Is God Narcissistic?

M*W: Yes, god is narcissistic... that is if a god existed. Since human beings, more specifically man, created the whole concept of a deity, man (who is narcissistic) created his own image of himself but transferred his own ego to a higher power. There's no secret that man's ego would be enchanted by his own image. That's where god begins, and that's where god ends.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Fear was the gods' begetter in this world." ~ Petronius

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will." ~ George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950, Irish Dramatist, Writer and Critic
First, I never intended to offend you, Lor. We both have said many things to each other and I don't feel my tone or content has been different in this one much at all. I explained when I say blindly is because you have said you have no understanding why the Biblical God does any of the evil and brutal things he does. Yet, you trust him that those things are somehow "right". If you feel that I'm wrong about that, then let me know. Regardless, I am sorry for having upset you.

i'm telling you that i don't have an understanding of why the ONLY god, since there's only one, does most of the things he does or how he does them. and i think it's ridiculous that you think you would or even should. and the fact is that you're not concerned with understanding anything but the brutal things, because you're really not concerned at all with understanding. your concern is with finding a perceived good reason not to believe that jesus is the christ.

I am not looking at it in that way, Lori. Again, please refer up above as to why I used the word "blindly". What I'm talking about has nothing to do with the things that you have shared with me. We have been talking about why God has done those brutal things in the Bible. How he has lied and toyed with others in the Bible. So please don't take that as a slap in the face against the personal things you've shared with me, as I'm not talking about those.

well i am talking about those. that's my answer! he has turned my life into a revelation of biblical prophecy! now how in the hell can that not be relevant to whether i trust him or not? and in doing so, he's been pretty damned hard on me, so i'm not really surprised he was killing babies thousands of years ago and that he still is today and even worse. you want to separate these ideas like thousands of years ago he was some human being roaming around on the earth and he was not. he accomplished his will back then the very same way he does now, through men. so what happens today is no different than what happened back then. and he's just as brutal today as he was back then. and i'm not surprised, and i'm not looking for a way out of believing that he is who he says he is. for me, there is no way out. i know too much. and like i said, i don't give a rat's ass why he was killing babies thousands of years ago. if it was any of my business then he would point it out to me and explain it to me just like he's done with so many other scriptures, that are relevant to my life.

You're right. We are no further now than back then. I guess I just for once wished you could look at those scriptures you want to turn a head away from and and think about them. But, I see now you'd rather not and asking you to do so upsets you. My bad.

i've looked at them! for god's sake you've brought them up 100 times! i just don't care about them like you do. i told you, they don't surprise me one bit!

BUT, you haven't given me those answers, Lori. That is why I don't remember them. You keep giving the answer, "because he's God." It is my fault not to recognize that is your answer, period. I'm just use to you analyzing everything, except those scriptures. Don't worry, I'll not ask you to look at them again.

i told you that i don't even read the bible unless he has something to explain to me and wants to use the bible to do it. you don't seem to understand my intentions towards him and the bible. i'm not looking for a way out of having a relationship with him through christ, you are. i already have it. and yes he is god, and i think it's absolutely ludicrous for you to even pretend to suggest that you should understand everything he does or everything he's said or has been written in scripture. i know him well enough, and have had him interact with me enough to know better myself. i usually don't understand the things he says to me until he explains it, and he does explain it eventually. but you don't want an explanation. you're looking for an excuse. now you have one.

Again, wrong! I can't get past those bloody scriptures you want to turn your head and ears away from. I didn't realize asking you to actually think about them was being on your back. Again, my bad, Lori.

i am not the one turning away, you are, and these scriptures are your excuse.

Doesn't the Bible say that God is the God that changeth not? That he is the same yesterday, today, and forever?
If those are correct, I'd say it matters how he conducted himself 1000's of years ago.

yeah, i'd say he hasn't changed one bit. i'm telling you that i'm not surprised.

