Firstly, an abusive ad hominem is a logical fallacy. A person can be "nutty" and still be perfectly correct. I'm sure there were plenty of Christians who thought Galileo Galilei was a "nut".
Secondly, I asked if there was contemporary evidence that Mosses, Jesus or Mohammad existed. I didn't ask: Did Mosses or Jesus or Mohammad exist. This is of course an unanswerable question. IOWs, your question is ignorant. It doesn't even resemble a logical question.
Lastly, Mosses, Jesus, Mohammad, Hercules, Zeus, Xenu, Santa Clause, etc... all of these people may have existed. There is no good evidence of any of them having existed. I'm sure if you were born in Japan 100 years ago you'd care less if Jesus existed and would worry more about what your God-Emperor was thinking instead. What I mean by that, I case you missed it, is that from your responses, you seem to be more interested in pushing your own agenda rather than finding out the truth. How typically Christian/Jewish/Muslim of you.
Sorry, but that's just not the way the world works. Things aren't true just because you really really really desperately wish they were true. It's highly likely that neither Mosses, Jesus or Mohammad existed. The historical record is replete with evidence of all sorts of long lost Prophets, Gods, Goddesses, Messiahs and now even Alien Overlords. Historically Mosses, Jesus and Mohammad aren't even that new, the Egyptians had gods thousands of years OLDER and worshiped them for thousands of years LONGER. The Mosses, Jesus and Mohammad stories aren't even that novel OR interesting. Most are just rehashed mashups of other people's stories. I've seen better on YouTube.
All of this suggests, these people did not exist.
Regardless, the nice thing here is this, (and this is something we can at least agree on)