Is Darwinism compatible with Religion?

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Nope, trying to get me on this one with my own quote? Try again
I’m pointing out how you selectively apply your flawed logic. You can brush away this hypocrisy with a “try again” but you are only deluding yourself.

You attack atheists for taking the most rational stance. (Actually you are attacking strong atheists only.) But much of the time you are following the same logic that the atheists do. If atheists think evidence causes something to be true then it is clear that you do as well.

There's no evidence present when there should be evidence present, as opposed to God, which is no evidence present when there shouldn't be evidence present,
If god can affect the physical world, as he does in the bible, then there could be evidence.

Why do you think it is possible to gather evidence for the existence for leprechauns but not god? What is the difference? You have no idea what leprechauns are capable of.

we have all the resources to show that abiogenesis occured,
Are you serious? Do you think we have learnt everything that we could ever possibly learn?

You are just applying that same old faulty logic – everything we don’t know now, a magic god man must have done it.

instead nothing, nothing at all, just goes to show you that atheists will believe anything as long some scientists say it's true, with or without supporting evidence
Even if all the current theory behind abiogenesis were proven to be wrong it would still not have any implications on the possible existence of god. Do you understand why VitalOne?

Early theories regarding the sun was may have been wrong but did make it more likely that the sun was Ra?

Not until its verifiable obviously

ROFL great atheistic tactic
You have made your mind up before it is even verifiable. That is irrational.
I’m pointing out how you selectively apply your flawed logic. You can brush away this hypocrisy with a “try again” but you are only deluding yourself.

You attack atheists for taking the most rational stance. (Actually you are attacking strong atheists only.) But much of the time you are following the same logic that the atheists do. If atheists think evidence causes something to be true then it is clear that you do as well.
No, ROFL...the rational stance is the say that something is unknown until its verifiable...atheists "yeah well I don't give one f***, its not unknown until verifiable, we know that probably God just doesn't exist because we know that it just can't be because we just don't think it could exist because we don't believe in Zeus or FSM"

shaman_ said:
If god can affect the physical world, as he does in the bible, then there could be evidence.
THEN GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT WOULD BE EVIDENCE (that can't be considered a "god of the gaps")!!!!!! WHY CAN"T YOU JUST GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE!!!!!!!!?

ahaha, this is pathetic, when will you just give up and realize that you're all living in a fantasy world

shaman_ said:
Why do you think it is possible to gather evidence for the existence for leprechauns but not god? What is the difference? You have no idea what leprechauns are capable of. must not understand what I said

The reason its possible to gather evidence for leprechauns is because I can tell you what would be evidence of a leprechaun existing, so there's something to gather

The reason it isn't possible to gather evidence of God is because NOTHING CAN BE CONSIDERED EVIDENCE everything is by DEFAULT a "god of the gaps" thats you get it now? You can't gather any evidence because nothing can even be considered evidence, just as with the many-worlds interpretation

shaman_ said:
Are you serious? Do you think we have learnt everything that we could ever possibly learn?
No, I don't, but you do, you seem to be taking my stance ironic

We do have LOTS of the resources available that should be able to show that abiogenesis occured..but nothing has come up yet, we should be able to show at least first phase, but nothing, nothing

shaman_ said:
You are just applying that same old faulty logic – everything we don’t know now, a magic god man must have done it.
ROFL...thanks for confirming what I said, any evidence of god is automatically a "god of the gaps" to atheists and is disregarded, yet atheists ask for evidence, yet deny any evidence, then say "see there's no evidence (and we can NEVER EVER tell you what would be evidence)" then they say "but if you had some type of hypothetical evidence of which I NEVER EVER say, then I would believe you"

Also, this isn't what I'm saying, you must be trapped in denial, this isn't my logic, I'm saying that no naturalistic cause + design features = intelligent cause,..can you understand that or will you say "oh no you're saying a magic god did something"? No one's saying any magic god did anything, whats with you atheists, everything has to be magic, you see when you say "magic" it makes you feel good inside because the concept sounds ridiculous and increases your faith in atheism

You're using a "nature of gaps" or "man I don't need no f**king evidence, we know it could've happen by some unknown naturalistic means, the gaps are filled in by nature, so case closed"

shaman_ said:
Even if all the current theory behind abiogenesis were proven to be wrong it would still not have any implications on the possible existence of god. Do you understand why VitalOne?

It would however make an intelligent cause more viable, though not definitely proven to be true...

shaman_ said:
Early theories regarding the sun was may have been wrong but did make it more likely that the sun was Ra?
Yeah, but this is not at all analogous to what I just stated, which is that no naturalistic cause + design features = intelligent cause, take for instance a TV, pretend we didn't know that humans made TVs but we found it, we find that it cannot arise naturally (no naturalistic cause) and it has innumerable design features, thus we conclude it had some type of intelligent cause as opposed to an undirected naturalistic you see the difference?

It has nothing to do with Ra at all nor is it even remotely analogous, not at all analogous, not even to the slighest most remote most infinitesmal extent

shaman_ said:
You have made your mind up before it is even verifiable. That is irrational.
Actually thats precisely what you've done, I've made up my mind based on personal experiences, observations, scientific theories, evidence, etc...
Your continued demand for "what would be considered evidence" is an existential fallacy. One cannot claim that something exists, refuse to show the evidence for this something's existence, then criticize others who question this something's existence yet refuse to admit evidence for its existence.

