Zanket, your preception of the cirumstance is warped, you did not understand. your meathod of ranting as you say was no awnser to the croping problems, in fact you failed to address any of the base issues. the isssue was is captialism failing, the awnser is yes, so then what should be done, i gave the only key elements that will allow its contiuned propagation. incontrast you gave no option to the problems other than let the problem contiune as is.
Your the current meathod means the establishment of a welfare state, or eventual and contniued degregation of life. and plainly don't think that after a while the public does not catch on, because they do, and when they do you see many wealthy people being murder. just as prior to the world war 1. in the french revolution, and the revoltionary war of america.
Thomas jefferson, '' the public will contuine to suffer under the traynny of the few" Declaration of Indpendance.
In general such a brutal event of anarchy is what you suggest by your argument with out another option given in your argument.
Furthur you failed to look at the development of society and organizational system(captialism) in the long term events. you have also confused red tape an credit proccedure of trusts and other formalities. you also have failed to deduct the figures that are physical to sense of reason or event.
And i will say this as well yes you are missing many things, basically the logic of mind to assmeble the ideas presented about capatialism to the physical.
A POINT; given the development of technology in the 21st century the social standing of the united states is failing in human concept of intelligence, and morality. as i know you concepts are short in understanding application of captialism and social standing, and plainly the order,as they apply to events. with out basic standing of the population in socaill order there is no wealthy, the entirity of wealth deminises, as the dollar deminishes. eventually the dollar is worth nothing. i am not going to go deep into the issue of the power of the dollar, and asesing its value, but you can email Allen Greenspan US Treasury Department.
it would also seem that you do not understand quite a bit, given your failur to relate employment with population growth and mechanical technology, inflation and balance of surpuls. I am pretty sure that you have to completey ignore the facts of such to present your argument.
People vote for people that think they will do what is right in govement postion, it is the special intrest groups that you represent, a minority, the united states is by constitutional law required to provide a republican form of gooverment in times of civil unrest. at what point in the faliure of captialism does the fedreal goverment intervene, cleary restucturing is going to be needed should special intrest groups short the whole of the population becuase they have minor benift of capital that would either way deminish.
Also given your argument then i assume that you would support the mandatory education of chemistry, such a event would level imperialist captialist to the ground as they would not have the current options that they do know, the population would have very little need for coproations and those who maintained there wealth by reins attached to those corporation would be hard to make their dollar worth anything. so then it appears it would be the goal of the corparation executives to keep the population under suppression, and uneduacted, like the way they make products to have a limited life time before faliure to gain a profit.
Cleary allow me to exspalin in regional areas it is always more profitalbe to attract the poor rather than the wealthy, if the poor are there the wealthy will come.,for a growing base it is good to have a poor population if you want to make money.
So clearly then stablizing captialism by education of a pratice that makes people independant is not what special intrest groups would want.
So then what are your options for the failing pratice of capitalism with out free resource, would you suggest slavery.