Is it right to put people first?

The conservationists have burned through billions of dollars and have largely been destructive. It's been industry efforts that have made manufacturing cleaner and more power efficient, in spite of the Luddites.

Now you're making me laugh. For all the wrong reasons.
/bracing for mad rant..

/kiss my royal Heineken.

Anyway, environmentalists got addicted to all that free money and actually solving environmental problems would cut them off from that gravy train. This is why they pick problems that have no clear endpoints and muddle the science as best they can.
Whatever works for you. Do you even know what conservationists actually accomplish?

Well could you describe exactly how and why 'industry' has made manufacturing cleaner and more efficient? I mean did industry do it out of, er, altruism or something else ooh er such as consumer pressure....or government legislation? I mean did certain manufacturing industries notice that all rivers within a 20 mile radius of its factories were polluted thus rendering them unfit for life or did someone else point that out?

For instance did the fact that life expectancy in industrial era Britain was as low as 19 in some cities have any impact on the manufacturers or was it down to some other folks to point it out and force industry to change?

Ah lovely manufacturers....bless them one and all.
/kiss my royal Heineken.

Anyway, environmentalists got addicted to all that free money and actually solving environmental problems would cut them off from that gravy train. This is why they pick problems that have no clear endpoints and muddle the science as best they can.

Royal Heineken ?
I didn't know you were a dutchy :D

The USA was carved out of the wilderness with the power of the gun.

Wilderness eh? So, nobody lived there before the guns came along?

The British oppressed the Americans, so the Americas used the power of the gun to revolt and form their own nation! ...

Then the Allies, using the power of the gun, gave the French back their human rights.


In the USA, the power of the gun retored the stolen human rights of the oppressed, enslaved African blacks. ...

Every day, criminals steal or abuse the human righs of others. And it's through the power of the gun that those same rights are restored.

One thing that puzzles me is this:

How do all these brave, selfless men with big guns know which side to fight for?

Please explain, Baron Max.
Where did you get that idea?

That's a fair question. The place that I thought I read it at seems not to have it anymore. I got the idea that it might be correct from knowing about the many reforestation projects, the efforts to plant trees where there were none before in Kansas farmlands, and the lumber companies advertising the fact that they replanted more trees than they cut down, which is of course how they stay in business.
Here is a title recommended by James P. Hogan that relates:

Eco-Imperialism: Green Power; Black Death
by Paul Driessen

Do you ever wonder what we do to Africans in the name of environmentalism? This is done in other countries too. We try to coerce them to put up with nuisance animals running around loose that still kill many of them each year, which kill a lot fewer when kept on game farms or as pets and livestock. There is very little in the way of actual gain for the Africans when they let lions run wild where they have to live.

A hard-hitting rundown on the underlying ideology that drives environmental movement. Driessen show how politics, propaganda, and financial dictates impose the views of mostly wealthy, comfortable Americans and Europeans on mostly poor, desperate Africans, Asians and Latin Americans. The result violates these people's most basic human rights, denying them economic opportunities, the chance for better lives, the right to rid their countries of diseases that were vanquished long ago in Europe and the United States.

And of course the environmentalists are impacting basic rights in the United States, the UK, Australia, and many other places.
And of course the environmentalists are impacting basic rights in the United States, the UK, Australia, and many other places.

Like the basic right to make a living. Many logging companies/ communities are shut down by environmentalists. Sometimes of a flight of fancy. Like the ones in oregon and washington shut down becuase they are a perfect habitat for Spotted owls. Except one thing NO SPOTTED OWLS HAVE EVER LIVED THERE. Whole sections of prime timberland were closed down because some ecologist convinced a judge that hese forest might ONE DAY house spotted owls.

The enironmentalist did not even budge when the logging companies presented their extremely ecology minded selective timbering and replanting plans, which they had been using for decades. In the end hundreds of families had to move out of the are as they went broke. And guess waht happens to a forest neglected, it burns. Thus making the Environmentalists actions moot in the long run.
I'm getting sick of the "only you can prevent wildfires" commercials. The fact is that if brush is not burned regularly it collects until it does burn, no matter how long that takes. The so-called conservationists refuse to allow clearing or fire breaks. This means that a lot more vegetation is destroyed all at once. Deer herds are already stressed.

Just like the game commissions they will hurt and destroy plants and animals to screw humans over. What you described, TW Scott, was just such a set-up.
Logging doesn't hurt anything for the owls. The loggers both replant and leave in a lot of the big trees so that there will be trees there in the future. Cleaning up under the trees makes prey easier for the owls, so the owls actually benefit. The environmentalists just want the power and money and that's the only way that they know how to get it. Their revenues would dry up quickly if they didn't cause trouble.