Now, if you want to speak hypothetically and suggest what might constitue evidence for a god, we can hypothesize many things. Off the top of my head, I would suggest prayer. Nearly every religion in the world has some form of prayers, so even if one of these superstitions has the right god, we might expect to see empirical data that shows efficacy of prayer. Yet we don't.

Another source of evidence would be faith healers. If faith could truly heal, we might expect to see indisputable cases of it: blind people given new sight because of newly formed eyes that replaced their physically damaged ones; deaf people given to hear because of newly grown tissues and nerves in the ear; quadrapeligics given the gift of being able to walk again because their severed spines re-attatched; or, the best example, amputees who are given new limbs by their god.

Surely there are deserved people -children of the world that will surely die horrible and painful deaths that the above miracles might prevent. A benevolent, all-knowing, all-powerful god would surely provide such a healing. If it existed.

The burden of proof is on the paranormalist to show his claims are true. It isn't on the rationalist. If the rational thinker would be given to accept your god based on zero quatifiable evidence, then all superstitious and paranormal claims would then, likewise, need to be accepted since they carry the same weight of truth value to anyone of rational thought.
Now, if you want to speak hypothetically and suggest what might constitue ....
Many people in several different threads have given VitalOne suggestions of what could potentially be evidence. He/she refuses to accepts these answers or just pretends that no one has answered.

Your continued demand for "what would be considered evidence" is an existential fallacy. One cannot claim that something exists, refuse to show the evidence for this something's existence, then criticize others who question this something's existence yet refuse to admit evidence for its existence.
I'm not claiming something exists, pay attention, I'm claiming the existence is unverifiable though I personally believe it exists, I'm arguing that atheists should be agnostic not atheistic

Rather it is YOU atheists who claim that something that is unverifiable doesn't exist, making atheism 100% faith-based, all atheists have faith, hope, expectations, etc...

ylooshi said:
Now, if you want to speak hypothetically and suggest what might constitue evidence for a god, we can hypothesize many things. Off the top of my head, I would suggest prayer. Nearly every religion in the world has some form of prayers, so even if one of these superstitions has the right god, we might expect to see empirical data that shows efficacy of prayer. Yet we don't.
Over 10 studies have been done on prayer showing mixed results, some showing prayer is effective and others showing no effectiveness

Ofcourse prayer isn't evidence of God, its a "god of the gaps"

This ofcourse doesn't convince any atheist of anything to even the slighest extent...

ylooshi said:
Another source of evidence would be faith healers. If faith could truly heal, we might expect to see indisputable cases of it: blind people given new sight because of newly formed eyes that replaced their physically damaged ones; deaf people given to hear because of newly grown tissues and nerves in the ear; quadrapeligics given the gift of being able to walk again because their severed spines re-attatched; or, the best example, amputees who are given new limbs by their god.
There's innumerable reports showing the effectiveness of healing, healers causing people with incurable diseases to be fully healed...this doesn't convince any atheist of anything

There's reports of nearly everything you listed, blind people seeing again, paralyzed walking again, etc...again none of this convinces any atheists of anything, atheists have fully made up their minds to never believe in God, atheism is unfalsifiable, just like any other faith-based belief system

ylooshi said:
Surely there are deserved people -children of the world that will surely die horrible and painful deaths that the above miracles might prevent. A benevolent, all-knowing, all-powerful god would surely provide such a healing. If it existed.
ROFL...another typical atheistic tactic

Here's your tactic: "If God exists then everything in the world should be good, even though NO religion ever says since God exists everything should be good, we can just pretend they do, even though they don't"

Great these atheists always amuse me, they continously try to find ways to preserve their great atheistic faith

ylooshi said:
The burden of proof is on the paranormalist to show his claims are true. It isn't on the rationalist. If the rational thinker would be given to accept your god based on zero quatifiable evidence, then all superstitious and paranormal claims would then, likewise, need to be accepted since they carry the same weight of truth value to anyone of rational thought.
Yet another atheistc tactic, the burden of proof is on us, but that doesn't change the fact the existence of God is unverifiable, the rational conclusion is that it's unknown until verifiable, not "something is false until proven true" (like the atheist really believes), thats an argument from ignorance, so atheists use ignorance
I predict he/she will have some fallacious remark to add for the evening. That's the thing I notice with VO's posts -they're replete with logical fallacy.
Many people in several different threads have given VitalOne suggestions of what could potentially be evidence. He/she refuses to accepts these answers or just pretends that no one has answered.


No one has given me an example of evidence that cannot be considered a "god of the gaps" many times do I have to repeatedly say this?
No, ROFL...the rational stance is the say that something is unknown until its verifiable...
So you and the other theists are irrational.

atheists "yeah well I don't give one , its not unknown until verifiable, we know that probably God just doesn't exist because we know that it just can't be because we just don't think it could exist because we don't believe in Zeus or FSM"
A child could understand the point of the drawing the FSM analogy. You refuse to comprehend the concept because it could be damaging to your faith.

ahaha, this is pathetic, when will you just give up and realize that you're all living in a fantasy world
You mean like a world with a magic being who has a telepathic link to all humans and is everywhere - except he wasn’t in the garden of eden when his creation the talking snake was causing trouble. Ok. must not understand what I said

The reason its possible to gather evidence for leprechauns is because I can tell you what would be evidence of a leprechaun existing, so there's something to gather
What is there to gather?

