Is God unhappy with muslims.......?


Just a dumb hillbilly...
Registered Senior Member
Following the death of over 3000 innocents on September 11, 2001, over 30,000 muslims were killed in an earthquage in Iran. Now, over 23,000, mostly muslims from Indonesia to the western coast of Africa, have been killed as a result of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake that moved the island of Sumatra more than 100 feet! Retribution for evil-doing?

Meanwhile, the "Christian/crusader" nation of the United States is putting together a package of relief more than twice what the oil-rich muslim brothers are doing; not to speak of what American private relief organizations are doing!

But the United Nations is doing what it does best - talking about doing "something".
marv said:
Following the death of over 3000 innocents on September 11, 2001, over 30,000 muslims were killed in an earthquage in Iran. Now, over 23,000, mostly muslims from Indonesia to the western coast of Africa, have been killed as a result of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake that moved the island of Sumatra more than 100 feet! Retribution for evil-doing?

Meanwhile, the "Christian/crusader" nation of the United States is putting together a package of relief more than twice what the oil-rich muslim brothers are doing; not to speak of what American private relief organizations are doing!

But the United Nations is doing what it does best - talking about doing "something".

Don't be ridiculous everyone knows that the US is a terrorist nation that has never done anything good in this world.
On a serious note it is a truly tragic thing that has happened and while indonesia, malaysia and predominantly muslim indian states were struck by this quake the hardest hit area was Sri Lanka which unless I am mistaken is not a muslim country. No god involved just a natural catastrophe of the first magnitude.

PS if there was an almighty being he would no doubt be mighty pissed at muslims, and christians, and jews etc etc.
path said:
... if there was an almighty being he would no doubt be mighty pissed at muslims, and christians, and jews etc etc.
I certainly won't disagree there. 'Course, Sri Lanka maybe just got in the way.

BTW, I'm an atheist.
The United States is the biggest terrorist on the planet.
It's an entitiy of psychotic terrorism with psychotic brainless followers.
There is no evil doer in the history of earth that has taken more lives and caused more torment to human beings than the United States.

People who support the United States are worse than those who support Hitler and Nazis.
cool skill said:
People who support the United States are worse than those who support Hitler and Nazis.
Is that hyperbole, overenthused passion, or your literal belief?
From what I have read of cool skill it is his literal belief. :p
my belief is there is nothing that exists that is not under devine providence. every act of terrorism, every act of revenge, all natural phenomenom whether destructive or creative, all holy and unholy conflict or covenant is an act of god.
there is nothing that happens without purpose.
we are asked to treat others with the respect and kindness we would like to be shown. to forgive and show understanding to those who attack us.
it is not for humanity to judge, we must simply choose.
Look around. Anyone who waves the American flag, and promotes this terror of a country is worse than the Nazis waving their Shwastikas and promoting Hitler.
wow. i actually can't argue with marv this time around...

...except the whole god thing.

But dead on with the US, other muslim countries, and the UN
cool skill said:
Look around. Anyone who waves the American flag, and promotes this terror of a country is worse than the Nazis waving their Shwastikas and promoting Hitler.

Exactly how young are you?
Talk about brain-washed...I think something was left out of cool skill. It ran down his daddy's leg. :D

I'm a retired Federal employee from the Department of Defense, an atheist and a veteran, and I'm 66 years old. Now it's your turn cool skill - that is unless you're ashamed of who and what you are; or even old enough to know what you're talking about.

Personally, I suspect you're a pre-pubscent kid whose entire world exists on a monitor screen and whose mind is so open the wind blows through.
marv said:
Following the death of over 3000 innocents on September 11, 2001, over 30,000 muslims were killed in an earthquage in Iran. Now, over 23,000, mostly muslims from Indonesia to the western coast of Africa, have been killed as a result of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake that moved the island of Sumatra more than 100 feet! Retribution for evil-doing?
And prior to the 9/11 attacks thousands died in an earthquake in Turkey, Papua New Guinae and San Francisco. So what's your point? God was angry with all of those people as well? Were the poor villagers in PNG doing something bad so God punished them? Earthquakes do not pick religious sides. They can occur any where and at any time. Religion and God has nothing to do with it. India and Sri Lanka suffered more deaths during this tidal wave tragedy than any other country. Are the Indians being punished for testing their nuclear weapons and Sri Lanka for not doing so well at Cricket? Lets not forget that India and Sri Lanka are not Muslim nations. So what's the point of this thread? To stir up the Muslims? Your own personal amusement at the thought of tens of thousand deaths, many of them Muslim? And you say that India and Sri Lanka maybe just got in the way? You're a pathetic human being.

