Is God not responsible for everything?

Could someone please explain these indiscrepancies?

Originally posted by SanDolphin61
Originally posted by Persol

The writers of the Bible seem to disagree

Matthew 10:22 - he who endures to the end, will be saved
He is speaking to the disciples and their journeys to spread the Gospel. He is talking about the end of their life not the "End Times".

So in the "End Times" all you have to do is believe in God. So, since the majority of the world believes in God, then despite the "Trials and Tribulations" of the "End Time" we have nothing to worry about because most religions acknowlegde some sort of supreme being. Wheter or not your a practicing Christian or don't believe in the divinity of Chirst or even a devil worshipper, you still go to haven. I guess only athesit go to hell.

What does belief mean? Belief in existance or belief in the teachings of the bible? If its the teachings of the Bible, then a lot of those that "Believe" in God are still going to hell.

Matthew 24:13 - he who endures to the end, will be saved
He is discussing the "End Times" here and saying that those who endure to the end will be saved. Those who believe in God.

Why do the rules change in the "End Time", shouldn't the rules be designed with the foresight of changes in Time, culture and tradition in mind? Why is it easier to get to heaven in the "End Times" as oppose to before the end times (when baptism was required) ? That's not fair at all. Hope i'm born during the terrible end times because it sure is easier to get to heave then.

Mark 16:16 - believing and being baptized have you saved; not believing will have you damned
He is speaking to the Apostles here. When they were preaching the gospels those who believe and are baptised are saved those who do not believe after hearing them are condemned.

What about those who believe but were never baptised?

Acts 2:21 - that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved
This is speaking of the "End Times " and God is merciful that even at this stage if they call on the name of the lord they will be saved.

"Call on the name of the lord..." Now if this isn't open to interpretation i don't know what is. So all you have to say is "Oh my God i'm about to die...and *poof* your in heaven. Even if your a jew murdering Ireali terrorist.

Romans 10:9 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved
This speaks for itself.

When did confession become necessary for salvation? First, just believe, no we got confess AND believe.

John 12:32 - Jesus states he will draw ALL men to him
He does not say how they are many hate him as love him, as many believe in him as disbelieve in him and this will only get worse.
You are drawn to things through Hatred as you are through Love.
All Men, even pre-columbus native americans?

Where was jesus when the first native american died...way before any emmissionares got there?

I could go on forever....the bible is flawed and says terrible things about the nature of God, the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can begin a true quest to find him.
Re: Could someone please explain these indiscrepancies?

The writers of the Bible seem to disagree

So in the "End Times" all you have to do is believe in God.
In the One God.

So, since the majority of the world believes in God, then despite the "Trials and Tribulations" of the "End Time" we have nothing to worry about because most religions acknowlegde some sort of supreme being.
The Bible is what was being discussed in this message so it is not talking about Buddha, Shiva, Shakti, Brahma, Ishtar, Diana, Hellios, Bel or any other is talking about the One True God and The Messiah.

Wheter or not your a practicing Christian or don't believe in the divinity of Chirst or even a devil worshipper, you still go to haven. I guess only athesit go to hell.
Don't know what point you are making here.

What does belief mean? Belief in existance or belief in the teachings of the bible? If its the teachings of the Bible, then a lot of those that "Believe" in God are still going to hell.
The belief is in the One True God and that Jesus was the Messiah. Prophecy fullfilled.

Why do the rules change in the "End Time", shouldn't the rules be designed with the foresight of changes in Time, culture and tradition in mind?
The scripture that was being discussed was talking about the persecution of the Christians in the "End Times" for their belief in God and the Messiah.

Why is it easier to get to heaven in the "End Times" as oppose to before the end times (when baptism was required) ? That's not fair at all. Hope i'm born during the terrible end times because it sure is easier to get to heave then.
What Bible are you reading? You seem to think the "End Times" portrayed here is some fluffy point in history. Have you even read the Apocalyptic writers of the Bible?

Mark 16:16 - believing and being baptized have you saved; not believing will have you damned
He is speaking to the Apostles here. When they were preaching the gospels those who believe and are baptised are saved those who do not believe after hearing them are condemned.

What about those who believe but were never baptised?

I am unaware where it states you have to be baptised with water or your going to hell.......where does it say this?

Acts 2:21 - that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved
This is speaking of the "End Times " and God is merciful that even at this stage if they call on the name of the lord they will be saved.

"Call on the name of the lord..." Now if this isn't open to interpretation i don't know what is. So all you have to say is "Oh my God i'm about to die...and *poof* your in heaven. Even if your a jew murdering Ireali terrorist.

How is this open to interpretation?

Romans 10:9 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved
This speaks for itself.

When did confession become necessary for salvation? First, just believe, no we got confess AND believe.

Confessing that Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart is pretty clear to me.

John 12:32 - Jesus states he will draw ALL men to him
He does not say how they are many hate him as love him, as many believe in him as disbelieve in him and this will only get worse.
You are drawn to things through Hatred as you are through Love.
All Men, even pre-columbus native americans?

Where was jesus when the first native american died...way before any emmissionares got there?

Being half Arapaho I fail to understand what point you are making here.

I could go on forever....the bible is flawed and says terrible things about the nature of God, the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can begin a true quest to find him.

Well thank you there wise one.........but I have been on my path for a lot longer than you might think........and am satisfied with the truth I have found.:p
Don't know what point you are making here.

yes you do, dont play ignorant. Well....... play ignorant if you like, who am i to say otherwise, but if that's the case also look into your heart to see if what your mind perceives as truth the rest of you agrees with aswell.