Is islam really the fastest growing religion?

Western civilization has accomplished many things as well, but you don't see us using the industrial revolution to justify Christianity

yes well christianty didnt spearhead the need and desire for knowledge before the industrial revolution. the many contributions of sccience that have come from muslim scientists was because the quran allowed them to gain that actually ordered them to seek knowledge and to allways seek the truth.
Azhar you are only weakening yourself by saying why take risks by not believing in god. Besides, why should athiests end up in hell, if you are right. See because you believe in relgion, any mistake you do, actually counts because you know its wrong. However athiests dont follow any set of rules, which is the true nature of every human being, therefore, athiests' mistakes wont be counted because no rules exits to say their actions were wrong. Why do you pray to "god"?

You dont ask "god", "everyone in the world should live happily," instead you probably say, "I should live happily." So everyone who belives in religion is more selfish than atheists.

As long as people who believe in religion exist, humanity will not advance. Because they believe, that only "god" has power to make a life and other fake beliefs. They do not allow some scientifical experiments to be carried out because they are ignorant and are afraid that people will stop believing in religion when humans achieve powers and abilities that people like you believ only god can possess.

Tell me 1000 years ago, how many atheists were there?
The development of science is directly proportional to the number of atheists. And also the development of science is inversly proportional to the number of people who believe in "god".

I used to believe in god so much. I used to pray like every 10 minutes. But then I realized, if everything that happens to me is influenced by other people or me, then why pray to god to fix these things. My choices influence my life 99%.

And also believing in religion means being ignorant. Ignorance triggers arrogance. I have so many muslim friends who claim that muslims were the "first-born" or Arabic was the first language ever to be spoken. Now ofcourse these thigns are 100% not true. But no matter how much evidence you possess to disprove their beliefs, they will never accept. As a matter of fact, I have tried it so many times, but they are 100% ignorant. Mind you, I have many muslim friends from all over the world. I did not mean to mention this example to offend muslims. Its just that beliefs from most of the religions are fundamentally flawed. Now I hope that nobody here belives in mystical/divine/or anyother fake powers.

I have read so much about the Noah's Ark, now tell me do you really believe it is true?
There is no proof that it exists.
Religion ---> Beliefs
Science ---> Facts
I can question like 100% of everything that is said in these "religious" books. However, not even one question can be raised against the proven laws of science. Believe me, if I find some fundamental flaw in those laws of science, then it will be either destroyed or rectified to make it true. however if I find some flaw in those religious books, there will be no rectification to it. So these old beliefs are slowly begining to get flawed.

Once again I do not mean any offence to anyone, but I am simply amused to observe people who believe in religion.
Azhar:the many contributions of sccience that have come from muslim scientists was because the quran allowed them to gain that actually ordered them to seek knowledge and to allways seek the truth."

What? Is this a joke? "...ordered them to seek knowledge and to allways seek the truth."
If they really sought for the truth then they would have quit religion like ages ago. You are making sensationalistic claim here, which has no evidence of truth.
Lord_Phoenix said:
Azhar:the many contributions of sccience that have come from muslim scientists was because the quran allowed them to gain that actually ordered them to seek knowledge and to allways seek the truth."

What? Is this a joke? "...ordered them to seek knowledge and to allways seek the truth."
If they really sought for the truth then they would have quit religion like ages ago. You are making sensationalistic claim here, which has no evidence of truth.

All though I don't want to get involve in this topic but I think I should mention one thing.

Islam promotes knowledge, this is one reason for the Muslims to spend time in studies in different fields.

So Islam does have an huge impact on the people. And as for the evidence. I recommend you go to high school and take History, cause the book will talk about Muslims and the impact of Islam on them.
Islam is the fastest growing religion because every male has numerous wives with many children for each wife. Such a lifestyle will obviously exponentially increase a country's population very quickly, that is why many Serbs, Indian and Israelis are afraid of muslim migration, they come in and qucikly become a demographic explosive. 25% of Israeli school children are Arabs, soon they will have another Intifada from within. (the percentage is form Harpers mag)
azhar_rahman ,

'as-salâmu calaykum....... I agree with 786 leave it alone here because the Relgious board here isnt about promoting understanding between different ideas it's about flaming believers

maca salâma
azhar_rahman said:
quote ''why was slavery not abolished in islam'' when the europeans did it.

Islam didnt invent slavery the arab pagans, judeo and christians before muhammad existed enslaved people.
Before muhammad slavery was how should i say a part of the economy. One could not completely abolosh it and stil gain support from its people. because of the harm it would do.
I understand what you are getting at and I agree that Arab Pagans didn't invent slavery (Slavery as an instituion has been around since day dot). And I agree it probably would have cost the Islamists numbers in membership if they had banned the practice. But what is more important? A large number of people that practice Islam AND Slavery? Or a small number of people with a Phlisophy that is not tarnished with an abhorant practice such a Slavery and only practice Islam?

Your argment seems to suggest that God wasn't of the power to influence people enough with the power of the Islamic doctrine alone and hence needed to continue with Slavery?

What does that say about Islam as a doctrine?

But I'll take you at your word. So I STILL wonder why was it that after 1000 years of Islam didn't the Muslims ever rid themselves of this Slavery instituion? One would think that IF, as you suggest, Islam is actually against Slavery - - why wasn't it banned in 1000 years? Doesn't history suggest that Islam (in regards to Slavery) failed? I mean 1000 years and nothing?

