is God an alien?


Valued Senior Member
spurred by this Lori
so i'll just spill what god told me...

he said that aliens were the locusts from the pit in the book of revelations. and that their sting (like that of a scorpion) was the mark of the beast.

he said that aliens would claim to be our creators, and our saviors.

that they would perpetuate the rise of the antichrist and the false prophet and the mark of the beast.

and that this mark would be a genetic alteration, that would kill us spiritually while making the life of this vile flesh immortal.

killing us spiritually means that it would cut us off entirely from the holy spirit. just as the fall of man in genesis inhibited that communication, the mark of the beast would be the final nail in the coffin so to speak...that coffin being our flesh.

and my idea of..
hmm..that lines up with mine about aliens being here from the time of neandratols and modern our dna has since combined so that we cannot tell the differance between aliens and humans.(i wonder if they can?)

what do you think?
i think they are nephilim. demonic genetic concoctions. and i think that's why god destroyed the earth with the flood and saved noah (because his bloodline was pure).
i think they are nephilim. demonic genetic concoctions. and i think that's why god destroyed the earth with the flood and saved noah (because his bloodline was pure).

what do you know about the annunaki & zacheria sitchen?
what do you know about the annunaki & zacheria sitchen?

i've read a fair amount about these theories and i think they're valid. i don't think however that aliens are simply beings who have evolved on a different planet and found their way here for whatever reason. when the bible describes them as "sons of god" who bred with daughters of men, i believe that describes demonic activity, creating demigods, "giants", "men of renown". and i think at this point, they're just a genetically engineered shells that house demonic spirits. i think it's a deception.

i do believe that we've been genetically altered over the years, beyond what's been a natural evolution. i think the fall of man in the garden was a genetic alteration, that sin is a genetic condition, and that the mark of the beast will be another such alteration.

the lie will be that they are our creators, our gods, and our saviors, and that the mark will be a way to survive upcoming cataclysmic earth changes, and bring us into a new age.
i've read a fair amount about these theories and i think they're valid. i don't think however that aliens are simply beings who have evolved on a different planet and found their way here for whatever reason. when the bible describes them as "sons of god" who bred with daughters of men, i believe that describes demonic activity, creating demigods, "giants", "men of renown". and i think at this point, they're just a genetically engineered shells that house demonic spirits. i think it's a deception.

i do believe that we've been genetically altered over the years, beyond what's been a natural evolution. i think the fall of man in the garden was a genetic alteration, that sin is a genetic condition, and that the mark of the beast will be another such alteration.

the lie will be that they are our creators, our gods, and our saviors, and that the mark will be a way to survive upcoming cataclysmic earth changes, and bring us into a new age.

Given that you believe that God set up Adam and Eve to take this fall- why would God do that knowing that this would happen? What purpose? He's bored and trying to keep entertained or what? :)

Why would he want something like this to happen and punish people because of it?

It would be like if you set out cookies laced with poison and told your children not to eat them. Would you even consider putting those cookies out for your 5 yr old to eat? Just seems like an awful lot of trouble to set such a crazy plan in motion
Given that you believe that God set up Adam and Eve to take this fall- why would God do that knowing that this would happen? What purpose? He's bored and trying to keep entertained or what? :)

Why would he want something like this to happen and punish people because of it?

It would be like if you set out cookies laced with poison and told your children not to eat them. Would you even consider putting those cookies out for your 5 yr old to eat? Just seems like an awful lot of trouble to set such a crazy plan in motion

i've said it before. the possibility of evil is inherent in creation. if there is a right, then there has to be a possibility of wrong. if there is a law, then there has to be a possibility of transgression. this is enlightenment and free will. this is knowledge of why you're doing what you're doing, and the consequences of it, and the freedom to choose. this is about love, and love can not be chosen with ignorance, or appreciated. and if you decide, in your knowledge, that you don't want that love, and you don't want that communion, then that's exactly what you get. now seriously, how can anyone have a problem with getting what they want and what they choose? and if you want your own universe, then create one. ha.
this is knowledge of why you're doing what you're doing, and the consequences of it, and the freedom to choose. this is about love, and love can not be chosen with ignorance, or appreciated. and if you decide, in your knowledge, that you don't want that love, and you don't want that communion, then that's exactly what you get.
Why do we need to be given the choice?
Especially since, apparently, god already knows who will and who won't be "good"?
What's the point of being given free will?
Why do we need to be given the choice?
Especially since, apparently, god already knows who will and who won't be "good"?
What's the point of being given free will?

