Is God Narcissistic?

Ah...and that is one difference between us Enmos. I won't feign ignorance.
Acknolwedgement isn't an obstical to butt your head against or to be hurdled. It should be at your back as you walk away. There must be limmits and l draq that limmit at such a place.

I must acknowledge that I am spelling Myles name as Miles. It doesn't offend me to accept the truth.

And you kept doing it on purpose after I pointed it out to you.
Surely you don't mind me spelling your name wrong on purpose then.. right ?
Saduist knows about Satan and angels and a rebellion in heaven but he refuses to explain it to me. I bet he tells kids at Bible camp all about Satan and hell, etc.

Yes... Miles I won't help you in your addiction. That would be enabling your behavior. If I found your behavior on the forum acceptable I'd have no problem with entertaining your questions.

If you goal is merely cause dissension for hate sake you will have no such help from I.
PS It was pointed out to you that the dimensions of Noah's ark would give a wrong answer for pi, Your response was to feign ignorance of pi. That is a fact/
Yes... Miles I won't help you in your addiction. That would be enabling your behavior. If I found your behavior on the forum acceptable I'd have no problem with entertaining your questions.

If you goal is merely cause dissension for hate sake you will have no such help from I.

If you found my attitude, I am not behaving here, acceptable. I'd top myself.
Yes... Miles I won't help you in your addiction. That would be enabling your behavior. If I found your behavior on the forum acceptable I'd have no problem with entertaining your questions.

If you goal is merely cause dissension for hate sake you will have no such help from I.

You are running true to form and I know that without the benefits of your Readers' Digest psychology. When you have no answer, resort to an ad hom.

You have nothing but problems answering the questions of others, except to your own satisfaction.
Sawdust, there must have been a lot about when the ark was built, I feel is a more apt name for you.

Do you still claim that you did not deny knowledge of pi ?
And you kept doing it on purpose after I pointed it out to you.
Surely you don't mind me spelling your name wrong on purpose then.. right ?

Untill Miles says he doesn't care for it then he acknoledges that it is an acceptable way to spell his name. Some people chaff over misprounciations or Nicknames...some don't.

I do mind the misspelling of "Saquist" in this manner because it doesn't even come close to the propper pronunciation which is "Say-Kwist" not "Sack-kwist" or sasquach or other variations.

I do accept "Saq" or "Sack" for short becuase many times people on the internet wish for a abbreviation of the name. I've accepted those Nicknames.

I call Myles Miles because Miles sounds like a real name and I think that's what he was trying to go for by replacing the "I" for an "Y". It also helps me deal with Miles as though he's a real person and not just a user name. I like the name Miles as it happens. I don't do it to pervert his username.

That's another difference.
While you think that it's for the purpose of ridicule and you alter "Saquist" to provide you object example, intent is just as important. I would immediately stand down from using Miles if he gave the word.

Edit: Allow me to clear...Any other spelling of Saquist other than Sack or SaQ or Saq I see as unacceptable.
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You are running true to form and I know that without the benefits of your Readers' Digest psychology. When you have no answer, resort to an ad hom.

You have nothing but problems answering the questions of others, except to your own satisfaction.

But you can't get no satisfaction Miles, That's the problem. My analysis shows that time and time again through your own behavior. Now I just let you go off the handle because I know you have no logical purpose.
Yours is a Vendetta.
Untill Miles says he doesn't care for it then he acknoledges that it is an acceptable way to spell his name. Some people chaff over misprounciations or Nicknames...some don't.

I do mind the misspelling of "Saquist" in this manner because it doesn't even come close to the propper pronunciation which is "Say-Kwist" not "Sack-kwist" or sasquach or other variation.

I do accept "Saq" or "Sack" for sort becuase many times people on the internet wish for a abbreviation of the name. I've accepted those Nicknames.

I call Myles Miles because Miles sounds like a real name and I think that's what he was trying to go for by replacing the "I" for an "Y". It also helps me deal with Miles as though he's a real person and not just a user name. I like the name Miles as it happens. I don't do it to pervert his username.

That's another difference.
While you think that it's for the purpose of ridicule and you alter "Saquist" to provide you object example, intent is just as important. I would immediately stand down from using Miles if he gave the word.