I'm looking at the scriptures and saying something is totally fucked up with this Biblical God. But, you know, what can you expect from someone who continuously asks stupid irrelevant questions? :bugeye:

well good, there ya go. you still have a reason to completely ignore my story and my testimony and believe what your stupid parents brainwashed into you.
i'm telling you that i don't have an understanding of why the ONLY god, since there's only one, does most of the things he does or how he does them.

okay, and you're obviously fine with that. Can you see where others who bring up the scriptures I have, might have a problem with them? I understand that you don't. Other people might though, can you understand that?

and i think it's ridiculous that you think you would or even should.

Why is it ridiculous for anyone to question violent behavior of these stories where the Biblical God cannot even control his temper and as a result kills?

and the fact is that you're not concerned with understanding anything but the brutal things, because you're really not concerned at all with understanding. your concern is with finding a perceived good reason not to believe that jesus is the christ.

I understand violence is ugly and destructive, and in my opinion, wrong. Just because someone can show acts of kindness in one moment, never excuses them from behaving like a violent bully. With that said, I realize you believe that God is all that and a bag of chips...but, I cannot wrap my mind around a God who behaves no better than Charles Manson.

well i am talking about those. that's my answer!

I understand that. But, that to me does not have any relevance to the actions God portrayed in the Bible. In other words...imo, it doesn't exempt those brutal actions in the Bible.

he has turned my life into a revelation of biblical prophecy! now how in the hell can that not be relevant to whether i trust him or not?

I see where you are getting at and thanks for explaining. For me, though, violence is never excusable, and that is why I could not for the life of me undertand why you are okay with it. But, now I know..."because he's god."

and in doing so, he's been pretty damned hard on me, so i'm not really surprised he was killing babies thousands of years ago and that he still is today and even worse.

Being hard on someone is very different than brutally killing them. I'm not trying to make light of the hard things you are or have gone through in relation to him, please realize that.

How is it you feel God is still killing thousands of babies today? You realize I'm only talking about where he directly ordered these things done in the Bible?

you want to separate these ideas like thousands of years ago he was some human being roaming around on the earth and he was not.

But I thought Jesus was suppose to be God incarnate? Regardless, what does it matter if the Biblical God sent she bears out with the intent of them killing 42 children or him coming down in the flesh and doing it, the intent was the same, yes?

he accomplished his will back then the very same way he does now, through men. so what happens today is no different than what happened back then. and he's just as brutal today as he was back then. and i'm not surprised, and i'm not looking for a way out of believing that he is who he says he is. for me, there is no way out. i know too much. and like i said, i don't give a rat's ass why he was killing babies thousands of years ago.


if it was any of my business then he would point it out to me and explain it to me just like he's done with so many other scriptures, that are relevant to my life

Just curious, would there ever be a reason he could give you for being brutal that you would think twice about?

you don't seem to understand my intentions towards him and the bible. i'm not looking for a way out of having a relationship with him through christ, you are

No, I will be the first to tell you...I'm not understanding your intentions regarding that. Could you admit, though, that you might not understand why I think the Biblical God is hogwash instead of projecting for me?

i'm not looking for a way out of having a relationship with him through christ, you are

Those are your opinions, but they are not fact.

and i think it's absolutely ludicrous for you to even pretend to suggest that you should understand everything he does or everything he's said or has been written in scripture.

Again, it's only my opinion, but there isn't a good enough excuse for violence.
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okay, and you're obviously fine with that. Can you see where others who bring up the scriptures I have, might have a problem with them? I understand that you don't. Other people might though, can you understand that?

yeah i understand that. people are stupid and arrogant at the same time and don't understand what the bible is for, so they think it's for them to interpret.

Why is it ridiculous for anyone to question violent behavior of these stories where the Biblical God cannot even control his temper and as a result kills?

why do you call him "the biblical god"? there's only one god, or are you some polytheist? it's ridiculous to question god. not that i don't do it mind you but it is a ridiculous thing to do. listen heart, like i said, i don't know what planet you're on, but here on this one, i see and hear about god killing people all the time. there's brutality, sickness, suffering, and death everywhere i look, so it makes perfect sense to me that the same things were going on in the ot day.