No, I don't, but you do, you seem to be taking my stance ironic

We do have LOTS of the resources available that should be able to show that abiogenesis occured..but nothing has come up yet, we should be able to show at least first phase, but nothing, nothing
You have made the false assumption that we have all the evidence and knowledge required to demonstrate abiogenesis. You are then using the fallacy that because we are unable to demonstrate this now, the answer is probably some sort of magical spirit.

to atheists and is disregarded, yet atheists ask for evidence, yet deny any evidence, then say "see there's no evidence (and we can NEVER EVER tell you what would be evidence)" then they say "but if you had some type of hypothetical evidence of which I NEVER EVER say, then I would believe you"

Also, this isn't what I'm saying,
Actually it is. You are saying that because we haven’t demonstrated abiogenesis it must be false and makes god more likely. You think that evidence causes something to be true.:D

you must be trapped in denial, this isn't my logic, I'm saying that no naturalistic cause + design features
You are able to demonstrate design features?

= intelligent cause,..can you understand that or will you say "oh no you're saying a magic god did something"? No one's saying any magic god did anything, whats with you atheists, everything has to be magic, you see when you say "magic" it makes you feel good inside because the concept sounds ridiculous and increases your faith in atheism

You're using a "nature of gaps" or "man I don't need no f**king evidence, we know it could've happen by some unknown naturalistic means, the gaps are filled in by nature, so case closed"
The gaps are not filled at all. That's why they are gaps. Your assertion is that the gaps must be filled with a magical diety.

You say that nothing could be considered evidence and yet we are denying evidence. Do you see the contradiction there? Which one is it?

It would however make an intelligent cause more viable, though not definitely proven to be true...
No it has no bearing whatsoever on the possibility of an intelligent cause. Only evidence for an intelligent cause can do that. Yes I understand that you don’t think this is possible.

Yeah, but this is not at all analogous to what I just stated, which is that no naturalistic cause + design features = intelligent cause, take for instance a TV, pretend we didn't know that humans made TVs but we found it, we find that it cannot arise naturally (no naturalistic cause) and it has innumerable design features, thus we conclude it had some type of intelligent cause as opposed to an undirected naturalistic you see the difference?
My analogy is sound, yours is not because we have not found any design features.

It has nothing to do with Ra at all nor is it even remotely analogous, not at all analogous, not even to the slighest most remote most infinitesmal extent
Are you trying to convince me or yourself?

Actually thats precisely what you've done, I've made up my mind based on personal experiences, observations, scientific theories, evidence, etc...
No you are wrong again. I have not made my mind up. I just don’t believe that gods exist. I think that they could. You have made a decision based on faith.

You say it is not verifiable but you have made your mind up. You say there is nothing that could be considered evidence but based on evidence you have made your mind up. You don’t seem to have a clear position here - just that you hate atheists and you're sure you are right.. about everything.
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What logical fallacy? Its the opposite, my posts use 100% logic


I'm not claiming something exists, pay attention, I'm claiming the existence is unverifiable though I personally believe it exists, I'm arguing that atheists should be agnostic not atheistic

As it happens, I'm an agnostic-atheist. I admit that I can't possibly know for certain that a god doesn't exist in the universe. But I also do not believe that there is any good reason to accept that one does. Until such time as good reason is presented via evidence, I'll not believe in gods, witches, ghosts, poltergeists, alien abductions, ESP, remote viewing, etc., etc.

And one can only imagine how you can both claim to "believe" a god exists yet not make a claim that one does. Either you believe it or you don't.

Rather it is YOU atheists who claim that something that is unverifiable doesn't exist, making atheism 100% faith-based, all atheists have faith, hope, expectations, etc...

I have no problem with "faith" when its used correctly as a term. I have faith that the sun will rise in the morning. I have faith that water will quench my thirst. I have faith that the ball I throw up will come back down and I have faith that I can catch it. These are faiths based on experience and observation. Paranormalists can't truly say this. And, to be sure, I don't claim that because something is unverifiable that it doesn't exist. I claim only that there is no good reason to accept that it does. I have no good reason to believe in your god anymore than I do that of a witchdoctor in Haiti.

I've even less reason to believe in either of these gods than I do a celestial tea pot orbiting the sun independent of our own planet. I have at least observed both tea pots and space flights that could potentially put one in orbit. Yet I still doubt that one exists in and independent orbit around our sun.

Over 10 studies have been done on prayer showing mixed results, some showing prayer is effective and others showing no effectiveness

Interesting. Please cite the one you found most convincing.

There's innumerable reports showing the effectiveness of healing, healers causing people with incurable diseases to be fully healed...this doesn't convince any atheist of anything

Again, please cite the peer reviewed documentation of the most promising, most convincing case that we might examine it.

There's reports of nearly everything you listed, blind people seeing again, paralyzed walking again, etc...again none of this convinces any atheists of anything, atheists have fully made up their minds to never believe in God, atheism is unfalsifiable, just like any other faith-based belief system

Again, I'm talking about those who are damaged to the point that they lack the required tissues such that only "divine intervention" or surgical implants, grafts, or transplants can heal the person's disability. I don't dispute that the body can heal itself -the lymphatic system alone does a marvelous job in this way. Yet, not a single "faith healer" has ever shown to be effective. And 'spontaneous healings' do not occur at rates that are unexpected or significant.

