Is consciousness to be found in quantum processes in microtubules?

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It is "WE" now? I see, you represent and speak for the rest of this forum now?

I would appreciate it if you stop soiling my thread with your arrogant filth.

But on second thought, your mindset is just another example of how consciousness can go wrong and is applied to destroy rather than build.

Brilliant scientific discourse is not your forte is it?
I am seriously beginning to regret wasting hundreds of hours of my time researching and posting new developments in an exciting new field of research on the emergence of cellular communication and the eventual evolution of sensory consciousness.

What is the expression? "Cast your pearls before the swine" ?

Cast your pearls before swine - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Why not stop, then?

Seems like a win-win. You don't waste your time, and we don't see obsessive screeds of half-understood junk culled from the internet.
It is "WE" now? I see, you represent and speak for the rest of this forum now?

I would appreciate it if you stop soiling my thread with your arrogant filth.

But on second thought, your mindset is just another example of how consciousness can go wrong and is applied to destroy rather than build.

Brilliant scientific discourse is not your forte is it?
Can you identify anyone on the forum who actually appreciates what you are writing about microtubules?
Why not stop, then?

Seems like a win-win. You don't waste your time, and we don't see obsessive screeds of half-understood junk culled from the internet.
Why should I stop, because you don't understand what has been culled from actual scientific papers available on the internet?
Does moderation have anything to say about this determined sabotage of a genuine effort to inform?
And you gave this a "like"???

Figured the equivalent of a "muffled snicker" caused by someone else's "wisecrack" might spur you to at least make a brief appearance -- a sign of still being among the living. But nada, as far as that happening back then.

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Figured the equivalent of a "muffled snicker" caused by someone else's "wisecrack" might spur you to at least make a brief appearance -- a sign of still being among the living. But nada, as far as that happening back then.
I was considering responding , but was honor-bound by a promise I couldn't break.
Too many assumptions and prejudices running slipshot in this house.

I try to keep my room tidy and welcome to all who have a question and will take pains to answer their questions. Unfortunately there are too many trespassers who dump their trash-talk on the floor, lowering the quality of this thread which mainly consists of links to actual research papers, with as little commentary by me, lest I mispell a word and people faint in disgust from this uncouth interloper who dares engagee in scientific discourse with "establishment scientists" who cannot tolerate such brazen adventurer in their midst. (hold....gagging....ok).

Anyway, that's all in the past and if I can keep the rabble-rousers at bay, I may be able to salvage something worthwhile out of this thread that so far has garnered 52769 views and 36276 messages.
Anyway, to finally replay to one of exchemist's complaints (re Post#5)

Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' corroborates theory of consciousness
by Elsevier
A review and update of a controversial 20-year-old theory of consciousness published in Physics of Life Reviews claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons. The recent discovery of quantum vibrations in "microtubules" inside brain neurons corroborates this theory, according to review authors Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose. They suggest that EEG rhythms (brain waves) also derive from deeper level microtubule vibrations, and that from a practical standpoint, treating brain microtubule vibrations could benefit a host of mental, neurological, and cognitive conditions.

Commentaries on the review are:
"Reply to criticism of the 'Orch OR qubit'–'Orchestrated objective reduction' is scientifically justified," by Stuart Hameroff, MD, and Roger Penrose, FRS;
"Reply to seven commentaries on "Consciousness in the universe: Review of the 'Orch OR' theory," by Stuart Hameroff, MD, and Roger Penrose, FRS.
Journal information: Physics of Life Reviews

Discovery of quantum vibrations in 'microtubules' corroborates theory of consciousness (

