Is IQ inherited?

The phenotype is a combination of the genotype and environmental influences. Let's get that straight right now.

Genotype = nature
Environmental influences = nurture

What else is there? There's nothing to "get straight." You're just stating the blatant obvious.

Yes, all of our traits have developed via way of evolution. We are born with a certain aptitude of intelligence. Whether or not we fulfill that aptitude depends on our environment: when, where, and how we are brought up, and what we learn, how we are conditioned and how we are raised.

Well no kidding! If you have the genes that under normal conditions would result in a genius, but you experience severe environmental deficiencies, like not enough protein, Vitamin A or zinc, your development is obviously going to be stifled. If you get hit in the head with a baseball bat very hard, several times it's going to hurt your cognition. Obviously.

In other words, you're not telling anyone anything that's not obvious.
Every time I read one of your posts I get dumber.
Genotype = nature
Environmental influences = nature
a + b = c
Genotype = Environmental influences?

Yeah, sure. Anything you say. Have you been feeling well lately?
Chatha, you still didn't explain why identical twins have nearly identical IQs. You said the reason their IQs are so similar is because they often have the same lives--or because they have the same upbringing. This doesn't explain anything. Siblings who aren't identical twins IQs correlate, but the correlation isn't anything compared to those of identical twins. Not only that, but the correlation of IQs of identical twins who are reared separately are still extremely high. You didn't explain anything.

At this point, the best thing you can do is some reading. No offense or anything, but it doesn't seem like you know a whole lot about this.

Okay explain this. How come there are other twins, both identical and non identical, that have different I.Q's?
Of course intelligence is environmental. Now, armed with that insight, go teach your dog calculus. And after you’ve done that…can you teach me calculus? ‘cause I’d really like to know, and anyone who can teach advanced math to an animal is probably a pretty good instructor…

Each generation generally does better than the previous one for many socio-economic reasons. And you are not 3 or 4 times as smart as your mom. She would have to have an IQ of 30-40 for that to be true, and I am assuming that you are near-genius level just to be conservative with my estimate

My (dated) understanding of the generational improvements in IQ is that it reflects an improvement mainly in the lower-end scores more so than a general increase across the entire strata.

You are perfectly right, but that is not the question here; the question is if IQ is inherited.

1. intelligence does not equal IQ.
2. a trend in inheritance of intelligence over a single generation is not the same as a trend of increased intelligence over a prolonged period of time in the entire population.

Not too concerned about definitions of IQ or inter-generational improvements in IQ scores. I asked how, if not subjected to a myriad of genetic influences, did the human brain evolve into what it is today? Magic pixies?

Evolution demands that favorable traits for intelligence were selected. Selection is a process where one option is chosen and another is not. “Options” in this case were our ancestors, of which some had to have better brains than others for the process to have occurred.

A woman with perfect genes can give birth to a deformed child if she drinks alcohol during gestation. Again, alcohol is the external factor.

Two women with perfect genes both guzzle large quantities of alcohol during pregnancy. One has an impaired child, the other has one that’s perfectly normal . Both children were subjected to complex biological influences stemming from the influence of alcohol. One was vulnerable, the other was not.

That’s evolution, baby.

The phenotype is a combination of the genotype and environmental influences. Let's get that straight right now. Yes, all of our traits have developed via way of evolution. We are born with a certain aptitude of intelligence. Whether or not we fulfill that aptitude depends on our environment: when, where, and how we are brought up, and what we learn, how we are conditioned and how we are raised.

An environmental model for IQ has to be based upon the laws of evolution. On the surface it seems counter-intuitive to suppose that a valuable trait, evolved from a painstaking and cruel life-or-death process spanning millions of generations, would then permit itself to be “dumbed down” for some arbitrary reason or other. But perhaps there is some sort of tangible cost involved in maintaining a higher IQ which imposed a conditional flexibility into the system. For instance, being smarter than your boss is a good way to get your head lopped off if you’re born into the wrong society. A “dumb down” in that circumstance makes perfect sense. Or maybe higher IQ imposes a tangible cost in daily caloric intake which is a handicap in certain circumstances. That sort of thing.

