Zanket , you are plainly a sick animal, just even reading your post says that you are mentally ill.
you do not have the ablity of contexts of mind, to determine if what i said is better of worse.
People like you with such large misconceptions of the world, are the reason for so much suffereage in the world. and it is why in certain countires people are put to death for what they say, cpncepts such as yours are the sickness of the world. where in brains and minds such as yours are underdeveloped, suffering from the event of inbreeding.
I don't like your response of even presence of your post as they are rude, and i do not mean rude in the sense of curse words, i mean rude in the fact that thay are of a immature mind that thinks it preputaltes power. known usally as the dunce king. if you had postion of power you would not deserve it, as it is not in your constitution.