In the last decade many theories and papers have been published concerning the biophysical properties of MTs including the hypothesis of MTs implication in coherent quantum states in the brain evolving in some form of energy and information transfer.The most discussed theory on quantum effects involving MTs has been proposed by Hameroff and Penrose that published the OrchOR Model in 1996 [22,23].
They supposed that quantum-superposed states develop in tubulins, remain coherent and recruit more superposed tubulins until a mass-time-energy threshold, related to quantum gravity, is reached (up to 500 msec).
This model has been discussed and refined for more than 10 years, mainly focusing attention to the decoherence criterion after the Tegmark critical paper of 2000 [24, 25] and proposing several methods of shielding MTs against the environment of the brain [26-28]. In the Hameroff model MTs perform a kind of quantum computation through the tubulins working like a cellular automata. The MTs interior works as an electromagnetic wave guide, filled with water in an organized collective states, transmitting information through the brain [29]. In the same years Nanopoulos et al adopted the string theory to develop a so called QED-Cavity model predicting dissipationless energy transfer along MTs as well as quantum teleportation of states at near room temperature [30-33]

More information: "Consciousness in the universe: A review of the 'Orch OR' theory," by Stuart Hameroff, MD, and Roger Penrose, FRS.

Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory

The nature of consciousness, the mechanism by which it occurs in the brain, and its ultimate place in the universe are unknown. We proposed in the mid 1990's that consciousness depends on biologically ‘orchestrated’ coherent quantum processes in collections of microtubules within brain neurons, that these quantum processes correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity, and that the continuous Schrödinger evolution of each such process terminates in accordance with the specific Diósi–Penrose (DP) scheme of ‘objective reduction’ (‘OR’) of the quantum state.
This orchestrated OR activity (‘Orch OR’) is taken to result in moments of conscious awareness and/or choice. The DP form of OR is related to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and space–time geometry, so Orch OR suggests that there is a connection between the brain's biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe. Here we review Orch OR in light of criticisms and developments in quantum biology, neuroscience, physics and cosmology.
We also introduce a novel suggestion of ‘beat frequencies’ of faster microtubule vibrations as a possible source of the observed electro-encephalographic (‘EEG’) correlates of consciousness. We conclude that consciousness plays an intrinsic role in the universe.

The Orch OR theory proposes quantum computations in brain microtubules account for consciousness.

Microtubule ‘quantum channels’ in which anesthetics erase consciousness are identified.

Evidence for warm quantum vibrations in brain microtubules is cited

Interference of microtubule vibrations are ‘beat frequencies’ seen as EEG.

Orch OR links consciousness to processes in fundamental space–time geometry.

3. A finer scale of neuronal information processing
3.1. Microtubules
Interiors of eukaryotic cells are organized and shaped by their cytoskeleton, a scaffolding-like protein network of microtubules, microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), actin, and intermediate filaments
[57]. Microtubules (‘MTs’, Fig. 3) are cylindrical polymers 25 nanometers nm=10−9meter) in diameter, and of variable length, from a few hundred nanometers, apparently up to meters in long nerve axons.


MTs self-assemble from peanut-shaped ‘tubulin’ proteins, each tubulin being a dimer composed of alpha and beta monomers, with a dipole giving MTs
ferroelectric properties. In MTs, tubulins are usually arranged in 13 longitudinal protofilaments whose lateral connections result in two types of hexagonal lattices (A-lattice and B-lattice [58]), the protofilaments being shifted in relation to their neighbors, slightly differently in each direction, resulting in differing relationships between each tubulin and its six nearest neighbors. Helical pathways following along neighboring tubulin dimers in the A-lattice repeat every 5 and 8 tubulins, respectively, down any protofilament, and following along neighboring tubulin monomers repeat every 3 monomers, after winding twice around the MT (relating to the 13 protofilaments according to the Fibonacci sequence 3, 5, 8, 13).

Can quantum effects in the brain explain consciousness?

New research reveals hints of quantum states in tiny proteins called microtubules inside brain cells. If the results stand up, the idea that consciousness is quantum might come in from the cold
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For some formal papers, this may be of interest.
Referred to by

