despair of life."

If you don't want to be judged by the actions of William Joseph Simmonds, don't judge others by the actions of Will Provine.
I asked a few questions and others took it in the direction they desired and I walked with them down the pathways they chose. How was I being “deliberately deceptive” anywhere?

You guys are offended pretty easily! Kind of weak!
And something I said previously:
So, you started this thread on some moral superiority guise, along with dissing atheists as being irrational or evil, and now the best you can come up with is "I don't know!!!"
Trolling by chance?
Uh - you. You chose an atheist you didn't like and made the assumption that all atheists are like that; claimed that all atheists pushed such a "virus of the mind" that made people feel "hopeless" and "despair of life."

If you don't want to be judged by the actions of William Joseph Simmonds, don't judge others by the actions of Will Provine.

Ok, thank you.
And something I said previously:
Trolling by chance?

I don’t really understand?

I did not consider asking a question equal to making a statement that everyone else did this.

And I have sin in my own life regarding a part of this topic, and I am ashamed of what I did in the past.

I use my own shame to stop me from ever doing it again because the emotional pain is too much.

For me the fun of sex, before I was married has been counterbalanced with enough pain to stop me from doing it ever with anyone but my wife.

My shame is a great blessing to me, because it stops me from having even more emotional pain in my life.

I am still living with what I have done, and I wish I never did it so the pain would go away.

Does this make any sense to you?
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I don’t really understand?

I did not consider asking a question equal to making a statement that everyone else did this.

And I have sin in my own life regarding a part of this topic, and I am ashamed of what I did in the past.

I use my own shame to stop me from ever doing it again because the emotional pain is too much.

For me the fun of sex, before I was married has been counterbalanced with enough pain to stop me from doing it ever with anyone but my wife.

My shame is a great blessing to me, because it stops me from having even more emotional pain in my life.

I am still living with what I have done, and I wish I never did it so the pain would go away.

Does this make any sense to you?
You're an asshole that can't be trusted, yet, I would be naive up until your murder/rape?
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We talked earlier about how Atheism produces hopelessness and despair in the hearts of us earlier.
Please don't put words in the mouths of others.
Atheists do not experience any more hopelessness and despair than others.
Many atheists see the world as a blank page, waiting to be explored, without an oppressive judge overseeing and presciently knowing every move that is - or will - be made.
My shame is a great blessing to me, because it stops me from having even more emotional pain in my life.
I am still living with what I have done, and I wish I never did it so the pain would go away.
This is all well and good. But note, it does not require God.
Atheists live with harm they've done too. They take on the judgment themselves, instead of assigning it to someone else.
I could never do either one of those! Never entered my mind. Judgemental Profiling Again! Wow!!! This place is too much for me!
And I'm to take that on your free will?

You can't even mount an unambiguous argument.
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And I'm to take that on your free will?

You can't even mount an unambiguous argument.

So first I am accused of being self-righteous and judgmental, use your own words here, then I admit I have sinned myself, and then I am a rapist or murderer. Now I am ambiguous and untrustworthy because I admit I live with emotional pain, from what? You do not even know.

You apparently believed me when I said I have sinned but will not believe me, if I tell you the truth. Which I have been doing this whole time, even being vulnerable.

Wow! OK, here is more to throw back in my face!

I loved a college girl while I was in college, she suduced me, we had sex, she became pregnant while on birth control, but she would not marry me.

That was a very painful experience for me so I decided never to do it again until I was married, which I did.

Go ahead and don’t believe me, if you wish!
You apparently believed me when I said I have sinned but will not believe me, if I tell you the truth. Which I have been doing this whole time, even being vulnerable.
Who said I believed you at all?

As far as I know, you're a liar that can't make arguments.

So now I am being socially profiled.
I was trying to make a more general comment, but if you want to apply it to yourself I can't stop you.

The survey results only suggest probabilities. It is not universally true, for example, that educated people will be anti-choice. About 3 out of ten college graduates believe abortion should be illegal in all or most cases.

From what you've said, I would speculate that your own motivations for being anti-choice are primarily religious. But that is just another guess that could be wrong.

You say:
We are all Christian by evidence first and faith second. So obviously we are all stupid, mindless, crazy people.
It sounds like you're trying to play the victim. Why is that? I have nowhere suggested that Christians are, in general, stupid, mindless or crazy. What the survey evidence shows is that the more conservative Christian denominations also tend to correlate with the strongest anti-abortion views.
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I note that you have not responded to a number of difficult points and questions that I put to you. Here are the links. I hope you're not avoiding the hard questions, changing the topic to the Turin Shroud and other irrelevancies.

Any chance that...

The resurrection of Jesus gives hope to those who have no hope?
Sure, belief in the resurrection of Jesus can give some people a sense of hope.

The Shroud of Turin is pretty good evidence for the resurrection, and so is pretty good evidence for hope.
There's a lot of controversy over the authenticity of the Shroud, as I'm sure you're aware. I agree with you that it is good evidence for hope - like the hope of some Christians that it will turn out to be authentic after all.

spidergoat already asked you several times why you think the Shroud is evidence of the resurrection, but you avoided answering. Why is that?

There is rational, scientific evidence, for the resurrection of Jesus embedded in the Shroud.
Like what?

But it requires careful study and critical examination. It is one of the most scientifically scrutinized artifacts of all time, and it has survived all of it.
Actually, access to it for study is highly restricted. As an icon of the Catholic church (not, by the way, a relic, which means that the church has not yet officially said it is authentic), obviously its custodians are keen to preserve it.

The image on the cloth, is a negative, but is not a photographic negative. It has 3d information imbedded in the image itself. It is also not a painted image either.
The claims of 3D information are based on somewhat dubious analyses. The image is consistent with being painted.

Correct, the dating of the cloth was a problem for a while but has been explained, according to the main scientist involved with that aspect of it.
The dating that has been done has given various results.

I'm interested, though. You say you're a Christian by "evidence first and faith second". In terms of evidence, do you rely primarily on the Turin Shroud, or is other evidence more/as important to you?

Also, if you have evidence, why do you need faith?

By the way, there's a thread titled "Evidence of God" or something like that, in the Religion forum, where you might like to post your evidence. So far, the theists have had a pretty poor showing in that thread, with many of them being unable to come up with any evidence at all.
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