Is Faith Blind?

Then there are only two possible explanations:

1), you're misusing the term "faith"
2), you've created your own language where "faith" means something to you that it does not to the rest of the world.

In either case, you're wrong.

I have faith in god because I know him. He is an entity just as a person that you might know and have faith in based upon that knowledge is an entity. How is that wrong?
I have met Gods too, but I would never believe they were anything more than my personal subjective experience.
I have faith in god because I know him. He is an entity just as a person that you might know and have faith in based upon that knowledge is an entity. How is that wrong?

You're missing the point entirely.

"Faith" is non-evidenciary, it cannot be empirically based.

It's fine for you to say "I have faith in.. blah, blah..."
It is not fine for you to say "I have faith in blah, blah, because of..."
can faith be "hard to explain" logic?

like when you "know" that a person is lying?

Faith cannot be any kind of logic. No logic is difficult to explain. Logic is simple.

How do you "know" a person is lying?

ahh come on stranger, what is faith based on then? cosmic luck?
and by faith i don't mean religious faith, i mean it in general..

in the same way you hate someone or feel comfortable towards him on first sight..

in the same way love works..

in the same way intuition or hunches or experience work...something like sixth senses(?)..
there are numerous logical "threads" which make you reach a point wihout you being able to trace them all..

the human brain is better at reaching conclusions than explaining them.

Faith is not based on anything.
I don't hate anyone.
I don't feel comfortable with anyone on 1st sight.
Hunches are sometimes good & sometimes bad. Use of intuition depends on interpretation. Might as well guess.
The subconscious does sometimes figure things out when the conscious doesn't yet 1 cannot know whether it is true without conscious critical reason.

How do you "know" a person is lying?
I've met people who went to other planets by "mind projection" of course they were high at the time but they seriously think they met with "other consciousnesses" and spoke with them. IMO their left brain was shocked that the right brain is another person altogether! I have also met people who speak to the dead - I notice they often had bad PMS and tend towards obesity. A sign perhaps of hormonal disregulation. As hormones are regulated by the brain, well, it sort of fit huh?
I have met Gods too, but I would never believe they were anything more than my personal subjective experience.

Everything is your personal subjective experience. (?) that doesn't mean nothing exists, it just means you can describe it but not define it.
I've met people who went to other planets by "mind projection" of course they were high at the time but they seriously think they met with "other consciousnesses" and spoke with them. IMO their left brain was shocked that the right brain is another person altogether! I have also met people who speak to the dead - I notice they often had bad PMS and tend towards obesity. A sign perhaps of hormonal disregulation. As hormones are regulated by the brain, well, it sort of fit huh?

Why don't you believe that these experiences are any more real than those you experience everyday? Because they are not your own?
Why don't you believe that these experiences are any more real than those you experience everyday? Because they are not your own?
Because I know quite a lot about the functioning of the CNS.
Also, I work in the medical field, I see and read a lot of case studied where people have problems with their CNS.

Here's an example: A man has a stroke. He then starts thinking his wife is a hat-rack. When he sees her he tries to put his hat on her head, because, he associates her now with being a hat-rack.

Or, a man wants to have his limb cut off. He just looks at his leg and sees a thing, not "him" not "self" but something not him. He just isn't happy until it is cut off. Using fMRI we can see that his parietal lobe doesn't registrar the leg as part of his body, which was a problem that happened during his development.

Or the man with no memories past 1945 who has damaged a particular gland at the base of his brain.

Or the person with a damaged cerebellum who can not walk.

Or the mild mannered good natured man who had a steel shaft blown through his skull and then lived and became a drinking, cheating arsehole. (destroyed his frontal lobe).

Or the ice addict who "knows there are ants under her skin and feels the need to scratch deep bloody lesions into her arms and face to get them out".

The OCD who can't help washing her hands over and over and over...

or etc... etc... etc....

It's no different than if you damaged your retina and now see something funny in your visual field. I don't think that the "something funny" is real. it's a symptom of your damaged retina. BUT this has become a part of this person precept of reality.

Anyway, like I said, everything is a precept. Your reality is an illusion in your brain ANYWAY. How far fetched is it to suppose that this illusion of reality doesn't really match up exactly WITH reality? Hell, I'm amazed we do such a decent job as is!
Well, what if you have faith in the truth and the life? Is that blind? Faith is but a bridge to knowing, in my opinion and experience.

Well, what if you have faith in the truth and the life?
What the heck does that mean?

Faith is but a bridge to knowing, in my opinion and experience.
Faith (the conviction that something is true without any evidence), is simple stupidity.

The bridge to knowing is the discovery of evidence.
the most prevalent problem people seem to have with any kind of religion is the fact that we base our belief, our trust in a God off of a blind faith which has no evidence other than I say it is true because I have decided to believe this is so.

That's a start at least.

a case for faith that is not blind, but in fact can be seen as true.

Then it is not faith, but you have your work cut out for you.