If you konw of a case the rest of us are ignorant about, please cite it that we might be enlightened.

ROFL...another typical atheistic tactic

And, yet, one that rings true. Such reactions from the superstitious and those deluded about paranormal are common when skeptics and rational thinkers bring it up. Instead of properly refuting logic and reason, we get "ROFL" and "typical tactic." The UFO nutters and the alien abduction wacko's are great for this. I was hoping for more from a theist.

Here's your tactic: "If God exists then everything in the world should be good, even though NO religion ever says since God exists everything should be good, we can just pretend they do, even though they don't"

Your straw man doesn't work. I have only one tactic. It is truth revealed through the only means available to humans: observation and experience. This is what science does and this is how scientific naturalists proceed in the world. We start with observations and experience then arrive at conclusions. Paranormalists, on the other hand, begin with conclusions to which they fit their observations and experiences. No amount of discussion and reasoned discourse will change your mind. Mine, however, can easily be changed with observation and experience. I simply need some actual evidence.

Instead of providing it, nutbars like you keep using logical fallacy after logical fallacy to promote their conclusions, all the while flat-out ignoring any data that conflicts with their conclusions. These conclusions, to nutters like you aren't open for discussion and you aren't willing to revise your position in light of any amount of evidence that contradicts them. Likewise, experiences that contradict these pre-conceived conclusions are quickly forgotten, as if they didn't happen. The paranormalist only remembers the hits, the misses never happened in his mind, regardless of how frequent they are. The closed mind of the paranormalist rarely opens. It does occasionally.

Great these atheists always amuse me, they continously try to find ways to preserve their great atheistic faith

As example of your intellectual cowardice, you resort to ad hominem remarks throughout your posts here in this forum. Some are direct, many are circumstantial like "atheistic faith." I find this particular logical fallacy intriguing when it is presented in this fashion since it reveals that the paranormalist knows deep down his position is untenable. He realizes that "faith" and "religion" are pejorative and attempts to apply this to the atheist as if atheism could have a "faith" in the religious sense or even be a "religion." This type of ad hominem is called Tu Quoque, meaning "you, too." So, in your revelation of amusement, you create a bit of amusement for the rationally minded. Ironic, no?

Yet another atheistc tactic, the burden of proof is on us, but that doesn't change the fact the existence of God is unverifiable, the rational conclusion is that it's unknown until verifiable, not "something is false until proven true" (like the atheist really believes), thats an argument from ignorance, so atheists use ignorance

The thing about tactics is that sometimes they're good. If a god is so unverifiable to you, what is the rational explanation that you give to yourself for believing it it? Which god do you accept? Humanity has had so many over the course of history and prehistory.

But, more importantly, you fail to actually grasp the argument that the scientific naturalist actually makes with regard to gods. And you appear to make the assumption that an atheists atheism informs their worldview and not the other way around. I subscribe to scientific naturalism and it is this that informs my agnostic-atheism. I agree that a god in the universe is something that I may never know. I may also never know about the living clouds that thrive on a planet 3 billion light years away (and an infinite number of other alien forms of life or objects and events that the imagination can muster).

Just because I can imagine this form of life doesn't mean it exists or doesn't exist. I'm "agnostic" to the existence of living clouds. I can imagine them and give them imaginary qualities. But, if pressed on whether or not I believed in their existence, I'd have to reply that I see no good reason to believe in them, regardless of how perfect I can imagine them.

As to your criticism that for one to argue a god doesn't exist simply because there's no evidence is a logical fallacy, I agree. It is a clear appeal to ignorance: there is no evidence for P; therefore P is false. This isn't, however, what most rational atheists are saying. Most theists think that "atheism" is a "denial" of their god (whatever god they happen to believe). This isn't true, since "atheism" simply means 'without gods.' Having said that, most atheists (all I know, anyway) simply say that there is no good reason to accept that any god proposed by a human actually exists. Believing in such a god is the same as making a tacit, and positive, claim that a given god exists.

Whether that god be Zeus, Yahweh, Allah, Wotan, Ba'al, etc. None of the associated dogmas and doctrines found in the cults that worship or worshipped these and any other gods of humanity provide any reason to accept one over the other nor do they provide any good reason to accept that they are all simply manifestations of the same god.

In closing, for the theist (who, by definition, believes in at least one god and makes a tacit claim of this god's existence) to say, there is no evidence against P; therefore P, you would have to admit that this theist is making the very same logical fallacy you are criticizing: an appeal to ignorance. This is, essentially, the claim you are making while creating a straw man of the atheist claim that no good reason exists to accept your god. This is quite different than saying, there's no evidence so there's no god.
Moderator's Note: Can we please not refer to each other as "nutbars", "nutters", 'fools,' etc.? Such comments ruin otherwise good posts and detract from civil discourse.

Thank you.
No one's talking about evolution , what a fool
First you need to open up your thick atheistic skull and understand the difference between abiogenesis (inorganic matter to life) and evolution (a change in species overtime)
I apologise - I couldn't quite work out from the incomprehensible dribble spouting from your keyboard what you were actually on about.
Thanks for the clarification.
And yes, I do know what abiogenesis is, and evolution. Thanks for being so concerned, though.
Now I suggest you go and learn all about "evidence".