Jack A. Tuszynski
The need for a physical basis of cognitive process
Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 79-80
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Deepak Chopra
Reality and consciousness: A view from the East
Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 81-82
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Subrata Ghosh, Satyajit Sahu, Anirban Bandyopadhyay
Evidence of massive global synchronization and the consciousness
Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 83-84
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Life—Warm, wet and noisy?
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Samanta Pino, Ernesto Di Mauro
How to conciliate Popper with Cartesius
Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 91-93
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Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose
Reply to seven commentaries on “Consciousness in the universe: Review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory”
Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 94-100
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Jeffrey R. Reimers, Laura K. McKemmish, Ross H. McKenzie, Alan E. Mark, Noel S. Hush
The revised Penrose–Hameroff orchestrated objective-reduction proposal for human consciousness is not scientifically justified
Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 101-103
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Stuart Hameroff, Roger Penrose
Reply to criticism of the ‘Orch OR qubit’ – ‘Orchestrated objective reduction’ is scientifically justified
Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 104-112
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Why should I stop, because you don't understand what has been culled from actual scientific papers available on the internet?
You have the wrong end of the stick, there. The main obstacle here is that you don't understand the scientific papers. You almost invariably try to hype the actual content of the papers, to the extent of misrepresenting their claims. I don't think it's intentional; you seem entirely unaware of what you're doing. This is the problem when you have a religion.
You have the wrong end of the stick, there. The main obstacle here is that you don't understand the scientific papers.
Really? How perceptive of you.
You almost invariably try to hype the actual content of the papers, to the extent of misrepresenting their claims. I don't think it's intentional; you seem entirely unaware of what you're doing. This is the problem when you have a religion.
And how do you know what I understand? What if 2-3 years later I am proven right to begin with? Would that not make you look silly?

Here is one proof of a proposition I made several years ago and was ridiculed for having a "religion".
Feed your brain on this scientific tidbit that I projected a couple of years ago ;

Generation of Electromagnetic Field by Microtubules
Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Aug; 22(15): 8215.
Published online 2021 Jul 30. doi: 10.3390/ijms22158215

The general mechanism of controlling, information and organization in biological systems is based on the internal coherent electromagnetic field. The electromagnetic field is supposed to be generated by microtubules composed of identical tubulin heterodimers with periodic organization and containing electric dipoles. We used a classical dipole theory of generation of the electromagnetic field to analyze the space–time coherence.
The structure of microtubules with the helical and axial periodicity enables the interaction of the field in time shifted by one or more periods of oscillation and generation of coherent signals. Inner cavity excitation should provide equal energy distribution in a microtubule. The supplied energy coherently excites oscillators with a high electrical quality, microtubule inner cavity, and electrons at molecular orbitals and in ‘semiconduction’ and ‘conduction’ bands. The suggested mechanism is supposed to be a general phenomenon for a large group of helical systems.
Keywords: microtubules, helical and axial periodicity, near-field dipole theory, oscillation cavity, water potential layer, ionization
1. Introduction

Biological activity is conditioned by a continuous energy supply and transformation, system ordering at various length scales, controlled processes including chemical reactions, and a massive information transfer. The brain functions of mammals belong to the highest level of biological activities. All these functionalities cannot be facilitated purely by diffusion or chemical interactions acting at the length scale of several nm. A fast, efficient physical mechanism acting at large length scales should be involved.
A hypothesis involving electromagnetic field was formulated by Fröhlich who postulated coherent electrical polar vibrations in biological systems [1,2,3,4]. The significance of biophysical coherence for biological order has been analyzed by Pokorný and Wu [5]. The theoretical quantum electrodynamic analysis of coherence in matter was formulated by Preparata in [6]. The significance of biological electromagnetic field has been analyzed by Pokorný et al. in [7]. Biological systems can be described as open dissipative structures with a dynamic stability sustained by exchange of matter, energy, and information based on a special organized structure–solitons and generation of electromagnetic field, as analyzed by Foletti and Brizhik [8].
The fundamental significance of the electromagnetic field in biological functions corresponds also to the locus of its generation—the central part of cells with microtubules is devoted to this procedure.
Microtubules, the main components of cytoskeleton, are considered to be the structures conditioning the existence of multicellular organisms. They provide many activities such as material transport, cell motility, division, etc. Very likely, microtubules also facilitate information processing [18,19].
However, their main function may be connected with their electric polarity. Microtubules are self-assembled linear hollow circular tubes with inner and outer diameters of 17 and 25 nm, respectively, growing from the centrosome in the center of the cell towards its membrane [20,21]—and forming a radial system.
They are polymers built of tubulin heterodimers with a helical periodicity of 13 heterodimers along a helix turn (some microtubules have a higher number of heterodimers). A tubulin heterodimer consists of two subunits—α and β tubulin. Each heterodimer is an electric dipole with 18 Ca ions located in the dimer center and a negative charge in the α tubulin before hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) to guanosine diphosphate (GDP) and in the β tubulin after hydrolysis—Satarić et al., Tuszyński et al. [22,23].
After irradiation by external electromagnetic field and consequent measurement, Sahu et al. disclosed electromagnetic activity and resonance spectra in a wide frequency range from radio frequencies up to the UV band [24,25,26]; further frequencies have been predicted by Cosic et al. [27]. The excitation of the microtubule inner circular cavity is possible in the UV region. Measurement of transistor-like electric amplification by microtubules is described by Priel et al. [28] and nonchemical distant interactions caused by ultraweak photon emission are described in [29,30].