Genotype = nature
Environmental influences = nurture

There are four types of genetic influence:

1) – Hardwired / preprogrammed
2) – Triggered / conditional
3) – Random variation
4) – External/ foreign (ie, viral, etc.)

“Nurture” = nourishment. Ie, the intervention of benevolent forces with the purpose of some positive enhancement. It is a very specific form of environmental influence, and has nothing to do at all with, for example, the impact upon IQ caused by a mutated form of bird flu.
It's definitely inherited, but not always all of it and genes aren't enough. But yeah. Intelligence is inherited. Duh.
...Of course intelligence is environmental. Now, armed with that insight, go teach your dog calculus...
You can't teach a dog calculus, but you sure can teach him tricks. And by all inferences and ideals, if we even continue to teach the dog and let them live amongst us, they would become very smart over a long period of evolutionary time...maybe not math smart though. There are some Humans you can't even teach calculus to
Genes predict potential but nurture decides the fulfillment of promise.
Genes predict potential but nurture decides the fulfillment of promise.

I believe. All genes are there to set you up, the enviroment takes it from there. Don't you just love the enviroment guys? Let me tell you a story, I used to hate maths when I was younger in high school, now I love maths and learn it. Many people do. As in many things in our life and universe, you have to be at the right time at the right place
Let's not forget you only get half of your genetic material from each parent. If your unlucky you twice get crap. Even with smart parents.
I believe. All genes are there to set you up, the enviroment takes it from there. Don't you just love the enviroment guys?

Additionally, the environment can modulate the genes, which further change both potential and fulfillment.
Of cause there are the exceptions. I believe in genes and I think genes do work, there are some fine people that are rare breeds. The annoying genuis that finished college at 14 and has a doctorate at 18. The people that blasts their way thorugh Jeopardy!. But if you look at their genes(coughs!), this phenomena is always a result of explainable factors, which always has something to do with enviromental influences, either with the mother or father. There are also people that are dumb, and there are also people that are born retarded.
Each generation generally does better than the previous one for many socio-economic reasons.
I'm probably not going to argue with the rest of your post, but technically, the socio-economic conditions in my life have been worse than either of my parents. :)
And you are not 3 or 4 times as smart as your mom. She would have to have an IQ of 30-40 for that to be true, and I am assuming that you are near-genius level just to be conservative with my estimate.
Ok, IQ is different from collective knowledge, my bad.
This is why IQ tests simple spatial skills and pattern recognition, rather than quizzing you on history. It is a general test of intelligence regardless of educational background.
So the purpose of IQ tests is to eliminate the environmental factors of intelligence?
As a matter of fact, I'm surprised that you are so smart and yet don't know any of this. Not to be rude, but I was very young when I learned about the history of the military and the IQ tests. Hmm...

Please excuse my ignorance, I've not been fully educated in the mechanics of IQ tests, I do know all of the IQ tests I've taken online were pretty much just logic and common sense though.
Okay explain this. How come there are other twins, both identical and non identical, that have different I.Q's?

Because genes do not account for everything. That's why. I'm glad you mentioned it because many people are confused and perplexed by this. So let me say it loud and clear. Just because environmental influences can potentially have a huge influence on a person's cognitive ability does not mean that under most conditions they do..
Overall, the heritability is very high, which isn't to say that overall environmental influences don't have any effect. They do--they're just small, particularly when an individual is fully grown up. Indeed, as the individual's age increases, so does the heritability of his IQ. If environment is such an important factor, shouldn't we find the opposite to be true? I mean, the older you are, the more time the environment has to make an impact on your life. But it is not the case.