I wonder how hard it might for you to open your thick skull
I'm quite glad my skull is thick! I've banged it too many times over the years, on brick walls as I listen to inane uneducated drivel from people such as yourself.

Yeah, they would now, so why don't they say that the molecular machines in cells had an intelligent cause?
Because that is not the rational conclusion to the EVIDENCE.

You just proved my point, thanks
I'm assuming your still in Junior High School (or equivalent)?

The molecular machines read genetic information, interpret it, translate it, and carry out instructions based upon the information
And your point is... ?

The proof is the design features found in cells that cannot be shown to arise naturally...thats the proof, obviously :rolleyes:
Absence of evidence is NOT proof. How many times do people have to keep telling you this.
Repeat after me...
"Absence of evidence is NOT proof".

No naturalistic cause + design features = intelligent cause
Please provide evidence for their being no naturalistic cause (and to do so you would have to demonstrate evidence for non-naturalistic cause), then provide your evidence for "design features".

Its not a word can have an intelligent cause and no intelligent designer, who or what the intelligent cause is is irrelevant until you prove that there definitely is an intelligent cause
Please indicate an intelligent cause without an intelligent designer?

No I understand it...
Then why do you continue to spout drivel that clearly indicates otherwise?

No it doesn't, SCIENCE IS NATURALISM, don't you know anything? Go look into history on what science is
Science is a method. It is not found in history. Only the scientific findings / conclusions are found in history.
Again, you show your lack of comprehension on this subject.

Science DOES NOT go where the evidence leads, science only seeks naturalistic explanations...otherwise intelligent design would be allowed in science but it isn't
But it is not.
There is no evidence for it.
No one has given me an example of evidence that cannot be considered a "god of the gaps" many times do I have to repeatedly say this?

You are free to repeat your request for as much nonsense as you wish, for it is only nonsense that can answer a nonsensical question. :)
Yeah, I know the material arises naturally (like I exclusively stated)

My point was the fact that the building material arises naturally doesn't show the design arises naturally, obviously anyone could pick that up, the design of the pyramids isn't natural but the material it's made of is natural...the design had an intelligent cause

Then, your logic is, the pyramids were designed by men, hence men were designed by gods?

Here is the exact same logic: wars were designed by men, hence men were designed by gods. should stop lying to YOURSELF, the reason I can't demonstrate that God exists is exactly what I just said, NOTHING CAN BE CONSIDERED EVIDENCE, otherwise tell me what can be considered evidence and not a "god of gaps"? See you've got NOTHING, ahahaa, thanks for proving my point


By making up your own rules and definitions, "god of gaps" you can create any scenario you want. Of course, you must also take your own faith and apply your own rules, yet you don't.

“ Originally Posted by Cris

Religion reflects man's imagination in the absence of facts. And these ideas come and go as science provides facts.

Science is simply an innocent ongoing process for helping man determine what is fact and what is not. It is these facts that help mankind improve his lot in life. Religious ideas appear to be just passing fancies that are systematically discredited over time in direct correlation with the growth of scientific knowledge. ”

biblically speaking, James addressed thus

James 1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
The word “bridleth” doesn’t appear to be a real word; at least I couldn’t find it in my dictionaries. But I did a search on your quote to obtain a translation. In the future I’d recommend you do not quote bizarre dialects but attempt to explain your point in understandable English.

Bible in Basic English
If a man seems to have religion and has no control over his tongue but lets himself be tricked by what is false, this man's religion is of no value.
Without objective facts how would anyone know given any religion that what they believe has any truth? How do you know that what you believe and say is not also false, as per your quote?

science also, thus addressed in the new statement particularly,

1 Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:
Please provide a translation in plain English.
Then, your logic is, the pyramids were designed by men, hence men were designed by gods?

Here is the exact same logic: wars were designed by men, hence men were designed by gods.
No, you weren't paying attention

I said something that cannot arise naturally + design features = intelligent cause

I'm saying the design of the Pyramids had an intelligent cause (humans)

(Q) said:
By making up your own rules and definitions, "god of gaps" you can create any scenario you want. Of course, you must also take your own faith and apply your own rules, yet you don't.
Wtf? More atheistic propaganda

You are free to repeat your request for as much nonsense as you wish, for it is only nonsense that can answer a nonsensical question. :)
In other words "I can't tell you what can be considered evidence, but I can some how dodge out of this and pretend I'm right by saying it's nonsense"

ROFL, man atheists are so funny, now admit that you can never ever tell me what can be considered evidence of God, so the existence of God is unverifiable
Absence of evidence is NOT proof. How many times do people have to keep telling you this.
Repeat after me...
"Absence of evidence is NOT proof".
I never stated an absence of evidence is proof, ROFL "I'll just make some stuff and pretend he said it, even though he said the existence of God is unverifiable"

Sarkus said:
Please provide evidence for their being no naturalistic cause (and to do so you would have to demonstrate evidence for non-naturalistic cause), then provide your evidence for "design features".
The evidence is the fact it cannot be shown to arise naturally even though we have innumerable resources in labs that should be able to show it, or at least the first phase in abiogenesis

What is your evidence for naturalistic cause? Is it amino acids, which are completely different from the molecular machines?