2. Results

The cross section of a microtubule is of submicroscopic dimensions. Due to the geometry, the generated electromagnetic field must be a near field with a power sharply decreasing with distance. The generating structures are electric dipoles, and their vectors of the dipole moment are approximately aligned along the dipole axis in the excited microtubules. Electromagnetic binding should occur between the generating dipoles. The binding should occur not only between dipoles in the heterodimers along the helix but also in the heterodimers along the microtubule axis (between heterodimers of the ‘next’ turn of the helix). The phase shift of the propagating signals between neighboring dipoles should correspond to 2π or its multiple to provide necessary in-phase signals in microtubules. The phase shift also includes the near-field shifting components.
These are fundamental prerequisites for electromagnetic activity of a microtubule; in the following Section 2.1 and Section 2.2, published data will be summarized to form a basis for our model described in Section 2.3, Section 2.4 and Section 2.6.
much more......

This was written by scientists, not theists.
So, if this is my religion, can you tell me what religion that would be? Or are you just speaking metaphorically?

p.s. Mr. Moderator, you are aware that all attacks on my character and intelligence without making a cogent argument on the merits of why that must be the case, are ad hominem, are you?

Let me keep a clean room please with reasoned scientific arguments, not cheap trolling and character assassination. It is not scientific, the standard that you keep insisting on, no?
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Really? How perceptive of you.
Thank you.
And how do you know what I understand?
I read what you write, and evaluate your level of understanding based on that. Your scattergun quotes and almost random pickings from the papers are evidence of your level of understanding.
What if 2-3 years later I am proven right to begin with?
Right about what?
Would that not make you look silly?
Do you realise that I haven't ever claimed that your big picture hypothesis is wrong? The problem is that, so far, you've been unable to support your wilder claims (including your main one) with appropriate evidence. That's why you have a religion rather than a science. I'm not willing to join you in your faith. But evidence could sway me.
Let me keep a clean room please with reasoned scientific arguments, not cheap trolling and character assassination. It is not scientific, the standard that you keep insisting on, no?
Okay. Let's go through your latest post in some detail and work out to what extent the paper supports your claims. Of course, I've done this several times before with other things you have posted and it has had no impact on your faith, so to expect a different result this time would be naively optimistic.

The following quotes are from the extracts of the paper you posted. First, the abstract...
The general mechanism of controlling, information and organization in biological systems is based on the internal coherent electromagnetic field.
A somewhat bizarre claim which needs support. What exactly does "internal coherent electromagnetic field" mean? What makes an electromagnetic field "coherent"?

This lack of specificity makes me doubt the value of the paper right from the start.
The electromagnetic field is supposed to be generated by microtubules composed of identical tubulin heterodimers with periodic organization and containing electric dipoles.
"Supposed to be"? Supposed by whom? People who have already drunk the microtubule kool aid, perhaps.
We used a classical dipole theory of generation of the electromagnetic field to analyze the space–time coherence.
Okay. I assume the maths is all in the paper somewhere.

Is it, Write4U?
The structure of microtubules with the helical and axial periodicity enables the interaction of the field in time shifted by one or more periods of oscillation and generation of coherent signals.
What does "helical and axial periodicity" mean? Axial periodicity in particular. What can be periodic about an axis?

