Is IQ inherited?

There are a lot of people who think that IQ/intelligence is not inherited. I think samcdkey is one of them. I think those people are wrong, and that overall, IQ is a very highly heritable trait.

Intelligence is inherited. IQ is a measurement of intelligence. Some people do not believe any traits are inherited. We have a word for them: delusional.
Of course it would be discrimination, oniw17. Society always discriminates, whether it's explicit or implicit. How could we not live in a world that discriminates? Try that for a thought experiment.
What do you think?

There are a lot of people who think that IQ/intelligence is not inherited. I think samcdkey is one of them. I think those people are wrong, and that overall, IQ is a very highly heritable trait.

I'm going to add stuff to this later.

Before you start posting away please read these links.

Francois thinks IQ is in your skin.

Intelligence is inherited. IQ is a measurement of intelligence. Some people do not believe any traits are inherited. We have a word for them: delusional.

Traits are inherited, but there is no general intelligence. IQ does not measure emotional intelligence.
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Francois thinks IQ is in your skin.
Traits are inherited, but there is no general intelligence. IQ does not measure emotional intelligence.

You only think that because you're an idiot. Now please leave this thread. You always ruin threads. You're one of the most ignorant posters here and you hardly ever make sense.
Do you have to guess? Has race ever been mentioned in this thread until you brought it up? Do you have an obsession with race or something?
Traits are inherited, but there is no general intelligence. IQ does not measure emotional intelligence.

Intelligence is comprised of multiple inherited traits, mostly recessive.


Let me guess, you are discussing race again?

Race will always be a hidden issue in our society until it disintegrates, which isn't that far off now. As a result, it often appears to be on the agenda when it is not. For example, I like general eugenics; some claim this is racist because of relative differences in IQ scores. I say I can't help that, but, I don't want to tolerate morons. I'd rather that each race handled its own eugenics, because that way I would avoid this mess. See what I mean?
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Race will always be a hidden issue in our society until it disintegrates, which isn't that far off now. As a result, it often appears to be on the agenda when it is not. For example, I like general eugenics; some claim this is racist because of relative differences in IQ scores. I say I can't help that, but, I don't want to tolerate morons. I'd rather that each race handled its own eugenics, because that way I would avoid this mess. See what I mean?

I don't have a problem with you, you are a seperatist. My problem is when someone tries to try to say there is this "general" intelligence test which all races and all people must be defined by.

I agree, morons are bad for us all, but I don't think the IQ test alone will tell you if someone is a moron or not. Some people have high IQ's, but are emotionally retarded. I do think we should judge people by their brains, their minds, etc. I do want each race, if you choose to believe in these divisions, to evolve into the most intelligent versions of themselves.

I don't think the IQ test helps with this. I would not choose a partner based on the IQ test alone. If it were as simple as one test, we could all find a mate simply by choosing the person with the highest IQ, but it's never that simple. Some people have a high IQ and are complete assholes, and are completely dumb in many ways, and are just good at that test. So yeah, if you actually give all sorts of tests, like more than just one, then sure it should be taken into account. I just have a problem when people choose ONE test alone to judge with, and a test thats "general" and does not tell me anything at all besides a number. I like specialized or talented people moreso than high IQ people.
What you are talking about has nothing to do with this thread. You do not read. You do not understand anything. You're a moron. If you must pollute this place with your inanities, please do it in another thread.
Is being a genius inherited?

Outstanding literary prizewinners do not manifest direct inheritance of creativity from their parents; instead, parents and children of the same sex are predominantly in applied-equivalent or performance occupations and have unfulfilled creative wishes. We suggest that early developmental influences on child motivation involve identification and competition with the parent of the same sex.

Can J Psychiatry. 2004 Mar;49(3):185-91.
Family background and genius.
Rothenberg A, Wyshak G.

Nobel laureates in the natural sciences do not manifest direct inheritance of creativity from their parents; instead, congruent-sex parents are predominantly in applied or performance-equivalent occupations, with unfulfilled creative and scientific wishes. Early developmental influences on motivation involving identification and competition with the congruent-sex parent are suggested.

Can J Psychiatry. 2005 Dec;50(14):918-25.
Family background and genius II: Nobel laureates in science.
Rothenberg A.
It's regression to the mean, spurious.