Sarkus said:
Please indicate an intelligent cause without an intelligent designer?
Well the intelligent cause could be a mind, as in reality is a dream

Sarkus said:
Science is a method. It is not found in history. Only the scientific findings / conclusions are found in history.
Again, you show your lack of comprehension on this subject.
ROFL, its only you who shows your lack of comprehension, go look up the history of science, SCIENCE IS NATURALISM

Sarkus said:
But it is not.
There is no evidence for it.
NO it wouldn't, ROFL, clearly you know nothing of the subject, one of the major arguments against ID being taught in schools was the fact that science can ONLY have naturalistic exlpanations...ROFL

As it happens, I'm an agnostic-atheist. I admit that I can't possibly know for certain that a god doesn't exist in the universe. But I also do not believe that there is any good reason to accept that one does. Until such time as good reason is presented via evidence, I'll not believe in gods, witches, ghosts, poltergeists, alien abductions, ESP, remote viewing, etc., etc.
There's no such thing as an agnostic atheist in reality, though atheists enjoy pretending so in order to preserve the atheistic faith

Also your last sentence is AN ARGUMENT FROM IGNORANCE "something is false until proven true" , all atheists have is ignorance, the argument from ignorance, so your argument is 100% illogical and irrational

ylooshi said:
And one can only imagine how you can both claim to "believe" a god exists yet not make a claim that one does. Either you believe it or you don't.
Yeah, its easy to imagine, people have personal beliefs, yet the argument is different from the personal beliefs, so easy to understand....

ylooshi said:
I have no problem with "faith" when its used correctly as a term. I have faith that the sun will rise in the morning. I have faith that water will quench my thirst. I have faith that the ball I throw up will come back down and I have faith that I can catch it. These are faiths based on experience and observation. Paranormalists can't truly say this. And, to be sure, I don't claim that because something is unverifiable that it doesn't exist. I claim only that there is no good reason to accept that it does. I have no good reason to believe in your god anymore than I do that of a witchdoctor in Haiti.
Well ok, thats good for you, its your personal decision (based upon faith), you using faith (or belief without evidence) say "Oh it just doesn't seem like God exists, so God must not exist" (argument from personal incredulity)

ylooshi said:
I've even less reason to believe in either of these gods than I do a celestial tea pot orbiting the sun independent of our own planet. I have at least observed both tea pots and space flights that could potentially put one in orbit. Yet I still doubt that one exists in and independent orbit around our sun.
Ah, another atheistic tactic, the teapots orbiting mars or the sun or whatever, let me explain why this tactic fails horribly

You see in the case of teapots orbiting the sun, I can tell you what can be considered evidence, in the case of God, you can't tell me what can be considered evidence (that can't be a "god of the gaps")

ylooshi said:
Interesting. Please cite the one you found most convincing.

Again, please cite the peer reviewed documentation of the most promising, most convincing case that we might examine it.
Its not in peer reviewed journals, such things never appear in peer reviewed journals

ylooshi said:
Again, I'm talking about those who are damaged to the point that they lack the required tissues such that only "divine intervention" or surgical implants, grafts, or transplants can heal the person's disability. I don't dispute that the body can heal itself -the lymphatic system alone does a marvelous job in this way. Yet, not a single "faith healer" has ever shown to be effective. And 'spontaneous healings' do not occur at rates that are unexpected or significant.
Yeah, nice way of dodging out of this one, faith healers HAVE been shown to cause paralyzed people to walk again, ofcourse its automatically dismissed by atheists as "strange coincidence", which is why I ask you why the f*** do you even ask for evidence if all of it will be dismissed by you in some type of way?

ylooshi said:
And, yet, one that rings true. Such reactions from the superstitious and those deluded about paranormal are common when skeptics and rational thinkers bring it up. Instead of properly refuting logic and reason, we get "ROFL" and "typical tactic." The UFO nutters and the alien abduction wacko's are great for this. I was hoping for more from a theist.
Actually I use ROFL and logic combined, so please STFU

ylooshi said:
Your straw man doesn't work. I have only one tactic. It is truth revealed through the only means available to humans: observation and experience. This is what science does and this is how scientific naturalists proceed in the world. We start with observations and experience then arrive at conclusions. Paranormalists, on the other hand, begin with conclusions to which they fit their observations and experiences. No amount of discussion and reasoned discourse will change your mind. Mine, however, can easily be changed with observation and experience. I simply need some actual evidence.
hahaha, man such a great laugh, I wonder how deluded you can be....

Let me ask you this question: "Do you think there are things that exist and are true that have yet to be observed, measured, etc...?"

ylooshi said:
Instead of providing it, nutbars like you keep using logical fallacy after logical fallacy to promote their conclusions, all the while flat-out ignoring any data that conflicts with their conclusions. These conclusions, to nutters like you aren't open for discussion and you aren't willing to revise your position in light of any amount of evidence that contradicts them. Likewise, experiences that contradict these pre-conceived conclusions are quickly forgotten, as if they didn't happen. The paranormalist only remembers the hits, the misses never happened in his mind, regardless of how frequent they are. The closed mind of the paranormalist rarely opens. It does occasionally.
Actually you did exactly what you accused me of doing, you see you know that I'm using actual logic so you try to dismiss it using personal incredulity, your argument does absolutely nothing

ylooshi said:
As example of your intellectual cowardice, you resort to ad hominem remarks throughout your posts here in this forum. Some are direct, many are circumstantial like "atheistic faith." I find this particular logical fallacy intriguing when it is presented in this fashion since it reveals that the paranormalist knows deep down his position is untenable. He realizes that "faith" and "religion" are pejorative and attempts to apply this to the atheist as if atheism could have a "faith" in the religious sense or even be a "religion." This type of ad hominem is called Tu Quoque, meaning "you, too." So, in your revelation of amusement, you create a bit of amusement for the rationally minded. Ironic, no?
....same as above how sad

ylooshi said:
The thing about tactics is that sometimes they're good. If a god is so unverifiable to you, what is the rational explanation that you give to yourself for believing it it? Which god do you accept? Humanity has had so many over the course of history and prehistory.
Personal experiences, observations, etc...

