Is God Narcissistic?

How moronic...
And what part of the ark was a circle?

Don't bother Miles...I know which ARK you're talking about. It's sad you can't get your anti bible propoganda right. Why do I have a better memeory than you do? I've only gotten the question once.

Saduist, lol, can you recognize sarcasm ?
Well, everything god made is perfect so that makes sense. Can you imagine god creating an imperfect circular argument ?

hey man, don't speak for me. gosh. how do you believe in something you've never experienced? he doesn't want you to do that. it's stupid. and i might way that it's a lie. but if you really want to know if he exists or not and you really want to experience him if he does, then he'll make sure you do. take it from me, be careful what you ask for cause he'll turn your world upside down.
How moronic...
And what part of the ark was a circle?

Don't bother Miles...I know which ARK you're talking about. It's sad you can't get your anti bible propoganda right. Why do I have a better memeory than you do? I've only gotten the question once.

Either your memory is bad or you are lying. A lie: you claimed not to know what pi was. Memory problem or a lie? You said you envisagef the ark as a circular depression in the ground or words to that effect.
Either your memory is bad or you are lying. A lie: you claimed not to know what pi was. Memory problem or a lie? You said you envisagef the ark as a circular depression in the ground or words to that effect.

hey man, don't speak for me. gosh. how do you believe in something you've never experienced? he doesn't want you to do that. it's stupid. and i might way that it's a lie. but if you really want to know if he exists or not and you really want to experience him if he does, then he'll make sure you do. take it from me, be careful what you ask for cause he'll turn your world upside down.

Not a chance.The world is already upside down and believers say he created it.
OH don't even know what you're talking about.
I never said that, that's for sure.

You must be getting your converstation confused again.
That's okay Miles...I know that self correction is something that isn't the first option for you. In some cases it's not even the last.
OH don't even know what you're talking about.
I never said that, that's for sure.

You must be getting your converstation confused again.
That's okay Miles...I know that self correction is something that isn't the first option for you. In some cases it's not even the last.

Tell us about Satan. or piss off !
Ps I could find the post where you feigneds ignorance of pi but I can't be bothered. You'll only try to lie your way out.
Saduist, lol, can you recognize sarcasm ?

People always go after the "Q".
I wonder this the most variety of imagination across so many people. Or is it a sign of the commonality of that imagination....a limmit if you will.
People always go after the "Q".
I wonder this the most variety of imagination across so many people. Or is it a sign of the commonality of that imagination....a limmit if you will.

Huh ? What ever do you mean, Saduist ?
Aristotle thought they were perfect as did the early churchmen. A circle was used to denote "time" in music.

well, a circle is supposed to be perfect, otherwise it's not a circle, and i don't know about the music thing, but was referring to einstein's proposition about the string theory. he said he wasn't sure which one was which, but one was good and one was bad, and i say that strings are good and circles are bad. i do because circles don't take you anywhere, in terms of evolution or learning you keep going through the same thing over and over again and never get to progress, like the jews in the ot who circled the mountain for 40 years before entering the promised land, and like a circlular argument it never gets solved.
Tell us about Satan. or piss off !

Child Like...tempermental irrationality given to fits of hostility and spite obsessed motivation.
Intriguingly you have many of his characteristics

Ps I could find the post where you feigneds ignorance of pi but I can't be bothered. You'll only try to lie your way out.

I laugh in the face of your error before you realize you've ever made it. Spite Blinds you, Obsession is your calling, but you will never find a quote with me saying ANYTHING about Noah's ark and PI.

You'll not find anything about ME using PI to justify anything in the Bible. I stand by it. Your Claim is thus useless because you won't find it.

AH...I Challenge your blind ignorance Miles.
Saduist knows about Satan and angels and a rebellion in heaven but he refuses to explain it to me. I bet he tells kids at Bible camp all about Satan and hell, etc.
well, a circle is supposed to be perfect, otherwise it's not a circle, and i don't know about the music thing, but was referring to einstein's proposition about the string theory. he said he wasn't sure which one was which, but one was good and one was bad, and i say that strings are good and circles are bad. i do because circles don't take you anywhere, in terms of evolution or learning you keep going through the same thing over and over again and never get to progress, like the jews in the ot who circled the mountain for 40 years before entering the promised land, and like a circlular argument it never gets solved.

Yes. Sound just like reading the Bible.
Saduist knows about Satan and angels and a rebellion in heaven but he refuses to explain it to me. I bet he tells kids at Bible camp all about Satan and hell, etc.

Huh ? How can he keep that from us ? Surely God wants him to tell us..
Huh ? What ever do you mean, Saduist ?

Ah...and that is one difference between us Enmos. I won't feign ignorance.
Acknolwedgement isn't an obstical to butt your head against or to be hurdled. It should be at your back as you walk away. There must be limmits and l draq that limmit at such a place.

I must acknowledge that I am spelling Myles name as Miles. It doesn't offend me to accept the truth.
Child Like...tempermental irrationality given to fits of hostility and spite obsessed motivation.
Intriguingly you have many of his characteristics

I laugh in the face of your error before you realize you've ever made it. Spite Blinds you, Obsession is your calling, but you will never find a quote with me saying ANYTHING about Noah's ark and PI.

You'll not find anything about ME using PI to justify anything in the Bible. I stand by it. Your Claim is thus useless because you won't find it.

AH...I Challenge your blind ignorance Miles.

You challenge my arse ! You are a bigot and a liar as a number of your posts will show. Get thee behind me Sawdust !

Have you deserted your challenging Bible studies for the Readers' Digest guide to psychoanalysis; it would make as much sense to someone with your closed mind. You certainly have my measure you clever chap.