Marv, this thread and your statement above would have to be one of the stupidest thing I've ever read or heard of. You call yourself an athiest and yet come up with drivel such as this?

More than 25,000 people have lost their lives because of a natural disaster and more than 1 million are left homeless and this is all you can say? "Is God unhappy with Muslims?" I think your prejudice and bigotry towards Muslims has resulted in your head being permanently wedged in your backside that you can't see the light or reality.
Bells said:
Earthquakes do not pick religious sides. They can occur any where and at any time. Religion and God has nothing to do with it.
I thought God brought everything about. Am I wrong?

As of this morning, the confirmed death toll is 39,000 and still climbing.
U humans think yr so tough but when a earthquake kills ya, you ain't so tough. yr so small & god is so gr8 but U don't get it.
You tell me marv. You're the athiest with Christian tendencies. There is no God as far as I concerned. And the death toll may end up reaching 60,000 people.

And for you to sit there and ask such a question as the one you posed in the start of this thread.. well.. I guess it says a lot about you marv. Religion and one's religious beliefs have nothing to do with the human tragedy that is currently unfolding and for you to try to blame this on a group of people because of their religious belief is, frankly, disgusting. Your attempt at point scoring, saying that the US is sending more aid then the Muslim countries shows that you're only in this to say that 'we are better than they are'. Quite pathetic, especially when viewed in light of tens and thousands of people dying.

As I said before, the topic and opening post of this thread goes a long way in describing what kind of human being you really are.
Marv by being 66 years old, u have reached two line. One the edge of senile and the other the edge of knowldge. U can b anyone of the, but according to ur posts, u r just being plain racist.

God doesn't interefere with our social lives. Have u read about the Green House Effect and Global warning. Ya sometimes those may cause deadly storms which r not suppsoe to happen. Btw earthquake is a natural reaction and not god doing on teh evil doer.
Second of all, terroist = extremest. Don;t we have extremist all around the world? Have u heard about a priest (or a religious guy) who killed a woman just cause she did abortion. What about KKK. Just because of some nut ppl, u shall call america (all americans) = terrorits? Not really, just the governement and those who beleive in killing innocent ppl for no damn reason. B4 u reply, think about it ( and dont make racist remarks.)
MaskHellRaiser said:
Marv by being 66 years old, u have reached two line. One the edge of senile and the other the edge of knowldge. U can b anyone of the, but according to ur posts, u r just being plain racist.

God doesn't interefere with our social lives. Have u read about the Green House Effect and Global warning. Ya sometimes those may cause deadly storms which r not suppsoe to happen. Btw earthquake is a natural reaction and not god doing on teh evil doer.
Second of all, terroist = extremest. Don;t we have extremist all around the world? Have u heard about a priest (or a religious guy) who killed a woman just cause she did abortion. What about KKK. Just because of some nut ppl, u shall call america (all americans) = terrorits? Not really, just the governement and those who beleive in killing innocent ppl for no damn reason. B4 u reply, think about it ( and dont make racist remarks.)

You have your terminology wrong hell raiser islam or muslims aren't a race they are adherents to the islamic belief system, so Marv's comments cannot be racist.
I think u misunderstood him, he made this thread with the intention to show that thanks to the ismalic terrorist all the muslims shall suffer....and he/she couldn't be more wrong about it...since one have nothing to do with the other.
MaskHellRaiser said:
I think u misunderstood him, he made this thread with the intention to show that thanks to the ismalic terrorist all the muslims shall suffer....and he/she couldn't be more wrong about it...since one have nothing to do with the other.

No, you are misunderstanding the definition of racist or the definition of muslim or both.
well then....explain it? explain what i misunderstood.

PS: Islam is the religion, and muslims are all thos ewho pratice the islamic beleive.