I understand violence is ugly and destructive, and in my opinion, wrong. Just because someone can show acts of kindness in one moment, never excuses them from behaving like a violent bully. With that said, I realize you believe that God is all that and a bag of chips...but, I cannot wrap my mind around a God who behaves no better than Charles Manson.

well i would venture to say that's becuase you're short-sighted. god created charles manson see, and all the while knowing exactly what charles would do.

I understand that. But, that to me does not have any relevance to the actions God portrayed in the Bible. In other words...imo, it doesn't exempt those brutal actions in the Bible.

heart, there is brutality everywhere in god's world and under his control. as i said before, "where the fuck are you?" seriously, what are you not seeing? i look at the ot god, and i look at his world today, and i say, "yep, that's him!"

I see where you are getting at and thanks for explaining. For me, though, violence is never excusable, and that is why I could not for the life of me undertand why you are okay with it. But, now I know..."because he's god."

i'm not "ok with it", i hate this fucking world! i abhor the suffering that we all have to endure! god damn heart, i bet i bitch about it more than anyone you know! *confused look* i scream at god every damn day to let us out of this shit hole! the point is, that we're supposed to be learning from our lives in it.

Being hard on someone is very different than brutally killing them. I'm not trying to make light of the hard things you are or have gone through in relation to him, please realize that.

my whole life, all i've ever really wanted was to die. so guess what his bright idea is? he's going to make me live forever. it's just like him. but my mission is to make our future a place that's very different from our past, and present.

How is it you feel God is still killing thousands of babies today? You realize I'm only talking about where he directly ordered these things done in the Bible?

heart, he orders EVERYTHING THAT EVER HAPPENS. HE'S GOD. what the???

But I thought Jesus was suppose to be God incarnate? Regardless, what does it matter if the Biblical God sent she bears out with the intent of them killing 42 children or him coming down in the flesh and doing it, the intent was the same, yes?

did you say "she bears"? *hysterical laughter* that was great, thanks! :p

wow what? listen if you're so concerned about abused and suffering children then what the fuck are you doing about it exactly? i've known you for a long time and i had no idea you had this concern so tell me, what are you doing to help stop child abuse in your own life on a daily basis? eating pussy, drinking beer, and making money? well i happen to have taken foster care classes on saturdays for weeks, have taken a job that i hate, so i can make the money i need to fix up my house, to make it more accomodating for three to five kids, and i'm planning to take those kids, who were being abused and neglected, in my home, and care for them 24/7. don't you point your fucking finger at me.

Just curious, would there ever be a reason he could give you for being brutal that you would think twice about?

listen, i can think all day long, but do you think i should be giving god advice?

No, I will be the first to tell you...I'm not understanding your intentions regarding that. Could you admit, though, that you might not understand why I think the Biblical God is hogwash instead of projecting for me?

i think you're the one projecting. and i think that god knows what he's doing.

Those are your opinions, but they are not fact.

yes, opinions are not facts.

Again, it's only my opinion, but there isn't a good enough excuse for violence.

well hon, you rid the world of violence, and we'll all call you god okay? wait a minute, THAT'S MY JOB! have you forgotten who you're talking to? what do think i've gone through all of this hardship for heart? it's to change the world.
yeah i understand that. people are stupid and arrogant at the same time and don't understand what the bible is for, so they think it's for them to interpret.

"People are stupid and arrogant"...all but you of course, huh? Beautiful. point being this, Lori. You believe that this Biblical God is real and alive. So, maybe it's easier for you to rely on the statement "Well, God did it so it must be right", no matter if it's killing babies or toying around with others just to see if they love him more than their own children (like when in the Bible God told Abraham to sacrifice his own son). It's funny though, how this Biblical God will tell others (not all, as he has had people to carry out his dirty work per his instructions) to act the exact opposite to his dark side. Some people also believe that President Bush is a great president and stand behind his decisions no matter what they are, simply because he is a republican (I know some people who believe this way).

why do you call him "the biblical god"? there's only one god, or are you some polytheist?

