Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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It is hard to know whether river is a troll or just very, very deeply stupid. :rolleyes:

River has no idea what an atom is or what a molecule is, so the chance of him understanding why atomic oxygen is too reactive to be found in water, or to be used by lifeforms in respiration, is zero. Or so he wants it to appear, at least - I remain unconvinced that anyone can really be that thick.
river is both a troll and ignorant...something that's as obvious as dog's balls.
I'm pretty sure you can't speak for anyone , other than yourself .

It is hard to know whether river is a troll or just very, very deeply stupid. :rolleyes:

When it comes to anything involving chemistry, he acts as if he is solid concrete from the neck up. The classic illustration is this thread, which I made sure was the last time I interacted with him: , in which he suggested encasing an individual hydrogen atom in plastic....:biggrin:

River has no idea what an atom is or what a molecule is, so the chance of him understanding why atomic oxygen is too reactive to be found in water, or to be used by lifeforms in respiration, is zero. Or so he wants it to appear, at least - I remain unconvinced that anyone can really be that thick.
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What form of oxygen do fish filter out by their gills from water ?
Molecular oxygen. O2.

Atomic oxygen is extremely reactive. It will combine with other atoms at the drop of a hat. Any. Hat. Which is why you don't find it slouching about by itself.
It is actually quite toxic to life (part of a group called free radicals) because it essentially "burns" anything it comes into contact with (that's what oxidation is, after all).
The type of alge is not so much important as it is , that it takes the excess oxygen from the water , that would go to Marine life . Hence suffocation .
Most algae is phytoplankton which generates oxygen. Occasionally when the "wrong" type of nutrients are present in the water (like phosphates and nitrates) that causes growth of types of algae that use oxygen - thus leading to oxygen depleted areas. Red tides are an example of this.
The Excess Oxygen Resides where in Water ? In between H2O molecules themselves ? Where ?
Have you ever had a soda? Carbonated water is just water with CO2 dissolved in it. Oxygen can be dissolved in water the same way.
What form of oxygen do fish filter out by their gills from water ?
river said:
What form of oxygen do fish filter out by their gills from water ?

Molecular oxygen. O2.

Atomic oxygen is extremely reactive. It will combine with other atoms at the drop of a hat. Any. Hat. Which is why you don't find it slouching about by itself.
It is actually quite toxic to life (part of a group called free radicals) because it essentially "burns" anything it comes into contact with (that's what oxidation is, after all).

Agreed ( about free radicals )

Now how does O2 get utilized without becoming a free radical ?
Now how does O2 get utilized without becoming a free radical ?
Are you asking how organisms use O2? Google the Krebs Cycle. For a short answer, C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP. ATP is, of course, what powers the various reactions in your body that keep you alive.
Mod Note

Two bans due to warnings from this thread.

One for flaming and the other for trolling.

A few things to note..

  • This thread is no longer on topic (and I do not know if this is a blessing or not at this point in time!.. I kid!).
  • Certain individuals seem intent on trolling and flaming each other.
  1. One individual has decided to ignore all responses to his questions and keeps asking the same off topic question over and over again.
  2. Another individual has followed individual 1 into this thread and others to flame and troll..
  • I've had enough of this ridiculous behaviour and have moderation hammer in hand if it continues and I will take zero pity on anyone.

So happy we all got to have this chat. So much so that I've made this mod note hot pink in the hope that it burns into your retinas.

Carry on..
C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP. Sugar plus oxygen gives you CO2, water and energy. That's how it's utilized.
In fact, there is a non-trivial aspect to this. There is a valid question here about what the mechanism is by which this reaction, which is essentially the same as combustion, can take place at ambient conditions in a cell, without generating the highly reactive and hence destructive radical intermediates one sees in a combustion reaction.

This point is glossed over in most standard biochemical explanations, which always seem to witter on in an unsatisfying way about "pathways" and "electron transport chains", without showing any actual mechanisms at the molecular level. (This is one reason why I avoided the biochemistry supplementary option at university and went for the hardcore QM option instead :biggrin:)

I've dug into this and it seems molecular oxygen is handled by cytochrome oxidase, which contains a heme structure involving Fe and also a structure involving Cu. Oxygen is apparently bound to Fe, rather as it is in haemoglobin in the blood, and reacts attached to this site in some way. But it looks as if the details of precisely how the O=O bond is split and the two resulting O atoms are handled is, or was until recently, still a topic of research. Here is an article from 1999 with more details:
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