Is it right to discriminate against tobacco smokers

How do you feel about the status of smokers?

  • They are harmless. Leave them alone.

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • They need aggressive encouragement to break their addiction.

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • We need secondclass citizens to stigmatize. Screw 'em.

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I'm a smoker.

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters
Roman, car exhaust will kill you quicker than would a lifetime of smoking.

The high level of carbon monoxide, sure. But that just irreversibly binds your hemoglobin; it's not carcinogenic. If you combusted a pint of gasoline in an engine and a pound of cigs at the low temps of a cigarette, I can guarantee that there will be more carcinogens in the cig smoke. It's simple chemistry.
If I pee in a cup or pee in a stream.. there is still the same amount of piss :rolleyes:

If a cigarette weighs 1.2 grams, then it will take about 45 cigs smoked to equal a tenth of a pound. To burn that much in gasoline, a Prius would have to drive about a mile.
Second hand smoke or auto emissions?

A lot of things are uncomfortable to different people, but that doesn't mean they should be banned.
Also, what's wrong with designated smokers areas in restaurants ?

If something is found to be a health hazard (whether you agree with the studies or not) it should be banned. Now if your kids gets covered in paint you don't have to worry about them getting lead poisoning from it. And if restaurants had smoking sections where all smokers or non smokers or both were enclosed behind a door then I wouldn't have a problem, not just on the other side of the room where all the smoke floats over and the nonsmoking section might as well be a smoking section (I remember those days). It's almost as stupid as having a smoking section on an airplane.
Roman, car exhaust will kill you quicker than would a lifetime of smoking.

I don't think so. Standing behind a car all day inhaling it's exhaust won't kill you. Now if you lock your self in an enclosed space with a car running, yes that will kill you. Do you honestly think that if you were locked in an enclosed space full of smoke you'd be perfectly fine? I'll answer that for you. No, you'd be dead. Because smoke like carbon monoxide in great amounts with poor ventilation is not harmless.
I don't think so. Standing behind a car all day inhaling it's exhaust won't kill you. Now if you lock your self in an enclosed space with a car running, yes that will kill you. Do you honestly think that if you were locked in an enclosed space full of smoke you'd be perfectly fine? I'll answer that for you. No, you'd be dead. Because smoke like carbon monoxide in great amounts with poor ventilation is not harmless.

You have never seen the smog that hangs over LA. I posted a picture of it on this thread, but somebody removed it. That's a shame because it illustrated a perfect point regarding the crap we breath in each and every day. How do we survive?

I honestly think that if I were locked in an enclosed space full of tobacco smoke, I would be perfectly fine. I'm willing to assume that I wouldn't suffer any physical illness as a result.
MANY things tax the public health system much more than smoking.

Actually its at the top of the list of preventable fatal things that tax the public health system.

400,000 deaths per year in the US alone. Alcohol is only 100,000.

Car accidents (which have a big over lap with alcohol deaths) is down to 30,000 last I checked.

Vietnam was 40,000 US deaths total.

All illegal drugs is 6,000.

Asprin is 2,000.
I honestly think that if I were locked in an enclosed space full of tobacco smoke, I would be perfectly fine.

Actually in a heavy smokey room I start feeling weird in about 10-15 min. If its heavy enough I'll start getting nausiated after an hour or so if I can't get away from it for a while.

It is a toxin you know. You have to build up tolerance to its effects.

Most any one who has tried it has a "first time" story where they puked like crazy.
I'm smoking right now. It's not right to discrimate tobacco users past asking politely not to smoke in your area. We find ridiculously obese people disgusting sometimes, but do we outlaw fatasses in public areas? Do we tax weight loss pills?
Standing behind a car all day inhaling it's exhaust won't kill you.

Actually it can, though its harder to get a long enough exposure that way and cars are far more efficient than they used to be (meaning less CO in the exhaust).

The CO, carbon monoxide binds far more effectively to hemiglobin than either O2 or CO2 so any continuous source of it will get you if you are exposed long enough. This is how faulty furnaces kill people. It takes hours and hours before it clears out of your system and the effected red cells are completely useless in the interum.
If something is found to be a health hazard (whether you agree with the studies or not) it should be banned. Now if your kids gets covered in paint you don't have to worry about them getting lead poisoning from it. And if restaurants had smoking sections where all smokers or non smokers or both were enclosed behind a door then I wouldn't have a problem, not just on the other side of the room where all the smoke floats over and the nonsmoking section might as well be a smoking section (I remember those days). It's almost as stupid as having a smoking section on an airplane.
I agree. But it isn't banned..
Ha, they banned smoking in pubs here.
Cue large numbers of people buying six packs and staying at home.
Cue large increase in pubs closing due to loss of revenue.

Nah, there were lots of pub closures before the smoking ban, and you can blame the credit crunch for more recent failures, plus basic demographics. I'm the tail end of a baby boom. There were lots of people my age, and older, all going to pubs, but they are of an age now where they have kids, and stay home more. So there simply aren't going to be as many pubs and bars needed as before, say 20 years ago, when simply, there were more 20 something year olds than there are now.

I went to my local for some lunch yesterday, was great not being surrounded by smokers. On the way, I noticed two closed pubs on the same street, but they weren't places I frequented. They were shit pubs that Chavs drank at. The place I drink at, and the place opposite, where I also sometimes go, are doing fine.

I find it sad, that smokers allegedly go to the pub to socialise, abandon that when they can't feed their addiction. Shows just how strong the addiction to nicotine is, that they would rather stay at home, alone, with a packet of ciggies, and also how little imagination they have, when they could use gum, on inhalators for the couple of hours they frequent a hostelry.

On 'designated smoking' pubs, that just wouldn't work. Most pubs, for fear of change, would have wanted to have that designation, and nothing would have changed.

On complaints, well, I hated the smoke in pubs, and avoided pubs where it was too smokey. I hated having my clothes reek of cigarettes after just an hour in the pub, clothes that were probably fresh from the wash. I hated smokers flicking ash on my shoes, and stubbing out fags on the floor.

The ban was along time coming, but thankfully sense prevailed.
Besides, they have a choice don't they ? They don't have to go to the bar.

And neither do smokers.

Also, this rather overlooks the point that in most places, smoking was banned from workplaces. Bars are workplaces too, and allowing smoking gave rise to a two tier system.

It's unfair to expect bar staff to have to put up with smoke, where office workers didn't.
Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive. Like heroin or other addictive drugs, the body and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal.
It's unfair to expect bar staff to have to put up with smoke, where office workers didn't.

Huh ? Is it unfair to expect truck drivers to put up with exhaust fumes ?
The way it used to be (for ages), bars were places where people smoked. Now if you can't stand cigarette smoke, why on earth would you want to work in a bar ?
You are getting this backwards.