Because I have a hard time believing that a true God would lower himself to barbaric acts and killing what he claims to love. What's the saying, love is a verb.

it's ridiculous to question god. not that i don't do it mind you but it is a ridiculous thing to do.

Moses questioned whether God should destroy the Jews or not and actually got God to change his mind.

God said to Moses:
“Now then let Me alone, that My anger may burn against them, and that I may destroy them; and I will make of you a great nation.”

Moses replied:
Turn from Thy burning anger and change Thy mind about doing harm to Thy people. 13“Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Thy servants to whom Thou didst swear by Thyself, and didst say to them, ‘I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens, and all this land of which I have spoken I will give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever. 14So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people’”

So, was Moses ridiculous too?

like i said, i don't know what planet you're on, but here on this one, i see and hear about god killing people all the time. there's brutality, sickness, suffering, and death everywhere i look, so it makes perfect sense to me that the same things were going on in the ot day.

So you have actually heard God say or know of others where God has told them that he was going to kill someone because he was pissed at them? You have heard him say because someone lied that he struck them down and killed them? Have you heard him say that babies were evil and therefore killed them? etc... How do you know he directly ordered these things done because of his bully attiude? There's a mother who resides in the town that I do who killed her children because she believed God told her to. I always assumed it was because she was mentally unstable, what's your take on it?

well i would venture to say that's becuase you're short-sighted. god created charles manson see, and all the while knowing exactly what charles would do.

BUT, did God ask Charles Manson to brainwash his followers and convince them to kill these people brutally? See, that would make a difference to me.

heart, there is brutality everywhere in god's world and under his control. as i said before, "where the fuck are you?" seriously, what are you not seeing? i look at the ot god, and i look at his world today, and i say, "yep, that's him!"

I never implied that there wasn't brutality in this world, ever. But there is also good in it as well. Anyway, I believe there is a difference between someone dying because of natural causes, accidents, and being killed by someone's hand VS God getting pissed off and killing them, commanding others to do so, etc...

did you say "she bears"? *hysterical laughter* that was great, thanks!


wow what? listen if you're so concerned about abused and suffering children then what the fuck are you doing about it exactly? i've known you for a long time and i had no idea you had this concern so tell me, what are you doing to help stop child abuse in your own life on a daily basis? eating pussy, drinking beer, and making money? well i happen to have taken foster care classes on saturdays for weeks, have taken a job that i hate, so i can make the money i need to fix up my house, to make it more accomodating for three to five kids, and i'm planning to take those kids, who were being abused and neglected, in my home, and care for them 24/7. don't you point your fucking finger at me.

I'm not pointing fingers, I was just stunned at your statement, Lori. How is the word "wow" pointing fingers?

I'll be the first to tell you, and I have repeatedly I might add, that what you are doing is great.

Currently, I cannot tell you that I'm helping abused children or children in genral. But, I have in the past. Not only in raising money for them but also helping with food drives during the summer, thanksgiving and christmas time. I have spent time with children and have been there for them when they have had serious problems when I taught Sunday and Weds night classes at church. Plus, I helped raise and provide for 2 twin boys for 7 years who were not my own. (and no, their mother didn't live with me) Don't you point your finger at me and suggest that all I have ever cared about is sex, beer, and money, because that's fucking bullshit.

listen, i can think all day long, but do you think i should be giving god advice?

Like I said, Moses did it and because of it lives were spared.

well hon, you rid the world of violence, and we'll all call you god okay?

