Is Buddhism a Failure?

"Your people" got a state out of it, as I recall. The Inuit have a right to choose their way of life. Colonial enterprises always act like they are doing everyone a big favour by imposing their way of life on others.
Which I don't think was a good idea! Of course the Inuit have that right. Where did I disagree? I think the children should be given the option of joining our communities. If they choose not to, then I wish them well!
1. thats what the British thought too, hence the massacre of 1857
I'm not sure the analogy is fair. There were a shit load more Indian folk than British folk in India. Right now the "westernized" segment of Canada is quite a bit larger than those on reservations.
2. yup, but a revolution even a legal one, would get them their state.
If they want one, yes. If a majority population in an area want to create their own state* then I feel I have no right to stop them.

*Similarly, I support Quebec's right to choose. However, I don't support this theory of "well we'll do 16 votes and if one of them has 50.009% of the people for seperation, then we leave." I think it should be a much more drawn out, negotiated and deliberate process. In an ideal world it ought to require more than a 50.0009% majority. But that's a complex issue that would deserve another thread, and also one that I'm not completely sure where I stand in terms of principles. In the end I support Quebec - and other places' - right to choose, but I think it's a much more nuanced and situation-specific question.
I'm not sure the analogy is fair. There were a shit load more Indian folk than British folk in India. Right now the "westernized" segment of Canada is quite a bit larger than those on reservations.

How many of the westernised segment have been forcibly translocated to frozen lands with little sustenance, forced to adapt to foreign values or give up their self determination?

The Inuits have resigned themselves to suicide as a cultural expression of their defeat. This is entirely due to their treatment at the hands of the westernised segment.
How many of the westernised segment have been forcibly translocated to frozen lands with little sustenance, forced to adapt to foreign values or give up their self determination?
What are you talking about? By 'westernised' I meant those who had chosen to go to universities, get jobs, have apartments and houses and raise families in a city.

And yes, values change. Some people will always be left behind or fight to the bitter end. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's not. Such is the way of life.
The Inuits have resigned themselves to suicide as a cultural expression of their defeat. This is entirely due to their treatment at the hands of the westernised segment.
I'm routinely surprised that a member of an Abrahamic faith could utter such blasphemy. Each person is responsible for their own choices. Life is a struggle for 90% of the people on the planet. If hardship leads you to kill yourself then so be it, but don't blame it on others.
I'm routinely surprised that a member of an Abrahamic faith could utter such blasphemy. Each person is responsible for their own choices. Life is a struggle for 90% of the people on the planet. If hardship leads you to kill yourself then so be it, but don't blame it on others.

When an entire people adopt a culture of suicide as a norm, its not a a choice, its a narrative.

As for values, Canada did not sign the UN resolution on the right of indigenous peoples. What values are these?
Yet, another Islamic propaganda thread by Sam. It didn't take Sam too long to bring up her agenda, either.

"You see the one girl who was stoned, but the 500000 who were "worth it" dead are meaningless to you. "
Yet, another Islamic propaganda thread by Sam. It didn't take Sam too long to bring up her agenda, either.

"You see the one girl who was stoned, but the 500000 who were "worth it" dead are meaningless to you. "

Feel free to tell me your "secular humanist" views on the issue.

Maybe for once in your life you will actually stand up for your so-called convictions
Feel free to tell me your "secular humanist" views on the issue.

Ok, you're deluded by myth and superstition, and show hatred and bigotry to anyone not part of your cult.

Maybe for once in your life you will actually stand up for your so-called convictions

My convictions have nothing to do with your delusions of the world, hence to take a "stand" on your delusions would be pointless.

Maybe for once in your life you will actually stand up for your so-called convictions

Guess not.

Maybe for once in your life you will actually stand up for your so-called convictions

Guess not.

You are under the delusion that my convictions have anything to do with your delusions.

That's double delusion. :D
You are under the delusion that my convictions have anything to do with your delusions.

That's double delusion. :D

Is that what I said? I think your 99% rate of preaching intolerance of the theists has addled your brain.

vvv now this guy I can respect. At least he is honest about his convictions:

Maybe so, that's why it's usually practiced apart from society.

Thats the only way it can be practised, I think the only person who historically has shown dramatically how it can be done was Asoka.

Buddhism has never been the goal of Buddhism. :p

Its not the aim of Buddhism to become the Buddha?:p
But, no one has the right to imagine oppression and then fight.

You mean the occupation of Muslim lands, the high civilian tolls, the torture camps, the illegal detentions, the "price is worth it" 500,000 children < 5 years of age, the million cluster bombs, the "birth pangs of the middle east", the 20 million refugees, the civilian casualties of Palestine, the coup in Iran, etc etc etc, are imaginary?
Thats the only way it can be practised, I think the only person who historically has shown dramatically how it can be done was Asoka.
Wow, figure that out all by yourself? It's not trying to compete with Islam to take over the world. Because it's not aggressive, it's not popular.
Its not the aim of Buddhism to become the Buddha?:p
Something like that, but the method of Buddhism is not the goal of Buddhism.
Wow, figure that out all by yourself? It's not trying to compete with Islam to take over the world. Because it's not aggressive, it's not popular.

Its an escapist philosophy. No one really wants to give up desire. Even the Dalai Lama has an entourage.
Something like that, but the method of Buddhism is not the goal of Buddhism.

The goal does require the method.
Its an escapist philosophy. No one really wants to give up desire. Even the Dalai Lama has an entourage.

The goal does require the method.

Escape from suffering is a worthy goal. It doesn't matter what most people want. Buddhism isn't trying to appeal to the most number of people.
Its easy to escape from suffering. There is already a Nobel Prize winning technique for it. Its called a lobotomy.

If you escape suffering you also deny yourself the pleasure of living.
I think Buddhism's greatest 'failure' is that is has such an intricate philosophy that it is usually bound to be misinterpreted. While it seems relatively simple at first glance, and much of it very common sense, it requires considerable intellect to properly understand Buddhist philosophy. And most people don't have that sort of intellect or time and energy and other resources to do it, so simplifications develop that are actually contrary to actual Buddhist philosophy.