I don't think it's for the purpose of ridicule at all.
I just don't get why you insist on spelling someones name the wrong way.
I don't insist. Myles will always be able to dictate to me what the acceptable spelling of his name is. I have no right to insist on anything from him. He is his own free moral agent he dictate to me anytime to cease and desist and I would comply.
Yes. Sound just like reading the Bible.

i don't think einstein was reading it. it's just an analogy. you don't get what i'm saying? people doing the same stupid things over and over again and not getting anywhere? not learning anything? never changing? never making it?

it's like taking the long way. driving in a circle, or even on a curvy path adds time and energy to your journey. it's much more efficient to follow a straight line from point a to point b, but there's always a mountain in the way right? now you can blast through the mountain, you can drive around it, or perhaps you can even move it (another biblical reference for you), but to continue to circle it over and over again is pointless unless you're learning something from it. if you're not accomplishing something from your journey then why bother?
I don't insist. Myles will always be able to dictate to me what the acceptable spelling of his name is. I have no right to insist on anything from him. He is his own free moral agent he dictate to me anytime to cease and desist and I would comply.

But you do insist. You misspell his name even when you full well know you misspell it.
Insist is defined as "refusing to budge"
However I have stated I would do just so. Thus I am not insisting on this use of his name.
Insist is defined as "refusing to budge"
However I have stated I would do just so. Thus I am not insisting on this use of his name.

You are weird man.. lol
It is a common courtesy to at least have the intention to spell someone's name right.
PS It was pointed out to you that the dimensions of Noah's ark would give a wrong answer for pi, Your response was to feign ignorance of pi. That is a fact/

You can not make that determination.
I was unaccustomed seeing "Pi" expressed on paper and misunderstood what he was asking. I asked for clarification and the problem was cleared up and I proceeded to answer the question.

INFACT it is because of that event I remember how PI is expressed on the internet even to day. I'm sorry Myles but I'm simply used to the mathematics symbol than the spelling.

So the "Facts" of feigning was not proven and your accusation that I used Pi in refrence to Noah is a great falsehood on your part.
i don't think einstein was reading it. it's just an analogy. you don't get what i'm saying? people doing the same stupid things over and over again and not getting anywhere? not learning anything? never changing? never making it?

it's like taking the long way. driving in a circle, or even on a curvy path adds time and energy to your journey. it's much more efficient to follow a straight line from point a to point b, but there's always a mountain in the way right? now you can blast through the mountain, you can drive around it, or perhaps you can even move it (another biblical reference for you), but to continue to circle it over and over again is pointless unless you're learning something from it. if you're not accomplishing something from your journey then why bother?

You're tking the idea of a circle too literally. I originally referred to it in a jocular way by talking of god's perfectly circular argument; nothing more
You are weird man.. lol
It is a common courtesy to at least have the intention to spell someone's name right.

Yes that's right but we also allow for Nicknames awell.
The correct spelling is always desirable, nicknames can be terms for affection, respect or familiarity though they can be basis for ridicule which I think no one wants.

What I insist on is that I allow Myles to dictate the rules in this regard.
Frankly I think he's okay with it.
You can not make that determination.
I was unaccustomed seeing "Pi" expressed on paper and misunderstood what he was asking. I asked for clarification and the problem was cleared up and I proceeded to answer the question.

INFACT it is because of that event I remember how PI is expressed on the internet even to day. I'm sorry Myles but I'm simply used to the mathematics symbol than the spelling.

So the "Facts" of feigning was not proven and your accusation that I used Pi in refrence to Noah is a great falsehood on your part.

Well you are truly unique. In the absence of a Greek character set the letter p is transliterated as pi. It's commonn knowledge. Could you not work out what was meant ? It's really pretty simple.
Yes that's right but we also allow for Nicknames awell.
The correct spelling is always desirable, nicknames can be terms for affection, respect or familiarity though they can be basis for ridicule which I think no one wants.

What I insist on is that I allow Myles to dictate the rules in this regard.
Frankly I think he's okay with it.

Well, that's not for you to decide. And an abbreviation is not the same as misspelling something.
Anyway, let's forget about it already..
Thank you, I'll accept that as a complement.
Honestly...Not at first glance.
I'm very litteral which is why certain things don't immdiate jump out.
Everything I do requires practice and study...only artisic perspectives are immediately understood for me. I might be a touch autistic, who knows.