Usually, if you're a genius and you have an IQ of 150 or so, and have a child, the child won't have an IQ as high as yours. It will likely still be highly intelligent, especially if you mated with someone with a high IQ as well, however.
One nobel prize winner once said: I don't know why they want my sperm, they should ask my father's.

But that statement would go against the previous articles.

Anyway, francois. If you would read the articles it would suggest that geniuses were created on average by a specific stimilating environment. The motivations of the parents seem to matter greatly.
Francois is deluded. The fact is that genes are inconsistent. Michael Jordan can mate with the WNBA MVP of the year and won't give birth to a better basketballer, probably won't give birth to anyone more athletic than Vijay Singn. Like I said before, there is something about intelligence thats not entirely genetical or by brain reason. Everybody is born equal, you can NEVER convince me otherwise. Humans are like brand new computers, they come prepackaged with all the basics and funzies, but their potential and orientation is ultimately determined by the external user.
Francois is deluded. The fact is that genes are inconsistent. Michael Jordan can mate with the WNBA MVP of the year and won't give birth to a better basketballer, probably won't give birth to anyone more athletic than Vijay Singn. Like I said before, there is something about intelligence thats not entirely genetical or by brain reason. Everybody is born equal, you can NEVER convince me otherwise. Humans are like brand new computers, they come prepackaged with all the basics and funzies, but their potential and orientation is ultimately determined by the external user.

I disagree with you. I think potential is inherited just like personality type and tempermant, and some people live up to their potential but most don't.

I don't think everyone is born equal. You can tell the difference between two babies, two toddlers, two adults, people are never equally gifted, or equally intelligent, or equally athletic. It's just some people discover their own intelligence and put it to good use, while others never do.

In another post I told you that we are not all born equal, thats because we all have different strengths and weaknesses. Some people are good at writing and reading but not math for example. Some people are musicial genius but can't play sports. Some people have specific talents or traits that are inherited. These inherited traits do pass down, but they often skip generations.

So no, two babies are never equal, both are unique, and intelligence is inherited. However just because you inherit intelligence, it does not mean you'll have the culture or the tools to make use of it. A lot of people inherit inteligence but also inherit bad schooling, no access to books, and maybe the internet did not exist for them.

Intelligence is nothing if you have no access to information/knowledge to make use of your intelligence. Just because you are able to read or write, it does not mean you'll have access to good books. Just because you can do math, it does not mean you'll have access to good teachers. Just because you have perfect pitch, or a good ear for music, it does not mean you'll have access ot a music teacher. Just because you can paint, it does not mean you'll have a chance to be the next picaso. It's not just a matter of talent, everyone or just about everyone is born with some kinda talent, but society does not care much for certain kinds of talents.

So you see, we are not born equal, we are born unequal. We are born unequal because we are a collection of traits and talents.
Chatha, if you're going to make outrageous claims, can you at least try and make it up with some evidence or something incisive? Or even something that make sense would be nice. That's why I hate reading TimeTraveler's posts. He just says things that aren't true. If he would ONLY DO SOME READING he would realize he's wrong. Please, if you don't think IQ is inherited, give some evidence that what you're saying is true. If you are unable to come up with a cogent argument, please don't even bother fabricating bullshit, because you are going to be caught. People here aren't as stupid as you'd hope.
Everybody is born equal




Yep... everyone is born equally endowed. All pish posh and proper. Really. Grow up.
I would write extensively on this topic but I feel it would be a waste of my time. As long as they are healthy, everybody is born equal. Yes, people are born with differences in physiology, race, weight, and maybe even I.Q. But the fact is that these differences are negligible and are irrelevant to the enviromental condition, which has a greater influence in early life. The enviroment is going to determine the real orientation of the individual. Like I said, humans are like brand new computers when they come out of the box. And we have different types of computers too, DELL, IBM, e.t.c, with different features; processing spreed, memory. e.t.c. Nonetheless, the external user determines the potential and orientation of the computers, and its also the external users that build the computers in the first place. In concluson, If I.Q was inherited, how can you explain people that have PhDs at 18 when their parents were of average intelligence? How can you explain how certain kids have retardation ailments(I.Q below 0) that are not found in their parents and grandparents? Where are you going to look for the answers?

I disagree with you. I think potential is inherited just like personality type and tempermant, and some people live up to their potential but most don't.
There is no such thing as the biological preordained, there is only choice. Sure, genes exist and they carry information, but logistic technicians at DHL worry more about enviromental and road conditions than they worry about their own me
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