Thomas Aquinas

There is no reason to believe Aquinas has anything more to offer about his gods than Homer has to offer about his gods.

distinctions about beliefs in God.

things about God we can understand such as he exists

there are things we cannot understand such as his Omnipresence or the Trinity...these things cannot be explained, and are proven on the authority of scripture alone.

I see no evidence of existence and no reason to accept your holy book as authoritative on anything. So far we are still on square one.

he does not want to say that we cannot combine faith and reason

Not surprising since he is just rewriting Aristotle for xtian reading.

Truths about God are not “above logic” but are simply not empirically factual

Not empirically factual means doesn't actually exist. This may be an issue trying to escape from blind faith. Also most people generally equate not factual with not true.

but I ask you, why are you assuming that something that is not a part of our universe should be subject to our chemical or physical equations?

First establish that there are things "not a part of our universe" and how you have any actual knowledge about them.

So the bible states in ...

Replace the bible with "Green eggs and ham" then ask yourself why anyone with half a brain cares what the bible states, particularly "revelations" which is obviously allegorical and not in the least to be taken literally. In fact you would have to be insane to consider revelations in any regard as being literal.

Truths of reason can be clearly seen because they can be proven, or are empirically evident; where as truths of faith must be believed.

If your only support is empty belief, "truth" is not the word you are looking for.

Aquinas explains then that fulfilled prophecies in the bible, (which is a historical text) makes it very credible that scripture is a revelation from God, and thus completely authoritative

Want to see how accurately I can predict the 1960 football season? I find them not the least credible or authoritative and obviously the Jews don't find them credible or authoritative.

Nothing you have offered so far is the least persuasive.
do you have faith in some people based upon a history of interactions with them? that is what my faith in god is based upon.

Then bring him by so we can interact. Otherwise it must be assumed you are deluded.

i don't. that's why i don't consider myself to be religious, although truth in scriptures has been shown to me through experience.

What experience and how can this be verified?

take a look around. are you in the same world that i am? do you not see violence and damnation everywhere? the destructive power of which keeps getting greater, and greater, and greater...

I do not see damnation anywhere. I see the mix of good and ill that has always been humanities want, though there have been some hopeful signs, like not having a nuclear war so far.
There is no reason to believe Aquinas has anything more to offer about his gods than Homer has to offer about his gods.
You mean Duff, the God of Beer?? :eek:

As others have explained, colloquial "faith" has many versions - from having faith that the sun will rise tomorrow, to having faith that there is an afterlife etc. The only difference is the amount of evidence to support the faith.

But all faith has one thing in common - a bridging from evidence available (from zero to "scientific fact") to expectation of outcome.

The more evidence available, the less blind the "faith", the more rational the expectation can be (but is not guaranteed to be).

So whether one decides "faith is blind" or not is a matter of evidence.
If you admit to having no evidence, your faith is blind.
If you can freely demonstrate your evidence, then not so blind.
If your only evidence is subjective interpretation of experience(s) then while you may consider it evidence for your faith not to be blind, you should only do so once you have thought critically about your experience so that you are not irrationally attributing it to something that it isn't.
Otherwise you may not consider yourself blind, but you certainly have your eyes shut.

To paraphrase a maxim from David Hume:
We should only accept testimony / interpretation of an experience if it is of such a kind that its falsehood would be more amazing than that which it seeks to explain.
The fallacy being committed here is one of equivocation. Many English words have multiple, sometimes contradictory meanings. "Faith," is one of those words.

Faith: [religious] a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny; an institution to express belief in a divine power;
[non-religious] complete confidence in a person or plan etc; loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person.

Religious people can, of course, have non-religious faith, even about their religion. But faith in the supernatural or faith surrounding the superstitious is unreasoned and irrational and falls in the first definition.

This is one of those words, like "believe," that the superstitious like to use when arguing (albeit fallaciously) with the rational. Equivocating terms is a popular, and probably unconscious, act among the superstitious.

I have faith in a great many people, but that faith is based on my knowledge and experience with and about the individual whom I have empirical observation of.
this is really funny..
but i'll sum it up in one question; what IS the differerrence between tho two faiths? other than your own opinion that the first is wrong?

Faith is not based on anything.
yet it exists and is used in life. love isn't based on anything too, it's just two souls getting along together..try explaining that.
I don't hate anyone.
I don't feel comfortable with anyone on 1st sight.
many people do..and they have no reason for it..does that mean the reason doesn't exist?
if the reason doesn't exist, does that mean their feelings don't exist because they're unexplained?

The subconscious does sometimes figure things out when the conscious doesn't yet 1 cannot know whether it is true without conscious critical reason.
yes he can't "know" for sure (without conscious critical reason)..

but again, does that affect if the subconscious's conclusion is true or not?
How do you "know" a person is lying?
you just feel it sometimes..instinct or experience or hidden body language signs or embedded fluctioations in voice frequencies.. i don't know, you just know it (although you might get it wrong sometimes)