I'm NOT saying that the violence in the world today is a direct order of God. I'm talking about the scriptures of the Bible where it was commanded and where he exhibited his out of control anger by killing people, manipulating people, using scare tatics and so on.
"People are stupid and arrogant"...all but you of course, huh? Beautiful. point being this, Lori. You believe that this Biblical God is real and alive. So, maybe it's easier for you to rely on the statement "Well, God did it so it must be right", no matter if it's killing babies or toying around with others just to see if they love him more than their own children (like when in the Bible God told Abraham to sacrifice his own son). It's funny though, how this Biblical God will tell others (not all, as he has had people to carry out his dirty work per his instructions) to act the exact opposite to his dark side. Some people also believe that President Bush is a great president and stand behind his decisions no matter what they are, simply because he is a republican (I know some people who believe this way).

Because I have a hard time believing that a true God would lower himself to barbaric acts and killing what he claims to love. What's the saying, love is a verb.

Moses questioned whether God should destroy the Jews or not and actually got God to change his mind.

God said to Moses:
“Now then let Me alone, that My anger may burn against them, and that I may destroy them; and I will make of you a great nation.”

Moses replied:
Turn from Thy burning anger and change Thy mind about doing harm to Thy people. 13“Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Thy servants to whom Thou didst swear by Thyself, and didst say to them, ‘I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens, and all this land of which I have spoken I will give to your descendants, and they shall inherit it forever. 14So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people’”

So, was Moses ridiculous too?

So you have actually heard God say or know of others where God has told them that he was going to kill someone because he was pissed at them? You have heard him say because someone lied that he struck them down and killed them? Have you heard him say that babies were evil and therefore killed them? etc... How do you know he directly ordered these things done because of his bully attiude? There's a mother who resides in the town that I do who killed her children because she believed God told her to. I always assumed it was because she was mentally unstable, what's your take on it?

BUT, did God ask Charles Manson to brainwash his followers and convince them to kill these people brutally? See, that would make a difference to me.

I never implied that there wasn't brutality in this world, ever. But there is also good in it as well. Anyway, I believe there is a difference between someone dying because of natural causes, accidents, and being killed by someone's hand VS God getting pissed off and killing them, commanding others to do so, etc...


I'm not pointing fingers, I was just stunned at your statement, Lori. How is the word "wow" pointing fingers?

I'll be the first to tell you, and I have repeatedly I might add, that what you are doing is great.

Currently, I cannot tell you that I'm helping abused children or children in genral. But, I have in the past. Not only in raising money for them but also helping with food drives during the summer, thanksgiving and christmas time. I have spent time with children and have been there for them when they have had serious problems when I taught Sunday and Weds night classes at church. Plus, I helped raise and provide for 2 twin boys for 7 years who were not my own. (and no, their mother didn't live with me) Don't you point your finger at me and suggest that all I have ever cared about is sex, beer, and money, because that's fucking bullshit.

Like I said, Moses did it and because of it lives were spared.

I'm NOT saying that the violence in the world today is a direct order of God. I'm talking about the scriptures of the Bible where it was commanded and where he exhibited his out of control anger by killing people, manipulating people, using scare tatics and so on.

hey heart...don't believe that jesus is the christ, the savior of humanity. it's your choice. but if you expect me to believe that you're doing it out of your concern for abused children, you're nuts. you're pro-abortion for god's sake.

and the fact is you ignore the obvious in front of your face and then pick and choose what you want to argue about arbitrarily. it's a matter of perception, and your perception is shaped by your intent. you intend to find reasons not to believe that jesus is the christ and so your perception serves your purpose.

what do you care anyway? so what, you don't believe? what are you afraid of? this is nothing but residual bullshit from when you were younger and your parents and their church friends judged and condemned. it's not my problem.
Just a bit of perspective here

The accusation of God being narcissistic is based on the assumption God is simply another form of sentient creature. Certainly a human being making the demands of God in terms of honor, obedience, love and praise would be incredibly self-centered to the point of psychosis.

