Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

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perhaps you can enlighten me on where in the 10 commandments say thou shall not be gay
and even if it did whatever jesus says trumps old testament
perhaps you can enlighten me on where in the 10 commandments say thou shall not be gay
and even if it did whatever jesus says trumps old testament
I'm just wondering, since the 10 commandments are in the old testament. And for some reason the Old Testament is the entire first part of the Bible.

Does that mean whatever Jesus didn't address is OK?
i have nothing to say about abortion. i believe the texts are more susceptible to change the farther back it's written. and old testament is very old.
i believe jesus hated those who follow the law to the letter without thinking about why it was made. he later may have understood them as not knowing what they were doing and forgave them, but he clearly did not like them when he started out
pursuit of knowledge in itself is not evil, but how you gain that knowledge, might be called evil if your pursuit was tainted by false knowledge, and more false knowledge you have the more evil you become
knowledge is what we believe to be the truth, if our knowledge is tainted by falseness we ourselves are tainted. we must seek to rid our selves of the falseness of the world.
it is simple, lets say you know of a person who had the button on the bomb that destroys earth. at the moment the only way you can stop him is to kill him. you want to find a better way but there is none. so you kill the person to save the world
was it wrong to kill that person?

Not in the least.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

he hasnt done anything to make me believe he hates us

He hasnt done anything to make me believe he loves us either.

But if we go by scriptures, he shows a lot more hate than love.

To call that God Love would be to insult love and not know what love is.

he is nice, hes just strict, but hes softening up in recent years, see how the gay and lesbians communities are doing now a days. and he is omnipotent when he feels like it.

i consider myself christian but i have been told i am not... oh well

Any person who believes in a supernatural entity and finds gay people that his God created icky, --- isn’t exactly the deepest thinker.

he is nice, hes just strict, but hes softening up in recent years, see how the gay and lesbians communities are doing now a days. and he is omnipotent when he feels like it.

i consider myself christian but i have been told i am not... oh well

More like Gnostic Christian but you do not seem to recognize that you are seeing and describing Yahweh as a demiurge. Start using his name and you will start to make sense.

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