I hope you can help, Write4U, since you claim to have a good understanding of this stuff.
Inner cavity excitation should provide equal energy distribution in a microtubule.
Inner cavity excitation? As opposed to what? Is there outer cavity excitation? Or is the word "inner" superfluous?

What kind of energy is the author referring to, exactly?
The supplied energy coherently excites oscillators with a high electrical quality, microtubule inner cavity, and electrons at molecular orbitals and in ‘semiconduction’ and ‘conduction’ bands. The suggested mechanism is supposed to be a general phenomenon for a large group of helical systems.
Wait. It looks like "supposed to" only means that the author(s) assume this is what happens, without evidence. Is that right?

So, the abstract is quite unhelpful. Let's dig in. I'll do that in the next post.
Let's skip the intro and jump to the results. I assume you, Write4U, have extracted the most important results from the paper, using your expert knowledge. So...
The cross section of a microtubule is of submicroscopic dimensions. Due to the geometry, the generated electromagnetic field must be a near field with a power sharply decreasing with distance.
The use of the term "near field" here doesn't make much sense to me. Every electromagnetic field generated by some source has both a "near field" and a "far field", as I understand it, with "near" and "far" merely indicating the distance of the source from the point of observation.

But here, the authors say that the electromagnetic field "must be a near field". What do they mean, Write4U?
The generating structures are electric dipoles, and their vectors of the dipole moment are approximately aligned along the dipole axis in the excited microtubules.
By definition, an electric dipole moment vector is always aligned along the dipole axis. Isn't it, Write4U?

Can you think of any exceptions?
Electromagnetic binding should occur between the generating dipoles.
What is "electromagnetic binding", Write4U? Can you explain? You've digested the entire paper, after all.
The binding should occur not only between dipoles in the heterodimers along the helix but also in the heterodimers along the microtubule axis (between heterodimers of the ‘next’ turn of the helix).
Again, "should"? Is this another assumption, or are the authors saying they have evidence for this?
The phase shift of the propagating signals between neighboring dipoles should correspond to 2π or its multiple to provide necessary in-phase signals in microtubules.
Again "should"? Does it, or doesn't it?
These are fundamental prerequisites for electromagnetic activity of a microtubule; in the following Section 2.1 and Section 2.2, published data will be summarized to form a basis for our model described in Section 2.3, Section 2.4 and Section 2.6.
So these aren't results, but merely a further introduction to stuff that is to be found later in the paper?

Tell me, Write4U: why did you choose to quote these particular parts of this paper? What do you think this shows? How does this support your claims?

Did you read the rest of the paper? Did you understand it? Can you give me a brief summary of the main findings, in your own words?

Thank you.

I read what you write, and evaluate your level of understanding based on that.
Let me replay what piqued my interest in the matter of consciousness a few years ago and specifically what may be responsible for its causes. I always submitted a sample of the current science at that time. A practice that was criticized at that time.

It started with this lecture by Anil Seth, who explained the isolation of the brain from the environment, except for external data received by the senses, transmuted into electrochemical bits, transmitted to the brain where that data was decoded and compared to stored data in memory, whereupon the brain could make a best guess of the meaning of the incoming data as compared to prior recorded experience. This was a Eureka moment for me, as I had never given it much thought, although I had read about Descartes' "brain in a vat", but not contemplated the staggering implications of that simple proposition.
Anil Seth explains more from the TED stage.

It was then I found Stuart Haneroff's lecture and immediately became intrigued by his use of Descartes' brain in a vat analogy.
Here is one of his lectures I haven't posted yet but does go into some detail as how microtubules work and how.
Your scattergun quotes and almost random pickings from the papers are evidence of your level of understanding.
I explained a long time ago that when I see "common denominators" in various physical expressions, there is "common function". in this case I started with the proposition that the microtubule network is the substrate that allows or is causal to the emergence of conscious experience. Therefore it is logical to assume that all functions that involve microtubules may contribute to the emergence of consciousness or at least reveal the forces that microtubules process.
Right about what?
That among other functions, microtubules are the highways along which electrochemical data is transported. You should recall this as you grilled me on the type of data that is being transported. Since then I have submitted overwhelming scientific evidence (written by scientists) of the hundreds of electric and chemical information that microtubules transport from the sensory organs to the brain via the trillions of microtubules located in the cytoskeleton, the cytoplasm, neurons inside the entirety of the body and in staggering numbers in the brain.