Were I to demand everyone address me as "Mr. President" or have a band play "Hail to the Chief" when I walk in the door, most folks would find that a bit odd. (Just to remove any doubt, I am not currently entitled to such treatment under national protocols. Nor have I ever been, as far as I can remember.)

When George W. Bush says, "I am the President. I am the senior elected official in the United States." he is merely stating a fact. (Please leave personal politics out of this for the moment.)

Such is the problem with our understanding of God. God is not a sentient creature of the universe who is much older, much more powerful and has more tricks than the rest of us. God is a unique and self-existing being who is ultimately powerful in all regards in all circumstances and in all venues.

The problem people have with God is He acts like He's God. Well, yeah.
hey heart...don't believe that jesus is the christ, the savior of humanity. it's your choice. but if you expect me to believe that you're doing it out of your concern for abused children, you're nuts. you're pro-abortion for god's sake


Lori, I don't care who the hell it is, if someone is said to have a history of killing children, women, or men because they are pissed at them, proving a point, etc I would not be rubbing elbows with them. Those are things that I happen to think are wrong and evil.

and the fact is you ignore the obvious in front of your face and then pick and choose what you want to argue about arbitrarily. it's a matter of perception, and your perception is shaped by your intent. you intend to find reasons not to believe that jesus is the christ and so your perception serves your purpose.

Lori, if I were to say to you what I believe you think and feel how well do you think you'd take it? I think we both are tired of beating a horse, at least I know that I am. Also, I'm really tired of you bringing up my parents in this as they have nothing to do with my beliefs and this is not the place to do such.

As long as you are happy, Lori- then I am happy for you.

Peace :m:
The accusation of God being narcissistic is based on the assumption God is simply another form of sentient creature. Certainly a human being making the demands of God in terms of honor, obedience, love and praise would be incredibly self-centered to the point of psychosis.

Were I to demand everyone address me as "Mr. President" or have a band play "Hail to the Chief" when I walk in the door, most folks would find that a bit odd. (Just to remove any doubt, I am not currently entitled to such treatment under national protocols. Nor have I ever been, as far as I can remember.)

When George W. Bush says, "I am the President. I am the senior elected official in the United States." he is merely stating a fact. (Please leave personal politics out of this for the moment.)

Such is the problem with our understanding of God. God is not a sentient creature of the universe who is much older, much more powerful and has more tricks than the rest of us. God is a unique and self-existing being who is ultimately powerful in all regards in all circumstances and in all venues.

The problem people have with God is He acts like He's God. Well, yeah.

And you know all this because........
I was riding the shuttle a few weeks ago and overheard a woman preaching about God and telling another person to praise him and bring him glory. The thought popped into my head that maybe God is the ultimate narcissist. Narcissist act much the same; wanting all of the praise and attention.
what a coicidence.
I was listening in on a similar covnersation, during a train ride from the state oprison to the courthouse, and the first thing that popped into my head is how desperately I want to escape.
what a coicidence.
I was listening in on a similar covnersation, during a train ride from the state oprison to the courthouse, and the first thing that popped into my head is how desperately I want to escape.

Take refuge in the Lord, my son !

Lori, I don't care who the hell it is, if someone is said to have a history of killing children, women, or men because they are pissed at them, proving a point, etc I would not be rubbing elbows with them. Those are things that I happen to think are wrong and evil.

Lori, if I were to say to you what I believe you think and feel how well do you think you'd take it? I think we both are tired of beating a horse, at least I know that I am. Also, I'm really tired of you bringing up my parents in this as they have nothing to do with my beliefs and this is not the place to do such.

As long as you are happy, Lori- then I am happy for you.