ylooshi said:
But, more importantly, you fail to actually grasp the argument that the scientific naturalist actually makes with regard to gods. And you appear to make the assumption that an atheists atheism informs their worldview and not the other way around. I subscribe to scientific naturalism and it is this that informs my agnostic-atheism. I agree that a god in the universe is something that I may never know. I may also never know about the living clouds that thrive on a planet 3 billion light years away (and an infinite number of other alien forms of life or objects and events that the imagination can muster).

Just because I can imagine this form of life doesn't mean it exists or doesn't exist. I'm "agnostic" to the existence of living clouds. I can imagine them and give them imaginary qualities. But, if pressed on whether or not I believed in their existence, I'd have to reply that I see no good reason to believe in them, regardless of how perfect I can imagine them.

As to your criticism that for one to argue a god doesn't exist simply because there's no evidence is a logical fallacy, I agree. It is a clear appeal to ignorance: there is no evidence for P; therefore P is false. This isn't, however, what most rational atheists are saying. Most theists think that "atheism" is a "denial" of their god (whatever god they happen to believe). This isn't true, since "atheism" simply means 'without gods.' Having said that, most atheists (all I know, anyway) simply say that there is no good reason to accept that any god proposed by a human actually exists. Believing in such a god is the same as making a tacit, and positive, claim that a given god exists.

Whether that god be Zeus, Yahweh, Allah, Wotan, Ba'al, etc. None of the associated dogmas and doctrines found in the cults that worship or worshipped these and any other gods of humanity provide any reason to accept one over the other nor do they provide any good reason to accept that they are all simply manifestations of the same god.

In closing, for the theist (who, by definition, believes in at least one god and makes a tacit claim of this god's existence) to say, there is no evidence against P; therefore P, you would have to admit that this theist is making the very same logical fallacy you are criticizing: an appeal to ignorance. This is, essentially, the claim you are making while creating a straw man of the atheist claim that no good reason exists to accept your god. This is quite different than saying, there's no evidence so there's no god.
Same repeated garbage that I already addressed

So you and the other theists are irrational.
Both atheisma nd theism based upon logic is irrational, its a shame atheists can't admit it

shaman_ said:
A child could understand the point of the drawing the FSM analogy. You refuse to comprehend the concept because it could be damaging to your faith.
Dodging out of the argument, I already showed the fallaciousness of the FSM argument, it shows absolutely nothing, just another tactic atheists use in order to dodge out of the actual argument (the existence of God)

shaman_ said:
You mean like a world with a magic being who has a telepathic link to all humans and is everywhere - except he wasn’t in the garden of eden when his creation the talking snake was causing trouble. Ok.
I don't believe in magic

shaman_ said:
What is there to gather?
Evidence...what else? What was there to gather in ancient times in regards to electrons? Was the existence of electrons verifiable back then? I guess that means electrons didn't exist in ancient times!!!!! Woah, so funny these atheists

shaman_ said:
You have made the false assumption that we have all the evidence and knowledge required to demonstrate abiogenesis. You are then using the fallacy that because we are unable to demonstrate this now, the answer is probably some sort of magical spirit.
No I haven't made that assumption, but its been more than 50 years and nothing's coming up, its good to look for alternative theories, this is what atheists always do, when something doesnt' favor their atheistic faith they all of a sudden say "yeah well lack of evidence doesn't matter"

shaman_ said:
Actually it is. You are saying that because we haven’t demonstrated abiogenesis it must be false and makes god more likely. You think that evidence causes something to be true.:D
No I'm saying because we haven't demonstrated it when we should have it makes it more one's talking about God at all, I wish you would just understand the point

shaman_ said:
You are able to demonstrate design features?
Yeah, the design features we observe in bacteria, the simplest forms of life

shaman_ said:
The gaps are not filled at all. That's why they are gaps. Your assertion is that the gaps must be filled with a magical diety.
No, no one's talking about a magical deity or God at all

shaman_ said:
You say that nothing could be considered evidence and yet we are denying evidence. Do you see the contradiction there? Which one is it?
No, there's no contradiction the two statements fit perfectly in-line with each other, nothing can be considered evidence and atheists deny any supposed evidence because they don't consider it be actual evidence...

shaman_ said:
No it has no bearing whatsoever on the possibility of an intelligent cause. Only evidence for an intelligent cause can do that. Yes I understand that you don’t think this is possible.
Yes it does...ROFL at this statement, you'd do anything to preserve the atheistic faith

shaman_ said:
My analogy is sound, yours is not because we have not found any design features.
Yes we have...innumerable design features, ofcourse bacteria having things similar to computer inverters isn't design to you ROFL :rolleyes:

shaman_ said:
Are you trying to convince me or yourself?
No need to convince myself...

shaman_ said:
No you are wrong again. I have not made my mind up. I just don’t believe that gods exist. I think that they could. You have made a decision based on faith.
Actually both you and I have made a decision based upon faith (belief without evidence)

shaman_ said:
You say it is not verifiable but you have made your mind up. You say there is nothing that could be considered evidence but based on evidence you have made your mind up. You don’t seem to have a clear position here - just that you hate atheists and you're sure you are right.. about everything.
Actually this very same thing applies to yourself, its as if you're talking to yourself ROFL
Both atheisma nd theism based upon logic is irrational, its a shame atheists can't admit it
So you admit that your position is irrational?