In the early stages of my research I did not even know what to look for and I have learned on the fly, which may account for my sometimes generalized presentations.
Do you realise that I haven't ever claimed that your big picture hypothesis is wrong? The problem is that, so far, you've been unable to support your wilder claims (including your main one) with appropriate evidence.
Then why did I not hear this from the beginning, but with the same questions you asked me years later after this site was declared a frigging church as I am trying to defend the underlying principles and concept.

Instead of a war zone, this could have been a very productive topic if the "real scientists" had found the slightest interest instead of declaring this the rantings of a religious nutcake.
This could have been
That's why you have a religion rather than a science. I'm not willing to join you in your faith. But evidence could sway me.[/quote] Give it time. I think it already is beginning to "resonate" in your brain.
The science is still very young. You are very impatient in view of how long it took for other major scientific discoveries to be refined and eventually proven.
Okay. Let's go through your latest post in some detail and work out to what extent the paper supports your claims. Of course, I've done this several times before with other things you have posted and it has had no impact on your faith, so to expect a different result this time would be naively optimistic.

The following quotes are from the extracts of the paper you posted. First, the abstract...

A somewhat bizarre claim which needs support. What exactly does "internal coherent electromagnetic field" mean? What makes an electromagnetic field "coherent"?

This lack of specificity makes me doubt the value of the paper right from the start.

"Supposed to be"? Supposed by whom? People who have already drunk the microtubule kool aid, perhaps.
Most likely by some of the thousand other scientists now engaged in researching this field, perhaps second only to research on cheap energy. It seems unfair to label serious researchers in this field as having drunk the microtubule kool aid. I had compiled a list of "qualified" researchers , but it would have taken 3 pages to list them all just by name and title. Check out the Quora site
Okay. I assume the maths is all in the paper somewhere.
Or in other peer-reviewed papers.
Is it, Write4U?
I cannot imagine professional scientists engaged in speculative projections based on suspect mathematics. Just look at the initial response and criticism on ORCH OR.
Today, after these objections were answered and some refined measurements of "limits" were made, ORCH OR is steadily gaining in reputation as a potential answer to the question, with some astounding much deeper implications that leave this atheist speechless.
What does "helical and axial periodicity" mean? Axial periodicity in particular. What can be periodic about an axis?
AFAIK, any axis that returns to its original position after a variable conformation
Inner cavity excitation? As opposed to what? Is there outer cavity excitation? Or is the word "inner" superfluous?
What kind of energy is the author referring to, exactly? [/quote]
I imagine these are "new terms" applicable to a new science. I have seen microtubules referred to by several different names as if those researchers were unaware that there are several areas of inquiries and experiment, but no one is communicating with other scientists in the field.

Here is an excerpt of one of my microtubule discussions on another forum;

Michael Levin is an American developmental and synthetic biologist at Tufts University, where he is the Vannevar Bush Distinguished Professor. Levin is a director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University and Tufts Center for Regenerative and Developmental Biology. Wikipedia

From Michael Levin;

Re your question:
Might you be able to suggest an informed educating response to the complaint that you might be ignoring microtubules?