Peace :m:

i'm not happy. and that's the difference between you and i. happiness is for pussies in this world...blind people. if you're happy in this world, then there's something wrong with you. you're evil. i don't care about being happy and i don't care about pleasantries. so i want to change things, and i don't care how it's done. if people get hurt, so be it. if people need to hurt to learn then so be it. i know i do. so i'm not looking for pleasantries. i'm looking for a bloody end to this mess we call living, and you're not. we don't see things the same heart, and i'm not sure that we ever will. what i am sure of, is that god used the bible to tell me the story of my purpose, and it's as real to me as you are. think about who you're talking to for a minute here. i am the holy grail. i am the woman with the crown of stars on her head. i am the tree of life. i am the chosen lady. and you my dear are my chosen sister.
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i'm not happy. and that's the difference between you and i. happiness is for pussies in this world...blind people. if you're happy in this world, then there's something wrong with you. you're evil. i don't care about being happy and i don't care about pleasantries. so i want to change things, and i don't care how it's done. if people get hurt, so be it. if people need to hurt to learn then so be it. i know i do. so i'm not looking for pleasantries. i'm looking for a bloody end to this mess we call living, and you're not. we don't see things the same heart, and i'm not sure that we ever will. what i am sure of, is that god used the bible to tell me the story of my purpose, and it's as real to me as you are. think about who you're talking to for a minute here. i am the holy grail. i am the woman with the crown of stars on her head. i am the tree of life. i am the chosen lady. and you my dear are my chosen sister.

Are you sure you are not a shrink of some kind. " If you are happy in this wprld there is something wrong with you . you're evil, etc.";so anyone who is happy is in denial ?

This thing we call living CAN be messy at times but it can also be wonderful. Do you not respond to narure, art, music and great literature for example ?

How did you come to have such a warped view of life ?
I agree somewhat with Lori insofar as happiness in this world is deluded and it takes a simple mind for someone to enjoy the few pleasantries that are offered here on earth. IOW the bounty is small. Now I know for a fact that we have fallen from grace and that what awaits those who are of suitable mind,body and soul is a reality that we can't yet comprehend, one of true happiness and expresion. However i suspect that very few from this world will make it heaven basically because their minds would contaminate the harmonic flow.
I agree somewhat with Lori insofar as happiness in this world is deluded and it takes a simple mind for someone to enjoy the few pleasantries that are offered here on earth. IOW the bounty is small. Now I know for a fact that we have fallen from grace and that what awaits those who are of suitable mind,body and soul is a reality that we can't yet comprehend, one of true happiness and expresion. However i suspect that very few from this world will make it heaven basically because their minds would contaminate the harmonic flow.

Splendidly put. Do enlighten us further by telling us how you know all these wonderful things.
Are you sure you are not a shrink of some kind. " If you are happy in this wprld there is something wrong with you . you're evil, etc.";so anyone who is happy is in denial ?

This thing we call living CAN be messy at times but it can also be wonderful. Do you not respond to narure, art, music and great literature for example ?

How did you come to have such a warped view of life ?

i don't think that my view of life is warped necessarily, but you're right to ask this question, in that i think it's a matter of perspective. i don't know. i feel like my life and my body are a prison, and i was going to log on here today to tell heart that if god was really benevolent, i would have been dead long ago.

i've always felt this way, even when i was little. like i didn't belong, like "this is it?", regarding life. it's so cruel and empty and unfulfilling. nothing helps it seems except some of the things you mentioned...they're like my therapy. it is nature, and art, and other people expressions of the same kind of pain that make this barely tolerable for me. sometimes i write. just to purge. see, my life isn't messy. my life is a prison. it could be good, it could be bad, happy, sad, and it would still be a prison. nothing helps. nothing ever helps. things that you would think would...make you happy...happiness doesn't help. it's a function of my flesh and the sin in this world. it just won't go away it seems, but until it does, i'm not going to feel right, or free, or like i think i should feel.

see, i think i'm supposed to feel this way right now because of sin...because i am flawed. we all are, and it's the people that think we're not that scare me.

i also think we're here to learn that, and if given the chance to change it and to get out, we would never ever want to go back again. what's the word for that? "to turn from your sin"? that's what i would do if given the chance to.