Is it fair to send people to hell for being mistaken?

Oh behave. Much of how God thinks is in the Bible.

:roflmao: Oh IAC, you comic genius you!

I will concede the point that the Good Book may well have been the word of God. Originally. However, it is now an EDITED version. Specifically, it has been distorted by the early Christian Church to serve its own agenda.

For example when was the last time you read the Gospel of Thomas or the Gospel of Mary in your King James, or any other version of the "Authorised" bible for that matter?
Everyone of these threads leads me to this conclusion.

The God described, so far, by any Christian on this forum, indeed anyone whom gives any spiritual credance to the Old not someone you really want to hang with for an eternity. In fact you have to be with this prick and his followers (the likes of Adstar, Photizo, IAC etc) for ...EVER???

Screw that, give me the nothingness.
Being a scholarly man IAC I would have thought that you of all people would have been familiar with all and every form of biblical text?
Being a scholarly man IAC I would have thought that you of all people would have been familiar with all and every form of biblical text?

Then you would be an even bigger fool than he.
I doubt you are.
The Bible says that if you don't acknowledge that there is a Creator, based upon the obvious design of nature and your God-given conscience, then you are a liar.

M*W: Yeah, that's what the bible says. Acknowledging a 'creator' who designed the universe is ambiguously relative. I have a creator who designed my universe, too. I call her Medicine*Woman.
:roflmao: Oh IAC, you comic genius you!

I will concede the point that the Good Book may well have been the word of God. Originally. However, it is now an EDITED version. Specifically, it has been distorted by the early Christian Church to serve its own agenda.

For example when was the last time you read the Gospel of Thomas or the Gospel of Mary in your King James, or any other version of the "Authorised" bible for that matter?

M*W: Welcome to sciforums! Whether you're a newbie or just have a new username, welcome! I totally agree with your post! Wise, indeed!
How was the your supposed unedited version different from your so-called edited version, and when was the "unedited version" circulated?

M*W: Circulation didn't officially begin until the printing press was invented in the 1500s, and then the circulation was limited to monks who could read. The masses (general public) were illiterate at that time. They had nothing to read before then.
Everyone of these threads leads me to this conclusion.

The God described, so far, by any Christian on this forum, indeed anyone whom gives any spiritual credance to the Old not someone you really want to hang with for an eternity. In fact you have to be with this prick and his followers (the likes of Adstar, Photizo, IAC etc) for ...EVER???

Screw that, give me the nothingness.

M*W: I vote for becoming tasty worm food.
Being a scholarly man IAC I would have thought that you of all people would have been familiar with all and every form of biblical text?

M*W: Benauld, I was trying to take a sip of my coffee just now, and I choked when I read this and it came out my nose and sprayed all over my monitor and keyboard!

Please be careful when you speak the truth!
The Bible says that if you don't acknowledge that there is a Creator, based upon the obvious design of nature and your God-given conscience, then you are a liar.

This is absurd, and even if it were true it's still a big leap from "a creator exitst" to "the Bible is correct".
The Bible says that if you don't acknowledge that there is a Creator, based upon the obvious design of nature and your God-given conscience, then you are a liar.

I agree with Nasor. A person can believe in a Creator but also believe that the Bible does not correctly describe Him.