Is G-d real, a figment of our imagination, or both?

Is G-d real, a figment of our imagination, both, or none

  • real

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • figment of our imagination

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • both

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • none

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
consciously i do not have an agenda. Why do you think so?

But you are struggling with these concepts. The supposed respect you give the word God does not sit alongside your own conclusion.

Maybe if your thoughts were more coherent, we could discuss them more easily with you.
You guys. This is an opinion thread. That is why I h8 what phlo said cuz she's insulting other people. I do not have a secret agenda. Because i respect your right to have ur own opinion, that's why i didn't address you because i had nothing that i whould argue with u.
Because I offered support to your OP and you automatically went to the Phlogistician tangent.

I am okay with the fact you agreed with me. And i voted both because my opinion does explain why G-d is a figmant of our imagination. But it does not dis prove the idea that there is a G-d. It is just saying we discovered G-d for a totally wrong reason.
It is an interesting twist. But if we were to accept the possibility that God was otherwise infinitely hidden, imagination would be the only way to get there. And if there was any intention for us to get there at all, imagination would then be the intended route wouldn't it?
It is an interesting twist. But if we were to accept the possibility that God was otherwise infinitely hidden, imagination would be the only way to get there. And if there was any intention for us to get there at all, imagination would then be the intended route wouldn't it?

There is also no proof out there saying that he will not make himself apparent at some point in time.;)
...Is he an idiot savante? That would make sense actually, he can focus and create the universe in 7 days, but then he's awkward and lame and somewhat retarded in every other aspect of existence.
That seems to be the case, I mean unless he was just invented by lame people, who weren't very intelligent, knowledgable or cool.
Wow, that is the basic truth and how it can be very funny if you take the world's composit description of God and try to explain it to someone from another planet. It comes out pretty lame for sure.

I would not say that about anyone's particular view of God, but put them all together in a plain brown wrapper and it comes out pretty comical.

Not that there is anything wrong with an individual deciding about matters of God and faith on their own. Anything they come up with is perfectly fine because I think we are all faced with making a personal decision on the subject at some point. One person's decision is as good an any other's IMHO.
Also technically speaking there is no hell in the Jewish religion. So as sorry as it may seem to you, that's where i am going.
... gtfo u rascist asshole.

There are two premises in the above statement. While the latter may or may not be true, on what do you base the former? Just out of curiosity. What in Dr. Lou's post warrants an accusation of racism?
You guys. This is an opinion thread. That is why I h8 what phlo said cuz she's insulting other people.

Get off your high horse. I didn't insult anybody. I called the empty aspects of religion bullshit. I don't feel insulted that people choose to believe in bullshit, that's their opinion and they are free to hold it. I too, am free to state my opinion, and if I think it's bullshit, don't take offense, just realise that some beliefs and practices are rather hard to take seriously.

You are aware of the 'Monty Python' 'Jehovah' scene, I presume?
And he seems to be implying that just because I'm muslim I'm gonna go and blow up a bus. How disrespectful to my faith!

i am disrespectful towards that specific translation of the Qu'ran i think it's like the thirteenth that terrorists use for killing jews and justfiying it. And to any who are curious what i mean by "the thirteenth translation" is that the original Qu'ran was written with no markings like the cross on a t, or a dot above the i, so there are iterally limitless translations of the Qu'ran. Now the fact is that i hate people who use that one specific translation to justify being a suicide bomber. I am not rascist against muslims who do not use that form. But quite frankly the Jewish people of Israel and the world have full rights to be disrespectful against that translation. I mean come on firing rockets into our homeland blowing up busses killing people. We would have full rights to invade Syria, Lebanon, Gaza strip and Jordan. So quite frankly next time you guys come back saying that i am being rascist towards that translation of the Qu'ran ask yourself if it perhaps been deserved., I have known people that were killed because some translator thought that the true meaning of Islam meant blowing other people up. I am perfectly fine with the peaceful Qu'ran.

And the 70 grapes, vs. virgins, yes becasue of the translation that word can either be translated to mean virgins, or grapes.
You have no homeland, just some real estate you stole.

Dude first off. We've owned that land for thousands of years, any religion out there can call it the holy land, but it's been the Jewish holyland for 3000 someodd years before any of those othe religions even existed. Also it was just a desert before the Jew's colonized it. And the Jewish people got it because a Jewish chemicist in Britain in world war one figured out how to make smoke less gunpowder with materials native to Britain and helped save Britain from the blockade. And he asked for Israel as a Jewish homeland and the British accepted. Now the British deal to the Jews was that we would have a Jewish homeland in Israel, their promise to the palestinians was that they would have a homeland somewhere else. Anyways before the Jews came the muslim population was tiny, it was a freaking desert.

So next time you whine about something phlo look up some history and figure out how a Jewish man saved the British in world war 1
fedr808, you most certainly are a racist.
so let me get this straight. You guys are insulting my religion, saying it is bullshit. Calling me an asshole. And YOU GUYS are the oens calling me rascist for defendiung myself?
so let me get this straight. You guys are insulting my religion, saying it is bullshit. Calling me an asshole. And YOU GUYS are the oens calling me rascist for defendiung myself?

All religion is bullshit, and the ONLY person to use the word 'asshole' on this thread, is you.

You don't make defenses by making racist remarks either. It is not excusable.