I studied microtubules a lot, in our work on left-right patterning (not cilia, intracellular microtubule organization center), and a bit in planaria patterning. But I would answer a different way.
The bottom line is that everyone has a favorite mechanism. Some people will say you have to study mitochondria, nuclear envelope, ER, golgi, ordered water, ultraweak photons, and on and on it goes.
No one has to study everything - the question is: by studying bioelectricity, we have achieved what we’ve achieved, not needing microtubules. If your colleague is interested in microtubules, he will have achieved whatever advances he’s achieved by focusing on that at the expense of other things. Someone else could tell us that we’re both missing the boat by not focusing on infrared radiation from the DNA or whatever.
[qiote]The question will be, “what is the evidence that we could do better if we include that?”. So my point is, I would be fine to accept the charge that I’ve ignored microtubules, and ask what the evidence is that I should be changing course. The results of everyone’s research program show clearly the relative merits of different focus areas and one needs evidence that adding favorite element X would actually make a material difference.[/quote]
Otherwise, we all think others are failing to focus on whatever our favorite thing is
How does your work impact current advances in understanding those very fascinating biological components?
We’ve actually found that microtubules set up some ion channel distribution in early LR asymmetry, and also reflect the bioelectric axial patterning in planaria. Please find attached a few papers.
James R said: Wait. It looks like "supposed to" only means that the author(s) assume this is what happens, without evidence. Is that right?
No, this is the acceptance of a prior peer-reviewed claim, but without personal knowledge. This is a perfect example of a "case in point".
So, the abstract is quite unhelpful. Let's dig in. I'll do that in the next post.
I think that the abstract is asking your questions.
You will find that all the answers are contained in the "proofs" described in the main body of the paper.
I look forward to your questions and shall do my best to find the most recent state of specific knowledge.

See below to answer just a couple of your questions.
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More on the above link;

2.2. Microtubule Structure
Helical structures possess convenient properties to generate electromagnetic field. Figure 2 shows small parts of the cylindrical surface of microtubules along their axes. Important components of the electromagnetic energy providing coherence propagate approximately along the dashed lines between electric dipoles (along the axial direction and along helical or combined helical–axial directions). Water in the microtubule inner cavity is assumed to provide conditions for electromagnetic excitation.
Individual heterodimers in a microtubule are electrical dipoles but the direction of the main component is perpendicular to their axes. The components of the dipole moment along the coordinate axes x, y, z are 337 D, −1669 D, 198 D, respectively, where x coincides with the orientation of the heterodimer axis—Böhm et al. and Schoutens [38,39]. The largest part of the dipole moment is perpendicular to the heterodimer axis.
The oscillating high-frequency electric field aligns the microtubules parallel to the field direction [38]. The components of the heterodimer dipole moment normal to the cylindrical surface may be compensated along the spiral turn of a microtubule and addition of heterodimer axial components forms a dipole moment along the microtubule axis (ferroelectric state) [40], or the charged electrons forming the electric dipole may change their positions on the orbitals in the microtubule. The kink excitation and its propagation along the microtubule axis [40], and electromagnetic excitation of the inner microtubule cavity in the UV region, may be important factors for the dipole orientation along the microtubule axis. Assuming a possible level of electromagnetic excitation, our analysis was performed in the region limited by two values—high and low—of the oscillating dipole moments: 5.8 × 10−30 and 5.8 × 10−32 Cm along the microtubule axis (36 elementary charges with oscillation amplitudes 10−3 and 10−5 nm), respectively.
2.3. Microtubule Oscillations
We have evaluated the phase shift of the field propagating along the distance between dipoles in the neighboring heterodimers. The near-field dipole relations (published by Stratton [41] have been used to evaluate one (2π) or more periods of propagating field between heterodimer dipoles. The intensity of the propagating electric field induces the intensity of the electric field in the receiving dipole. The complex amplitude in the exponential form determines the near-field part of the phase shift. The propagation part of the phase shift for a given frequency is determined by the corresponding phase velocity. The addition of both parts of the phase shift determines the total phase. The details are provided in the Appendix A.
Some parameters evaluated for the electromagnetic field generated by a microtubule are plotted in Figure 3. The condition of phase shift of one or more periods of oscillations for propagation between oscillating dipoles to provide coherent oscillations in the system determines the frequency and phase velocity values for fundamental frequency components in the UV region. The dependence of phase velocity on parameters of the medium ν = (µµ0εε0)−1/2 (in particular on permittivity) determines the frequency. The main investigated frequency region is from about 4 × 1014 to 1.5 × 1017 Hz. The frequency for signal propagation along the helix and along the microtubule axis may be different due to different lengths of the paths and different phase velocities of propagation. The signal between the dipoles along the axial direction is about one order weaker than in the helical direction.

much more.....
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