Is it bad to believe in god?

IS it bad to believe in God.

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Is it bad to believe in God? simple question yes or no.

We are talking about having faith in God, not following a set of rules and scriptures.

Is it a bad thing?.

It depends upon if you just want to believe in it or try to evangalize about it to everyone. Since I do not believe in it I don't worry about it much at all.
It is N-O-T a bad thing, to believe in god.
That is very rediculious.
My sister believes in God.

That is not a bad thing.
If anyone told you it was a bad thing they are an idiot.
The only thing bad is long term and shit. And how they do. But simple someone believing in God is N-O-T a bad thing at all.

*no shit*
Trust and Belief have different meanings here.

Trust is based on 'knowing' the past and investing in the future based on that knowledge.

Not true in every scenario. Take this for example, you are with your partner for 5 years, you have no proof/evidence that she has stayed faithfull you trust and have faith in her that she has not cheated on you, despite the fact that you have no solid hard evidence to back up that claim.

Taking somebodies word for something is based on assumptions not HARD evidence, elements of Faith have to come into play and you cannot deny this fact.

Take this for example, you are with your partner for 5 years, you have no proof/evidence that she has stayed faithful you trust and have faith in her that she has not cheated on you, despite the fact that you have no solid hard evidence to back up that claim.
If your trust is well-founded it will be based on knowing your partners mind, based on past experience. If he/she has always been honest and committed in all other areas you have a basis for trust.
If your trust is well-founded it will be based on knowing your partners mind, based on past experience. If he/she has always been honest and committed in all other areas you have a basis for trust.

How do you know they are honest? where is your hard evidence for this?.

Have you noticed that the happiest people are the least concerned at the end of their life?

One can only mourn an unhappy life.

I agree, people who accept deth and do not fear it re happy, but I would still prefer not to know. For example say you are going to die next week and somebody says "hey lets go out next week" you would reply "sory im dead then how about next time?" Kind of puts a downer on things.

Past experience.

Its not perfect mind you.

Donald Trump says in one of his books...hire the best people, and dont trust them! :bugeye:

yes but past experience is still not evidence to be honest, it is still a faith based trusting assumption based on what you assume.

For something to be non faith based it would require evidence right?, if she was good at covering up her tracks she could have cheated on you right from the start and kept it hidden, while you happily trust she has been faithful due to you never actualy knowing she cheated.

It is faith.

But you can never observe a persons thoughts, so when a loved one tells you what they are thinking and you trust them, it is faith based.

Also there is no proof that they have stayed faithful even if you have not observed it in the past, they may just be good at covering up trcks, yet you trust they are truthfull.

Say your partner goes on a world tour for 5 years and comes back and says, I was faithfull, if you believe them that is trust and faith.