Incidentally, I think you'll find that other institutions other than JUST Slavery was retained in Islam from Pagan Arabic religions. I won't get into that, but you'll find Muslims still to this day practice many of their fore-father Pagan practices.
azhar_rahman said:
erm who invented the number zero, who improved algebra who invented trigonomotry. who held the flame of knowwledge when europe was in the dark ages
Zero was used by Greek astonomers for 1000 years before Islam. As a matter of fact it was hotly debated on whether it was or was not real.

Central Amercians has used aero 300 years before it was used by Islamics.

But what does this have to do with the Institution of Slavery and why after 1000 years it was the Xian Europeans that banned it and not the Islamic? Don't get me wronge I don't care about Europe. I'm not European. BUT I am wondering if Islam is against Slavery then why didn't it BAN the Institution? Why was it Europeans that instead had to put a stop to it?
azhar_rahman said:
is it really. maybe your right. but you cant refute the fact that islam held the torch of knowledge while europe was goin backwards.
heres an article
No I will not refute that. I agree. I totally 100% agree - many parts of Europe was way behind the Islamics (And behind even the ancient Greeks and Romans),

But THAT isn't what I had asked. I asked why was it that after living with Islam for hundreds of years (and assuming Islam is a very enlightened religion) did they rid themselves of it's practise?

I just want to know what you think.
Lord_Phoenix said:
We are now approaching a new age, where the next Stage is Atheism. You may not agree with it. However, you must realize that there are more Atheists now that 100years before. Soon there will be more athiests than anyone else.
I agree Atheism is the next great Philosophy.
azhar_rahman said:
We are now aware that honey has a healing property and also a mild antiseptic property.
(1) Actually honey was used from China to Roma for thousands of years prior to Islam.

Every civilization knew of its healing properties.

(2) BUT did you know that some people, people allergic to honey, can have a reaction called anaphylactic shock and die. SO this means that SOME Islamic people will read the Qur'an and give honey to heal their sick and it will then cause them to die.

I wonder, what do you think of these two statements?
I am curious. Why haven't any Muslims taken the time to answer this one question:

What morals or ethics or truths is it that you have learned from Islam that wasn't known or debated by all previous religions all over the globe before it?

What are the new ideas that Islam brought to us?
What morals or ethics or truths is it that you have learned from Islam that wasn't known or debated by all previous religions all over the globe before it?

Islam doesnt call itself anything new........It says it's the final answer for those debates that preceded please stop bumping your posts :m:
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gustav- bend over for a minute!!! dats what i tell your mum n ur gran every night fool? im 17 so if u wanna a cussing match, bring it on??

Phoenix ''damn these muslim extremists'' y u gotta go on like that mr knowledgible, mature unbiased lord of the phoneix (phoneix is a myth just like you and ur statements). and i assume unbiased.

Azhar you are only weakening yourself by saying why take risks by not believing in god. Besides, why should athiests end up in hell, if you are right. See because you believe in relgion, any mistake you do, actually counts because you know its wrong. However athiests dont follow any set of rules, which is the true nature of every human being, therefore, athiests' mistakes wont be counted because no rules exits to say their actions were wrong. Why do you pray to "god"?

atheists dont follow any rules on wrong or right and we have different rules on wrong on right? we as in people of religion. is it really mate. i dont understand. are you saying there aint common things we no that are wrong and things we know that are right. and we sure are gonna be judjed on that. and their aint no compulsion (according to god aka allah) in religion or to belive in god.

You dont ask "god", "everyone in the world should live happily," instead you probably say, "I should live happily." So everyone who belives in religion is more selfish than atheists.

your wrong their. i know a lot of christians n jews may pray only for themselves and also muslims. but as a muslim we need to pray everyday five times a day that takes around 30-45 minutes out of our whole day. now if we pray five times and only pray for ourselves and our family and our friends then is that selfish. and are we gonna constantly pray for ourselves five times a day and hope after hope that our prayers get accepted. no ofcourse not cos sooner or later we are gonna get fed up!!! and if we allways need to pray for ourselves then that must mean we are allways in trouble and somehow incurred the wrath of god? so why pray.

also muslims that pray whole heartedly every day five times a day have less stress. the Wisdom of Prayer in Islam is to (1) Create a Spiritual connection between Allah Almighty and the person; (2) To relief the person's mind completely from life's stress and issues, by taking a mental and physical break.
Again, the Muslims' total of 20 to 300 minutes 5-daily Prayers included repetitive physical exercise, meditation, and freeing of mind from the natural life and connecting with GOD Almighty. It is an active exercise that honors the physical capacities and conditions.
is that what relaxation is all about?

ok heres a link on slavery. this may enlighten you.

What? Is this a joke? "...ordered them to seek knowledge and to allways seek the truth."
If they really sought for the truth then they would have quit religion like ages ago. You are making sensationalistic claim here, which has no evidence of truth.

your a joka ''sensationalistic claims'' these so called sensalistic claims liberated the the pagans and the disbelivers and their backward culture and inspired them them to seek knowledge unlike many other religions who ask for blind faith only. islam appeals to peoples reoson and their intelligence not just their faith.

and about the slavery questions sorry but i dont understand and i'l try and get back to you.
lets agree on one thing. most religions at one time or another practiced religion and slavery. right

but what religion actually gave slaves rights and gave laws to protect them and in the end liberate them
also some hypocrit muslims didnt enforce these laws. thats cos they is ignorant men with no respect for religion. not cause they are god fearing muslims