IQs of twins reared together correlate with each other by .86, which is about the highest correlation you could ask for. A person taking the test twice correlates with himself at about .87. For fraternal twins who are reared together, their scores correlate by .55. (The reason their scores even correlate that high is because they are related to one another.) For twins reared apart, the correlation is .76--still extremely high. Practically identical. Of course, it can be seen that different environments have an impact--however, it is a very small impact and as those children grow into adults, it will probably disappear completely.

Not only do genetics play a role in IQ, but they play a huge, major one.
So does environment.

A study of French children adopted between the ages of 4 and 6 shows the continuing interplay of nature and nurture. The children came from poor backgrounds with I.Q.’s that initially averaged 77, putting them near retardation. Nine years later after adoption, they retook the I.Q. tests, and all of them did better. The amount they improved was directly related to the adopting family’s status. "Children adopted by farmers and laborers had average I.Q. scores of 85.5; those placed with middle-class families had average scores of 92. The average I.Q. scores of youngsters placed in well-to-do homes climbed more than 20 points, to 98." [8] This study suggests that IQ is not stable over the course of one's lifetime and that, even in later childhood, a change in environment can have a significant effect on IQ.
You can't teach a dog calculus, but you sure can teach him tricks. And by all inferences and ideals, if we even continue to teach the dog and let them live amongst us, they would become very smart over a long period of evolutionary time

Actually, I think that dogs (along with other pets) are about to undergo, in the next few hundred of years, radical alterations to their basic intelligence - courtesy of you-know-who. And no, these "improvements" aren't going to be the result of doggy-huggy therapy :^).

Genes predict potential but nurture decides the fulfillment of promise.

"Nurture" being defined as an effort by the self or others to exert a positive influence by way of interpersonal interaction. I wouldn't suspect this as the most important environmental consideration as to the expression resultant from a specific genetic potential.
To sum up all the above posts. I think nobody is arguing the fact that:

Phenotype = Genotype + Environment

But a person can be severely handicapped if he inherits brain damage from drug addicted parents, and this puts a limit on the IQ he/she can attain given the best most optimal environmental factors.
To sum up all the above posts. I think nobody is arguing the fact that:

Phenotype = Genotype + Environment

There must also be an allowance for randomization as well as for self-motivation.
Because genes do not account for everything. That's why. I'm glad you mentioned it because many people are confused and perplexed by this. So let me say it loud and clear. Just because environmental influences can potentially have a huge influence on a person's cognitive ability does not mean that under most conditions they do..
Overall, the heritability is very high, which isn't to say that overall environmental influences don't have any effect. They do--they're just small, particularly when an individual is fully grown up. Indeed, as the individual's age increases, so does the heritability of his IQ. If environment is such an important factor, shouldn't we find the opposite to be true? I mean, the older you are, the more time the environment has to make an impact on your life. But it is not the case.

IQs of twins reared together correlate with each other by .86, which is about the highest correlation you could ask for. A person taking the test twice correlates with himself at about .87. For fraternal twins who are reared together, their scores correlate by .55. (The reason their scores even correlate that high is because they are related to one another.) For twins reared apart, the correlation is .76--still extremely high. Practically identical. Of course, it can be seen that different environments have an impact--however, it is a very small impact and as those children grow into adults, it will probably disappear completely.

Not only do genetics play a role in IQ, but they play a huge, major one.

Jesus christ how many time are we gonna dive into this topic my man. You are getting it wrong. Fuckin DNA and all that stuff came from the Fuckin sheezny enviroment. The human I.Q is largely higher than animals thanks to the enviroment...NOT that genes themselves are concious enough. The subset is always a function of the set. The greatest influence on a child is his parents. A bad pit bull is a result of bad owners. Computers don't switch on and compute data without input. George Bush ain't going to leave Iraq without consenting his cabinet. And Linsay Lohan is hot. Genes are a function of Enviroment, both biologicaly and socio culturally, face it.