would you want someone to love you and commune with you without being given a choice to do so? how valuable and powerful and fulfilling would a relationship like this be if it was based in ignorance?

do you understand why god knows this? imagine if you were not subject to time as a constraint. you could very well know what i would decide without influencing my decision. right? i'm not suggesting that god doesn't influence our decisions, but it seems to me (from my own experience) that he doesn't make our decisions for us.
would you want someone to love you and commune with you without being given a choice to do so? how valuable and powerful and fulfilling would a relationship like this be if it was based in ignorance?
You miss the point.
If god already knows who's good and who's bad (or whatever) why did he not simply create us with the appropriate memories of having made those choices?
Is it because he actually wants people (the ones who decided not) to suffer?
Effectively he's created two groups of people: those who'll go to hell (or wherever) and those who won't.
Why not simply create us with the knowledge and choice already existing, so we don't have to bugger about living, fighting and dying?
Smacks of incompetence to me. Or sadism.
You miss the point.
If god already knows who's good and who's bad (or whatever) why did he not simply create us with the appropriate memories of having made those choices?
Is it because he actually wants people (the ones who decided not) to suffer?
Effectively he's created two groups of people: those who'll go to hell (or wherever) and those who won't.
Why not simply create us with the knowledge and choice already existing, so we don't have to bugger about living, fighting and dying?
Smacks of incompetence to me. Or sadism.

it wouldn't be real. i mean, what's the point of living at all? why don't we just lie around in comas and have our lives injected into our brains? that's a really ironic waste of time don't you think? lol...
it wouldn't be real. i mean, what's the point of living at all? why don't we just lie around in comas and have our lives injected into our brains? that's a really ironic waste of time don't you think? lol...
What do you mean "it wouldn't be real"?
All you have of anything from before a couple of seconds ago is the memory of it.
Is a false memory any "less real" to someone who has one than a "real" memory?
To re-ask your question: Exactly, what IS the point of living at all? if god actually knew what he was doing or was capable of doing it we should have had the "memories" from the start and cut out all the stuff we're actually going through.

It's one more example of god not being omnipotent.
What do you mean "it wouldn't be real"?
All you have of anything from before a couple of seconds ago is the memory of it.
Is a false memory any "less real" to someone who has one than a "real" memory?
To re-ask your question: Exactly, what IS the point of living at all? if god actually knew what he was doing or was capable of doing it we should have had the "memories" from the start and cut out all the stuff we're actually going through.

It's one more example of god not being omnipotent.

you're suggesting trading lives for fake memories. trading experience, which is the only way to true knowledge, for...what exactly?

the way i see it, the only way knowledge is "implanted", is into our genes, by living.
i've read a fair amount about these theories and i think they're valid. i don't think however that aliens are simply beings who have evolved on a different planet and found their way here for whatever reason. when the bible describes them as "sons of god" who bred with daughters of men, i believe that describes demonic activity, creating demigods, "giants", "men of renown". and i think at this point, they're just a genetically engineered shells that house demonic spirits. i think it's a deception.

i do believe that we've been genetically altered over the years, beyond what's been a natural evolution. i think the fall of man in the garden was a genetic alteration, that sin is a genetic condition, and that the mark of the beast will be another such alteration.

the lie will be that they are our creators, our gods, and our saviors, and that the mark will be a way to survive upcoming cataclysmic earth changes, and bring us into a new age.

Thanks for your input. here is a 5min. video on DNA originating from outerspace:
Yes, God is probably just an alien. Actually a committee of aliens. They are preparing our world for domination by getting us used to kingly figures in the sky, while at the same time dividing us by religious wars, and weakening us with prohibitions on nutritious animals (pigs, shellfish).