Dodging out of the argument, I already showed the fallaciousness of the FSM argument, it shows absolutely nothing, just another tactic atheists use in order to dodge out of the actual argument (the existence of God)
Dodging out of the argument? Err no. The FSM is analogous to god in that they both have zero evidence to support their existence. You agree sometimes that there is no evidence for god and at other times you say that there is.

Evidence...what else? What was there to gather in ancient times in regards to electrons? Was the existence of electrons verifiable back then? I guess that means electrons didn't exist in ancient times!!!!! Woah, so funny these atheists
.. You mean like how we can't demonstrate abiogenesis now so it musn't be true?

I'm interested to hear how you are going to gather evidence for leprechauns.

No I haven't made that assumption, but its been more than 50 years and nothing's coming up, its good to look for alternative theories, this is what atheists always do, when something doesnt' favor their atheistic faith they all of a sudden say "yeah well lack of evidence doesn't matter"
Clearly you have made that assumption as you believe that god created the universe. You could at least try to be honest.

No I'm saying because we haven't demonstrated it when we should have it makes it more one's talking about God at all, I wish you would just understand the point
Why should we have demonstrated it by now? What a strange thing to say. The beginning of life on this planet is a very difficult mystery to solve. To say we should have worked it out by now is absurd.

Yeah, the design features we observe in bacteria, the simplest forms of life
There haven't been any design features observed. Just because there is some complexity that doesn't equal design.

No, no one's talking about a magical deity or God at all
No one is talking about god? You seem very confused.

No, there's no contradiction the two statements fit perfectly in-line with each other, nothing can be considered evidence and atheists deny any supposed evidence because they don't consider it be actual evidence...
If nothing can be considered evidence then what evidence is there to deny?

Atheists have given you plenty of examples of what could be considered evidence. You are the one who is denying their potential evidence (because it hasn't happened). You seem to believe that praying will heal and yet you refuse to accept that as evidence. If it worked it would certainly convince many atheists and it could be evidence. It doesn't though.

Yes we have...innumerable design features, ofcourse bacteria having things similar to computer inverters isn't design to you ROFL :rolleyes:
We are talking about a very loose similarity here. You don't think that could have evolved naturally?

Actually both you and I have made a decision based upon faith (belief without evidence)
No I have merely decided not to believe in something due to lack of evidence - just as you might with elves. Actually you believe in elves don't you?

So now you admint there is no evidence for god? You really do seem all over the place VitalOne.
I never stated an absence of evidence is proof,
VitalOne: "The proof is the design features found in cells that cannot be shown to arise naturally...thats the proof, obviously"
Unfortunately this statement of yours above indicates otherwise.
Taking "cannot be shown" to being "proof it can't" is, as I stated and as you clearly are unable to grasp, exactly what I said it was.

The evidence is the fact it cannot be shown to arise naturally even though we have innumerable resources in labs that should be able to show it, or at least the first phase in abiogenesis
I refer the gentleman to my above comment.
Inability at present is NOT evidence or proof that it can't happen.

What is your evidence for naturalistic cause? Is it amino acids, which are completely different from the molecular machines?
Logic and rationality.

Well the intelligent cause could be a mind, as in reality is a dream
And how would this intelligent cause not also be an intelligent designer? After all, you claimed they were separate - which was why I asked the question.

NO it wouldn't, ROFL, clearly you know nothing of the subject, one of the major arguments against ID being taught in schools was the fact that science can ONLY have naturalistic exlpanations...ROFL
Name a non-naturalistic explanation that is rational.
Any will do.

THAT is why it is not taught in science classes.
If there was any grounding in rationality that ID was possible then it WOULD be taught along with any other hypotheses.

But you seem to think that scientists have said: "Oooh - ID is true - but it's not naturalistic in origin - therefore we must not have anything to do with it"?

There's no such thing as an agnostic atheist in reality, though atheists enjoy pretending so in order to preserve the atheistic faith
Also your last sentence is AN ARGUMENT FROM IGNORANCE "something is false until proven true" , all atheists have is ignorance, the argument from ignorance, so your argument is 100% illogical and irrational
No, you weren't paying attention

I said something that cannot arise naturally + design features = intelligent cause

I'm saying the design of the Pyramids had an intelligent cause (humans)

Yes, we have witnessed your logic and it is flawed. Thanks.

Wtf? More atheistic propaganda

No, just complete hypocrisy on your part.

In other words "I can't tell you what can be considered evidence, but I can some how dodge out of this and pretend I'm right by saying it's nonsense"

ROFL, man atheists are so funny, now admit that you can never ever tell me what can be considered evidence of God, so the existence of God is unverifiable

God can be considered evidence of god. Are you saying no one has ever seen god?
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