Is it fair to send people to hell for being mistaken?

The mistakes you've made so far are more than enough to damn you quite fairly

You seem a little too confident at what judgements your god will or will not make. Out of interest, do you think that's wise?
You seem a little too confident at what judgements your god will or will not make. Out of interest, do you think that's wise?

Certainly... when one bases their confidence upon the statements made by the Word of God...How can it/that not be (wise)?
You are certainly free to do so.

False. He has told you the Law has been fullfilled satisfactorily...The Law/God often states one is not to go beyond what is required... either adding to or taking from...what is required of you (or anyone) is still obedience, obedience demonstrated by your repentance and faith in Christ, nothing more.

This is just a bit confusing, for me anyway!

We both agree that the Law is still in force. Your daughter would have to be an unbeliever so she would still be under the Law and the penalty of the Law, right? So there is absolutely no "Sacrifice" to protect her from the required death sentence at your hand, is there? Or, are you teaching universal salvation in some way?

And also, any sin you do now is automatically covered and justified, right?

Sorry, so far, I am still unable to make all of this work.
This is just a bit confusing, for me anyway!

We both agree that the Law is still in force. Your daughter would have to be an unbeliever so she would still be under the Law and the penalty of the Law, right? So there is absolutely no "Sacrifice" to protect her from the required death sentence at your hand, is there? Or, are you teaching universal salvation in some way?

The sacrifice made by God through the death of His Son covers/cleanses/atones for all people/trangressions...not all people choose to avail themselves of His covering/cleansing/atonement.

And also, any sin you do now is automatically covered and justified, right?

Any sin I do is covered...Sin is never justified, sinners are.

Sorry, so far, I am still unable to make all of this work.

Of course you can't...consider how hard you're trying to make it not work by insisting on your own understanding instead of direct disobedience to His specific instruction:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
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The sacrifice made by God through the death of His Son covers/cleanses/atones for all people/trangressions...not all people choose to avail themselves of His covering/cleansing/atonement.

Right! So we agree on this then? You would have to kill your own daughter because she would not have availed herself of His covering and so would remain under the penalty of the Law?

Any sin I do is covered...Sin is never justified, sinners are.

Well said! Thank you for the correction! And you as a "sinner" would be "covered" even if you killed your own daughter, right?

Of course you can't...consider how hard you're trying to make it not work by insisting on your own understanding instead of direct disobedience to His specific instruction:

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Why do we need the Bible then? And why should we study it, instead of listen to God directly?
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M*W: There will be no mistake about it. The atheists will be where we thought we belonged all along, and the christians will still be in an even longer line waiting for nothing. Now, that's hell.
Certainly... when one bases their confidence upon the statements made by the Word of God...How can it/that not be (wise)?

I dunno, I was just under the impression that only god does the judging. To me it seems ultimately un-wise to try and speak for it/him.
For one supposed unknown entity, "god works in mysterious ways" Only god knows. There sure are a hell of a lot advocates who claim to know what god is thinking, judging, or doing! The lot of them, just BlindfuckingidiotS
Oh behave. Much of how God thinks is in the Bible.

Oh! Please get off the booze, perhaps you may see things a bit clearer! :rolleyes:

The buybull is full of contradictions, does this mean god is full of contradiction also?
Where do you get the idea the two activities are mutually exclusive?

I may be wrong on this, but regarding the scripture below:

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

It seemed like you were using this verse to say that the other guy, especially if he or she disagrees with your interpretation of this or that scripture, should kind of just stop thinking and just accept what they read in the Bible, or accept your version of it anyway, regardless of whether or not they agree with it or even whether or not they think that it is moral or not. If it says kill, then kill. Don't think about it, don't question it, don't lean on your own understanding, just do it. Just believe it. Well I have been there and done that, and in my honest opinion, that is an extremely dangerous position for you to place yourself in. The only way, that I can see, that you can really do this would be if you were to become a totally amoral being yourself. Almost like a non-thinking non-feeling robot. And I cannot even conceive that God could ever require such a thing of you. Men? Yes! God? No! So, anyway, there is that aspect of it.

This particular scripture might be good advice if you had a direct, personal, one on one, talk with God and He told you what to do, but perhaps for your own protection, would not tell you why you had to do it. I am not talking about a voice in your head kind of thing, or an intuition, or a feeling, but an actual encounter with God. But we don't normally have that!

What we normally have is at the very best a second hand account, a collection of some 60 ancient writings, written by some uncertain number of different men, plus we have our own imagination, and we have our own understanding of what these writings actually mean. It would seem to me that if I were to reject my own understanding of the scriptures then I might as well not have a Bible at all or even a mind at all. For what real possible good would either of them be to me in understanding this world? The Bible consists of words on the printed page which my mind must interpret or "understand" to give it meaning and to try and fit things together into a cohesive logical whole.

It is entirely possible for someone to trust in God, and even lean on Him, as far as that can be done, and still not believe every immoral word that they read in a collection of books written hundreds of years ago by a people that they would consider to be approximately equivalent to barbarians, more or less.

Right or wrong, that is about where I am at the moment. But, I am learning, and thinking about things, and questioning things on both sides of every issue I come across, all the time. I still go to Church every Sunday, but I question every word that the teachers say. And I am trying to learn more about science, but I also question every word that they say as well. I also learn alot from almost everyone I encounter here at sciforums. This is about the only way I have to try and find the truth. And, yes, I have even asked God for wisdom, many, many, times, and this really is where He and my "own understanding" has brought me.

According to the Bible, this kind of "free thinking" is only worthy of death! I guess I better get measured for a casket right away! Somebody really ought to tell God about this!

Best Wishes in your search for truth, Photizo
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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts/ wishes to you too, take care now.
You are lying by saying you don't believe it.

A person could honestly believe that god does not exist, even if they are wrong in that belief. Just like I could honestly believe that my neighbor has a red car, when in fact he has a blue car.
The Bible says that if you don't acknowledge that there is a Creator, based upon the obvious design of nature and your God-given conscience, then you are a liar.